To The Point

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Orez takes a dare to transform into an animal in public, but finds a way to cheat the system- transforming in a room full of either ultra focused people, or people who have completely vacated their minds. Things seem a little too easy for it to be a challenge, but his change into the unique Pinlion species finds a hitch- or more accurately a knot.

(M tf original creature/Pinlion)

Orez had been dared as part of a game to transform in public. To make it fair, his friend Madison was watching him to make sure he did not just say that he did it without actually doing anything. The actual location however was left up to Orez, and he picked a rather cheap location to change. He sat down in class, in the second last row from the top- so far from the podium where the teacher speaks that you'd practically need a telescope to make out his facial features from here. Usually the people sitting this far back are just sitting in between their own classes and don't actually take this class. Madison sighed as he waited a bit and then activated his spell to transform himself. Yea... this was technically a public space. Everyone is either listening to the teacher or zoned out completely and asleep- the odds of anyone turning around to actually see Orez were almost zero.

He felt warm, and then a bit itchy. He scratched his neck through the collar of his shirt and felt stubble growing in quickly. It was rare the first change was fur- usually fur was one of the last, but he supposed he did pick a rather hairy thing. Pinlion were a ferocious beast, though also prized for its looks. Orez actually just picked it because it was the only one of the choices he had that he already became in the past, so he was somewhat familiar. He groaned happily and rubbed the crotch of his pants. It felt like he was getting an erection rapidly, but his dick did not move forward! His foreskin was bulking up tremendously and its joining point with the shaft was being pulled downward lower on it as it devolved into a sheath. The nerves were pulled tighter as the foreskin dragged down the shaft, causing the shaft to become more red in color the lower it went- though Orez's natural skin tone was olive, so reddening the shaft made it look more like a deep peach. His pubic hair devolved from sparse, coarse hairs into shorter, soft fur and quickly spread to consume his balls. His nuts did not change size at all, but even though it was protruding from him yet, he knew his dick was getting considerably larger.

Madison's eyes widened as she seen him rubbing his crotch. He glanced at her lazily and motioned with his other hand as if to invite her. I mean, it did look like she was practically drooling. She knew what a Pinlion was packing. She shrugged and got down onto the floor between the table and seats to pull his pants down enough to get at his growing genitals. Orez was using this setting to cheese his challenge, so Madison might as well take advantage of it to have fun. Unlike Orez's black hair, the fur that overtook his sheath and balls was pale sandy brown at the base and dark brown at the tip. His dick still had not emerged, even though it was erect- the tip was jutting out but nothing else. It almost looked canine, but lacked the divot at the front. The dick itself was shaped like a short, thick club- but did still have the projected urethra that put a bit of a point on its end. Leading up the shaft and to this point, but only on its underside was a series of stiff, triangular ridges. The edge was angled back, so the ridges catch when trying to draw the penis back out, but slide in effortlessly when going forward. Or, if you are trying to do oral like Madison is waiting to- they are a fun texture to play your tongue against. Similar to the corona of human glans, the underside of each ridge is more sensitive than the rest of the cock, spiking pleasure for the male when tugging back- so playing your tongue between them is a must when offering a blowie. Orez felt a bit more stiffness work its way into his shaft as a baculum formed; known as a penis bone, the baculum helps guide the cock out of the sheath, so it doesn't get caught in the squishy flesh tube on the way out and try to erect sideways. Now his dick quickly slid out into the open.

