Udderly Forgetful

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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May is having a rough time getting her goat herd up to snuff on her ranch and uses a party to pick out which friends she will 'volunteer' to help her. If you can't remember what you used to be, it couldn't have been that important, right?

(F tf Goat, mental)

Kayla was over at May's house for the night. Both were drinking but May was only a little buzzed since she was the host. Everyone else had already left back home since it was very late at night, but Kayla was staying over since they were close friends, and she did not want to pay for a taxi all the way back to town. May lived on a ranch, and was trying to get a good herd of goats going to sell goat cheese.

Right now she only had two male goat, and they were constantly butting heads- literally. There was not enough females to go around for their taste so they kept locking horns over which one got what female. That was a problem when you start off with a low population- one female gets pregnant and she is down and out for a while but the male isn't, and just keeps wanting more. Then he starts to get sassy when he doesn't get what he wants. So the females May had were all producing just fine now but the billy goats caused problems if you let them wander around. They aren't big enough to really hurt you, but if they decide to clack your shin bones with their horns, they will still take you off your feet.

May smiled and nodded along with Kayla reminiscing about how cute some of the guys at the party were- her face blushing from a mix of alcohol and arousal from thinking about the boys. May mentioned the two billy goats she had though.

"They are insatiable! You should see how energetically they fuck."

"It almerst soundz like you're suggest... s-surgestin... saying I should... hmm?" Kayla raised one eyebrow. May just flexed both of hers in reply. "Seriously?!"

"I won't tell. I guarantee he will fuck you so good you won't even remember who you are."

Sober, Kayla would not have even dignified that with an answer, but drunk; she took it sort of like a dare. So she thinks that little goat can fuck her brains out, huh? Well, then sure, Kayla will see what hes got. Kayla did not even undress, she just slid her panties down, bent over a hay bale in the barn and shook her tushy to entice the goat. Both billies went to charge, but May had only undone the latch on one of their pens so they did not try to double team her friend. He is only half the size of Kayla at most, so his dick was not very big, and tapered so it did not fill her well. True to May's description though, he hammered it in fast and repeatedly without pause, making it feel like he was filling her much better than he actually was. When he hilted in her, his balls swung forward and gently slapped over her clit, slowly raising her pleasure as he went. Kayla hit an orgasm finally, but her arms buckled as a result, causing her to fall face first down on the hay bale. This put her ass higher into the air and the goat bleated loudly as he hammed into her hard, and also climaxed. In that position his dick was able to ram deeper into her than before and for a moment Kayla seen stars in her vision and her thoughts completely cleared- leaving her completely empty headed for a moment.

May had snapped her fingers at the moment she buckled, and the real gemstone in the fake nail on her thumb flashed a brief light. The brief but powerful spike of pleasure had created a mental crack in her mind. She barely remembered anything as May helped her get cleaned up and put her to sleep on her couch for the night.

Kalya woke up slowly the next day, and seen a glass of water already waiting on the table in front of her to help with her hangover. "I ca- an't believe I let a goat fuck me la- ah- last night" She rubbed her throat. It almost sounded like she had accidentally swallowed some spit when she was talking, but May knew that each time she tried to pronounce an A, the muscles in her throat responded differently than normal.

"But, he was good right? No one else needs to know, and you had a good time- that is all that matters. I mean, think back to your first awkward time having sex and compare it to last night. Bet the billy was better."

Kayla rolled her eyes, not giving it much thought. Then her brow furrowed and her face blushed a bit as she admitted to May that she could not fully remember her first time. She remembered most of the experience but somehow forgot the man she was with.

"Then the goat was definitely better, haha. Want to go again before you hit the road? It actually helps me keep them from acting like little assholes, and I have two goats. Maybe the other is even better?"

Kayla was still a bit caught up on her first time having sex. How could she forget who she was with? Everyone remembers their first. Then she started to second guess other details. Did she remember anything from that night accurately?

May smiled at her confusion. "Wanna go to the barn right now? I can let him out."


"But the first was good, why not? Aren't you even a little horny thinking about it?"

