Desire e

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A faerie woman is determined to give a human woman her innermost desires as reward for being a good person. The problem is, Desiree has a kinky fetish that involves turning into a dumb, horny beast! How long can Desiree fight with the tiny fae woman? More importantly; how long can she fight her own desires?

(FtM tf bull)

Desiree was a plump woman with a very pleasant personality. She was kind but also smart enough to not let people take advantage of said kindness. She was a real star of her office, as not many people can sit in a cubicle all day and still have the energy to smile when it was all said and done. It was because of this that a small Fae was drawn to her positive aura! Desiree was shocked that the Fae folk were real, but here was one right in her house! Unfortunately the little Faerie woman was there to make her inner desires a reality. That... sounds like something that would be good, but Desiree has some kinks she keeps well hidden, and, wants to keep well hidden.

The Fae woman wore a large mushroom cap as a hat and her body was adorned in a dress of tiny grey and blue whiskey-jack feathers. "Come on! Let me grant your wish!"

"Nooo! I can't! It doesn't work in reality."

"Yes it does, just not your lifestyle. C'moooon!"

"I have to go to work, little one. I am sorry. Thank you for the offer, but the answer is no." Desiree held the door open for the Fae to leave her apartment.

"I am just going to follow you to work, you know?"

"Alright, well then you will have to reveal yourself to a lot of other humans. Maybe grant one of their wishes instead."

The seven inch tall woman took flight with large dragonfly wings and hovered over Desiree's shoulders as she drove to her office. Desiree's fantasy began when she was little with admiring how womanly large breasted women seemed, and how the men fawned over them. It evolved later on to a desire to have larger breasts herself, which then lead her to discovering the cowgirl(ushimimi) fetish online. But the longer she fantasized about these cows and cow halfs; Desiree realized she wasn't fantasizing about being them, she was directly attracted TO them. Then the fantasies became about having a male's tool to mount these bovine, and ultimately fantasizing about becoming a big, strong, dumb brute of a bull to claim a cow herd of her own. That was currently her fetish... so if the Fae granted her that, she would be reduced to a big dumb animal! Oh sure, very sexy, and it would be very pleasurable. She would probably be taken in by some rancher and given an entire herd of cows to make her own... with their big heavy udders swaying around, inviting her to drink. But also, she would be a big dumb animal!

She greeted everyone as she arrived at the office, bracing for impact from all the questions and frantic reactions to her walking in with a seven inch tall woman standing on her shoulder, and yet there was none.

She glanced at the Fae who just giggled at her. "Only you can see me right now, so I've nothing to answer for."

Desiree sighed. She should have known. The Fae folk are legendary for their magical prowess, hiding herself from all but one wasn't at all hard for her. Desiree went to work transferring submitted files to digital copies. She was feeling oddly hot- not sure if it was the Fae doing something or just her nerves because the Fae remained. The tiny woman wandered around her office, doing a balancing act along the top of the cubicle wall or just nitpicking with items on her desk, and eventually settled to making drawings on her pad of stick-it notes. The Fae was so small she needed to rest the end of the pencil on her shoulder in order to draw with it. The little woman held up her latest drawing- a bull with a huge dripping cock. Desiree quickly blushed and went to grab it and throw it in the trash, but the tiny woman was quicker- she dashed back and folded the note into a tiny paper airplane and tossed it over the cubicle wall! Desiree's face turned an even darker shade of red and she froze up a moment before trying to resume her work. No one had any way of tracing that drawing back to her- they would only have a rough idea what direction it came from when it lands. If someone did trace it back to her though, she would have no way of blaming it on the tiny woman because no one else can see her! They would think she went insane.

Desiree jumped a bit when she felt the Fae's tiny feet land on the top of her back. "I am trying to work!"

"You are too tense! Go ahead and work~ I am just here to help you be more comfortable."

