Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 3 (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#25 of Commissions

Only a few hours in, and Adamos is finding out many fun things to being Edel's toy.

First story published 2022, written in 2021 for Critic. I hope you enjoy!

The subtle scent of pine had Adamos digging his nose deeper into the rabbit's ballsack. Only a few hours into signing the contract, and the raccoon's arms and legs were locked in latex sleeves forcing him onto all fours like a filthy feral beast, face deep into the hare's crotch. Every breath he took was filled with the earthy musk of his temporary owner. While no stranger to the smell of men, the green needle scent captivated Adamos with curiosity and desire, searching for it with every lick of his master's balls.

"We already talked about last month's profits. It was expected they'd be lower than originally projected due to that crisis. Everyone's affected by that." Edelweiss spoke with the standard friendly annoyance of a boss who deigned to be polite in his position. He leaned back into his couch, one hand holding a glass of whiskey with one perfect sphere of ice filling most of it, the other crossed over the couch. The squeak of latex echoed behind Adamos, leaving the rabbit to sigh and shake his head. "Robert, keep the computer steady."

Robert. In the little lucidity he had, Adamos put together the name of the white fox that stepped in not long after he'd sign the contract. In fact, the same fox behind the front desk when he arrived. Upon seeing him, Adamos felt the urge to look away in shame, but stopped at the knowing nod from the fox as he explained the emergency meeting from the board of directors. Having never been that high up in a company, Adamos had expected a little more decorum from someone in a video call with them.

Course, they just might not be seeing the raccoon at Edelweiss's crotch. Just as they weren't seeing the latex suited arctic fox holding the camera for him. Adamos had to admit, it shouldn't have been surprising to see the fox strip down and reveal an almost second skin of latex underneath his clothes, with a gap in his crotch to expose his ass, tail, and chastity cage.

It still was, but hindsight is 20/20.

"But to think they'd drop this low-"

"We're still miles ahead of our competition and last I checked our research into new markets had been proving promising. Has that changed?" Edelweiss's dick bobbed unsubtly against Adamos's snout. He'd been debating on whether to play with it or leave it alone. Of course, he wanted to make the rabbit happy, but he couldn't imagine someone getting a blowjob in the middle of a meeting and going out just fine.

But his master wanted it, and the soft chuckle from Robert all but confirmed the silent command. Without his hands, Adamos found it tricky to angle the thick rod over his mouth. Seeing it up close again had him questioning if he could take such a monster in his backside, let alone mouth. Those thoughts faded with the numbing pine taste along his tongue as he dragged up the shaft over and over, wetting it before suckling at the tip.

"What about the Anderson project?"

"What about it?" Edelweiss sneered. Adamos tried to keep his mind away from the conversation, focusing instead on swallowing the thick rod at his lips. Every inch spread his throat wide, with little room to let his tongue explore and treat his master. If the rabbit felt any pleasure, he didn't show it, keeping a stoic if not annoyed look as his gaze focused on the screen. Not even his breathing changed.

It couldn't be that hard, could it? Was the raccoon just bad at blowjobs? Maybe, but he was determined to fix that with every bob of his head and trace of his tongue. A snicker from behind reminded him that this wasn't a private affair. For all Adamos knew, Edelweiss's entire board was watching him get sucked off. Of course, this meant he needed to make an impact, otherwise what was the point of him servicing his master.

He'd have chuckled if not for the rod down his throat. Not even an hour in and the raccoon was thinking of the rabbit like that, as if it were second nature.

"Projections for next quarter have proven to be more than efficient, so it's a good safety net. Any other issues?" Edelweiss sounded ready to wrap things up.

Breathing through his nose, Adamos took in that pine scent when he reached the base. So earthy that it was heavenly, rippling across his body like a winter breeze without the painful chill. "Good. Mr. Frost, you may sign off." The quick snap of the laptop closing did nothing to deter the raccoon's attempts, his spittle leaking onto the floor the more he backed up and down the rod. "Are there any more emergencies lining up, Robert?" The rabbit asked, leaning back into the couch.

"I wouldn't know, sir. Emergencies aren't scheduled." The fox's tone carried an edge of disrespect that riled Adamos. How dare one be so frivolous before Edelweiss? If it were his place to do so, he'd remind the fox that the rabbit was in charge and deserved their favor.

