Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 2 (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#22 of Commissions

After Adamos's encounter at the mysterious Holiday club, he's been flustered and frazzled. His boss decides to give him some time off, and where should he spend it but underneath Edelweiss's feet?

Been meaning to post this but I kept putting it off for one reason after another.

Commission for Critic.

He could still smell it.

It was faint, growing weaker day by day until Adamos was sure the scent was in his head. Fresh pine, as though walking through forests not made from concrete and steel. Even now, as he typed away an email about the next meeting to schedule more meetings, he had the astringent taste on the roof of his mouth.

When he went home that night, after his encounter with the mysterious Edelweiss, Adamos tried to jack off. He was too horny to think properly, and nothing fixed that better than classic post-nut clarity. Yet he couldn't push himself to do it, as if his hands were bound by a red ribbon wrapped around the rabbit's finger. No amount of porn helped, not even the various rabbit dom ones he'd searched for to fill the void.

And so for three days he struggled with arousal. Three days of soft and nervous breathing, hunched backs to hide his random boners, and the accursed smell of pine at the edge of his senses. "Something the matter, Adamos?" His boss asked.

He blinked, "What?" The raccoon swerved his head, finding all eyes on him in the boardroom. When did he enter a meeting? And how long had Mr. Holt been staring at him? "No, no, sir. Just some poor sleep is all."

The mammoth at the head of the table leaned back into his chair. Mr. Holt, in Adamos's experience, was a good boss. He cared about his employees to an extent, and was never one to put too much pressure on the raccoon. Unfortunately, the CEO wasn't his direct boss. Adamos had the difficult duty of keeping several other demanding people happy so the mammoth would be satisfied. Not that he'd ever complain to Mr. Holt about that. No, that had to be workplace suicide.

The mammoth sighed and shook his head, swaying his trunk to and fro, "I can appreciate your focus and hard work, but you need to remember to get good sleep. Else you'll end up sleeping through important talks. Will talk more in my office." The office? If Adamos's eyes were tired before, the shock made them crack open and stay there. With only one long elevator ride to keep him distracted, the raccoon slumped into the wall and let dread flow in.

This was it, he thought. I'm being fired, and all I can think about is that fucking rabbit. The final ping acted as a death bell as the doors opened. Straightening his tie, he stepped forward into the mammoth's wide office. Wider than his own apartment, with a free weight stand in the corner that Mr. Holt was already using. Adamos never got to see much underneath the mammoth's suit, so the utter muscle worked with every rep was a surprise.

"Poor sleep?" The CEO asked between reps, as if the sixty pound dumbbell was nothing to him. Adamos gulped and nodded, opening his mouth to speak up. "Don't give me excuses," Mr. Holt said with a raise of his hand, "It's clear you're overworked. When's the last time you took a holiday?"

He gulped again. "H-Holiday? Like Christmas?"

"No. As in a vacation." The mammoth rolled his eyes. "You don't need a thesaurus to know this." His boss replaced the dumbbell with a towel, cleaning off the sweat as he leaned into his desk. "How long have you been with us?"

"Three years, give or take."

He nodded. "And in those three years, I've noticed you haven't taken much PTO. Our company requires vacation days, you know." His expression turned dour at the raccoon, "It looks bad when our employees don't take them. We aren't slave drivers."

With the way his coworkers looked at him, Adamos wouldn't agree. "Understood, sir. I'll try to take this Friday off and-"

"The week."

Adamos blinked. "Pardon."

"I'm putting you on a paid vacation. Relax. Lounge around in your apartment in your underwear, or take a trip to Fiji for a day or two, I don't care how you do it. Just come back to this office recharged, or don't come back at all." The raccoon blinked again. Counting today alone, he wouldn't have much time or even the funds to make any long trips and...wait, was that a threat? No, it couldn't be. Unless...

"Mr. Holt, am I being fired?"

He scoffed back, digging his hands into the pockets of his tight gym shorts, "Christ you're uptight," the mammoth muttered underneath his breath. "No, you're not being fired. And I'm not going to replace you if you're gone for one week. But if you can't get yourself together after a week of relaxation time, then maybe we'll need to discuss other options." He pulled his hand out and placed it against Adamos's shoulder, the sheer weight alone almost knocking the raccoon off balance. "Just don't worry about this. Turn your brain off and enjoy life."

Adamos's next moments were more like an out-of-body experience. He grabbed his suitcase and took his car to nowhere in particular. It wasn't until he heard the blaring honk of a car horn behind him did he realize he'd been at a greenlight near a building he hadn't seen before. Deep into the downtown business district, with cars filling the streets at all hours except the dead of night.

Finding a parking garage wasn't difficult. Twenty bucks for eight hours was sufficient enough. Pulling out the card he'd been given, Adamos double checked the address in his phone, surprised to find it only a block away from where he was. One quick walk later, and the raccoon found himself standing before the rotating doors of a 10 story building. At a glance, it looked like an office building. But as he pushed his way inside, Adamos saw the decor more fitting of a hotel or upscale apartment, with bellhops waiting by pillars in the front, and a single concierge behind a desk.

"Can I help you?" The fox behind the counter asked. He was handsome, they all were. But Adamos swore the concierge's movements were stiff, almost robotic, with a subtle but familiar squeak escaping from each movement. It must be from the chair.

"Um...I'm not sure." Adamos pulled out the card, "Is this the right address?"

