Sugar And Spice

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Holly isn't so jolly with Christmas coming and no idea what to gift her friends who were extremely generous to her. Her friend Bell comes to the rescue with a spell equal parts spicy and sweet. Holly might not make it for Christmas dinner but she will be desert!

(F tf candy reindeer)

Holly was having a good holiday so far, and seemed quite happy at first, but as Christmas came closer her apparent happiness became less genuine. Finally on a phone call with Bell she started crying and blurt out her emotions on the matter without meaning to. Of course, Bell invited her over right away to comfort the poor woman. You see, their friends were rather well off in terms of money, and knew Holly relied on her video games to de-stress after work. So even though there was a massive shortage of them, they had managed to find a Playbox 5X to give her for Christmas, and rather than have the very large system sitting around till then, they gave it to her ahead of time. Thus, Holly's holidays became quite good. But now that Christmas was approaching, she felt a crushing pressure to get them something very nice in return, but she did not have several hundreds of dollars to spend on anything, never mind her friends! They gave her something as a gift that would have taken her an entire year of saving up to get! She can't just not get them anything in return!

Holly was sat down on the couch, pulling the foot stool closer so she could still put her feet up on it while having her knees up as she watched the fireplace across from her. Bell returned to the living room with only one mug of hot chocolate, and a marshmallow in her other hand- but not the sort you would normally put in hot chocolate, it was a full sized marshmallow you'd roast over a fire.

"Good vibes from a real fireplace, eh? Feeling a bit better?"

"Well, I am warm anyway." Her voice was a bit muffled- talking into her knees.

"You know they are our friends. You don't give gifts with the expectation of getting something in return; that would be a loan, or a trade- not a gift. They aren't going to deck the halls with you."

"I know, tis the season to be jolly and all that. But I would feel baaaaad. They spent soooo much!" She paused a moment. "I see your pride sweater finally got through all the shipping delays. It looks nice."

Bell smiled and turned herself back and forth to show off the wool pride sweater. "I know, right? Don me now my gay apparel!" Bell then plopped the marshmallow into the hot chocolate. "But I have been working on a gift idea for them myself. So I am going to use you as a sort of medium, okay? Then it will be from both of us. No need to spend a single thing."

Holly cocked an eyebrow at her. "But what is it? How involved am I going to be? You aren't just going to put my name on something and say I contributed when I actually did nothing, are you?"

Bell shook her head and reached into the hot chocolate. "Nope, you are going to do most of the work. I am just providing the means to do so. You know how they get pretty kinky with their love life, right? I think I found a sweet way to give them a little something kinky and a little sweet and festive at the same time. A bit of sugar and spice, if you will."

When Bell pulled the marshmallow back out, it took a bit of effort because it had drank all the hot chocolate in her mug and swollen to at least twice its size in the brief time it spent in the mug! More surprisingly, its shape completely changed! It looked exactly like a reindeer now, made entirely of slightly browned marshmallow! Bell had been practicing festive forms for her magic, and handed Holly the marshmallow reindeer, telling her to eat it. It was quite warm from the hot chocolate, but was still able to stand perfectly fine on its spindly lil marshmallow deer legs. Holly felt a little bad about eating such a cute, detailed lil deer, but boy did it taste good. It was like a mug of hot chocolate with the sweetness cranked to maximum. For its size, it also felt incredibly filling. Holly let out a huff, putting her feet off the rest and onto the floor to pat her belly. She felt really full, almost bloated. The feeling sort of spread through her entire body. Her arms and legs even felt bloated and full! Bell just smiled and explained that she was going to transform- the marshmallow was just a medium to transfer the spell in a fun and festive manner. When Holly asked what she was turning into, Bell just told her that the marshmallow was doing the same thing as it had in her mug. It drank the hot chocolate to expand into its current form... now it was drinking in Holly to expand even larger! She was feeling bloated because the marshmallow cervine was filling her entire body!