"You know what I mean, brat." Edelweiss's hand fell gently against the raccoon's scalp. Each finger pressed became a new euphoria to encourage him forward. "I don't want any more meetings for today. Not business wise at least."

"I'll make a note of that for anyone else. You have certainly earned your freedom." After a pause, the fox further added. "So, is this the one you found at Holiday?"

"The very same."

"How long will he be staying with us?"

"Trial is by the week's end."

"Not a lot of time."

Edelweiss nodded in the corner of Adamos's eye. "That's why I'm having a trial for him." The way they spoke of him, like he wasn't even there sucking rabbit cock, had the raccoon's cage twitching in excitement. His master pulled him off, and turned his head to face the fox. "Of course, I should introduce you. Adamos, this is Robert Frost, my personal secretary."

Robert's name was the most masculine thing about him. His body's shape carried an androgynous flow only further cemented by the latex clinging across his body, ending with feminine heels at his feet that, if Adamos stood up straight, put him at even height. The most striking thing about him, beyond the amber eyes that carried an aura of mischief, was the cage locked around his crotch. At first Adamos figured it was the same as is, but a closer look revealed it was smaller and flatter. Turning what should have been his cock into a flat nub of metal with an egg logo etched onto it.

With a skirtless curtsey, the arctic fox presented himself. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Adamos." He spoke with the peculiar mix of dismissiveness and sincerity, as though he'd seen plenty of people like Adamos in this position before. Given the circumstances, he might as well have, making the raccoon just another fling for Edelweiss. His throat grew tight at that, like a noose of shame looped around his neck.

The rabbit's fingers pressed against his head. "Return the favor. Kiss his heels." With added difficulty from the latex sleeves, the raccoon crawled across the floor till he froze at the tips of Robert's black heels. They shined as though covered in a latex coating, but his tongue did not taste such when pressing his lips against it. "Good, and the other." His cage twitched in refusal at Adamos's erection while he kissed the second. Another order, executed flawlessly and rushing pride through his meager form. "Good toy. Now, come back." One awkward crawl later, and his face was back in the rabbit's lap. Edelweiss took hold of his chin and forced him up at those earthly brown eyes staring him down. "I want you to remember this; Robert is above you. If I am not present, you are to follow his commands to the letter. Respect and submit to him like you would me. Is that clear?"

"Y-Yes, sir."

He smiled, not in an accepting way but a jovial matter, as though Adamos made a cute mistake. Gently patting his hand across the raccoon's left cheek, he added. "It's, Master, until your contract runs out. Robert is a sir."

Blushing in shame, the raccoon nodded. "Yes, Master."

"Adorable when they mess up." Robert chuckled behind. "So, what's this one need work with? A week is too short for anything special."

The rabbit bent over, incidentally pushing his crotch into Adamos's snout, and placed a heavy hand on the raccoon's backside. "Ass needs stretching. He struggles enough on my dick to tell me he's not experienced enough here. But he's naturally submissive, and eager to please."

"Will he be after that?" Robert's heels clicked against the floor as he paced, "After all, you've dealt with many who couldn't handle it, Master."

"That's what these periods are for." The rabbit's hand softly patted and kneaded Adamos's butt as he spoke, as if the raccoon were nothing more than an object. But that's what he was, an object. A toy until the end of the week, the rabbit's own plaything. He dared not hope for more. "Think it can be done?"

Robert gave a soft, cheeky laugh. "It'd be a stretch, but possible by the end of the day. Of course, that's half the fun, isn't it, Master?"

"That it is." Edelweiss stood up and locked a leash around Adamos's collar. "Come on, we have work to do." With his legs bound as they were, the raccoon had difficulty keeping up with the two before him. From behind, he swore that Robert was a vixen, from the latex clung and curved around his body. Each little squeak of it rang through Adamos's ears. It was arousing, but nowhere near as much as the muscular bum hidden behind Edelweiss silk bathrobe. His mouth went dry at the thought of worshiping it, making his cage frustratingly tight.

The colors of the playroom still struck him like whiplash when compared to the depravity of the situation. Pink, green, blue, and even orange colors lining the walls and bondage furniture, as if it would hide the debauchery that happened behind the door. "Robert, undo his sleeves. I need to decide on the tools." Edelweiss handed the obedient fox Adamos's leash, leaving the raccoon alone for just a moment. His eyes followed the rabbit while the fox loosened his bindings, mouth dry at the thought of what was to come next.