Kayla rubbed her head- she was having a hard time thinking of anything, actually. Her bra was annoying her too- it did not seem to fit quite right today, like it was slightly too big. Though refusing the goat, May also pointed out she was still too hung over and out of it to drive. So Kayla could not return home right now- and May took her keys to make sure she did not try to slip away and kill herself on the road back. Kayla just wandered around the ranch, trying to use the fresh air to snap her back to her senses. She watched the billy goats try to mount the females several times only to have the nanny turn and headbutt him away. They were all already pregnant and not interested in getting plowed. Kayla felt bad for the poor guys.

May snuck up behind her and put a hand on her ass, surprising her. "You have what they need. Why be empty when you could be full of their dick?"

"May! Ah~"

May's grip slid under the curve of her butt cheeks and tickled her pussy through her panties. It felt better than usual, and Kayla's already dizzy thoughts started to go numb again and she leaned forward panting. The two billy immediately turned to look at them. Kayla did not notice, but May did- the bump at the back of her panties. A tiny nub of a tail having grown in after last night's events. Kayla leaned so far forward in a weak attempt to evade May's touch that she fell forward onto all fours. The first thing she seen when she looked up was goat dick- becoming mesmerized by it, but failed to notice the other circle behind her. May hooked a single finger under her panties and pulled them down, and the goat entered her before she could say anything in protest!

Kayla was seeing stars again! This goat felt even bigger than the other, even better! Embarrassingly, they did seem to be better than her first...? Kayla tried to concentrate even as the goat rammed into her, trying to remember. She could not remember her first time at all now! One by one she recalled other times she had sex, but the more details she tried to remember about them, the less she remembered overall. It was like trying to recall memories was unintentionally deleting them entirely! She remembers the time, then tries to recall the man's features and in doing so forgets his name. Then trying to remember his name, she forgets what he looked like or what else they did that night. Then forgets the night and wonders if that memory had been an experience at all or just a dream. Two pale bumps appeared on her forehead as she desperately tried to think while the goat fucked her brains out. The skin had turned pale and cold because the circulation was cut off in preparation for two horns, which were still too small to break the skin. Her ears started to flatten and stretch a bit, becoming more leaf shaped and more flexible. Kayla's bra fit even worse as her breasts shrank a bit, and two black bumps appeared on her upper crotch under her clothing. Her bra fitting looser from last night actually had nothing to do with her actual breasts- the reason it was looser and this goat felt larger is because her overall size had reduced slightly.

When he climaxed the billy rammed in as hard as he could, and grinding his hot balls against her clit set her off too! "Haa-a-a-a-a-ah!" Her voice has a strange reverberance to it.

Kayla did not notice all her nails on her hands and feet were oddly thick, and taking on a slightly grey coloration now. She got up, feeling very out of it. She really wanted to get home to sort herself out, and knew she could not drive, so she asked May to take her car and drive her back. May simply asked her where she put her keys. May had the keys in her pocket- but she wanted Kayla to tell her that, and she did not. Kayla just furrowed her brows, trying to scan her memories of the night before and could not recall where she put them. May ushered her back toward the house, motioning behind her back for the billy goats to follow. They were not normally ones for following commands, but were curious enough about this new female that they started to follow after them at a distance. May helped sit Kayla down inside again and told her to go over last night in her head and maybe where she put her keys will pop back into her memory. She let the goats into the house, but Kayla was too deep in concentration to notice what May was doing in the background.

As Kayla tried to remember, May deliberately kept side-tracking her, bouncing back comments she had made the night before on the cute boys. Kayla smiled and nodded, though could not remember the names of all of them. She kept thinking of what they were packing in their pants thanks to May continually trying to throw gutter balls with her thoughts. But then Kayla compared what they could have to what the goats did have, since those memories were so fresh in her head, and she began to feel a bit woozy and horny again. Her tail grew fur and became bushy enough that the large triangle burst its own way out over her panties- only the bottom of the very base of the tail remained naked flesh. Her little nub horns broke the skin and started to slide out, but the nerves already re-routed around them, so she did not feel anything more than a slight tickle.

