Paradise Dreamer

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Io may have been introduced to the cowgirl paradise island of RHEI a while ago now, but living in the shadow of her mentor Serene means she is still blind to most of the island! The sleepy amnesiac Io has already learned to use her transformative body, but now it is up to the other islanders to teach her to use the island she lives on.

(F hybrids)

The RHE researcher looked over the woman's file, while the woman herself was visible several floors down on the ground, being taken down into the valley where the other test subjects live.

"Her hair is snow white, even though she appears to be in her twenties. Even her eyelashes are white, and her skin deathly pale..."

The other researcher nodded. "Signs of mana poisoning. The bioelectrical signals your brain uses to operate your body are collectively known as the chakra, and its circulation is dense enough energy to complete a mana circuit."

He nodded. "In other words, if the flow of energy just-so-happens to match up correctly, a mana dense body could trigger random spells. The most common affliction to those heavily poisoned by mana is petrification. There is no risk of that happening in such a controlled environment as RHEI, and her particular tincture doesn't consume any mana at all even though it gives her transformative control. Makes you wonder just what happened to her before this, though."

Nancy was playing tennis with Lulu when she was distracted a moment, spotting a beautiful and extremely tall woman on four legs! "Who is... is that Serene?" The ball whipped past her face, brushing her ear.

Lulu was already cheating to begin with- using her golem to play instead of herself. "No, that is Test Subject 101, Io. She was given the ability to change to and from the same body type as Serene."

"How long has she been here? Why do you know her but I don't?"

Lulu blushed. "I don't know her! I just know from talking to my friend Amanda. She shadows Serene all the time, so you wouldn't encounter her unless you visit the palace. I don't think anyone other than Serene has even spoken to her, and she has been here almost a month already."

Confusing... blips of memory from different times. Pieces of a puzzle left unsolved.

Viola stood under the grey sky, arms crossed. This is RHEI- an island populated almost entirely by women- and a few men- who have been hybridized with animals. Most were made for heavy lactation and blended with mammals but as the years went by, RHE started to experiment with other improvements to the human form. Viola stands on tall legs that end in only a two-toed foot, and were encased in chitin. Her arms were chitin plated as well and had small stiff hairs on them that allowed her to play music by rubbing her hands or arms together! She had been hybridized with a cricket. She had four mandibles hinged over her normal jaw that enclosed the bottom of her face when resting- like a mask. She stood among a crowd of wildly different bodies- most of which bore big boobs or udders. Every test subject on the island gathered in one place, at one time. Normally this would be quite a sight to see, and be incredibly sexy, but not today. Today they gather to pay respects to the newly planted tombstone of Test Subject 01, who died in her sleep, of old age. It was bittersweet- no one wanted to see her go, but at the same time she lived a very full and happy life- no one could deny that. No one lives forever, and that is about as happy as endings get. The island graveyard was not too big, but not tiny either- it contained both test subjects and RHE staff who have passed as the years have gone by. The graveyard was parallel Serene's palace, so her former home stood like a headstone to the graveyard itself.

Viola was a bit worried about Io though. A test subject who lived in the shadow of Serene. With her mentor gone, where would she go now? Once the ceremony ended, it had begun raining a few drops at a time here and there- though the darkness building in the clouds told everyone there was much more to come. Viola loomed at the back of the crowd and remained in place as everyone left one after another; except for Io.

"You going to be alright? If you need someone to talk to..."

Io looked at her for a very long, awkward moment before saying anything. "I... don't want to go home."


"The palace is supposed to be mine now but its so big.... and empty."

"You can come to my place if you want. It is... sort of a mess."

Io quickly agreed, and was deathly silent as Viola walked back to her own home with her in tow. Viola was one of the relatively few test subjects who can and did wear clothing still. Because she plays music with her arms, she only wears sleeveless tops- usually sleeveless hoodies. She wore worn out jeans, though because of her partially insectoid legs, the legs of the jeans were unable to cover the last fifth of her tall legs. Because of the odd foot shape, she could not wear shoes, but since they are encased in chitin, she also has no need for shoes. Io wore a large sweater that was too long in the sleeves- exposing only her fingertips. Her pants were just sweat pants, and her feet were bare. Unlike other test subjects though- Io can revert fully human whenever she sleeps, so she has no inhuman traits at the moment. Her eyes stood out immediately because of her all-white features; they are vibrant, shimmering cyan.

Viola's place was indeed a bit of a mess. Papers with music written on them strewn all over and even pinned up sketches of her own arms with instructions on where and how to rub herself to produce which musical notes. Io did not seem too heartbroken at the death of her friend, but she clearly was not okay, either. She seemed very... distant. Whenever Viola tried to strike a conversation with her she seemed to freeze up for a moment, looking terribly confused. When she slept that night in the bed; Viola slept on her own couch, but could hear through the wall the gasps and fearful moans of a fitful sleep.

The next day, Viola handed her half a melon to eat for breakfast, while she herself just made some toast. "So... bad sleep last night?"


"No bad dreams? You... sounded like you were having a bad dream."

"I... don't remember my dreams." She made a forced laugh. "I don't remember my life either, so I guess that is to be expected."