With a soft tug, Adamos found himself led to a pink bondage horse. A quick snap of the rabbit's fingers had him climbing atop it, laying his stomach flat against the leather padding while his ass and cage hung loose, free for anyone to wallop. He didn't expect it to happen, his master had shown no signs of such sadism, but the image had him shivering.

"Relax." Edelweiss's hand crawled down his spine, "Relax. Else this won't be fun for ya." Any reply Adamos would have foolishly made was silenced by the large light-green rubber ballgag shoved behind his teeth. All that could escape were moans as the rabbit's strong hands massaged his backside, spreading his cheeks and running a finger across his pucker over and over. "That's it. Keep yourself relaxed." His finger slipped in, not too deep without lube, but enough that Adamos's back curled in delight to the invader.

"You sure he's not a virgin?" Robert asked from behind. Adamos couldn't turn his head to see him, but he did hear something heavy drag its way over.

"Never said he wasn't, but I'm assuming he isn't. Probably didn't get laid very often."

"I can see why," Robert said with a smug tone.


"He looks like a shyguy."

"Like in that game?"

Robert laughed, "No, but now that you mention it." A phone buzzed off. Giving a failed attempt to repress his sigh, Robert turned off the call. "Oh, dang."

"It better not be another meeting."

"It's not, master." Adamos heard Robert's latex stretch as he passed the phone, "It's a complaint, and an arrival."

"Together?" Another squeak, one that Adamos assumed was Robert shaking his head. "Fuck." Seconds passed, the silence filled with stiff sounds of leather and latex against each other, and the rapid tapping of a finger against a screen. "How disappointing."

"I had a feeling they weren't ready." Robert said with a heightened sense of importance.

If Edelweiss's next words were spoken any lower, Adamos would have feared for his life. "Do not forget yourself." His hand rested against the raccoon's lower cheeks, softly patting them as if deep in thought on his own desk. "Robert, you can take charge of this one's training for now."

"Yes, Master. My apologies for the inconvenience."

He said nothing else. Adamos watched in confusion as the rabbit walked off, his arms and legs bound into the furniture so he could not even reach for him. With the slamming of the door, it dawned on him that only he and Robert were in the dungeon space, and the fox looked him down with an eerie smile.

"You're not the first, you know." The fox's slim fingers trailed up Adamos's spine. "I mean, of course you know. You're not blind, are you?" He scoffed. With how Edelweiss spoke of toys and does, the raccoon figured he wasn't anything that new to the rabbit. He nodded all the same, not wishing to disappoint his master's secretary.

Robert rolled his eyes. "And yet, you're already so obedient. Like a pretty little angel, wings wrapped in leather. Bleh." He stuck his tongue out, "Right now, you're just a toy to master. But are you the right toy for him? It takes a lot of work to be a doe of Edelweiss." Any questions Adamos had were silenced by the gag, so he just stared in confusion. Robert jostled his own cage before him, "See this?" He pointed to the egg shaped symbol across the hood of his nubby cage, "This is what makes me his doe. I'm not some temporary punk looking for a taste of the life. No, this is my life." He inched closer, holding Adamos's head and pushing his snout against the cage. "This only comes off for cleanings. Master only needs one real cock in his harem, all others are for decoration only."

The fox was stronger than he appeared, holding Adamos's face down with little room to struggle. Every breath he took carried the mixed scent of the twink: Latex, metal, musk, all twisting and twirling down his nostrils. It lacked the subtle pine of the rabbit, instead carrying a marshmallow scent that had the raccoon's mouth salivate behind his gag. "You like that?" The fox chuckled, "The smell of a dick you'll never get? God, you almost make me wish I could be let out, just to make you choke on it. Maybe if we met before Edelweiss saved me." Adamos's eyebrows rose with intrigue. Robert lazily sighed and let go, "Well, I wasn't always the cute twink secretary you see before you. Or no, I was once a kid down on his luck." His heels clicked outside of the raccoon's vision, and gears twitched behind him. "Parents kicked me out when they legally could, and were vocal in their reasons. Was homeless for a while. Found someone who I thought supported my desires, but really just wanted to use me. First it was just him, then a friend, then a friend of a friend, then I stopped counting. I must have been twenty when the rabbit bought me for a night."