Madison gently held the shaft in the fingertips of both her hands like she was holding up some delicate artifact as she smiled at the bulge growing and shifting up the sheath. Orez pant a bit from the pleasure. It felt better than getting an erection as a human- because it was sort of like his dick rubbing against his own dick. The inside of the sheath is basically the shaft inverted on itself- so essentially it was his dick rubbing against itself as it unfolded and inflated with blood. It was longer as a Pinlion though too, so it felt like someone gently pulling more cock out of his body- he could feel the movement from much further into himself. As a human his dick was about five and a half inches long- as a Pinlion the shaft was a full inch longer, but, it also had a bit of hidden length. Madison smiled wider as his sheath started to open wider on its own, revealing the golf ball sized orb at the base of his dick! She held his shaft with one hand and gently brushed her fingertips with the other up and down the ridges on the front of his cock, and the bulge in his sheath swelled larger. With a quiet wet sucking sound the golf ball sized knot popped out, but his sheath did not close- it was stretching even wider! With a louder *smeck* sound, a second knot popped out immediately behind the first! Pinlion have a double knot! The first was the size of a golf ball, but the second was about the size of a tennis ball. One was the pleasure knot and everyone took that- the second was called the challenge knot, and you had to be a bit more bold to take that on. Thanks to the knots, the overall cock was a bit over eight inches long.

Fur continued to grow around his collar and down his chest, on his forearms, his shins, and spreading up from his crotch to try and meet the expanding mat on his chest. Madison slid down his cock, loving the smell of it. Every drop of salty pre it pulsed out onto her tongue felt electric. She cupped her tongue on the outer side, so it squished into the ridges as it passed. She loosened her throat, pausing a moment before lunging forward further and swallowing up the first knot.

Orez smiled. "Oooh, can she do it? You took it before, but you were also pretty drunk before. Drunks tend to be... more limber." He looked a bit nervous. "Just don't drag your teeth across it."

Madison grunt once in reply, refusing to take the dick out of her mouth. She cupped his balls and slowly slid further forward. She had to lean her back further forward to remove any bend from her neck- because at this point the tip of the cock had gone past her mouth and was pushing into her actual throat. She tried twice before finally opening wide enough for a moment to pop the second knot into her mouth! Because of their girth, the two knots on their own basically filled her entire mouth, which put the entire shaft down her throat. There was just enough space for her to still breath through her nose, without the phallus completely blocking her air intake. The knot swelled a tiny bit more once it was in, and stiffened to its maximum- the backside of the knot was as sensitive as the underside of the ridges, causing it to pulse with pleasure. That also meant she could not get the knot back out without getting him to blow his load- he was tied to her face. She tugged backward still a bit, as if to remind herself there was no escape. The fact she was locked to his crotch turned her on.

Orez's heart jumped as he seen someone enter the door to the class quietly, right behind him. He was on the second seat in on the second last row, so he was practically right beside the door! He used his right leg to sort of sweep Madison under the table top before she even knew what was happening.

The man looked to Orez and spoke with a lowered voice. "Hey man, can you pass me my binder? Totally forgot it here." He motioned to a lone binder two seats down.

Orez went to get up and cracked Madison's head on the underside of the table. Shit! She is basically glued to his crotch. He tried to pass it off as just his leg hitting the table and he was just readjusting his seating. He then leaned over and attempted to reach the binder from where he was sitting.

"Why don't you just... slide over, or get up?"

"Well I... uhm... I just got my seat warm with my butt."

"It's not cold? In fact it is pretty hot outside."

"They had the AC cranked just a bit ago- it just got back to normal temperature now."

Orez could not possibly reach that far over, and if he leaned any further on his side Madison would be slightly visible. She had increased her sucking and licking if anything since these developments. Figures she would get off on the danger of being exposed. Orez smiled, trying to hide his nervousness. He slid over a tiny bit several times in a row- essentially dragging Madison across the floor by her face. Orez quickly grabbed the binder and passed it over to the puzzled man and then quickly slid back. The man thanked him and slipped back out.

Orez's nails were now claws, and his fingers and toes were starting to change shape. The claws were triangular in shape, being pretty wide and having a cupped underside- more for digging than scratching. They were like tiny shovels. The base of each claw was golden like the undertone of the fur, but faded to transparent at the tips. His digits started to compress, becoming shorter but not smaller- causing the extra mass to make them plumper and more rounded; specifically their underside. The tip and base of each digit bloated up into a dense pad of plush skin. Even when fur advanced over the paws, the pads remain bare. The paws of a Pinlion are more like the ones you would find on a ermine- their digits are longer than other pawed creatures and they can pick up and manipulate objects easily. Pinlion are omnivore, so while they much proffer meats, they also eat nuts. In order to get to the nut though, they have taken to picking up rocks as simple tools to smash open the shell. Orez glanced back down to Madison. She was trying to eat nuts too- but her lips were pulled so tight around his knot her tongue could not get passed to lick them. Orez twitched his head a bit at the feeling of his ears changing shape. They tightened at the base as new muscles formed in them.

