A Change In Tradition

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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Tabitha isn't fond of change, despite it happening so much in her life. So, safe to say, this new tradition with her friends has her on edge. Things only spiral when she swears to see a face of someone she'd lost so long ago.

A bit of a darker Christmas story. I wanted to get one out this year that could be posted on all my accounts. Hope you enjoy!

The snow could go fuck itself.

This wasn't some newfound opposing appreciation for snow that Tabitha developed as she reached adulthood. No, she always had a dislike for the cold white blanket that came with the holidays. It just reminded her of her childhood choices of staying inside with loud and arrogant parents, or choosing to deal with the bitter chill of the outdoors. Hell, when her brother moved out and went overseas, she'd spent plenty of time huddled up in the shack outside his place because she'd been too stubborn to ask if she could crash there. Being a dumbfuck teenager back then only pissed her off more.

The snowflakes pelting her windshield reminded her of the one time during the holidays her parents wouldn't fight. She'd be locked into the backseat wearing some itchy sunday best outfit for the holiday sermon. Her folks weren't even that religious, only going to church once every few months and leaving all other talk of god for screaming. Wasn't a happy memory either, being stuck inside across hard wooden seats with a dress she'd rather burn, listening to hours of religious babble she didn't believe.

At least now she didn't try to bash people for their faith. She pressed the brakes at the redlight, her car skidding a few feet further thanks to the brown slush and ice on the roads. The wolverine gritted her teeth, mentally checking off every reason why her bike would be staying in the garage until the spring.

"Of course we had to settle in Michigan," Tabitha muttered, waiting an agonizing minute for that light to turn green. "Could have tried Arizona, California, or...fuck I would have even been ok with Florida. But no, we had to choose one of the coldest fucking states to settle down in."

"But Tabitha!" She parroted her inner voice, "You didn't have to stay here. You're an adult, you could have left to go somewhere else."

"And do what?" The wolverine sighed and leaned back into the drivers' seat. This was where her family, her sisters by experience, decided to settle. Tabitha didn't want to leave them behind, if only because she didn't want to be alone. Hard enough meeting new people as she got older, and close friends weren't ones to come by.

The little ticks and frustration of the weather evaporated when she saw the ranch style single storied home of her best friend. The driveway was already filled with a pair of cars, forcing the wolverine to stop at the edge. She waited there, engine off and hands on the wheel, watching the lights of that house in the distance.

Tabitha knew fear. She couldn't have lived the life she did without it, and no one could if she thought hard enough. But there were different types of fear. Fear of death, fear of violence, fear of being caught, and fear of...she turned her head over to the pack of beer she'd brought with her and sighed.

Tradition dictated that on every Christmas day, she, Helga, and Debbie would hang around and drink to keep each other company while the rest of the girls enjoyed time with their families. Not only was it Christmas eve, but Helga had invited a few more people into her home this time.

And that made her nervous. She didn't want to admit it, and found more things to complain about just to keep her mind off the situation. But the longer she parked and stared out at the house, noting the gaudy Christmas lights flashing around the roof and the shadows by the windows, the more she came closer to giving in.

Tabitha slapped herself. "Get a grip you whiny bitch," The wolverine said alone. It was bad enough to feel nervous on the holidays. But these were her friends, and who cares if things changed? Change was inevitable. But tonight wasn't about thinking of that. Tonight was about having a few beers or wine with her friends, even if they had more guests.

The snow crunched under her boots. She huddled inside her leather jacket, with a six-pack of beer cradled in her arm until she set it aside at the front door to rub her fingers together. One ring of the doorbell, and the wolverine waited alone in the silent snowfall. An icy wind rushed through her, reminding her to start wearing an actual winter jacket at some point this year.

Helga opened the door, wearing the ugliest Christmas sweater the wolverine had ever seen. Green with lining across it to look like pines, and small little stars sewn into the threads. On its own, it was just ugly. On the husky pig? Tabitha had to hold herself from keeling over with laughter. "Really getting into the spirit this year, huh, Hels?"

The pig blushed and smiled back, "Amethyst and her mom have an ugly sweater tradition she neglected to tell me. I'd be all the more honored if this didn't itch like a bitch." She frowned at the beer on her porch, "Shit, I forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Tabitha picked up the pack, "What, this some sort of dry party?"

Helga half-heartedly shrugged, "No, but Rebecca's too young to drink so I'm trying to cut back on it when she's around."