Something wet, solid, and chilly braced against his pucker. "Now, I'd done some kinky shit, but he felt different. Genuine. As if everyone else that tried giving me orders was simply cosplaying." Adamos's fists clenched as his ass expanded, the object slowly pushing into him. "It took a few more until I stopped charging him. Just seeing him was enough to make my night. Some evenings he didn't even spread my ass or make me gag on his cock. No, he'd just cuddle, give me a break from my hell."

Deeper and deeper the toy pushed, brushing past the raccoon's prostate while Robert regaled him. The pleasure bringing pleasure pushed down at his walls, a taste of what was to come. "Yes, that's it. Relax. Oh," his delicate fingers drummed across Adamos's backside, "I guess you really aren't a virgin. Just a bit tight. Not getting laid often, are we? No little friend in the closet to keep you company on lonely nights?"

Both hands braced his face, forcing him eye to eye to the white fox as he crouched down. The toy sped up, gears grinding faster with every piston into his ass. Amber eyes lit up as drool and gasps leaked from the gag. "Feels good, doesn't it? Trapped, exposed, fucked without any way to stop it?" His lips embraced the rubber gag, giving a long kiss that Adamos reflexively tried to return. "I remember my first day under his control. The power he held, he carried it with such restraint I dared him to let it loose."

His cock cage twitched in blissful agony at the image of Edelweiss over the fox. What Edelweiss had done after Robert mouthed off at the rabbit. The fox had been tied, whipped, humiliated, abused, and cared for by the cruel but caring rabbit. "He would tan my hide red, leaving me begging for his cock. My inner masochist has been wide awake ever since." Robert grabbed a thick pink dildo off the wall and locked it over his cage, fitting perfectly across the flat nub-head. "That's the duty of a doe though. To be used, stretched beyond imagination for any need. Toys are simple and temporary. He doesn't need to keep them unless they're interesting. And if they truly are, they become a new doe."

The ball of his gag was pulled aside, replaced by the pink silicone head of Robert's fake cock before Adamos could utter a word. "Try not to choke now," the fox giggled, hand tight around the raccoon's headfur, "Gotta test your main holes." His gag reflex was not prepared for the sudden push. Eyes rolled backward with Robert's sack against the Adamos's chin. "Oh, he'll love those sounds," He cackled. "You're going to be such a treat for breakin. Hopefully, you won't burn out like other toys."

Fucked from behind, strangled from a cock in the front. Adamos wasn't sure if he'd been killed and was sent to Hell or Heaven. Only the pressure pushing at his cage worried him, having not been given any permission to cum, but fearing it would happen whether he'd allow it or not.

The fox pulled out and wiped his brow, "Phew, lost a little control there." The machine stopped after him, with the toy still firmly stuck in his ass. Robert wheeled it away, leaving the raccoon's freshly fucked hole open to all to see.

Robert whistled. "Stretchy, unlike your attitude. A few days with a plug and you won't have any problems." He slapped the behind then straddled up behind him, clawed fingers tapping at his backside. The gag was pulled back in before Adamos could comment, leaving him mute to the fox's machinations. "Hmm...You know, you likely won't be given an orgasm during your stay. My last one was..." He hummed and leaned against the raccoon, "Oh heavens, three months ago? Time sure flies."

Three months without orgasm? The raccoon fidgeted on reflex, his cage clicking against the furniture. "Oh don't worry, he has ways to help...alleviate back ups," His finger rubbed against the bound man's pucker, "Tools for when he's too busy, but when he's doing it personally..." Both hands spread his cheeks wide. Robert's hot and wet tongue slowly lapped against it, pushing inside his ass. Adamos's teeth dug into the gag, steady breaths escaping with the new sensation.

"First he gets it nice and wet." Robert pulled away, then slipped his fingers through the stretched backdoor. "Master likes to take his time, really explore that button." Two digits slid against his prostate, grinding away at the building tension.