The man sitting in he row ahead of them glanced back, but then did a double-take. "Hey, where did Madison go? Did she really bail on class?"

Orez chuckled nervously. "Oh, I don't think she went very far. Maybe just stepped out to get a snack or something?" He glanced down a moment. "I hear she likes protein drinks."

The man motioned toward Orez's chest. "You trying a different look, huh?"

Orez looked down and seen his chest fur was now so long it was pushing his shirt out, almost making it look like he had boobs, and was spilling out of his collar forming a giant fluff ball. "Oh, aha... yea. I heard some chicks dig body hair, so."

The man nodded. "I feel like I am missing out- never used transformation magic myself. I never know what form to use, you know? There are preconceptions around different animals and I kind of don't want to get tagged based on what I turn into. Hrm." He turned back around and started tapping his pen annoyingly on his papers in thought.

Orez groaned a bit as his neck started to pop and lengthen. On the opposite end of his body his tail bone was advancing out now, slithering its way out over his pants in the back since they were partially pulled down already. His ears now fully formed- the ears of a Pinlion look sort of like tiny paper fans; they have a small narrow base and then a half circle shaped cup that can be directed around to face sounds. As his neck got longer, the fur raced up. Orez was getting nervous now. The end condition of the dare was to transform as far as they could before exposing themselves due to wardrobe malfunction, which seemed to be quickly approaching. The problem is, Orez cannot bail whether that happens or not, unless he can blow his load. Madison cannot pull his cock out of her mouth till he cums, but needing to cum to escape the room put pressure on him which caused Orez to tense up, and hindered orgasms.

His entire body started to grow, though it was hard to notice- Pinlion are about the size of a large wolf, so not a great deal larger than humans. His shirt felt way too tight already because of the dense fur on his chest. His still growing tail was expanding with bushy fur as well, except for a thin line on the very top of the tail where the fur remained very short and fine, like on most of the creature's body. His hips and shoulders popped, re-aligning themselves to better suit a quadruped. The bones in his lower legs and arms fused upward, devouring his knee caps and elbows. Most animals did not have kneecaps or elbows- the upper arm sockets into the lower. This makes them a hell of a lot more sturdy for walking on, because the cap joints are quite frail. This however also meant his limbs could not be held perfectly straight out- the straightest they went still had a curve to it. Because of the relocated joints at his shoulder and hip- Orez cannot walk on two legs, nor put his arms completely down at his sides; they hung slightly in front of him. Pinlion can stand perfectly fine on their back legs, but they do not walk like that.

Orez groaned nervously, knowing if anyone spotted him at this point there would be no way to hide the fact he was currently in the process of transforming in public. He slid sideways and slipped under the table, onto the floor between table and seat- which essentially meant his entire lower half was now balancing on Madison's face. Needing to get off to get out of here, he started to hump her face against the floor, slapping his fuzzy nuts on her chin over and over. A quill suddenly lanced his shirt, and then another. Because it was being pulled tight already, even the tiny holes made by the emerging quills tore wider and ripped his shirt down to the halfway point- where the bushy fur tapered off. With a grunt of frustration, he just grabbed the rest and tore it off completely. He went to kick his pants off too but stumbled and fell with his back to the chair. Madison took the opportunity to roll him completely over so she was on top and in control. Orez fell because his legs were changing shape. The thighs were already pulled up further to either side as part of his hip devolution, but now his shins started to get shorter and his soles fused into canon bones and became much longer in their place. This caused his shoes to immediately fall off on their own, and his toes getting pressed into the front of his socks harder caused his triangle claws to lance through and tear open the entire front of the socks.