"Huh?" Tabitha blinked, forgetting the outdoor chill. "The clubhouse has beer and you brought her there." The pig didn't have a retort for that. "Can I come in now? I'm freezing my balls off out here." She rolled her eyes and let the wolverine pass through. Tabitha kicked the snow off her boots in the front hall, then got stopped and told to take them off before entering. Rolling her eyes, she complied, walking with thin socks through the house and finding it lit up like Santa's workshop. Wooden gingerbread men, a plush santa claus and frosty propped up like they were about to duke it out, and a freaking but gaudy Christmas tree with only a star atop it.

A step up from the single wreath Helga laid out above the TV last year. Tabitha hadn't even bothered to decorate her own place. Why bother? She didn't really get into the holiday spirit and anyone she expected to bring over weren't coming for cookies and eggnog.

"Everyone's in the kitchen grabbing some snacks. Amy baked cookies."

"They any good?"

"She follows instructions well enough." Four people were hanging about the hardwood kitchen. Three she knew, one she knew dearly, and the fourth was a mystery. Not a difficult mystery, given that there was only one other vole in the place and the age difference was enough to tell Tabitha that she was looking at Amethyst's mother. She wore a white sweater with black buttons sewn in like eyes over her chest, and across her stomach like a mouth. Somehow she had Debbie of all people in deep conversation, with the doe smiling in interest as though she gave a fuck.

Debbie always gave a fuck. The doe just had trouble expressing it.

Amethyst's sweater was made from light brown wool and had red stitchings across her stomach to form a mouth. It took Tabitha staring for a solid second to realize the vole was wearing a monstrous gingerbread face across her torso. "So, is the house made of cookie, or is the cookie made of house?" She alone cracked a smile at the joke, putting her beer aside as the rest of the guests welcomed her.

Except someone else laughed. The wolverine turned around to see who got her sense of humor, and clad in a blue sweater involving old saint Nick on the can, was a red haired beaver with the most gorgeous smile Tabitha never thought she'd see again. One blink, and the beaver was gone. Rebecca, the blue furred pittie, stood in her place. Still chuckling at Tabitha's joke.

"He screams, for he does not know. Right?" She asked. Tabitha blinked, her tongue caught in a knot from the uncanny resemblance. No, there was barely any resemblance. Sure Rebecca was about Milly's age back then, and she had the same colored headfur, but they were so different that...that...

"Right?" She asked again, her smile softening, "That was the joke, right? I've always liked that one but I never knew how to bring it up in conversation."

"You brought it up when we bought these." Amethyst pointed out.

"Well it's not like it can be brought up a lot." She stuck out her tongue. "Anyway, can I take your jacket, Miss..."

"Tabitha. Just...just Tabitha. Or Tabs, I guess." The wolverine held onto her jacket tight, feeling the sudden urge for protection within layers of leather. "And I'm good, thanks."

Her cropped ears went crestfallen. Poor girl, Tabitha thought. What kind of jackass still crops their kids ears and tails these days? Fucking traditionalists. "You sure?"

"Tabs knows where the closet is, don't worry." Helga patted her friend hard on the back. "Trust me, she's been here enough to know almost every inch of this place." Tabitha saw the gears grinding behind the pitbull's eyes, followed by a soft blush.

"Not like that," Tabitha corrected, "We're more like sisters than anything else." Only time her and Helga ever had a night of passion was with someone sandwiched between them. And those days had long passed.

Rather than a relaxing night of drinking in and telling stories, Tabitha found herself drinking in and listening to other people's stories with a feigned interest. Sure, seeing Helga's vole blush whenever her actual mother talked about elementary school Christmas shenanigans brought a smile to her face. But what was she supposed to add to that?

'Dad got drunk one year and we found him over the few crushed presents they got us.' Or how about, 'Mom used me to garner sympathy at a soup kitchen instead of shopping for dinner. Went on and on about her dite daughter.' She brushed the memories aside, no point in souring her mood this evening.

Yet her eyes kept wandering back to the pitbull girl. Tabitha swore, to the great god above, that she saw Milly looking back at her through Rebecca. She didn't believe in reincarnation, and, even if she did, Rebecca was too old for that to make any fucking sense. Maybe it was the weather, it happened on a cold day after all.