Hell flowed through him as he fought to keep relaxed. He wanted to cum, to break free of the infernal cage, but his mind told him it wasn't time. That he needed permission. Robert softly giggled at the raccoon's struggles, either ignorant or uncaring of the bound bitch's plight. Another finger slipped in, then a fourth. "Oh, you're taking this well. But then again, I have small hands for a guy." Balling his fingers into a fist, the fox slowly pistoned his arm into the raccoon, exploring as deep as Adamos could allow.

He screeched when Robert clamped around his balls. "Come on, now. Don't be a dead fish on me. You wouldn't want Master to be disappointed." Every deep breath did little to suppress pressure against his testicles. The raccoon pushed back against him, letting his sack bounce along with the rhythm of the thrusts.

Adamos had been treated roughly before, but never so sadistically and not by someone so...delicate. "Maybe I should give you one, just to help you settle in." No, he didn't have permission. Adamos shook his head but the movements were ignored as Robert caressed his prostate, letting desire pool and drip from his cage without his control.

"Robert!" Edelweiss's voice bounced across the room as if he shouted. The fox stopped, pulling his hand out and facing the rabbit at the door, chest out with hands behind his back. The rabbit scowled, looking down at him, then Adamos. "I didn't give him permission for an orgasm, milking or otherwise."

"Apologies, Master, I only-"

The rabbit's footsteps were soft but heavy, his form towering over Robert like a statue. "I didn't say you could talk." Edelweiss trailed a finger across the fox's face. "Do not mistake my leniency for permission, Robert. Second in command or not, I only gave you permission to help train, not reward. And certainly not to make him squeal like you have." He pointed his finger to a pink X-shaped cross on the otherside of the room. "Strap in and wait for me. Ass out."

Adamos saw Robert's pout turn to a smile while the rabbit undid his bindings. He left the gag in, either because he forgot or he did not wish for the raccoon to speak. In any case, he followed dutifully behind the rabbit, standing straight while Edelweiss locked the arctic fox's limbs across from one another. Every little shake and twitch from Robert told him how much he craved it, and damn it all, Adamos wanted it too. To feel the rabbit's strong hands hold him down, it had his cage twitching pathetically.

"Have I been too soft lately?" The rabbit said aloud, his hand trailing across the tools across the wall. "First I have a report that two of my toys came without permission, and now I see you trying to do the same with another."

"Two, sir?" Slight concern crossed the fox's tone. "What happened?"

"Davidson's disappointment is what happened." Edelweiss sighed and grabbed a small leather paddle from the wall, drenched in the same hot pink color. "The bull expected them to last longer, and I know they can. I've tested them both plenty of times. But here I'm told they couldn't even last an hour. A single hour? I'm insulted." Adamos's ears flinched as the rabbit's practice swing sliced through the air. He'd seen enough porn to hear that impact, but to see it in person was something else entirely.

"I'm sure it's-" Edelweiss stuck his hand into Robert's open maw, slipping two fingers over his tongue like a vice.

"What it is, is a problem for later. Do not speak to me as if that silver tongue will lessen your punishment." There was a cadence to his voice that made the raccoon's spine tingle, and had Robert melt in the rabbit's paw. "The only noise I want out past those pretty little lips, are cries and apologies when requested. Is that clear?" Robert's drool fell with his nod, and a single kiss made Adamos wish he could sit. A long, tongueful embrace between master and slave, and he could only watch in envy of it.

The paddle cracked across his ass like thunder. Adamos's ears twitched at the sound, both of the leather and Robert's soft whine. By instinct, the fox furled his tail over his ass. Edelweiss took it in his strong hand, forcing it upwards to expose the fox for another strike. Adamos never let anyone touch his tail. The raccoon's tail curled up behind him, such an invasion of privacy could never be tolerated. But the rabbit's strength, his dominance, had him wishing, if only for a moment, that he'd grab his tail just like that.

He didn't even like pain, hated it in fact. Adamos never grasped the concept of masochism personally. But fuck, if his throat wasn't dry watching the fox's cheeks turn red. The rhythm of strikes matching his own heartbeat until he lost himself in the noise. The rattling of restraints, the lip biting moans, the subtle sound of the rabbit's erection popping out from his silk robes.

Adamos's fingers traced along his cage. He needed out, needed release from this build up.