May shook her head. "Remember all the good looking guys from college though?" Kayla looked confused a moment and May renewed her smile. "You... don't remember any from college?"

Kayla forgot for a moment that she had ever even gone to college. "Uh... yea. I remember, just... not the details." Her nails were thick blocks now, and the grey coloration kept layering as they thickened, turning them to a near-black.

"Well you still remember your teachers and all that, right?"

"Ah... w-well, most... of them."

"And your majors?"

"Well... I.... it's ha-a-ard to.. nmm, my voice." Her fingers and toes felt stiff- the bone started to expand without changing position, causing them to compress and fuse together, lowering the joint count. "A-a-a-ah! Wha-a-t a... ah a-a-a-a-are.... y-mmm hmmmm..." She was surprised as a goat jumped up onto the couch with her, only now noticing they were in the house.

Her heart beat hard and fast in anticipation and she immediately looked at his boner. She was mildly afraid what he was planning to do, but also eager- even though she herself questioned why. More distressing however was the fact she immediately forgot what she had just been trying to remember before he jumped up! Her pupils shivered and stretched slightly sideways, and her horns continued to slide out bigger and rougher in texture. May continued to smile and ask her random questions about her past- knowing she could not answer them. With every newly failed attempt to remember something about herself, Kayla felt her body shift a bit. She bleated as the goat grabbed her panties with its teeth and pulled them completely off- her pussy still a mess from the other goat. The bumps in her upper crotch were now fat little nipples, sitting on large but shallow hills. The expansion of this new tender flesh push on her vulva as if trying to compete for space.

"Ma-a-a-ay, I caaaah... c-caaaa-a-a-a-a-n't think stra-a-aight!" She kept trying to stop the reverberance in her voice and failing.

Kayla was scrunched up on her back against one side of the couch as if to try to get away from the goat- but clearly not trying very hard. The goat entered her with a powerful thrust again and she immediately felt a gentle pressure on two different points! Her breasts tightened and shrank away a bit more- now her bra did not fit at all. At the same time, the nipples on her upper crotch swelled larger and the hills they were on started to rise and round out! Random places around her body started to darken as if being bruised, but it was just her skin color itself changing. Her ears now totally leaf shaped and growing a light fuzz of black fur.

"Geeze, you are acting like such a goat."


"Maybe you are a goat?"

"You kn-a-a-how I aaahm huma-a-an!"

"I mean... sort of. Do you really have any proof you aren't a goat though? Do you remember anyone actually telling you, you are a human at any point?"

Kayla's chest felt tight from her breasts shrinking away, but she could feel more and more jiggle from below! Her skirt was cutting into her lower mammaries too much! She tried to grab her skirt and pull it off so it would stop strangling her, but the billy plowing her rocked her around so much it was hard to concentrate, and her hands did not respond. Her fingers and toes were partially fused and grown extremely long, as the palm of her hand and the sole of her feet were grown into canon bones now of a quadruped! May seen her struggle and undid the skirt, yanking it out from under her like a tablecloth. The exposed udder sprang up and then jostled around violently now that it was free. The nipples already too large to be called nipples- they were proper teats now and still growing! Kayla scrunched up her face as her nose felt tight. Calcium bled into the cartilage and started to convert it to true bone. The bridge of her nose expanded out, pulling it perfectly even with her forehead. A cleft started to form from her upper lip and climbed slowly toward her nose.

"I-" He thrust in again and interrupted her thought. "Me-" And again. "Kayla-a-ah not goaaht. Me just-" And again. "I ca-a-an't-" And again. "Baaaah!"