No, she brushed it out and pulled out her phone. A distraction was what she needed, and her little Kathoey could...take time out of her day with the family to sext with her gym teacher? Tabitha shuddered, as fucked up as their relationship was, she wasn't going to try to get a booty call on Christmas Eve. Besides, Collin had good folks. Stressful and a bit forceful in PTA meetings, to the point that Tabitha once imagined making his mother gag on her cock in protest while the husband watched, but good folks nonetheless. He deserved a good Christmas.

Collin deserved a whole lot more than her. She sighed and took another sip from her beer. Her mind was just a fucking pit tonight. "Something the matter?" Tabitha jostled in her seat at the question, turning her head to see Milly standing next to her in that blue sweater with Santa in the bathroom. One blink and she was gone, replaced again by the young pitbull in Helga's care. A concerned smile crossed her face, "Can I get you anything? Cookie maybe?"

Tabitha felt her throat tighten and dry as if sandpaper replaced her insides. "N-" She coughed, "No, I'm fine. Just sort of...well I guess I'm feeling a bit awkward." Admitting it only made her feel worse. Here she was, mid-thirties, and feeling awkward around an eighteen-year-old at a holiday party hosted by her best friend. And she was never the awkward one, having crawled through enough bar fights to say so.

Rebecca nodded, "I get it. This is my first Christmas without my dad." She motioned to sit down, stopping with a look for approval on Tabitha's part. The wolverine nodded, scooting and leting her continue. "Used to just be him and me during the Holidays. We used to watch a bunch of movies, really bad Christmas flicks or holiday themed horrors."

"Where is he now?" Tabitha mentally slapped herself after asking that. What right did she have to dig up bad memories?

Rebecca shrugged and leaned back into the couch, staring up into the ceiling with melancholy in her eyes. "Don't know. Jail I think. I stopped giving a shit about him when he tried to sell me off to the mob. At least, I thought I did, but..." She hugged herself tight, "Holidays bring back some fond memories."

Tabitha didn't know much about Rebecca. Helga didn't tell her much about the pitbull except that she got a new girl hanging out at the place. So to hear about the mob from this young lady's mouth threw her off a bit. "I'm sorry, what?" Politeness told her not to pry, but Tabitha rarely listened to that. "Your dad did what?"

"I don't know the details, but it doesn't really matter. He was an asshole anyways who couldn't give up fighting." Rebecca sighed, "Even pushed me into it." Tabitha was no stranger to righteous rage. More than once in her youth she'd paid a few abusers a visit after hearing what they'd done. That rage boiled back up inside her, and already she was checking off ways to find this bastard of a father and reshape his face one punch at a time. The other half just wanted to hug the poor girl, as if that'd solve whatever crisis she went to.

Instead, Tabitha froze in indecision. "I'm sorry," She finally said. "No one should have parents like that." As shit as hers were, they never tried to sell her to the mob.

Rebecca's warm smile made her heart thump echo in Tabitha's ears. "Thanks. I need some eggnog. Want some?" Tabitha raised her beer to prove a point. "Ok, be right back."

Watching her leave, Tabitha thought more of Milly. The beaver had a rough homelife, stuck working as a waitress instead of finishing highschool because of her father's debts. Yet she had a sweet demeanor throughout it all, one where you'd step back and think twice if what she said was a compliment, or some singsong insult. The wolverine had been on the brunt of it a few times in their short time together, especially when...

"Hey, Debs," Tabitha turned to the doe sitting at the chair across from her, now hunched over and focused on her phone. "Does Rebecca look familiar to you?"

"No," The doe said without looking up from her phone. "Why? You got a student just like her?"

Tabitha wished she did, that'd make it easier. "No, it's just..." Her tongue caught itself. It was better to bring it up now, else it'd be eating her up inside. But what would her friends think of her for it? Fuck it, she thought, they were her friends for a reason. "She reminds me of Milly."

Debbie didn't look up from her phone, but her eyes stared blank at nothing in particular with her thumb frozen over it. Her gaze shifted to Tabitha, puzzled and concerned, then to the hallway where Rebecca went down. "Are you ok?"

She blinked back. "What?"

Debbie looked her straight in the eyes, "I haven't heard you mention Milly in years, and suddenly this girl reminds you of her? Are you ok?"

"Yeah," Tabitha nodded halfheartedly, "I'm...I'm fine." Debbie's gaze had her questioning those words. "What? I can't think someone looks like an old friend?"

"Friend?" Her mouth twitched as though suppressing a grin, "The way I remember it, Milly was more than a 'friend' to you."

"The fuck you talking about?"