It was an odd feeling, because marshmallow isn't exactly solid, so it wasn't a heavy fullness- it did not cause her cramping. It was a warm and gentle pressure like a hug, except coating all of her insides. Her legs started to push out away from themselves a bit without her meaning to, and she had been hugging her arms to herself and patting her full belly, but her arms started to pull more to her sides. Her fingers got harder to bend as well. It was like she was being stuffed full of fluff, which made it increasingly harder to move her joints- almost like she was being turned into a stuffed animal with a specific default pose. In a bit of a panic, Holly gasped at the sight of her fingernails and for a moment thought she was bleeding, but it was just her nails themselves turning color. The nail on her index and ring finger were turning red, and the others white. The opposite was true on her other hand, the index and ring finger turning white and the others turning red! They were all getting thicker as well, which put a pressure on the rest of her fingertips as the nail was trying to expand larger than her finger could host. Holly sort of limply held her arms out in front of herself as that was the position she felt the least resistance in. Bell came over and gently held her bloated looking arms. She grabbed Holly's wrist and gripped it hard and pulled forward a bit. The increased pressure on her squishy insides caused the pressure to pull in and shove outward, deforming the arm! Her hand bloated forward in a tube shape, causing her three middle digits to squish into fat nubs on the ends of the bloated hands! Bell then pushed in on her pinky and thumb that had remained where they already were and the bloated mass inside shifted, converting them to little nubs while the body of the hand pushed still further forward, completely obscuring the form of the three digits, so her arm just ended in a tube shape between two dew claws! The nails no longer had a specific shape to adhere to and expanded rapidly in the absence of fingertips, fusing together as they grew into a two part hoof segment! Where Holly once had hands, she now had cloven hooves! They were quite broad with sharp edges- the hooves of a reindeer! But, it was not dense keratin that formed these hooves- they were made of peppermint candy! Her hooves were made of the same sweet striped material as candy canes!

"Ah! Wait, what? C-candy?!"

"Festive! I mean, reindeer are cool and festive and all, but what are they going to do with a regular reindeer? We want to give them something they can actually use. So, candy reindeer!" Bell crouched down and gently picked up Holly's feet to slip her socks off!

Holly was going to pull her feet back out of her grip, but she was so bloated with molten marshmallow goo that it was hard to bend any part of herself at all. Ironically the part she had the least trouble moving was her newly formed hooves. "They're going to eat me?! Are you insane!"

"No, well yes. Look, settle down, I will show you, but you need to be further along first."

Holly was going to protest, but when Bell got her socks off and squished her ankles Holly could no help but moan softly. It felt so good to stretch. It was like stretching normally after you've been stuck sitting down for hours on end. Her foot deformed the same way her arms did. It was like pressing soft dough into a mold, it squished out but then immediately bloated into a new pre-set shape. Like with her hands, the nails all turned to peppermint candy. Bell had pushed the footstool away to make room to pull out Holly's legs. In looking down at what Bell was doing to her, she also noted her skin was starting to darken above the hooves that used to be her hands. Some other change was still happening in her arms. Holly could not help but flutter her toes as Bell squished more of her bloated leg mass down into them, till their form was lost entirely. It felt too good to stretch them out, she wanted to resist but didn't want the feeling to stop. Holly looked down at herself, seeing she now had the four legs of a reindeer with candy hooves and blushed at how little she did to actually stop it.

Bell stood up mostly straight and Holly followed her gaze to Holly's chubby midsection. She was already a bit on the thick side, but now her stomach had rounded out enough that her belly button vanished into a plump fold across her stomach which now stuck out between shirt and pants. Because of how full she was with marshmallow goo, every part of her body that was not covered in clothes directly billowed out a bit- spilling around the clothing like a muffin top. Holly just blushed, not sure of what to say or do at this point. Bell placed one hand gently on a shoulder to hold her steady and then pushed in on her soft gut. Holly blushed even brighter, and her vision turned blue for a moment from pressure behind her eyes! Her entire head felt bloated up with soft pressure! She returned to normal as soon as Bell took her hand away though. Bell hummed in thought, grabbing the bottom of Holly's shirt a moment and tugging to test how much room it had. None was the answer- it was practically painted on at this point. That is why her body shape didn't change! Her clothing was forcing it back into a human shape from lack of room. Bell tapped a finger to the shirt and then to her pants, causing a bright light to radiate out and fade away as it travelled through increasing number of threads. Bell then leaned back a bit and snapped her fingers. In a sudden burst all of Holly's clothing exploded off of her in a cloud of confetti!