May grabbed both her jiggling teats and pulled them up loosely. Holding them stationary was almost the same as tugging on them, because the udder itself was being rocked heavily back and forth under them. Kayla's thought blanked out entirely from the pleasure surges! Her breasts were gone entirely and the skin started to not feel tight anymore there as the shrinking stopped. Her nipples flattened and the areola coloration started to fade into the rest of her as the huge bruise purple patches continued to darken toward totally black. Her hands and feet fused from the ankle and wrist down, so her fingertips and toes were the last to fuse even though they had zero mobility already. Kayla tried to think about it when she failed to take her skirt off, but could not put her finger on it. She knew they were supposed to work differently than they were, but in what way? What was her hands supposed to look like? She knew this wasn't it, but could not remember what they used to look like. The less she remembered of her hands, the less of her hands she actually had. As May muttered to her 'if she cannot remember having hands, she probably never had them, right?' As the last traces of her fingers and toes devolved away, Kayla could no longer recall ever having them, or even what they were like. never mind memories of having them herself, she forgot what hands in general were. She knew she should have them, but nothing about them! Her nails were already giant charcoal grey blocks, when finally they united into hoof segments. What had been the pinky and thumb were dew claws- so the nails remained triangular blocks, while the fronts became two segments to complete the cloven hooves of a nanny goat!

Kayla tried to concentrate but failed worse and worse as the pleasure kept spiking higher and higher! This goat was such a good fucker, he felt so big. Then after a bit she realized- its because he IS so big. Or more accurately- she was no longer so big. To her, it felt like his dick was swelling bigger and bigger. It dug deeper and deeper into her, stretching the walls of her drooling pussy wider! In reality her clothes were starting to pool on the couch under her, getting baggier and baggier as she shrank! It also made the illusion of her udder growing even faster, though it was growing at the same speed and just ignoring the rest of her shrinking. The goat actually had to slow a bit and not thrust in as hard because he was starting to ram her cervix, making her bleat sharply in brief pain from being overfilled! He finally came and ejaculated in her. Kayla was already breathless from numerous orgasms along the way from her changes, May teasing her teats, and the fucking all at once. Her teats were huge and quite fat at the base now, taking on a cone shape! Most of her udder seemed to be turning black, like most of her body, but the lower half remained pink. Her vulva now a very puffy leaf shape.

Kayla sat up, trying to catch her breath still. She groaned and her neck popped several times on its own, making her hunch forward as it lengthened a bit. Even if her skirt was still on it would not fit at all now. Her shirt slid off both shoulders and the sides of the neck caught only on the crook of her arms. She no longer even had breasts to catch the fabric. She placed her front hooves on the couch between her legs, unintentionally thrusting her udder slightly forward to press its plush skin into her arms. She was so small now that her legs could not hang properly off the couch and jut out off the front instead. She bleat in surprise a moment as her hip popped, changing the orientation of her legs- robbing them of mobility. She could no longer stand as a human would. The shift of her pelvic floor also yanked her udder down to a more comfortable and well braced position where her vulva used to be between her legs. Her actually pussy got yanked back to immediately under her anus which was immediately under her tail- her anus now had a slight triangular shape to it.

Her eyes went wide at the sight of her udder still growing! She was reflexively rocking her hips because of the pleasure- it wobbled her udder against the couch but also pressed her pussy which was directly under her and puffy enough to stick a bit further than her rump itself. "Baa-a-a-a-ah! Baaah. B-bah, ba-a-a-a-a-ah!"

May laughed. "Excuse me?"

"Baaah! B-a-a-a-ah...?" Wait, what was she saying? "Ba-a-a-a-ah. Ha-a-a-ah." No that was wrong. Her mind kept falling into the rut of making these sounds even though she herself did not know what they meant. "B-baa-a-a-ah. A-a-ah ca-a-an't... baah- th-think... rema-a-a-ahmber... keep forgetting!"

"Forgetting what?"

Kayla tried to concentrate more, but could not remember what exactly was wrong! She knew she was changing and her memories kept fading. The less she remembered the less human she became. Unfortunately it was made to be a loop. Trying to recall the memories is what is erasing them in the first place, so the more she attempts to remember the less there is. The spell cannot read an entire human mind on its own to know what to erase, so it follows her thought pattern- her own attempts at recollection to fight the de-evolution was unintentionally showing the spell what to do. Basically, the spell was powered on the energy a person exerts trying to resist the spell- the harder you try to fight it, the stronger the spell is.