"The fuck am I...Do you seriously not remember how you looked at her?" The doe sighed and rubbed her temples, "Christ, I know you're bad at romance but you'd think hindsight would-"

"Romance?" Tabitha leaned forward, blood boiling. "Who said anything about romance? Sure, Milly was cute, but I didn't-"

"Didn't what? Not hang out with her whenever you could when we met her? Not look out at the diner she worked at whenever we weren't there in that town? Or not get super defensive whenever someone stiffed her a tip?"

"What are you implying? I'd do that for any of you."

Debbie laughed. A deep seated laugh that almost cracked back to her old voice. "Fuck, you really are blind. We only knew her for a month and yet after that you never pined after girls again. I figured you knew."

By now, Tabitha's fingers were digging into the sofa. She cared for Milly, true, it was her that suggested she join them after all. But it wasn't anything like that. She just liked having the beaver around. Sure, they shagged a few times but...no, it was once. In the office of her manager after hours. She was tired from her shift, and angry at her boss. The wolverine joked about fucking over his desk, and the beaver took that as an excuse. The next hour was a mess of chaotic energy that ended with her resignation, smiling ear to ear with enough passion to torch the place if Helga hadn't shown up and-

"Fuck." The wheels finally clicked. Debbie's little nod of approval felt like a hammer smacking down the nail until it cracked the wood. She knew all this time, hell, they all knew all this time except for Tabitha. No, she must have known, she just suppressed it for one reason or another.

"Something the matter?" Rebecca plopped back down against the couch, shaking Tabitha out from her stupor. In one hand holding a glass of creamy brownish-white eggnog, the other holding two gingerbread men with frosting decaled to look like a punk and a biker. She passed the biker one over, which the wolverine took apprehensively.

The wolverine shook her head anxiously. "No, nothing's wrong." Though she was starting to feel like she'd never tossed her jacket aside. Not even wearing a shirt with a high collar and already felt like she was struggling. Debbie cracked a soft grin and left, eyeing Tabitha near the edge of the hallway before losing herself in another conversation with Amethyst's mom. Fucking hell, Tabitha wondered, why did all of my friends have to be sadists?

Biting the head off the biker gingerbread man, Tabitha kept her mouth occupied in silence. Rebecca didn't follow. "So, do you have any plans tomorrow?"

"On Christmas?" Rebecca nodded. Tabitha swallowed and answered, "N-No, not really. The usual plans are just hanging out here, but we're doing that early."

"Oh. That must be because Amethyst's mom wants her over their house on Christmas." Rebecca scooched closer. "Apparently she's still a bit frazzled by the relationship, and is inventing new traditions to keep Amethyst close on the holidays."

Tabitha blinked. That seemed a little...devious. "What makes you say that?"

"Amy complained about it while shopping for these sweaters." Rebecca pulled at the fabric to reiterate. "She didn't tell Helga because she wanted to make a good impression."

"Helga? Good impression?" That didn't sound like the bruiser she knew. "Maybe she should go in with Amethyst by the chain." The pitbull cackled, and by god, it made her think of Milly again. The flirty beaver kept laughing at her dumb jokes. Oh fuck, was Rebecca flirting? Fuck, was she into it?! The pitbull's hand braced against Tabitha's thigh, and crawled upward. "S-So, you joining them?"

"It's the plan. But I have a little freedom to do something else beforehand..." Her lips curled, and those bright blue eyes sparkled to Tabitha. Fuck, the wolverine realized, she is flirting.

"I have a dick." Tabitha blurted out in panic. Rebecca's features went blank for half a second, but they returned to the warm flirtatious expression.

"I know. Mistress told me."


"No," She shook her head. "Amethyst. Amethyst is my mistress, but since Helga's is hers, that means Helga is also my dominant. I'm sort of on the bottom of the totem pole." Her snout brushed up against Tabitha's ear, carrying the whisper, "And I'm free to explore yours if you'd like."

This was a bad idea. No matter how hard her erection screamed for air, this had to be a terrible idea. Still, no stranger to bad, terrible, or downright horrible ideas, Tabitha asked, "You sure? It's awfully crowded and I'm not an expert in any of the gear Hels uses downstairs." That, and, Helga would beat her senseless if she dared using that dungeon without asking.

The pitbull nodded. "Obviously not here. I was thinking..." Her fingers tiptoed from the base of her crotch, atop her erection, up Tabitha's chest, "Your place?"