Holly felt her entire body ripple the moment the clothing was off! The areas it was compressing equalized, causing her body to ripple and jiggle uncontrollably for a bit. Bell then squished in her belly again, and this time the pressure surged up and actually changed her shape. Holly let out a stuttered moan as her entire torso stretched upward. The roundness of her belly equalized with the rest of her torso, but as it stretched upward and became more barrel shaped, her breasts also vanished into her chest and equalized their mass with the rest of her. This also removed flexibility from her torso, but compared to its bloated state there was little difference in that regard. Though Holly's body no longer looked overstuffed, it was forced to sit with excellent posture simply due to her not being able to bend fully forward even if she wanted to. She noticed her skin was now dark brown around her hooves and fading into the same coloration up her limbs toward her body! It looked like it was growing fur of the same color.

"Ouuh... Bell I... oh gosh my voice!" Even as she spoke it continued to get deeper! "I... don't know about this. Why candy? If I am a food am I even alive?!" And still her voice deepened. "Wuh... hrmm... mmm... mrough!" She let out a deep bellow like a reindeer!

Bell just giggled and pat her on her forehead, but then held her hand there for a moment and then started to push down. Holly had no idea what she was doing, till she noticed the pressure was focusing on two specific points.

"W-wait! Mrr... roooh! I don't wan-w-waah... hah..." Her resolve dissolved again, as yet again the malformation of her form felt like a good stretching.

Bell pushed harder down on her forehead, and while her head did not change position or shape at all, two horns stretched out of her head. They seemed to form from stretched skin at first, but as they stretched further out the material started to transform, looking harder and slightly porous. Then Bell made a fist and punched onto their rounded points lightly, causing one and then the other to fork! Now she pushed gently on the middle where it branched and the two prongs grew in either direction, the rear twice as fast as the front. Then toward the end it forked again into more tines. They were absolutely gargantuan- the giant crescent moon shaped antlers of a female reindeer in her winter prime. For how titanic they are in size however, they barely weighed anything.

Bell nodded to her handiwork then crouched a bit to be eye to eye with Holly. "Okay, I will use this as an example because it will be the least alarming. Do not worry okay? I would never do anything to hurt you and I know what I am doing- trust." Bell then reached up, grabbed the end of the huge antlers and with a snapping sound, broke the end right off! Holly felt her heart jump at that moment, but more from a sharp, but brief pleasure. She then brought it down to show Holly properly, before popping it in her mouth. "Your antlers are made of wafer cookie." They both glanced up at a soft crackling sound to see the antler rapidly regenerating. "In this form, you enjoy being eaten, because that is what food is for. It feels good to have parts broken off. I know what you are thinking- you absolutely cannot die in this form. The only way you could die in this state is if 100% of your body was consumed all at once and that isn't happening. You regenerate what you lost almost instantly. You don't have pain receptors in this body, so you cannot hurt yourself. Someone can break an entire arm off you and it will only feel good- and then you regenerate your arm almost immediately anyway."