Madison smiled with his dick in her mouth at his toes spreading out, trying to worm their way out of the torn fabric. She helped pull the socks off and grabbed up his feet in her hands to squish the plump pads. They were so soft and rubbery! Even minus the soles now, his feet were a bit bigger than her hands, so each pad segment was the size of a large marble or a regular pingpong ball. Fur now covered almost entire entire body, and minus his clothes Madison could now fully see it. He was so far along that trying to make a run for it was pointless, they might as well just wait till it finishes and walk him out of here quietly as a feral. The end of his nose became cool to the touch and textured- the coloration turning matte black. To match this, his lips were also turning to a glossy black. His front teeth all turned to narrow fangs with slightly crooked ends, while his back teeth remained flat slabs for grinding. His blue eyes started to turn brown quickly- it was like watching someone drip food coloring into a glass of water from above.

Orez was breathing very rapidly- though it was hard to tell if it was because he was afraid of being seen, or because his dick was reaching critical mass... or both. His tail was now as long as his body used to be, but on that same note, his body was now a bit longer. His spine had lengthened all the way down. His neck was a bit over twice the length it had been, making it as long as his tail if you also include his head. The fur everywhere was short and fine- much like the fur on a standard lion, but it was quite different on the sides and underside of his tail and neck, trailing down over his chest as well. This is where the Pinlion got its name. It's fur on the neck and tail grows extremely long and bushy- and both its tail and neck are very long; causing it to form an impressive mane on either end of the creature. While it looks extremely soft and regal, you absolutely do not want to touch it. Hidden in the long hairs are also a lot of razor sharp quills. Being the size of a large wolf- a Pinlion is smaller than an actual lion by a bit, so it isn't the most powerful beast around. What it lacks in size and power it makes up in its savagery and brutal defenses. When threatened a Pinlion will arch its body, neck, and tail so that the tip of its nose touches the tip of its tail over its body- forming a ring. Because the quills and long fur only grow on its underside, in that position its body becomes a deadly circle of spikes, making it impossible to touch without hurting yourself in the process. Because the tone of the fur is only pale at the base, and the mane is so much longer- you cannot see the pale gold undertone on its tail or neck, making them look much darker than the rest of the creature, even though the hairs are actually the exact same coloration. Orez's hair wasn't standing on end in defense mode, so Madison wasn't going to stab herself on accident- the quills are laying down flat to his body.

Finally he hit climax and arched his longer body around her head and grabbed the back of it to keep her mouth over his dick... not that she had an alternative even if he didn't. At the same time though, his last changes pushed through and his vision whited out from a mix of pleasure, and transformations. His skull let out dull pops as it shrank, pushing some of its mass forward to stretch his face out, but some mass simply being lost entirely. Compared to its body, a Pinlion has a relatively small head and mouth. Females grow long saber-tooth tusks as added defense against both other predators, and aggressive males of the same species- males do not have tusks at all though. As his face grew out, it also looked like it was being pushed upward, though it was an illusion of the muscle and skin structure. The top of its face is actually perfectly flat- from the back of its skull to he end of its nose is a perfectly straight line. Its face is triangular looking when viewed from the side- and from the nose to its neck seemed to be a quarter circle arch- though its skeletal structure below the flesh does not reflect this. Pinlion are not originally from Earth, so they have no actual relation to Lions or any other species currently in the world. Due to their coloration, manes, and proffered habitat though, they most closely resemble lions.

Though the knots would remain stiff for some time, they loosened enough right after orgasm that Madison could wedge herself off of them. She groaned and rubbed her jaw- it was cramping badly from being held so far open for so long. She was not expecting him to last that long- he would have blown ages ago but his nervousness kept it from happening. No one would recognize him in this form- and he was not transforming anymore, so as soon as his long meat bat wasn't wobbling around under him in the open air, he would be fine to just casually walk out of the school. Orez was still flustered though- he thought he found the perfect scheme transforming here. Never mind without a hitch- he did not even get to the bathroom at all! Orez and Madison just lay on the floor together for a bit, till his dick was able to fully stuff itself back into its plush home and they quietly slipped out the back of the class.

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