The little woman got onto her knees and started to push her tiny hands into Desiree's neck, massaging her. Desiree sighed and tried to relax. She supposed there was no harm in having an invisible little helper. There was an odd pressure in her neck though, and when she tried to turn to glance at the Fae through the corner of her eye, the vertebrae popped! The pressure erupted from both the vertebrae above and below where it popped apart, and a new segment was quickly added! Her neck was longer! That pulled the veins inside tight, which started to throb and swell to match the growth. The veins supplying more blood to the area caused the muscles to clench automatically and start to swell! Her entire neck was getting huge, fast! Before she could even argue with the Fae about it the cartilage in her nose surged with pressure and popped, getting much wider. The sensation of the movement under her skin gave her goosebumps. Desiree yelped in brief pain and grabbed her forehead on either side as two bone thorns lanced the skin, causing it to bleed a little into her hands. The thorns quickly expanded, creating a sharp but mild pain as the skin was forced open wider by bull horns sliding out between her fingers!

Dan paused by her cubicle from behind with a steaming mug of coffee and raised an eyebrow. "Are you... okay?"

She looked at him a moment in shock, but then tried her best to make her expression normal. "Uhm, I just... lost a hair pin?" She waved her hand a bit on one side and it did not collide with a horn.

Desiree put her hands down, realizing she had not changed at all. The Fae used her magic to make her think she was changing without actually doing anything to her real body. As soon as Dan encountered her, the illusion was dropped just to further mess with her head.

"Rather extreme reaction for a hair pin, heh."

"I... yea. It is just annoying because I already lost two before. They bounce when they hit the floor and get lost in the carpet easily."

"Mmm. Well, don't stress over the small stuff. You start to feel the pressure from work; you know where my cubicle is." He wandered off again.

Desiree scowled at the Fae who had been flying in front of Dan that entire time motioning to the bulge in his pants. This little woman was trying to get her fired or put in a straight jacket! In anger, Desiree went to grab the Fae but as soon as she did, the little woman turned into a cloud of dust! As soon as Desiree's hand closed the muscles in her hand clenched so hard that her hand went partially numb, and her fingers relaxed as a result, getting pulled mostly straight by the swelling growth within! Her pinky and thumb remained where they were as her arm got longer and much bigger! Not just the muscle- the bone within groaned muffled below the skin as it grew as well! Her thumb and pinky started to devolve, getting shorter as the rest of her hand stretched longer!

*Argh! Another illusion. It isn't real... no one can see this but me, just ignore it.*

She spun in the chair, lowering her eyebrows at the sight of the Fae sitting on top of her monitor, dangling her feet in front of the screen. Desiree tried to type on the computer as if she still had two normal hands, but as soon as she tried to use the fingers on her right hand the muscle responded incorrectly and the hand seemed to bunch up! It looked like it was folding in half a moment and her index and ring finger swelled huge as her middle finger was absorbed by them touching it! The hand then shrank, compressing impossible tight as all the bones merged together, but then swelled massively! It became wider again and much longer as it evolved into a canon bone. The nails on what was left of her digits turned dark, thick, and then completely overgrew the digits and encompassed their ends to give herself a cloven hoof. She tried to type with it again, but the hoof segments were too large- she pressed several keys at the same time.

*But... it isn't real... is it?* She felt hot still, and almost a bit aroused at the sight of a bovine arm, but also quite worried.

Desiree stood up and reached over the wall of her cubicle, getting the attention of a real slip of a man beside her. "Hey, do you have a paperclip handy? I ran out and don't want to interrupt my flow going to the supply room right now."

"Oh, sure."

He handed it to her without a second thought. So it is an illusion- he would have reacted to her arm otherwise. But... she still could not open her hand. Her senses were still convinced it was a bull arm, preventing her from using it otherwise. The man raised an eyebrow when she did not reach further over to take it, and placed it in her hand for her instead. As soon as he pushed it down onto her palm her vision faded back into reality- making the bull arm seem to fade away into thin air to reveal her true arm. The outside stimulus allowed her to pierce the illusion.