Bell then took her front hooves and told her to rock back and forth. Bell pushed and pulled her front legs in circular motion while Holly rocked back and forth, causing her rear legs to bend because of her seating. The more they bend, the less like a bloated human joint her shoulder and hips became- and the more like a standard reindeer they turned. This brought back her range of motion, allowing her to move her limbs without resistance from marshmallow fluff, but also prevented certain motions a normal human had. Because of her barrel shaped chest now she could not move her arms inward very far, and as her shoulders became cervine they were unable to move outward very far either. Similarly, her hip joints shifted which caused her to be locked into quadruped movement, unable to walk on two legs. It also caused her vulva to shift further back, causing her to moan sharply without meaning when the skin of her crotch pulled tight. When Bell let go, Holly clacked her wrists together out of curiosity and her eyes widened at the hollow *clock* sound. It was not fur growing on her at all. The surface of her skin was detailed to look like fur, but in actuality it had turned to milk chocolate! Her limbs were hollow now! Inside her body she felt her organs shifting around, and unintentionally burped a few times as excess air escaped her shuffling innards- though her breath smelled like skittles! A sickeningly sweet taste entered her mouth, causing her tongue to explore trying to figure out what it was. Her tongue scraping a tooth discovered it was oddly grainy in texture and realized the source of the sweetness was her tongue itself transforming! Her tongue was now made of maple fudge! Inside, most of her organs turned to licorice- red mostly, except for her bladder, intestinal tract, and liver, which turned to black licorice.

Bell tugged gently on her shoulders to get her to stand up. Holly could not even try to protest- her balance in a human sitting position while definitely not human was precarious and it did not take much to cause her to topple forward, catching herself on her new candy hooves! She was afraid of breaking her limbs by bending them since they were hollow chocolate, but they bent just fine and were dense enough to hold her weight. The chocolate flesh was converting her shoulders and hips now, but only went up. When it spread to her undersides and underarms it changed color- mocking the fluffy undercoat of the reindeer with white chocolate instead. Before Holly could ask what Bell was doing, Bell moved behind her and caused Holly to bellow loudly again as she kissed her pussy! It already stretched into the subdued, leaf shaped pussy of a cervine. Bell gave it a lick, then licked her lips and took a deep breath before blowing into the pussy! Holly shook from the pleasure, and tried to squirm away or protest but every time she got her own breath, Bell took another and blew it into her- taking her breath away from moans. Bell kept blowing in her over and over, and she was able to form a seal over the relatively small vulva with her lips, so the air wasn't able to escape again! The pressure kept building up, stretching her insides and tickling over all her pleasure receptors. Holly bowed her head to try and look under herself from between her legs and her eyes widened at the sight of four long nubs! It was like watching tiny long balloons being inflated! The entire area around them was blushing pink now and being swollen outward. She had no pain receptors left, so it did not matter how badly she was bloated and stretched, she cannot feel pain. It was stretching pleasure receptors further however, making it feel more and more sensitive as it stretched, and as it bloated into a subdued hill Holly realized it was an udder! She had a cute cervine udder between her legs now, since her vulva had already been pulled further back to make room.

Bell finally pulled away catching her breath. She licked the pussy juice from her lips happily. "Mmm. Your pussy juice is now honey." She grabbed a teat between her index and thumb and gave it a gentle tug, squirting a bit of milk onto the floor. "And you lactate, obviously. What sort of psychopath offers cookie antlers but doesn't serve milk?" She playfully flicked the teat, causing it to bounce back and forth violently and Holly to cry out in pleasure. "The udder itself is bubblegum, so making it bigger is as easy as blowing more into it."

Before Bell stood up completely she noticed Holly had an unusually plump looking ass for a reindeer, and realized there was still a bit of marshmallow in it. She grabbed the squishy butt cheeks and compressed them. Holly cried out in pleasure again as the pressure erupted out of her tail bone and the extra mass exploded into a large plume of chocolate fur- forming her cervine tail. It looked bushy, but all the hairs were fused together- made of chocolate like the rest of her coat. It was brown chocolate on top and white below. Holly could flick and move the tail as if it were a normal deer tail, though when any outside force interacted with it, it appeared to be solid milk chocolate. Bell slapped her butt, feeling it was firm chocolate now- the magic marshmallow bloat now gone from it. Holly looked entirely like a candy reindeer except for her neck and head. It felt so strange. She was so massively big compared to when she was human, but she felt lighter, no heavier. Bell grinned and suddenly lunged onto Holly and literally took a bite out of her ass! She bit deep enough to expose a hole into her mostly hollow chocolate body- but as promised before, the edges of the hole quickly looked like molten chocolate and billowed inward, swelling back shut. While the hole was open, you could see a glimpse of her exposed hip bone- which like the rest of her skeleton is now made of gingerbread. The bite made Holly tremble in pleasure, her left back leg went completely limp from the shock of pleasure which almost made her topple over! She had no idea how to feel about that. It was something that is normally supposed to hurt, and be avoided, but now it felt sooo good.