Viola furrowed her brows, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wall to watch Io while she ate. "What do you mean?" Her mask of mandibles opened up to expose her mouth, just out of courtesy for the serious conversation.

"Zero, that weird not-test subject found me and brought me to RHE. I had total amnesia. The researchers told me I have a pretty severe case of mana poisoning, so I was likely the victim of a magical mishap or attack. I have no idea who I used to be. That is why I am worried now that Serene is gone. We had the same body when transformed so, I sort of just mirrored her. Without her I don't know what I am doing."

Viola shrugged, lightly rubbing her arm to produce a quiet melody. "Whatever you want. Paradise island- no jobs or responsibilities really. Just have fun doing whatever."

"I don't know what I like though! I don't know if I have any talents..." Io bit her lip nervously, looking at Viola for a moment before speaking again. "If I tell you something, promise to not get freaked out?"

Viola lowered her eyebrows. "You could tell me my entire life was a lie and I am actually a robot having a weird dream, and i'd just shrug. I am so desensitized I don't think I am emotionally capable of freaking out anymore, haha."

"You look exactly like my sister."

Viola slowly raised one of her brows, not sure how to react to that. "So you remember your sister?"

Io sadly shook her head. "No. All I know is that when I look at you, I keep thinking of a sister. I know you can't be, because I had no immediate family to take me in when RHE found me. Which means if I had a sister... she probably died in whatever event bleached me white."

Well, Viola was not freaked out, but she did not know how to react, either. Io followed her as she wandered about playing random tunes on her hands and arms for the people of the valley. With the lunar new years only two days away, she decided to bring Io along to gather her band mates to practice for the new years celebration the island was holding. Their band 'The Udder Ones' was a unique sound- Viola produced a string instrumental sound more befitting a orchestral arrangement, while Lorelei their singer was very much an opera officianato... and the last member Lauren was a rock-star. Not at all sounds you would think would work together, but they did. And it created a unique sound only they had. Lauren was the leader as she actually WAS a rock-star before coming to the island, so she had experience in front of live audiences unlike the other two. She was the first Viola went to pick up, with Io following close behind.

Lauren was a hell of a sight- a five creature mix between giraffe, slug, human, dog, and cow! Her limbs and neck were very long- legs ended in hooves, arms in half-paw half-hands. Her tongue was crazy long and her face half human half cow muzzle- it turned out into a small muzzle only at the jaw, so the top of her head was still perfectly human shaped. Her tail was large, smooth, and very squishy feeling- it lacked the mucus layering a slug would have, though its underside can still drip if she is aroused, because her pussy was stretched huge along the tails base when it originally grew in. Although the legs and sleeves could never hope to cover much of her long limbs- she was still fully able to wear human clothing like Io and Viola. Because of how awkward it would be with her tail though, she gave up on wearing any bottoms, and only wore band shirts. She had RHE recover band merch to wear from the outside world- her former band We Might Be Dragons. The top only covered half of her breasts- but that was because she has so many. Her chest is adorned with four C cup breasts, while her midriff is hidden behind four G cups! Her body was absolutely covered in tattoos and piercings.

Her home was a source of color for the entire area she lived in. Hers was the first home in a half-circle of buildings that became the border of a test subject run market place. Starting from Lauren's house and spreading across all the others in the area as well as across the pathways and market was spray painted art that collected into giant murals across the entire buildings. Io was jealous. Lauren brought so much to her community just by being herself. Io could at least better match her body.

With a playful smile, Io's body started to transform! Her soles became longer and the smaller bones fused together into one mighty bone. Her feet scrunched up and devolved into bovine's cloven hooves, making her legs bovine from the shin down, but still human from the knee up. A cow's thighs are a bit disk shaped and hinge to the hip higher up, putting them beside the rear of their body, so they do not project nearly as far off their body as on a human, and their shin is shorter since their canon bone makes up the length. Because Io only goes bovine from the knee down however, this meant she had the longest portion of both legs, giving her over a foot of additional height from that change alone. Io's shirt then lifted as the front was pulled away from her growing breasts! By default they were C cup handfuls, but she could essentially make them any size she wanted thanks to the control her tincture gave her. Because it was not only the fat, but the flesh and muscle tissue of her breasts growing at the same time, they remained pert and round no matter what size she made them- though her back muscles were still limited to how much she could hold up. She turned them to the size of a medium beach ball- her shirt only covering three fourths of them. She puffed out her chest and stood toe to toe with Lauren. All three women laughed at the silly competition. Lauren was still quite a bit taller- but not as bustier.