Desiree went back to work again, but again it did not last too long before the Fae interfered. Desiree felt her tail bone sliding outward slowly. The bone stretched the skin, and then the skin caught up before the bone gave another slow lurch forward. It was not a strong feeling so she tried to ignore it at first, but as it grew larger it felt cramped. She just reached back and pulled it gently out over her skirt, but paused with it in her hand. She gave it a little tug and it felt very good, sending a warm tingle up her body. It was like a good stretch after having sat down for far too long. She pulled on it again, yanking it longer, then shifted her grip back to the base and tugged again, and again! Desiree did not even realize she made a moan that sounded like a moo! Her pussy became moist and started to clench softly in reaction to the pleasure, and the concept of having a bovine tail. When it was long enough it wrapped around her wrist as she kept pulling on it lightly. By the time it finished growing and was crowned with a bushy tassel, she was still tugging it like she were masturbating it! She snapped back to reality quickly when the pleasure increased enough that she realized it was not coming from the tail- it was reacting to her touching the tail but the source was not the tail itself. She slid out from her desk a bit and gasped at the tent in her skirt fabric! She clapped her hands down on her lap and the bulge vanished and so did her tail.

"Stop messing with me!! Grant someone else's wish!"

The woman in the cubicle to her left slide out with a furrowed brow to look at her. "Who... are you talking to?"

Desiree blushed again. "Oh s-sorry, was going over a conversation I am going to have later with someone in my head, did not realize I was talking out loud..." Desiree quickly slid back into her desk and put her head down.

The Fae grinned and fluttered down beside her on the desk top. "No! I won't let society tell you how to live! I will bring you the life you want- rules and morals be damned."

Desiree lowered her voice. "Sexual fantasies are foour sexy time, nout fooor ull muh tume... muh? M-muoo!" Desiree furrowed her brows as her voice deepens rapidly and devolved into oddly quiet lowing. She never heard a cow whisper before.

*Oh, real mature. Don't like what I am saying so you remove my voice...*

She tried to ignore the little lady and go back to work but the Fae was getting a bit annoyed at how bull-headed Desiree was being about this and smacked the power button on her monitor, turning it off. Desiree just brushed her aside with a hand and went to turn it back on but paused. With the screen turned off she could see the reflection of the light in it, and seen one of her co-workers behind her- Jenny! She was bent over looking closely at the printer- it likely was malfunctioning yet again. But bending over like that faced her butt toward Desiree, and she wore the same short black pleated skirt as Desiree did. But suddenly it raised in the air! Her legs expanded, then her hips gave several hollow pops and the skirt tore at the back a bit! A bulge moved down from the top of the skirt to the bottom and emerged as a tassel of a cow tail! Her hips became boxy and expanded even larger, tearing the skirt right off! Her panties were yanked downward with her shirt, at first looking like she had gotten pregnant ultra-fast, but the panties tore and flicked onto the floor and the shirt got shoved up- the massive bulge lurched downward then swung heavily back and forth as it revealed itself as a giant udder! Desiree quickly spun in her chair but only seen the printer on its own small table against the wall behind her- Jenny was not there.

*Oooh, of course it was an illusion. Hrrrrnn...*

This time her anger was completely faked. She did not want anything this Faerie was doing but... that was incredibly hot. And she did like Jenny secretly. Even without any transforming, Jenny was fucking stacked. She could never do up the top two buttons on her business blouse because they did not tailor business suits to her size. With her proportions you would think she was a porn star, not a pencil pusher. That could not have been on accident, that Fae must be rummaging around in Desiree's head. Bending Jenny over as a strong male and knocking those huge tits around with his powerful thrusts was definitely an embarrassing fantasy Desiree could not easily get rid of. Desiree started to sweat a bit, feeling her panties get dangerously moist. Was that an illusion too? No... that was real. She also felt her heart beat in her clit as it slowly slid upward against the fabric though and that must be an illusion. It shoved past the top of her panties and kept going! It felt good sliding up against her body- pressed against her own skin by the elastic of the panties. Desiree quickly got up and shuffled herself to the bathroom. She needed to splash cold water on her face or something.