Bell motioned to her limbs while still sucking on the chunk of chocolate ass. "Your legs are dark chocolate, the bitter stuff that is actually good for you. Your hips, shoulders, and body are milk chocolate, and your underside is white chocolate."

Holly groaned as her jaw felt tight. Her teeth were quietly making a sound similar to a tree trunk bending in a stiff wind. Bell pointed out her teeth must be transforming now. Though they will look mostly the same, they are transforming into roasted chestnuts- but, still shaped like teeth. Reindeer teeth that is- which is why her jaw is being stretched, reindeer teeth don't fit in a human mouth. Bell came around and gently held either side of Holly's bloated neck. The remaining marshmallow fluff was in her neck and head. She looked at Holly who nodded back. She was reluctant still, but it seemed pointless to complain at his point, when so little remained human. She it felt so good. Holly was a bit horrified watching Bell bite into her, but the feeling was so good she wanted it again. She wanted Bell to gorge herself! She wanted to stuff Bell full of her own body till she was like a pinata ready to burst! Just the thought of it and the memory of the feeling made her bubblegum pussy drip honey and her gumball clit stiffen.

Bell squished her neck, compressing the molten marshmallow upward. Holly's vision once again turned blue from internal pressure and her entire head felt bloated. Her transforming teeth were already pulling on her jaw from the inside, so her face bloating outward was the first thing to happen. The bridge of her nose was pulled flatter against her expanding face as it equalized into a muzzle. Her nostrils became larger but mostly longer as the front of her nose became a bit triangular. Her lips and nose both started to change color, reddening and becoming cold and moist to the touch! Though thanks to the magic it could never completely melt- her lips and nose were now made of strawberry sorbet ice cream! Thanks to it being cold, this also had a side effect of her breath being visible in a brief cloud even when the room itself was warm. Holly moaned in her very deep voice, it now gained reverberance of a cervine voice. She could still speak English, but her voice was odd- and she could mimic a reindeer lowing perfectly. Her ears bloated and stretched long, looking odd at first, but then Bell grabbed them both from behind and squishing her thumb into them caused them to spread out into their proper leaf shaped deer ears. Holly's hair fell out as the chocolate fur advanced up, and the hairs dissolved entirely before even touching the floor. Her head growing to a massive size and stretching out was her final change. The chocolate fur met her sorbet nose and lips and consumed the last of her human self. When the pressure subsided, Holly opened her eyes again. The eyeballs were actually jawbreaker candies- her iris and pupil were basically drawn onto their surface with hardened icing sugar- though she could still see out of them and use them as if they were regular eyeballs. Her body basically operated like a candy golem, with a human soul tethered to it- marrying the magic of an automancer and warlock in one. It was also still a transformation though; the same spell that made her this way exchanged her own physical imprint for this one, so as soon as it is undone, her form will be traded back.

She was entirely naked, which was a bit awkward for her, but her body was also that of a reindeer which made it seem more natural. Bell helped her around, since Holly was still having a bit of trouble getting used to walking around on her candy hooves, and her very large but still unusually light weight body. They ended up having to snap off her antlers so she could even fit through the doorway, but they regenerated by the time they were fully outside anyway. Bell and Holly set off to their friends' place, to give them a Christmas party to remember! Holly could not wait to give them their present, and she hoped everyone ate as much as possible!


(MtF TF not-right Manticore, FtM TF not-right cockatrice) The male to female is the first- if you'd rather skip to the female to male tf just CTRL+F 'P2' Othellow was a good looking fellow with a good head on his shoulders. He was smart...

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To The Point

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