Next they were going to meet up with Test Subject 03: Lorelei. The problem is, she is terrible at travelling on land and her skin dries out easily, so they had to go to her, not the other way around. Io had never been around this area of the island. They traveled away from the homes of the inner valley through long open plains to a large beach on the west side of the island. Most of the island was enclosed by mountains and cliffs; this was the only beach. There was a dock with a boat that subjects could use to travel to another small island just off the shore, and also where Lorelei lives- in a small island off the north of RHEI, marked with an unused lighthouse. Lorelei emerged nude in the water and waved at them as soon as they arrived. Io was surprised; she looked completely human. Then as she approached the shore Io quickly found out what she was hybridized with. On land, Lorelei had to travel with a sort of lurching motion. She did not have legs- instead there was massive flippers where her legs should be. From the hip down, Lorelei is a killer whale! Whales are mammals too; which means they also produce milk. The size of the whale mams was added to her human breast placement, giving her massive globes as big as Io's current set was! Since she spends most of her time in water, Lorelei has no issue with the weight because breasts float. Fat is very buoyant. Because it transitioned into the top of where the whale's head would have been, Lorelei also had gigantic hips. To travel on land she has to pull forward with her front flippers, then bunch up her tail and basically flick herself forward- doing a belly flop on the ground over and over. The skin coloration of black and white spots continued off the whale body onto her human torso- white on the front and black on the back, but the black partially wrapped around under her arms to cover the outer facing sides of her breasts as well. Her very long, perfectly straight hair is shimmering black as well. Her eyes are a shade of brown that almost makes them look red.

Lorelei was rather lonesome living off on her own north of RHEI, so she jumped at the chance to join their band when Viola and Lauren came along to see her- seeking her voice. Lorelei is nicknamed The Siren, because her hybrid gave her the power of a whale song to her human voice. Her voice can be very loud, and hauntingly melodic. It was so deep and womanly that people enjoyed talking to her just to hear her voice. Since joining the band, she has become popular across the entire valley as people gathered to hear them play, and as the sole band on the island- they are the central performance at every special event. Lorelei cannot go to the people- so she found a way to bring the people to her!

Lauren teased Io, asking what she would do to compete with Lorelei's giant body, but Io did have some transforming left, so why not? Her hips grew massively, the bone actually dividing internally and pulling into an entirely new segment. On the surface it simply looked like her hips were expanding out and back. Her legs started to bulk up too though- growing double long but not wide. Divots formed on the surface as branching bone pulled further apart, and like pulling two clumps of clay from each other, the divot deepened till it went all the way through. The feeling of growing a second set of hips and legs was very unpleasant at first, but when the legs finally divided it was VERY good feeling, like a well earned stretch. Good enough at least to make up for the unpleasantness leading into it. The bone fully divided and formed before the skin and muscle expanded enough to properly host it and yank apart, so for a short time she felt very cramped and congested down there, before it burst apart and everything fell into its proper placement. She was a bovine centaur... but, not really. There was no second torso, it was only a second pair of hips and enough additional vertebrae to space them apart. The second hips were huge compared to the first- because they were fully bovine where her front hips remained human. This gave her the boxy wide rump of a cow, as well as growing the long, narrow tail of a cow- with a bushy tassel of snow white hair on the end. The rear legs were entirely bovine all the way down. This technically meant she had no 'front legs' though; all four were shaped like back legs. Because the bovine legs were not as long, but the hips were giant, and her half human legs were very long but the hips relatively tiny- it actually evened out. Io's rump was slightly higher up but just barely, it was almost perfectly balanced out.

In wide arcs from her temples, massive horns grew forward to crown her head. Io's ears became large and leaf shaped, flopping down by default but still able to flick around to listen in whatever direction the sound is coming from. Her underside had a perfect canvas to use for greater mammaries though, and took advantage of it quickly. Io went for a full transformation- the complete form that formerly belonged only to Serene. The underside between the two hips swelled out, gaining more and more color to it, turning pale peach, and then blushing powder pink. Wide, fat nubs formed on the surface before stretching out into plump teats. The sphere looked like half a medicine ball bloating off her before the fat started to bloat out and hang out from the muscle ribbing that now became visible on the surface- dividing the round mass into four sections. Like a true cow udder, each section was much longer than it was wide, but all four sections together still gave its overall form a relatively round shape to it. Fat, squishy milk veins squirmed under the skin, partially showing on the surface in the looser flesh trailing between the udder and torso, and dragging the pink skin tone onto the body slightly. Io also technically had two vulva, though only one complete set of genitals, and only one butt. Her rump was cow and so was the pussy back there- but because of how a human vagina is positioned on the body, she also had a completely human pussy still in the front! She only had one womb however- both vagina forked from the same place. Because the rear one is much further from the womb though- she would be able to take absolutely gigantic dicks into her rear vagina without running out of space. She had stepped out of her pants as the change happened obviously to avoid destroying them, but now slipped them off entirely since the second hips and udder clearly not fitting meant they could not be pulled up properly anyway. Her shirt still fit... mostly.

The others only half-mockingly applauded her transformation and Io jokingly took a bow. In her fully transformed state she is quite large- tall enough that her head barely clears the roof of buildings. But Lauren is still a lot taller, and Lorelei a LOT bigger. But Lorelei cannot traverse land very far, and Lauren has to duck to go into anyone else's homes. Io had no fur even fully transformed, so even her extended cow rump was nude. Her skin is very pale so everyone describes it as white, but it is still a peachy skin tone- so there is still a difference between her white skin and white hair. Her hair is actual true white- like freshly fallen snow. So she is not a complete albino unlike Test Subject 00, whose hair and skin is exactly the same white. Io also has candy pink udders, vulva, lips, nipples, and areola that stand out on her otherwise ghostly complexion, and the inside of her larger leaf shaped ears is also a shade of pink.