Edelweiss's hand braced his wrist and pulled it up. He locked eyes with the rabbit, shrinking underneath his demeanor. "Stop." The command rippled underneath the raccoon's fur, tingling up his spine as if to knock him off balance. The rabbit twisted behind Adamos, forcing him to look forward at the fox hanging by his bindings. Robert panted and shivered, but he felt no despair or fear from him.

"See that smile?" He whispered, the scent of pine bracing his nose while warm breath traveled down his backside. "Robert, for as much of a brat he is, knows where pleasure comes from for people like him." Edelweiss's fingers traced along his cage and balls while Adamos watched the soft grin plastered across the arctic fox. Even with the redness of his ass, he looked as though he'd been sucked off over and over. A few drops of pre slipped from his cage, splashing into a small puddle on the floor.

"The cage isn't meant to torture you. But better direct you." The rabbit's strong finger tapped against the hard plastic, letting the raccoon's soft rod bounce in ecstatic agony. "To help toys like you realize your real pleasure is in serving another. That's why you hate your job, isn't it? You're serving a company, a faceless entity. Not a master, not someone who appreciates you."

He never thought of it like that. Would he have cared if he worked directly under a single person, rather than several bosses? Could he have been happier as a secretary than a manager? The teasing edge of the rabbit's finger braced the urethral slit, sending another wave through him. Edelweiss chuckled, "It's kind of like a clit, so sensitive." His rod braced against his backside. More than ever, Adamos wanted to bend over and let the rabbit rail him. He didn't care if it'd hurt, he wanted it, needed it inside him. When he felt the rabbit's strong paw against his backside, he figured it would happen.

Instead, Edelweiss let him go. "Not yet." He shook his head, returning to Robert and undoing his bindings. "No, you need to know the difference between a toy and a doe. Give you something for." At a snap of his fingers, Robert went to his knees. Licking his lips, drops of saliva fell away as the rabbit pulled his robe apart, his fat rod bouncing against the fox's nose. Still, he waited, eyeing it like a feral dog with a treat atop their snout.

"Dig in." Robert's lips suckled at the tip before he swallowed. Deeper and deeper, without any sign of gag reflex, the fox went until he reached the base. From his eyes, Adamos could tell the fox could take more. The way his head bobbed, without a single finger bracing the cock, the raccoon questioned if he was watching sex or worship. Either way, he wanted to be where Robert was, but his throat tightened at the memory of his gags and choking against the rabbit's dick. He had him beat in so many ways.

As if to prove their differences further, Edelweiss grabbed Robert's head tight with both hands and thrusted down his throat. The sudden surge elicited a gag, but not enough to force the fox to stop or plead for mercy. Every push and shake slammed loud into the latex covered fox, balls slapping against his chin while saliva dripped against the floor. Those blue eyes rolled back in heaven, happy to be nothing more than the rabbit's pocket pussy.

Edelweiss's breathing sped up. Grunts escaped through gritted teeth, followed by growls that turned Adamos's legs to jelly. One final cry told him everything, drawing his eyes down to the overflow of seed slipping out from Robert's maw.

"Not even going to swallow all of it?" The rabbit spoke softly, pulling his cock out and playfully batting it against the fox's black nose, drenching Robert's face in a mixture of cum and saliva. The fox looked up in a haze, giddy and lost underneath his master's touch.

"Apologies...sir." He leaned over to the floor, licking up the remnants that fell at his knees. Envy struck Adamos again, along with a pathetic voice that mentally mocked him for desiring such a position. Edelweiss wiped the fox's face down with a towel when finished, his cock swaying free as he approached the raccoon.

"That's how a doe lives. And my toys, provided they are stretched enough." Soft but strong hands held the raccoon's chin, pulling him closer to taste the forest scent upon his lips. "You know, I've got a few misbehaving toys down below. As much as I don't want to hold off on our playtime, they do need to be punished." He smiled at Adamos's pout, the fear plastered in his eyes. "Or," Adamos felt the rabbit's thumb press against his tongue, "You can join me, see what the other duties of a doe are like."

Adamos couldn't tell if he nodded, or if Edelweiss moved him by the chin.

Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 4 (Commission)

For the next three days, Adamos found himself in a hell of restraint, pleasure, and expansion. On the first day he had been collared and leashed. By the third, his body had become covered in a latex suit so tight it became a second skin. Every movement...

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An Unexpected Observer (Commission)

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