Since there isn't much traffic in the bathroom, the air in there was cooler. The cool sterile environment of the office bathroom was pretty damn unattractive, so that should help get her mind off things. She splashed some water on her face to snap her out of it, but the illusion remained. She paused a moment, looking at her groin before slowly pulling her panties down and slipping into a stall.

*What... does it even look like?*

She let her panties drop and sat down, flipping her skirt up and the evolving phallus flicked its own way forward, free of its fabric prison finally. Rather than re-route her whole system, her urethra had split, and the new fork shoved its way into her clit as it grew- which only caused it to thicken faster. The clitoral hood was large now, forming fat rings of neon pink flesh at the base that were slowly getting dragged up the forming shaft to form what would eventually be a sheath. The clit got longer a lot faster than it thickened, creating a narrow tapered pillar. At it grew longer the beating of her heart throbbing in the veins caused it to shake more violently- less stabilized the further it grew from her torso.

She grabbed the shaft and felt the throbbing pulses fighting her grip. *It feels real... even if it is fake, I can still feel what it is like... maybe... to take the edge off. Maybe she will leave me alone if I... mmm... so sensitive, it... it.. mmmm....* Her thoughts became easily broken up as her focus was drawn in by every small movement on the growing shaft.

It felt so hot against her hand, and so... strong. It was hard to believe flesh could get so hard. She slowly lifted her hand, then lowered it- and her shaft raised a tiny bit longer. Each pass of her hand, the cock grew a bit larger, and before long she noticed a scrotum her hand was plapping against on each downward thrust.

*How long has that been there? Or... ugh, I guess it isn't there at all. It is just... an illu.. sion. Oooh so good.*

She arched her back, shoving the lifted seat cover into her back uncomfortably, but enabling herself to thrust into her hand as she pistoned her hand. She loved the tug of the scrotum! The weight of those huge bull balls yanking down as it swung with her thrusts! She slammed her hand into her crotch as she thrust forward, imagining plunging into a cow with full force- feeling her huge solid rump fill Desiree's crotch! She squealed in orgasm suddenly, and her mind crossed back into reality when the explosion of fluid went forward instead of up- coming from a pussy not a dick.

The Faerie appeared, balancing on the top of the stall partition. "See! It is what you want! And I am here to give you what you want. Not what logic says you should want!"

"Oh, whatever." She grunt as an odd pressure in her gut began, interrupting her enjoying the afterglow of orgasm. She felt a few involuntary muscle twitches. "What are you... doing now?"

"Nothing. I am just an enabler. The spell only works with something you yourself desire, so technically I couldn't do anything even if I wanted to. But, I can enable your body to do what it wants!"


She winced a bit as her stomach felt cramped and extremely tight a moment. When it passed she rubbed it and realized that when it relaxed, it was smaller still. She had... lost weight? Suddenly.

"You indulged your fantasy rather than needlessly fighting it! You let it out."


Her stomach tightened again and she groaned, holding it as it pulled inward. Sections of it were getting so stiff, while other parts seemed to collapse and become softer? She realized what she was feeling was forming muscle. Fat is excess material- material that can naturally be used to build muscle. She could feel abs in her soft belly! It quickly started to stiffen and you could actually see abs on the surface! She was getting a six pack! She shivered even though she was sweating and hot- a feeling of tightening through her entire body. She was losing weight fast, and it was turning into muscle, giving her a lean, athletic figure! Well, if the Fae left it at this, it would actually be a good thing. With a hard working desk job she doesn't really have the time to exercise, so getting to blow off the weight with zero effort was actually fantastic. It's just that she knew the Fae wouldn't leave it at this.

She felt a gentle pressure much deeper inside, and sort of a fluttery feeling. Desiree looked down and seen her clit standing up like a neon pink spike!

"Ah! No!"

