Boy Toy

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Ken thinks he is getting a no strings attached orgy with him as the only male. While he may be right about the orgy part- it isn't also without its cost. The girls are only interesting in one part of him after all...

(M penis expansion, F dom)

Ken was a young man, fresh out of high-school. So while he was trying to pull his life together and work jobs like an adult, he still very much had the invincible attitude of a teen. He was looking for romance and a girl he liked from high-school remained in contact with him and had just a little while ago agreed to go out with him. She was a goth- her bobbed hair hung at the same length all the way around her head, hiding her eyes. She had elaborate jewelry on most of the time too, which he just assumed was part of the goth look- but apparently it was not just for show.

Ken and his girlfriend Monica ended up having sex on only the fourth date, and she remained very flirty, so sex became a regular end to their dates. It seemed too good to be true for Ken, but it became even better when he learned what her jewelry did. He passed it off as a kinky fantasy or identity thing when Monica told him she was a witch, but one night when they hit climax during sex she placed a hand on his lower stomach and one of her many rings started to glow! When he came, Ken was unable to stop for a full minute! The next time they had sex, she was able to snap her fingers and bring him to full erection and go a second time right after! She really is some sort of witch! Monica explained that she was learning all sorts of magic- but she is not a witch through genetics; none of her relatives had any magic abilities, so her magic isn't very strong. The human body naturally resists change because it tries to adhere to the instructions given to it by your DNA. So while she knows a lot of magic, some of it simply doesn't work because she isn't strong enough to force it into someone. However it is a bit easier when it comes to pleasure. When a body experiences pleasure, its defenses drop because it focuses its instincts onto breeding. Especially at the moment of orgasm, most if not all of the bodily defenses drop, allowing even weak magic to get inside. So almost all of her sexually related spells work just fine.

This exchange of tricks during sex continued for a bit, trying different spells each time. She suggested many other kinky ideas to him and he agreed, though was not quite sure anymore which were said jokingly and which she actually meant. He thought she was joking about being magical too, and it turned out that was legit. One night she invited him over to her apartment and was greeted by another woman entirely! She stepped aside revealing a room full of seven other women, and then Monica on the couch wiggling her fingers in a playful wave at Ken. There was nine women total, and they were all giving him flirty looks and giggling among themselves! Monica explained she had gathered her friends to take part of an orgy, like she previously suggested to Ken. Ken agreed to it already without even fully thinking about it, assuming it was a flirty joke. Laughing and blushing, Ken told her there was no way he could have sex with nine women at once and Monica simply held up her ring in reply. She can make him hard and ready to go again in an instant. She can make him cum as much as he- or they want. That is why they all agreed- because with Monica's magic, Ken can be a perfect lover for all of them. And the fact that only Monica was going out with him meant there was no strings attached for the rest of them. Just a fun night and that was it.

Ken nervously chuckled, saying he wasn't sure he could preform with so many people watching all at once. Monica snapped her fingers and he became rock hard. Another ring lifted and started to glow and he felt pent up. His prostate actually swelled as it overfilled and his dick started to pump out a lazy stream of clear salty pre, forcing him to pull his pants down or soak them. The first of the nine was quick to scoot up to him and drop to her knees, cupping his balls and sucking him in. She moaned as she tasted the hot salty pre. Her tongue traced the curvature of the veins and glans of his cock, pressing in against it to feel the springy hot flesh bounce back against it. Monica casually stated she had cock growth spells lined up for him too. As a reward for letting the girls play with him, he would permanently get a size increase. Again- too good to be true, how could he argue? He came explosively into her, feeling dizzy and weak from the force of the orgasm as Monica made him cum absurd amounts- the woman sucking him drank every bit of it, apparently loving the taste of cum.

When she finally popped off him his dick flopped out feeling heavier than usual, and looking quite thick. Monica started to make it return to erect as the next woman lined up, but grabbed him by the cock and lead him over to the couch while Monica got off to give her seat to them. Ken did not notice his clothing was a bit loose on him now- having shrank a bit. He groaned in pleasure as he felt his cock reach maximum stiffness and hold there- and with each thrust he felt it dig deeper into the woman, getting longer! His balls felt heavier even as they too grew in size! His clothing started to get even looser and the woman playfully started to pluck them off so that he would not notice. Though realistically he probably should have noticed how easily she was able to slip them off of him while he was thrusting away. To get his underpants and pants completely off him she merely hooked her toes on them and kicked them off his legs as he continued thrusting into her. His genitals felt gigantic now! Though, they were not as big as he thought- its just that he was smaller so the size increase felt more than it actually was.