Io had no musical knowledge nor prowess so she simply listened and watched the others as they practiced. It was cool getting to listen to them outside of a performance. Io was getting to hear the show before it became a show. Blushing, Io asked Lorelei if she could ride her. Lorelei had never been asked that before, but agreed anyway. Io scoot up the large whale body and slid two legs over either side. Lorelei's skin was so smooth and tight! Even out of water it almost felt like it is still wet, just because of how slippery and smooth it is.

"So... do you have gills hidden somewhere to breath underwater?"

Lorelei cocked her brow. "Uh, no. Whales are not fish... they don't breath underwater."

"Wha? But whales live underwater..."

Lorelei laughed. "But they still go to the surface to take a breath! They are just very good at holding their breath."

Viola put a hand on her hip. "Well... technically speaking, Killer Whales are not whales at all. Their mouth is full of massive fangs- the killer part of their name is more accurate than the whale part."

Lauren chuckled. "And even fish technically breath air. A fish can drown too. Their lungs just process it differently, so their gills filter oxygen out from the water. If the water became stagnant and no longer had any oxygen mixed into it- the fish would drown."

Lorelei tilted her head. "Suffocating isn't the same thing as drowning..."

"Tch, you know what I mean..."

Everything seemed to be going well, and the four of them remained playing even in the rain. Lauren usually used an electric guitar- but that would both not work well in the rain and would have no where to plug it in at a beach, so she was using a hybrid electric-acoustic guitar for the practice. The rain was coming down pretty hard now, but Lorelei was at her best in the water, and sitting on top of her kept Io warm enough to shrug it off. Io had seen her old friend off a few days ago, but now made several more. Serene would be happy for Io, and Io would show off the splendor of her form with pride. Lorelei paused her singing though when she felt Io slump over suddenly! Worried, the others helped her off Lorelei's back and tried to wake her but could not! Viola was the only one who knew how to check for vitals, listening for her breath and holding a finger to the artery on her neck to feel her pulse. It seemed... normal. She was in an unwaking sleep, but her heart beat was perfectly normal and she was breathing fine. Io just seemingly lost consciousness for no reason. Once asleep, her form seemed to almost melt away, compressing back into a perfectly human form. She can transform whenever she wants and stop the change wherever she wants, but Io cannot undo the changes without going to sleep- which resets them completely back to default.

The musical trio thought to take her to the RHE main building to have the researchers look at her, but that was very far away from where they currently were. There is a chance something happened with her mana poisoning but that seemed unlikely out of the blue when Io wasn't using anything magical. Her ability to change to and from her bestial form may seem quite magical but it is actually all gene based and involves no mana. Thinking it might have to do with the rain water draining body heat, they slipped her pants back onto her and Lorelei ferried her across to the island. The reserve island was off the west shore by only about ten meters, not a long swim at all. The island was home to a lot of wildlife, and completely overgrown with forest. The canopy made the forest quite dark even in the day, but it also shelted the forest floor from direct contact with the rain. If you stuck close to the tree trunks you could remain dry, and so Io was placed there, propped up against a tree just in case she is so deep in sleep that she chokes on her own tongue or something if laying down. The trio nervously waited for their new friend to wake.

Viola crossed her arms again. "At least her sleep is more tranquil than last night. She seems haunted by her past, but even she doesn't know what it is..."

Io sat at the dinner table with her family, the table heaping with food. The sunlight filtering in through the large window behind her father on the opposite end of the table was so bright that she could not make out their faces. No one was eating yet, they all watched Io's sister as if she were about to say grace before the meal- but instead she was humming. It was a simple melody but beautiful regardless; you could tell it had feeling put into it, so the minor mistakes made here and there were ignored. An improvised melody... the echo of a distant stringed instrument? But no one held one here.

Her sister opened her lips, and muttered softly to the tune, barely a whisper. "I built a castle out of my dreams... but when I woke, it tore at the seams..." She hummed a little more. "I built a castle when I was awake... but without a vision it was bound to break..."

Her father turned to her sister and spoke in a woman's voice. "Hey, I am getting hungry... can we like... drag her somewhere where there is food?"

Io abruptly woke up after Lauren interrupted Viola's singing! It startled everyone. The first thing Io seen was Viola sitting shoulder to shoulder with her under a tree. Io looked around confused, not sure where she was.

"Uh... what happened? What did I miss?"

Viola furrowed her brow. "What did you miss? You had us worried as hell, you just passed out! We couldn't wake you up, so we brought you to the reserve island."

Io rubbed her eyes and her voice was a bit groggy. "Oh, sorry. I was just sleeping."

Lauren chuckled. "Dude, you fell asleep sitting up in the rain? Fuckin' hardcore."

Io laughed softly. "Well, my transformation doesn't reset unless I sleep. So, to get more control of it I sort of trained myself to sleep at will."

Lorelei sighed. "So you did that on purpose to revert?"

"N-no. Trying to make myself sleep at will I... uh, sort of gave myself narcolepsy. I can sometimes just fall asleep at random. It is a really deep sleep too, so you usually can't wake me up right away."

Viola stood back up, offering Io a hand. "So, you could be walking along a path and just... slump over, asleep?"