"Ah, yes~. You JUST had fun with a cock. You can't tell me you don't want one now- I literally seen you enjoying it! It felt good. You did not have to touch it, but you did. And you kept touching it, till it burst."

"Ah, n-no, I aaahh.. hah... it's so tight."

It started to stretch a bit further. The pressure inside of her grew too though.

"What... is that?"

"It seems all the dormant egg cells in your ovaries are doubling up! They are splitting and becoming smaller, but also more numerous. It is getting a tad crowded in there."

"Oh nooo...." She pushed her hand down to the evolving clit to push it on an uncomfortable angle to try and kill some of the pleasure, but lost strength of will and her fingers parted and simply slid around the clit, cradling it between fingers.

"Oh, you've so many more eggs than you should have- such fertile ovaries. They are looking a bit odd though. They are starting to stretch their containment from overcrowding."

"Nooo..." Even her voice was weak. Her clit stretched larger.

"They are stretching out into ovals! That isn't how human eggs are shaped! Don't you want them to work like normal? What else could you want them to be?"

The fluttery feeling got worse, and she felt the pressure sink lower- being dragged by weight and a lack of room as they were stretched from the inside out.

"And they are starting to squirm around on their own- it is getting quite active in there! Such strange shapes, like... a growing tail. I have never known an egg to learn how to swim."

Her vagina shrank, tightening up as her inner and outer labia started to fuse and stretch a bit, mutating. The clitoral hood swelled long and thick. Veins started to pulse on the surface of the base of her massive clit making it look stronger; more aggressive.

"Now that they have learned to swim their tails are even longer! Those aren't eggs at all! You can't fool me, I know what a sperm looks like. They are really active in there, huh? They are much smaller than the eggs but there are so- so many more of them. They seem like they want out~" Desiree shook her head in weak defiance, holding her gut, feeling urges she had not before. "It must be difficult, to hold back so many."

Desiree moaned and stretched her legs out so she could straighten her body to ease off the growing pressure. Her ovaries sunk lower and lower- their weight growing as they swelled larger and were forced out from a lack of room as her vagina collapsed in on itself! Her labia fused together in the middle forming an empty scrotum. She yelped in brief pain as the growing testicles were rejected from inside of her into the scrotum and Desiree became properly male! The cock was growing bigger than it even got in her illusion!

"You might as well grow it fully, right? I mean, you want to know what it is like to actually use it on a woman."

Desiree groaned, holding its base, using all of her will power to stop himself from stroking it up and down. The changes finally started to slow, and he gently took his hand off the shaft. It was so long that standing straight up along his body, the tip touched his collar bone- though was still narrow enough that his hand could just barely touch fingertips around its base. Not knowing what to do, he frantically go his clothes back on properly, trying to use the waist of his skirt and panties to hold the phallus as still as possible hidden under his clothing. His panties did not fit right though- wrapped over a pair of tennis ball sized testicles.

*I just... gotta leave a note. Note that I am sick, go home. Get some sleep... it will wear off or whatever and I can forget today happened. Maybe the whole thing is a dream and I just need to wake up.*

He walked rather awkwardly to his desk and started to write a note that he was home sick to stick on his monitor for if anyone came looking for him. The Fae gently fluttered down onto his shoulder to speak softly into his ear.

"What about the tail you were enjoying earlier?"

"What ab-ahh w-wah haah.... noo." His tail bone started to grow out again.

The Fae flew down to behind his chair and grabbed the end of the tail and yanked outward- she was so small it took all her physical strength just to tug on it lightly. "Might as well grow it while you can, right? It felt great and it is so narrow it is really easy to hide. No one will know you even have it."

*Ooh. That is right. I could put it in my pant leg... I guess.*

Desiree was distracted from writing the note, leaning forward from the sensation as the Fae pulled his tail out from behind, longer and fuller. He failed to notice the wet spot on his shirt from the precum bubbling out from his twitching cock. When the tail was full length she fluttered up and landed on the arm of the chair, poking Desiree's side.