Dizzy from two climax in a row, he wasn't given any time to think before the third woman came and shoved him down onto the couch to instead ride him this time. His penis remained partially erect entirely on its own this time, and oddly still felt pleasure ringing in it like aftershocks even after he pulled out of the last woman. Monica leaned over the edge of the couch and buried his face in her tits as the other woman rode him, to again keep him as oblivious as possible. The woman was looking a good bit larger than himself now. Though physically he looked no different, his size was starting to better resemble a kid than a man. He was taller than almost all these women when he arrived- now he was shorter than all of them! His cock and balls continued to grow slowly but surely. When he came this time, he finally noticed when she slid off of him. He was tiny all of a sudden! And his dick remained fully erect, even though Monica had not used her magic to force an erection. In a panic he stood up looking at Monica, questioning her and what she was doing. She simply shrugged and said they were making him into their new 'toy' like he agreed. He was getting a huge dick, and they were getting a perfect toy. Why was he shrinking? Well, they did not need his other body parts, just his dick. They did not so much want a guy, just the pleasure a guy can give them, so she was downsizing what they did not need.

Ken furrowed his brow and said he was out, demanding to be turned back but Monica did not agree. He went to get his clothes on but trying to pull even his pants on- they simply fell back off. He was much too small to wear any of these clothes! The women continued to smile and giggle among themselves and advance on the little man with his big prick. In a desperate attempt to escape he left his clothes and went to make a dash for the door. He almost made it there but a woman grabbed his cock from the side. It pulled him sideways from his momentum and he spun around and fell to the floor! By the time he knew what happened she already had a leg on either side of him and slowly lowered her pillowy soft, plush pussy lips down over him! His dick was now so huge he could not hide it or keep it away from them! They can just use it as a handle to jerk him around by! Even as she was still slowly sliding down his shaft he felt it pulsing unnaturally powerful and seen the shaft thicken and darken a bit- his skin color was starting to look off on his dick and balls. As she rode him, he noticed his balls oddly bounced in perfect unison, as if his scrotum itself had stiffened. As his orgasm approached he felt even weaker and his body began to shrink again! He could not resist her magic when his pleasure spiked- he was unintentionally letting more of Monica's magic in.

As soon as the woman got off, Ken tried to escape again, but now his cock was so gigantic compared to the rest of him it thud against the floor sending shivers of pleasure through him and almost causing him to fall forward! Monica wasn't doing anything to him right now, but his cock was still as stiff as it could get! And the pleasure seemed to be stuck! It still felt strong pleasure even though he wasn't having sex, like the pleasure was trapped in him. The next woman grabbed the end of his dick before he could back away, and lifted it- causing the rest of him to topple over backwards and him to be once again at her mercy. Others tossed off their tops and shook their tits around him as the next woman rode his growing rod. The pleasure was almost that of an orgasm as she bounced up and down his pole- this was just his new default level of pleasure! He could see the bulge on her lower gut as his dick grew even bigger! Weakness pulsed in his body shrinking him in tiny bursts. The pleasure kept getting higher by default, which also meant his body's defenses were all weaker by default. Ken's eyes widened as he seen the darkening flesh of his scrotum and the base of his dick and realized what was happening!

His genitals were literally turning into a toy for them! That is why he was incapable of going soft now, and his genitals were changing color! It was turning into silicon rubber! His dick is becoming a giant dildo! The larger it gets the more artificial it becomes! A dildo cannot go soft! Because his nerves were solidifying along with the rest of it, his feeling was getting trapped at the level it when it converted- which thanks to all these women is a state of unending pleasure! The current woman finished and got up, but Ken could not even attempt escape this time! His giant dick wobbled in the air as she got off and he had to use all his strength just to keep it upright- if his rigid cock fell over it would yank his entire body along with it at this point. Sucking, fucking, and even rubbing him down between their tits, one woman after the other played with Ken. He got smaller and smaller and his dick became darker, harder, and bigger. When her friends had had all their fun, Monica picked Ken up in a single hand- he was no larger than a doll. She had to cup his shaft with her other hand though, as it was almost three feet long, looking like one of those mega dildos that are more ornamental as most people aren't able to actually take it. Even his veins and scrotum were stiff rubber- pitch black. It felt like he was having an orgasm without any movement against his shaft at all!

She cleaned him off in the sink with hot water, telling Ken she had some Barbie dolls whose clothes might still fit him if he wanted. Ken's brain was constantly buzzing because of the unending pleasure so he could barely think of anything to say at all. His dick was so stiff and gigantic compared to him, he was incapable of moving on his own. He was completely at the mercy of the women. But Monica decided that was enough for one nigh, and managed to stuff his dong into her underwear drawer, kissing his cock head goodnight and closed the drawer on him for now.

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