"Yea." She took the hand and stood up. "That song you were singing..."

Viola blushed brightly. "Y-you heard that? I was just... I just was thinking of you sleeping and making up... whatever, to pass the time."

"I really like it! You should make it a song for the concert!"

Viola quickly shook her head. "Not a chance! I don't write lyrics!"

The rest of the day went normally, thankfully without any more sleeping fits till that evening; and then Viola just carried Io over to the bed for the night.

The next day Io decided to explore a bit on her own, heading up to the Great Plateau. It was a mountain at one point- long ago, but it partially collapsed. It was still a bit over 100 meters high, but the sheer cliffs had settled into a series of platforms, making it quite easy to scale the heights. The top was a large platform you can look out over the rest of the island from. This would also be where the fireworks for the new years celebration would be set off from. Today the sky was clear- the clouds done mourning the burial ceremony. Today was the start of Io's future! Serene would not want her to waste any time staying down, and she was not going to. The path up the Great Plateau was a gradual slope that both spiraled around and zig zagged up to the top, stopping at several smaller plateaus up the side. Because were was so many natural platforms, the entire thing was covered in plenty of greenery- though mostly large bushes, grass, and wildflowers- there was also trees here and there. She was pant-less today and in her full form- though her breasts unchanged from C cups. Having four 'back' legs and no torso between them; her gait was very small for a quadruped, which unfortunately meant she walks at the same speed as anyone else. Her four legs still gave her the advantage of balance; where two legs failed, there was still two more to catch her. So when climbing up the slopes to the top of the Great Plateau she would be sure to keep her balance on her four legs. She even trained her balance with Serene before. Io is able to kick herself up onto her front two legs and then lift one; balancing her entire weight on a single hoof perfectly. It was a bit harder to do with the back two legs.

Io still stuck close to the side of the mountain since she can still potentially fall asleep randomly at any time- and that would be really bad if she was standing by the edge of a cliff when that happened. When she was almost at the top she was startled by an arch of electricity flying through the air suddenly! Io scoot up to a boulder near the top of the path and peeked around and seen a huge woman! She was also on four legs! There was a cluster of three trees in the middle of the primary plateau, one of which was quite huge. Then it was surrounded by a clearing of soft grass and mossy rocks, and then the edge was lined with bushes- many of which were wild raspberry or blueberry!

Io stepped out into the open and slowly approached. "H-hello?"

The huge figure turned to look at her. "Oh, hello there, and who might you be?"

"Test Subject 101, Io."

The woman plodded closer, a confident smile. "I am Test Subject 84, Rayzel 'The Mancer'." She made a flourish with her hand and an arch of flame and a rainbow of sparks appeared out of thin air.

Io gasped! "You're the one in charge of the fireworks!"

Rayzel just nodded. She is a Mage, and made note to Io not to eat any of the barries on top of the Great Plateau because they are all magically grown for a little experiment of her own- their high mana content would not sit well with Io's condition; though they are safe for anyone else to eat. Rayzel was even a bit taller than Io, because from the hips down she was a horse! The horse half had tight, lean muscles and a sleek form- the body type of a race horse. Her hands were a bit odd, having been partially made into hooves but not completely. Her pinky and ring finger fused, and her index and middle finger. So her hand had two very large fingers and one slightly larger than normal thumb- and the nail on the end of each was large, thick, and came to a point. They were hoof segments. She wore no clothes like many of the island's inhabitants except for a saddle on her horse half. She wore it more just to attach saddlebags to carry things than to carry around people- though she was plenty strong enough for people to mount. The front of her body was covered in ten small teats total- but none had areola and were just a brighter shade of pink than her normal skin color. They each sat on a B cup breast; the final pair was so low on her torso the curvature of the underside of the breasts transitioned perfectly to her pubic mound. Her hair was a bit on the coarse side and braided back- a black braid down to her shoulder blades, and the end was tied around a heavy glass ring etched with runes. Her ears were long and elven. Rayzel's nose was wide and ended in an upturned end, and her canine teeth in her upper jaw overgrew her mouth by some distance- her top half was half pig. Her ears had taken a mix of all three species though- the size influenced most by pig but the human and horse caused them to be much more narrow than a pig.

Rayzel's lower back had a bushy line of hair on it that trailed to between the horse half's shoulders- this was the horse's mane. Her tusks were absolutely massive for the size of her face, and each had several gem adorned rings slid onto them- the final ring toward the tip of either tusk trailed a fine chain between the tusk, and an earring on the ear on either side. Likewise every single one of her teats had a tiny hoop piercing that trailed a chain to the teat across from it, connecting them all in pairs. You would think she is too lean to produce much milk at all, but then a glance below tells otherwise. Between her back horse legs are two giant oblong ebon boobs! They were horse teats but stole the combined size from the other two species and some of the human shape. Her tail hair was cut into a short bob, and the base clasped by a golden bangle etched in spell runes. She wore a cloth band around her head, acting as a patch over one of her eyes.