"Don't you have plans tomorrow?"

"As I said, I have time beforehand." She shrugged, "Besides, I wanted to give my mistress and Helga some alone time on Christmas morning."

With a grin, Tabitha nodded. "Let me get my coat." The trip back home was still burdened by snow and ice, so much that the wolverine had to quell her excitement just so they could drive safely. In better weather conditions, she might have suggested a little road head, but Helga would have gone beyond the grave to strangle her spirit in hell if she put Rebecca at such risk.

"Mind the mess," Tabitha said as they headed indoors to her small home.

"What mess?"

The wolverine blinked at her living room. She'd forgotten how much time and effort she spent cleaning now. Well, that, and how often she got Justine or Kathoey to help out. "Sorry, force of habit." Tabitha reached over and run her fingers through the pitbull's red headfur. So different from the bluish-gray fur across her body. "This natural or do you dye it?"

"It's natural," She leaned into the wolverine's touch, pulling her thumb against her lips, "Everything in me is."

They tasted sweet. Her lips, her tongue, and even the saliva they swapped through hot breaths as the two mouths twisted and toyed with one another. Rebecca melted in Tabitha's grasp, letting the wolverine press her against the wall as if to fuse her. Not so delicate hands traced along Tabitha's abdomen, reaching down to unzip and slip past her jeans until those cold fingers braced her cock.

But not even winter's chill would stop her. Tabitha's grip on the pitbull grew tighter, and forceful, which made Rebecca's slow pumps tighter. "You have some experience with dick?" Tabitha chuckled, the saliva between them forming a small rope that sniped as she pulled back.

Rebecca shook her head and slipped to her knees, "Not real cock, anyway. Helga likes to have me deepthroat her dildos every now and then. And she's played with them enough."

"Sounds like Hels." For the longest time, Tabitha was convinced her best friend had penis envy. The pitbull pulled out Tabitha's balls from her pants and dragged her tongue across, no doubt tasting the salt and sweat that'd been stewing all day. Soft breaths escaped the wolverine's lips while Rebecca's wrapped around the member, her head digging inch after inch down the rod.

She looked down to compliment, but underneath that mess of red hair she saw brown fur and a beaver tail. The surroundings had changed to some shitty office in the back of a motel, one with a complete bed because of some lazy ass wanting naps midday. "Don't tell me you're getting second thoughts now?" Milly muttered, her hot breath cascading down the wolverine's cock.

"C-Course not," She stammered out. "Get on the desk."

"The what?" Tabitha blinked and saw Rebecca looking up in confusion. Sorry, I didn't catch that."

"Bed." She corrected quickly and pointed to the door. "Strip and get on the bed. I...I need a drink."

She looked to the door, the pulsing rod in her hand, and then to Tabitha, "Alright." Rebecca grinned and slipped out, taking off her sweater first. "Meet you inside."

It's not Milly. Tabitha repeated this in her head over and over while popping a beer from the fridge. She's gone, and you haven't thought of her in. . .well, not years. That little mixtape Kathoey gave her brought back some memories. Hopefully the wah was having a good Christmas. The wolverine shook her head and sat the bottle down, now half empty. No thinking about Kathoey, and no thinking about Milly. This was her night to fuck, everything else could fuck off.

Casually tossing aside her jacket and top, she arrived to find Rebecca lounging on the bed, naked save for the thin and tight chastity belt over her cunt. Tabitha leaned in the frame, her cock standing erect at the scene. "You gonna take that off?" She asked, figuring the pittie deserved something special for convincing her.

"Can't." Rebecca shook her head. "Pussy is for mistress and Helga only. But," She turned and shook her ass. What once had been a solid mass of muscle had gained a small layer of fat from relaxed training. She spread her cheeks, revealing a pert little pucker, "This is for anyone."

Tabitha preferred ass, guy ass especially. She couldn't quite explain it, but something about how a man moaned when she ground against their prostate made her all the giddier. Girl ass was fine too, and part of her wish she could see the toned fighter's bum that Helga told her about when sharing Rebecca's story. "Pity," Tabitha said with sarcasm dripping, "And here I was gonna let you walk away with a rare treat."

"Oh?" Rebecca giggled as Tabitha dropped her jeans and crawled into the bed. "What's that?"

"Let's just say that I have more fingers on one hand than the amount of times I've gone down on people." Her fingers crawled up the pitbull's back, slowly digging her nails with each step before grabbing her headfur. "Just so you know, I can get a little rough. What's your safeword?"