She tried to remember anything before this moment, trying to figure out what she used to be. She cannot resist what she is turning into if she does not even remember the alternative! As she thought her mind simplified, making it still harder. Her skull started to stretch out. Her nose remained on level with her forehead, but now her jaws extended outward, making the angle of the slope steeper and steeper. It was turning from forward facing to straight up as her face extended. The cleft from her upper lip to her nose helped form its triangular looking end as the bridge widened, pulling her nostrils long but narrow. Fur started to grow all over her, fading into existence like a shadow over her. The fur grew in pitch black everywhere though- whether the skin under it was pink or black. Her stomach rumbled as her organs shuffled a bit. Her rib cage cracked several times in rapid fire as it became more barrel shaped, forcing her entire torso to adopt that form. This pushed her arms a bit to the side and because of her shifted shoulder joints- her arms could no longer be bent inward, nor particularly far out to the sides. The change in her torso forced her to sit up straighter as she lost some flexibility in it, and then the change to her arm orientation caused her front hooves to just sort of dangle out in front of her in this awkward sitting position.

"Mm-maah! Ma-a-ay! Help mee-e-eh!"

"Help you do what? What do you need?"

Kayla actually had to pause to think about that. "I ne-e-e-ehd to turn baa-a-a-ack!"

"To what? Who do you think you are?" May leaned her head to the side in mock-ignorance.

"Baaa-a-ah! To... me-e-e-eh. I... me..." Kayla's eyes widened as she realized she could not remember her own name! Her pupils stretched out a bit more. "BAAAH!" She bleated in sudden pleasure as both of the billy goats approached and grabbed a teat into their mouths!

Her udder was so huge it was starting to droop off the front of the couch! The top half was black but her teats were both pink, and the darkness broke up at the halfway point into pink. The later half was covered in small freckle-like black dots. The largest black splotch was centered on the back of her udder perfect and almost a perfect circle in shape. Because the splotch sat dead-center in the cleft of the udder though, it looked almost identical to a heart-shape. The pleasure of the two goats sucking aggressively on her teats caused her mind to blank in pleasure. The cracks in her psyche started to branch rapidly and cause entire sections of her intelligence to break off and fall away. The pleasure built up into an itch in her teats. Veins bulged at the base of her udder as it swelled even bigger and rounder! The soft elastic flesh on the surface started to pull taught and firm and her teats got even bigger! They were the shape and size of a full sized ice cream cone- and now also equally as full of dairy! Like her udder had experienced an orgasm, her teats erupted in milk, feeding the two billy goats!

"Baaah! Ee-e-e-eh! Ha-a-a-a-e-e-eh!" The fur trying to grow into the same area as her hair forced it out. Her human hair started to fall away and pool on the floor in front of the couch.

She was bleating without even trying now! Like it was entirely on reflex, escaping her like a sneeze.

*I have to figure out.... aaah. S-stop it boys!*

"Baaah! Ba-a-a-a-a-ah!" Her pupils shivered and started to stretch even further, becoming rectangles!

*So good... why milk? Wha-a-a-ah... oh, what am I.... who a-a-a-a-ahm...?*

"Baaah!" Her stomach felt a warmth and gentle pressure, and started to press out.


Kayla could not think over her own bleating, causing even her thoughts to degrade to mirror it! She couldn't even -think- in English anymore. And she still had no idea what the bleating actually meant, which meant she no longer understood her own thoughts. She felt a gentle kick from an unborn kid in her belly which startled her enough from her pleasure to rock forward and tumble off the front of the couch, pulled the rest of the way by the weight of her udder.

May shooed the billy goats back out of the house. She needed that milk to make goat cheese to sell. She bit her lip nervously thinking of how pissed Kayla will be when May turns her back to normal, but that was a problem for another day. For now, she had more milk, the billy goats were calmed down, and she would have another goat soon enough- hopefully another nanny. She playfully slapped Kayla's udder over the cleft at the back, causing a very loud clapping sound even though she only hit it lightly. It made Kayla scoot forward, and May lead her out to the pen in the barn that would be her new home.

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