Rayzel invited Io to sit with her and preformed many magic tricks- beautiful and fun to Io though simple and mundane to Rayzel. At night, she was going to light up the entire sky with an array of fireworks, and use her magic to smear the colors and make them dance. Rayzel's home apparently looked a bit like a horse stable on the inside, simply because her body was too large to fit through standard human structures. Io and Julie Hedgewall were the only test subjects that could revert themselves and control their forms, so Rayzel could not get rid of her immense size. She did not mention it to Io, but being a Mage she could identify immediately that Io had mana poisoning. By how it affected her so fully, it seemed very unlikely that it was an accident. Someone probably attacked and tried to kill her- and failed.

Io was amazed by Rayzel talking about all the things she could do with magic- one of the most frightening was an effect she had built into her own body since before she became a test subject. All Rayzel needed to do to demonstrate it was remove the patch she had over her left eye. As soon as she opened that eye, the entire world turned black. Everything and everyone vanished into an endless darkness- the only thing Io could still see was Rayzel's left eye. The sclera was black and the iris around her narrow slit pupil was golden. Rayzel can still see everything just fine; but everyone caught in the field of vision from her demon eye had their own vision blacked out. The spell itself was built into her eye so it could not be turned on or off- thus the patch she wears over it to contain the effect. Magic had taken great leaps and bounds in advancements ages ago now when all six of the Lost Founder Gods were assembled on this world. Once magic had advanced far enough it helped technology advance, and now in the modern age the two are inseparably intermingled. Even the way a PC obelisk works is essentially a mechanically automated series of complex spell functions with a physical display medium to act as a user interface.

Io huffed. "It is all too complicated for me. Makes me sleepy just trying to wrap my head around it..." Thinking about yawning then made her actually yawn. "Moth must be crazy powerful to so easily found a company like this then, all on her own."

"Oh no, she doesn't... well..." Rayzel paused a moment. "She doesn't like this advertised but, it isn't exactly a secret either. Moth has no powers. She is so skilled because she has unlimited knowledge- she possesses a book created by the God Psimance. It tells her whatever she wants to know about whatever the book is pointed at. So, her abilities aren't natural- she was given the intellect of an all-knowing God."

Io yawned again and flopped over in the soft grass. Rayzel sat down beside her, rolling over onto both of her backs and the two just lay there, enjoying the warm sun on their skin. The clouds gently rolled past and they pointed out different shapes they seen to each other. At least three clouds were shaped like boobs! After a while, Io felt something poke her side and looked over to see a hamster! It had oddly red fur and was inside of a clear plastic ball! It also had what looked like a tiny dark grey muzzle on its face- which really seemed unnecessary for a hamster.

"Who is this little guy?"

Rayzel laughed out loud when she seen who Io was motioning to. "Girl. That is Test Subject 90! She was being a nuisance again, so rather than dealing with her again, I just turned her into a hamster." Rayzel nudged the ball. "Sage can still get her exercise from in there." Rayzel took out a small sundial. "Oh gosh, time passes all too quickly. Sorry, but I must ask that you leave me for now Io- I must prepare for the fireworks show."

Io did not want to annoy Rayzel and end up a hamster herself so she hustled off without hesitation. She was cool to hang out with, but her IQ seemed a bit too high for Io; it was a bit exhausting trying to keep up with her. Io was on her way back down when she heard a hollow plop sound and seen the hamster race past her! She rolled herself off the ledge, and the ground was too sloped for her to stop, so rather than catch up to Io she was blasting straight past her! Io quickly galloped after the speeding ball, fearing Sage may launch herself off the side of the mountain by accident! Luckily when the next plateau came, and the path started to turn; the ground leveled off enough that Sage's ball slammed into two rocks and stopped dead between- though stopping so quickly caused her to do an unintentional back flip.

Io walked up to her and she tapped on the side of the ball, trying to point something out. Io thought she was pointing at something outside of the ball, but playing charades with a hamster isn't easy. Sage motioned her two hands apart in an opening motion and Io realized she wanted her to open the plastic ball and let her out. Io glanced up toward the top in fear of angering Rayzel, but they were far enough down that even if she found out; they could make a run for it. As soon as Io popped the ball open, both the ball and the animal within vanished in a burst of colored mist that fired straight up, quickly expanding into the shape of a human and then re-solidified in Sage's true form.

She groaned, leaning her head to either side, letting out a loud snap from her neck. What had been a muzzle on the hamster was turned back into a gas mask with a large filter loaded on either side. She had platinum blonde hair, but it was cut unevenly- she had clearly done it herself. It looked at first like she was wearing a huge cape, but it was actually two large wings folded behind herself! The semi-translucent membrane of the wings was longer than the framework of the wings housing it, making it look like a cape when they are folded up. The body of the wings was covered in tiny round scales of a metallic red color. The scales were on her shoulders, her forearms, her shins, the back of her neck, the back of her ears and even the sides of her face. Sage had two horns that looked far too large for the head they are attached to. They grew up and out from either side of her head and curved down slightly, then back up at the tip- but the bends were very subtle; they mostly went straight out the side of her head. They had many sharp ridges where the horn was actually layered- and the edges are golden where the pale white outer layer has worn through. Rather than have eyebrows of hair, her brows were lines of five small bone spurs. She had a huge tail that was entirely encompassed in the scales lashing around behind herself. The only actual clothing she wore was a simple leather loincloth hanging over her crotch and butt. Her nipples were covered but not her breasts- she had an X of duct tape over her nipples. Her breasts were pert C cups. Her test was not on a method of lactation- it was to test their ability to hybridize dragons with humans, as dragons have very complex genes.