"Feel that throbbing in there? You might explode without even touching yourself! You can't properly work a bull's cock and balls without a prostate to match, but its getting too big for human hips. Without anywhere to go, it is going to get crushed in there!"

Desiree grunt, holding onto the edge of his desk, trying to relax his lower body muscles to ease off the growing organ but it did not affect it at all. The pleasure was throbbing harder, if his hips did not expand he would automatically cum all over his cubicle! Without anyone being able to see the Fae; it might be hard explaining a load of bull cum coating his monitor.

His butt started to grow and tighten with muscle, becoming quite firm. His hip bones angled sharper and higher up, putting his anus in a depression below the tail. Thanks to muscle mass, the hip bones of a bull are not as sharp looking than those of a cow, just because there is more padding over it. He tensed up and tried to resist the change as the muscles started to bulge in his legs too, and he felt his toes twitch on their own- risking a change into hooves.

The Fae giggled. "Isn't this a great chance, though?"

Desiree rubbed his cock through his clothing, feeling even more impossibly tight. Unknown to him, his sheath was getting even thicker, developing a light fuz of fur as it fused to his underside further and further up his torso! A penis bone developed inside to guide the phallus in and out of the long tunnel.

"Noh... huh... stop."

"I told you, I am not doing anything, it is your desires. But this is your chance to lose weight and keep it off!"

Desiree leaned back involuntarily as his entire body felt tighter- his muscles clenching and swelling out a bit. "B-but I have an office job, if I don't exercise I will just lose it again." He was breathing heavy now and his thoughts were starting to spin, getting hard to concentrate on.

"But it takes time. The more muscular you are now the longer it will take to lose." His body swelled larger, and more muscular. "Don't you want to be strong? And big?" The chair started to creak under him, his upper body now getting very bulbous from muscle. "So all those cute cows flock to you?"

Two of the wheels on the bottom of his chair snapped off, forcing him to grab the table to prevent tumbling over entirely! His blood pressure surged causing his vision to turn blue a moment from pressure behind his eyes, and all of his muscles swelled so much in a single burst that it made a faint sound like stretching leather! His middle two shirt buttons exploded off and both sleeves tore below the arms. His breasts were stretched wide and flatter against the massive pectoral muscles forming behind them! He grew in size as well as musculature though- so now the bottom of the shirt could no longer overlap the top of his skirt- exposing a length of the neon shaft and the longer tuft of fur on the end of the long sheath! Thoughts of cows and their big boxy rumps entered his head suddenly without warning when the little woman brought it up, and were distracting enough that Desiree forgot where he was and what was happening. Only the snapping sound of the bones in his feet brought him back, and the tight pressure shoving down into his feet, stretching them out! By the time he looked it was too late to try and resist, they were already too far gone to save! His shoes filled and then the top started to burst off! His soles stretched massive and his feet devolved into hooves- his socks caught on the dew claws as they devolved, and the front of the hooves pulled further forward, breaking through the socks entirely- making them more like tiny leg warmers now.

The Fae grinned at the sight of the former woman getting her wish finally. "Careful, your desire is showing~"

"W-whut?" His voice was deepening now, his throat starting to bulge as the muscle growth progressed upward.

"Well this isn't an illusion- it is your actual desire. It is growing so strong it can be seen on the outside. People can see your desire now!"

"Nuuuu! It... nuh. I... hnnnngh." His muscles bulged larger.

The floor was starting to groan now from his weight and size.

"Pent up so long. Why were you so mean to your own want? You kept it down in a hole but you still fed it all the time. It has grown big and strong~" She tugged on a lengthening ear gently to whisper in it. "Isn't it? Your desire is so big, you can hardly contain it!"

He groaned thunderously deep and his neck started to pop! The muscle in his now extremely wide throat was growing too large for the skin to contain, forcing the pressure instead on the spine and yanking it longer! His ears started to flutter from he pleasurable feelings as they grew long and gained mobility. He winced and felt searing hot blood trace a line on either side of his face as horns emerged!