Rebecca smiled, thrilled by the engagement. "Watermelon, Ma'am."

"Ma'am?" Tabitha chuckled and reached for her lube, "That's a new one. What's next? Tarnation instead of 'oh god'?" There was that laughter again, that same giddy chuckle that Milly carried. The memory flooded through the wolverine. She was back in that office, with the beaver sitting on the desk and spreading her legs wide.

"You sure?" She'd asked.

"Don't back out on me now. It was your idea." Milly had bitten her lip in frustration.

Tabitha, for the first time since her first lay, had felt nervous that day. Something about the beaver just ate at her in the wrong way. With a tiny little voice saying, 'don't fuck up' whenever she talked with her. But that smile, hidden underneath the buck teeth chewing on her lower lip, egged her on. Miscellaneous items crashed from the desk as their lips touched. Milly freed Tabitha's cock in the midst of passion, letting the wolverine push her down and slip off her short shorts.

Rebecca's gasp swung Tabitha back to reality. The tip of her cock pushing against the pucker with little resistance. Not too loose, but not too tight. She knew Helga liked to play with ass, but hot damn did she know how to train one.

"D-Don't hold back." She twisted her head back, eyeing up with a grin. "Give me all that you got." Tabitha's heart leapt, seeing those same eyes asking the same thing so many years ago.

"Shut the fuck up." Tabitha growled playfully, wrapping her arm around the young pitbull's throat. "You wanna be treated like a fuckhole? Well, fuckholes don't talk, especially ones that are dirty mutts." Not that she looked like one, but Rebecca's hole tightened all the same at the verbal assault. Tabitha smiled, of course this bitch loved it. "Fucking tight bitch. Maybe Helga needs to stretch your ass more. Maybe she should hand me the reins. I'm sure I could find a wall to stick you in."

The bed shook with every thrust. Slap after slap of her hips against the pitbull's ass while her cock dug as deep as possible. But the bitch didn't just lie there and take it. No, Rebecca pushed back whenever she could, mixing with their rhythm and rising back up to it whenever Tabitha slammed her back down. Tenacious and tight, better than most lays the wolverine had.

Grabbing her headfur and pulling back, Tabitha commanded out, "Bark for me, bitch."

"Fuck me harder then, bitch!" Tabitha blinked. Those weren't Rebecca's words. Butchy brown fur lay beneath her, crawling down a backside used to slouching each day. A buck toothed grin shot up at her, egging the wolverine on. "You're the one with balls. Prove they aren't for show."

Her claws gripped those svelte hips tight. "A bitch, am I?" Rebecca said, or had said then, the memories blurred into one motion of thrusts. The office, her bedroom, blue or brown, it didn't matter. Those moans mattered, the harsh panting of a relentlessly fucked upstart bitch that needed a gag if she didn't sound so good. "Nah, you're my bitch. I got space on my bike just for you." Yes, that's how it was supposed to go. One last fuck you to her boss, then Milly would join their gang, riding with Tabitha until she got her own bike.

She hoped she never would. The wolverine wanted that beaver by her side, to smell that cinnamon scent across her fur that had to be fake but she didn't care. It was perfect, she was perfect. Young and supple, ready to take on the world with a middle finger raised high in each hand.

Drops fell against grayish-blue fur. Tabitha's thrusts didn't stop, but her throat tightened as though tied by a noose. "I'm so sorry," She whispered, her voice cracking under pressure. Arms pulled Rebecca in before the pitbull could question it. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Tabitha couldn't tell if she was speaking or thinking. Everything twisted in her mind, eventually having her stop and hold the pitbull tight. "I'm sorry..."

Her cock slipped out and met the cold open air. This was all wrong. She was gone, gone forever and nothing she could do would change that. How broken was she that the memories flooded now of all times?

A soft hand braced her own. "It's ok," Rebecca whispered. It wasn't ok, she wasn't ok. She was broken and fucked up in too many places. Somehow the pitbull twisted around and hugged her back. "Shh," She hushed, "Shh, it's ok."

"I'm sorry," Tabitha cried out to Rebecca and Milly. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I fucked up and I-"

"Take a deep breath and relax." Her breaths were haggard but she pulled it off. "Good, good. Just lay with me, in my arms. You're safe. You're loved." How could she? Despite her doubts, Tabitha didn't break away, drifting off in the younger woman's arms.

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