Sage's soles were large and long, so she stood on the front of her feet only which had padded bottoms. The foot only ended in three toes, but they were quite large and all tipped with huge arching talons. The talons arch off the top of the toe so their tips do not dull on the ground. Her hands were human shaped but the backs and especially on her fingers; the scales were larger and sharper than the rest of her body, leading down to large claws on the ends of each digit that were white at the base and translucent toward the tips. Her skin actually had two tones- rosen hue on most of her body to somewhat match her scales, but her front, the insides of her arms, hands, legs, and the very base of her tail's underside were peach toned. She stretched her wings out, showing their true size. Their width was greater than her height slightly- even if you include the length of her tail. The membrane between the framework of the wings was very soft looking- very elastic. To match the black of her gas mask, she had several leather bands on her arms with golden spikes- the tips rounded only slightly to avoid accidents. Sage is half Red Dragon.

"Guh! Thanks for getting me out of there. Can you believe her? She completely forgot about me, and then introduces herself to you without even mentioning me!"

Io motioned to her face. "What is with the mask? Something in the air around here I don't know about?"

Sage huffed. "I have bad breath."

Io looked terribly confused. "But now you're forced to smell your own breath..."

Sage chuckled and un-clicked the strap on the mask, taking it off a moment before exhaling a stream of dark brown smoke, filled with tiny live embers. "It isn't to protect me from it- it's to protect everyone else. Didn't you hear? Smoking is bad for your health."

Every time Sage exhaled it was more smoke- she couldn't stop breathing smoke! That was already her suppressing her full abilities- which was to convert the air to fire. When she breaths in air, rather than exhale what she does not need, her lungs convert the unused remnants into a gas that combusts the moment it makes contact with nitrogen... which, makes up the larger percentage of what air is. At least that ability Sage could consciously use, but if it wasn't actual flames, it was still smoke. Io hung out with Sage for some time, not really going anywhere- just wandering around the valley randomly talking about whatever. Sage looked quite intimidating, and Io could tell she was a bit unstable mentally, but she was a good person a the core. It seems Sage was scouted by RHE rather than volunteer, because she had a choice between coming here as a test subject or going to prison. She had a very abusive boyfriend she could not shake off in the outside world, and eventually she got arrested for his murder after she bit off his genitals and then opened his entire torso from the crotch up.

The had been walking the narrow paths that connected the homes of the valley like a web when Io suddenly collapsed again- sound asleep without warning. Sage caught her using her tail before Io hit the ground. It was a good thing she quickly reverts human when she loses consciousness- there is no way Sage could pick her up and carry her in her transformed state. Io must have been asleep for quite a while this time, because when she suddenly gasped and opened her eyes it was night time! The loud boom of fireworks woke her up! The mountains surround the outside of the island and refract loud sounds back inward making them seem even louder. It felt like the bones of her rib cage vibrated with each explosion of light in the sky. She missed dinner time, but Io had woke up just in time to catch the new years show!

She blushed quickly once she realized she was not laying on the ground- Sage was carrying her around in her arms! "Ah! Oh... I forgot to tell you... I am nar-... haah...ouuh." She interrupted herself with a yawn. "Narcoleptic."

Rayzel spoke up without taking her eyes off her work on the show. "Sage was smart enough to bring you back to me- I diagnosed your condition- so, we knew you were just sleeping."

They were all on top of the Great Plateau, so Io had the best seat in the house to watch the fireworks from. The unique forms of all the people in the valley and their homes illuminated in flashes of a rainbow of colors. Each new boom renewed the hush of the crowd. Sage put Io back onto her own feet and the two watched Rayzel work her magic, turning the entire night sky over the island into her canvas. Io and Sage alone could see how long the show would last. The entire top plateau was covered in runic circles- every time a firework volley was sent up, more of the runes vanished. Rayzel spun around in a flourish to activate all of the remaining runes in the innermost circle to finish. She looked down at the valley and opened her demon eye. Because they were all visible to her, everyone fell under her spell and was swallowed in darkness; their collective gasp could be heard from the plateau. Just before the fireworks burst, Rayzel closed her eye again and everyone returned to reality just as the entire sky was filled with a shower of shimmering, prismatic sparks! All of them going off at once spread out and started to fall as if they had become a canopy over the island itself- like they were all inside of a giant snow globe someone had just shaken up.

As the last of the sparks died out and fell out the sky, Io's eyes lowered and realized Sage had removed her mask again, and was looking at Io, not the sky. She was going to ask what she was looking at, but Sage stole a kiss! Io was taken by surprise and Sage kissed her so deeply, she managed to shove her back onto the grass and lay over her. She pulled back a moment to give Io time to breath, and Io quickly glanced toward Rayzel, but the centaur was too busy cleaning up after her show and resting to notice what they were doing. Io and Sage were sat at the edge, so the larger bushes on the top were around them blocking direct line of sight with Rayzel who was in the middle clearing. Io coughed, and a small plume of smoke left her mouth.