"Nuuh! I um not uh beust..."

"Oh, but don't you want big horns? They look powerful, and will attract more cows." They started to slide out longer, his attempt to resist them working about as well as trying to hold water inside your bare hands. "You don't want anyone to mistake YOU for a cow do you?"


*No! I am not a cow.* The horns started to grow faster, quickly approaching completion. *Wait... n-no, I am not a bull either... oooh, why is... so hard to think...*

"Bulls are not very smart. But you don't want to be smart, do you?"

*Yes! Well... as... smart as I was?*

"But you would have a lot less stress if you were too dumb to stress over things. You don't want stress, do you?"

*No want. I... maybe if a little less think, then stop. Or... no. I... oogh, so h-horny...*

The bridge of his nose popped loudly and started to widen. His jaws clicked and his face started to grow outward. Veins could even be seen trailing onto his face now, as its features became muscular and chiseled. Looking at his head straight-on it was starting to look like a long rectangle. Looking at the head from the sides, it was starting to look like a triangle with rounded corners.

"Big nose to take in deep breaths. Smell those bright pink cow pussies!"

Desiree took a deep breath without thinking- as if there would actually be a cow here to smell! Once he started, he could not stop however, causing his lungs to expand greatly which then shoved outward on his rib cage. The expansion of the lungs forced him to continue breathing in to fill the void- but that only pushed on his ribs harder, he couldn't stop! His ribs expanded out to the sides a bit, but nearly twice as much forward! That was the last straw for any remnant of his former breasts- completely stretching them into obscurity, the skin pulled so taught momentarily that the color of the nipples and areola were even lost.

"Jenny is over by the water cooler right now. You wanted to ride her, huh? I have it on good authority that she hasn't had a boyfriend in a while~. She would love to get plowed and get her mind off work... even if it's some wild animal. You could have sex with her, and as soon as the others see you, they will bring you to a ranch."

"Nuh... uh, m-mo moar... muh..." His voice no longer worked with human words.

"And then you will have an entire herd of cows you can fuck whenever you want!" He tried to get up but his body started to groan with growth again, and he stumbled onto the floor, shaking it with his weight. "And then you can make them big and fat with your calves! Make their udders heavy with milk!" He let out a great bellow and his clothes all exploded off at the same time in a growth surge!

He was as tall now on all fours as he was when he could actually stand on two legs! Ironically the last few shirt buttons held tight- it was the seams that gave out first. The sleeves let out dull pops and burst open individually while the body of the top tore down the back and gently slumped to the floor under him. The skirt and then panties broke in that order, only a few seconds apart, and because of the elastic waist they were slung off like a rubber band! The skirt flew into the air and the panties were slammed into the floor. The now quite oblong testicles around the size of a football each barely cleared the floor under him as they finally swung free of the clothing- the scrotum long and loose.

The Fae gently pet the curvature of the great balls with one hand and felt the tight throbbing flesh of the shaft with the other. "Oh my, so much sperm in them now! Swimming with such vigor- they want out more than ever! Like a dam about to burst! How could anyone hold back such a great volume..."

Desiree groaned. His hands were rapidly devolving now that he was forced to stand on them. His human hair was falling out, pooling on the floor as his head grew large. His neck was still so muscular it was almost twice as wide as his head, and then his upper back muscles and arms were so huge they doubled that again! Precum started to stream out, not as individual beads, or even short bursts- one continuous stream! His entire body felt impossible tight, so muscular, so massive! So... horny. His thoughts were drown in hormones, not that there was many to begin with. His brain no longer capable of processing a full human range of thoughts. His entire body felt like it was throbbing with his cock. All he could think about was how close he was to being completely consumed by his desires. Barely anything left to hold on to. So close to what he secretly wants. He wants this. This form is the sexiest thing to him. He has wanted this for so long. All he needs to complete it is a female! He squirmed away from the Faerie's grip to try and win back some time to actually think and resist, but stepping far enough forward now gave him a view of the people coming to see what the huge boom was and the bellowing beast they all heard. As soon as he seen the wobbling tits of Jenny, struggling to stay in her tight top, he stream of precum surged as his dick throbbed, and flung itself almost a foot from his cock before he charged at the woman.