Sage blushed. "S-sorry."

She was surprised when she felt something warm and soft on the underside of her breasts and looked down to see Io's breasts rapidly expanding- pushing her own small breasts up! She lifted herself a bit so the huge tits below could spring upward and then lowered her breasts back down; nipple to nipple. Io's legs were already getting large, and as soon as they started to split she reached up to place the front legs in front of Sage's and hook them around, using the anchor point to help pull her legs apart faster. Holding her legs in place with her own, Io sat up and bounced Sage off her chest, knocking her over onto her back and reversed their position. Before Sage could move she locked fingers with her, and pinned her hands down. Sage made sure to keep her mouth closed, so the smoke would only stream out of her nostrils to either side of their heads- otherwise it would be directly in Io's face. Sage can inhale smoke easily without harming herself, but no one else could. It had a unique smell, and was not exactly normal smoke you'd get from a camp fire, since it was produced from a reaction with a unique gaseous element only dragons produce.

Once Io's body returned to its fully transformed state she scooted herself up, lifting her huge tits off Sage. She straightened her front legs but bowed her back legs, swinging her udder up onto Sage's belly and pressed her bovine pussy over Sage's- since the loincloth was not exactly hard to simply brush aside. Sage's pussy felt inhumanly hot, almost searing. In order to get their vulvas lined up, Io had to stand straight, towering over Sage below. Sage placed her hands on the front of the udders. Pressed between them, the udders were squished a bit, causing them to bulge further sideways and the soft skin to pull taught and shiny from pressure. The two women moaned softly- the sounds of their pleasure joined with music. The Udder Ones were now playing down below. The stage was set up at the halfway point between the homes and the west beach, at the edge of where the grasslands met the north forest. The huge speakers were powerful enough to carry the sound far- so it was still heard even on top of the mountain. Sage was getting the better deal out of their tribbing- Io had a hard time angling herself, so Sage was getting more direct pleasure per stroke. Sage traced the fat milk veins from Io's underside down onto the fat bulging udders. The skin was so smooth and soft it felt good on her hands to squeeze. Sage climaxed before Io, having to turn her head to the side as she couldn't stop herself from breathing a long stream of blue and white flame! Rayzel definitely seen the flash of fire- but ignored it.

Io giggled at Sage's expression when she climaxed. Sage gave her a mischievous grin; she was not going to let Io escape without cumming. She hit Io right at the ankle joint on her front legs, forcing them to bend and bring down her front half! As soon as she toppled forward, Sage sat up and dove in! She plunged her tongue into Io"s human vulva- on the front of her lower body! Io could not rock herself back onto her back legs to stand up easily because her udder would be the pivot point and she did not want to crush it with her full weight. Before she could try to squirm free, Io was completely pinned in place when Sage's tail whipped around and slid into her bovine pussy! Sage's tongue was nearly scorching hot too! Smoke spiraled up Io's upper body from Sage's nose being right up against her. It did not take long for Io to peak from the double-penetration assault, and Sage did not let up easily; riding the orgasmic high as far as it could go before breaking off. Io was trembling like a leaf. She did not want to crush Sage but was too weak to stand, so she just flopped over onto her side.

Sage chuckled. "Damn girl, you are straight to business." She puffed out a perfect ring of smoke that gently drifted over Io's face like a picture frame, before putting her gas mask back on.

Io was still out of breath and hadn't stopped blushing. "You started it!"

"Well, I was carrying your half naked body around in my arms for a while there. You look so peaceful and... cute when you sleep. I just gave you a peck anyway- you ravaged me. Not that I have any complaints..."

"I had amnesia before coming here so I am sort of still figuring myself out. I didn't know I like other girls."

"Should be more careful with who you pick, I am the girl fathers warn their sons about."

After a long night of partying, Viola was finally heading back to her home- it was nearly five in the morning, the sun would be coming up very soon and people were only just now starting to disperse back to their homes. She smiled tiredly as Io was slowly walking up at the same time from the opposite direction with Sage beside her.

"Have a good night you two?"

Sage shoved Io forward lightly. "Got her back in time for her curfew. Only a few bumps and scrapes."

Io blushed lightly. "I heard the whole concert! You guys sounded amazing!"

Io was yawning so frequently at this point that her lungs were feeling strained. Sage quietly slipped away into the night as soon as Io was dropped off at Viola's place. Io went to the couch though instead of the bed.

"I can sleep on the couch now. After preforming all night you deserve to sleep in your own bed, hah."

Viola shrugged. "So, have fun tonight? See you met someone new. Are you feeling less... lost?"

Io weakly laughed. "No. I am definitely as lost as ever... but... y'know... I don't think I need to figure everything out. I know I was really lucky to have met Serene right away, but now I am starting to see that everyone on this island is pretty cool. Maybe I don't need to be the main character of my own story. Everyone else is so interesting, I would rather be a side kick, heh."

Viola smiled. "Well, I am glad. You have a nice smile, it would be a shame to waste it. Have a good sleep Io."

"Mmm... hmm. Night, sister..."

"S-sister?" Viola glanced at her, but Io was already fast asleep. Viola blushed, but then shrugged it off. She didn't mind playing big sister.

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