Afraid and confused at first, Jenny did not have much time to react before the unusually smart bull managed to hook its horns on her pants and tear them free to get inside her! Once inside, Jenny suddenly forgot all her complaints as she was completely filled with the raging bull's throbbing cock. No one would blame her for having sex in the office if it was some bull that forced itself on her, right?

Desiree felt the Fae land on his back again but paid it little heed. The feeling of Jenny wrapped so tightly around his massive cock was divine! More! Deeper! He wanted more of this! So much want... no room for anything else.

The Faerie pat his massive neck. "There ya go- just sign the contract on the dotted line. Make this permanent. Cum in front of everyone like the savage beast you are! Show everyone how much you desired this~"

Desiree hesitated a moment. Permanent? But it felt so good. Just a few more thrusts and then... and then... maybe a few more. His cock felt so tight, so good, just a few more. His massive balls started to lift, his taint clenched, his prostate completely overfilled to bursting! He started to moo from sensory overload, then let out one massive bellow as he felt the solid stream of cum blast up through his very long shaft and into Jenny! Her guts were overstuffed with it! Her stomach started to distend, and then her clothes started to snap and break free to let her growing belly free as it swelled with cum into a huge dome, making her look full term with triplets! As Desiree continued to blast cum, completely unable to fight the flow, he felt an odd tingling spread from his crotch over his entire body. He had just enough intellect left to understand that was the feeling of this becoming permanent, locking this shape in as his actual body!

As promised by the Fae, they took him to the nearest ranch, not knowing what else to do with the giant bull in the office. Desiree was reluctant to touch any of the cows, though they were quick to flock around him. So many massive swinging udders, fat juicy teats flopping around for the tasting. He waited, trying to see if the spell would wear off, if maybe the Fae was bluffing, but no. He did not understand how long he held off, but it was too long. He eventually gave in and mounted a cow, and it was so good! He could go even deeper into them than Jenny! Their ass filled his entire groin, and they were large enough that he could lay on top of them while he fucked. He could slam into them as hard as he wanted and it only pleased them more. His balls were so large and heavy he spanked the rear side of their udders with his scrotum! After mounting the one he figured he was done. But Desiree still felt a bit horny... and there was so many cows... why not a second? And then there was a third. Then dinner, then a fourth and fifth to put him to sleep. He woke up early and fucked another four before eating again, and then another... few? Many? He was losing track. Why keep track? Just fuck more. He was making them so big, so much cum. The only marker that time had passed was day and night and he was barely even paying attention to that as he fucked cow after cow after cow. Desiree had what he had always secretly wanted!

Desiree woke up suddenly with a loud gasp! She was covered in sweat and... cum?! Her bed was sopping wet! "What the actual fuck?!"

The Fae sitting on her night stand shrugged. "Well I didn't actually turn you into a bull in your office place, haha. That would be completely impractical for your lifestyle."

"But- I was a bull for.... then... wait. How much of that was...? ARGH."

"Don't look at me, it is your fantasy, not mine."


(MtF tf half-cow) Lucious was a hard working man, not... particularly talented, but hard working. He was handsome and had a warm smile, and he was a good person to talk to; it was these reasons he got picked up initially by a very secretive...

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Don't Tip The Cows

(F tf Half-cow, F tf hybrid) Life normally has a lot of ups and downs normally, but Nancy was really riding a roller coaster at this point. She had shadowed a band when she was younger, and through being a groupy she learned how they made their...

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Sugar And Spice

(F tf candy reindeer) Holly was having a good holiday so far, and seemed quite happy at first, but as Christmas came closer her apparent happiness became less genuine. Finally on a phone call with Bell she started crying and blurt out her...

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