The arctic fox's amber eyes lit up but his smile remained consistent. "It is indeed." He thumbed over to the elevator on the right, "There's a touchscreen inside where you can enter your code. Please enjoy yourself." Adamos nodded and wandered down the corridor, wondering in the back of his mind why the concierge needed gloves, and why he couldn't see any fur underneath the fox's neck.

The elevator interior fit the highclass feel of the building, with a golden trim lining the walls. In place of buttons, there was indeed a touchscreen with a scanner overhead. The card didn't have a barcode, but fiddling with the screen revealed a keypad for the code. Taking a deep breath, he typed in FFD4E5.

With a ding, the doors closed and he felt the elevator shift downward. Confused, Adamos braced himself against the railings and looked at the floor counter above him. By floor negative three he noticed the soft numbing scent of pine. Flipping the card between his fingers, he took one whiff and realized the card held such a subtle odor of it.

A ping ricocheted across the walls at floor negative ten. The doors opened, and Adamos stepped out to a rustic basement. Interior rock walls built as though stacked by hand, cabin style wooden floors covered in clean shag rugs. Even the elevator doors behind him mimicked yard house doors as they closed. And the smell, with one sniff he tasted an earthly mix of sage, pine, and whiskey.

Adamos saw him as he stepped deeper inside. Wearing a loose white and gold bathrobe and reading a tablet behind an ebony wood desk. He looked up and smiled at the raccoon's approach, "Welcome," Edelweiss said in his thick accent, gently putting his tablet down and standing tall, his shadow illuminated by the fireplace behind him. "You find the place alright?"

"S-Something like that...'' He found his throat tighten in the rabbit's presence, as though his tie was too tight again. "Not sure where this place is."

"Well it's my home. Or rather, one of them." Edelweiss leaned against the desk, "It's also my office. I'm a bit of a workaholic so I try to make wherever I work comfy. It helps that I can wear whatever I want when doing it. Sometimes not a thing." The image of the rabbit strolling around this country-like basement naked had Adamos turning red. Especially how that cock just flopped freely, demanding worship. "Can I get you anything?" He asked, motioning over to a cabinet, "Gin, whiskey? I'm not much of a mixologist so I can't offer anything creative."

"N-no thanks. I'm good."

"You sure, mate?" Edelweiss asked, pulling out one bottle. "It's a good bottle. Aged in oak barrels." Still Adamos declined, not that the rabbit took offense as he popped a cork and poured himself a glass. "So, what brings you here?" He grabbed a perfect sphere iceball from a nearby fridge. "Shouldn't you be working still? Can't be quitting time already."

Why was he here? Sure, he'd been granted a vacation, or rather, forced into it, but was that really an excuse to visit? He hadn't bothered making an appearance any earlier, having days before to come by. He needed a clear head, something the confounded scent made impossible. None of that mattered now, and his accursed pink tie was too fucking tight.

"I got...busy, which was why I didn't come by earlier." Edelweiss nodded, but his expression indicated that he was still waiting for a real answer. "And well...I was told I'd been too busy. So that's why I'm here now." Adamos loosened his tie, hoping it'd make breathing easier.

Edelweiss's gaze didn't waiver, subtly smiling as he sipped from his glass. "So it's one of those forced vacation sort of situations? Guess that explains why you're so uptight."


"No harm meant, mate." The rabbit's heavy hand patted his shoulder. "Just something I noticed from our earlier encounter. Seemed like you had a weight lifted off ya, am I wrong?" He wasn't. Despite the flicker of rebellion in his thoughts, Adamos never felt more relieved at the rabbit's mercy. Even now he wanted nothing more than to fall to his knees before Mr. Aster, awaiting a command that may never come.

"You can put your suitcase by the side." He motioned to the fireplace. "And your jacket. How you even breathing in that?" He'd forgotten he was wearing it, or carrying said suitcase in his hands. Nerves flared through him as Adamos removed his jacket, leaving him with only his khakis, shoes, and collared shirt left. "Feel better?"

"A...yes." He nodded.

His smile gave Adamos a warm but jittery feeling. "Good. How about I give you a tour?" He asked, wrapping his arm around the raccoon's neck, pulling him close as they trudged down deeper into the basement. The walls carried a strange peasant vibe, as if every stone had been hewn by hand and placed atop each other by a lone figure, something that would have taken decades to accomplish. Of course Edelweiss couldn't be that old, but he couldn't quite grasp the rabbit's age. Certainly he was older than Adamos, but he couldn't grasp it by a few years, or a few decades.

"Now I know what you're thinking," he said, noting the pale surprise on the raccoon's face. "What happens during a blackout? Cause there are no windows so I'd be relying on darkness only, right?"

"R-Right..." He wasn't thinking that at all.

"Well," Edel motioned the raccoon's head to one of the lights, "I've got several backup generators running deep. Enough to keep this place running for decades. If I wanted to, I could go completely off grid." He heard only half of that, and the next sentence became a blur. What grabbed Adamos's attention was the firmness of Edel's grip against his jaw. His breathing tensed at the image of Edel looking down at him, holding that chin as the raccoon waited on his knees.

Fuck, he thought to himself as his erection unfurled, not now. "I take it you like your privacy then?"

"I do, yes. Though I'll admit I'm better than I used to be. In my youth, I used to keep myself indoors almost year round." He laughed, slapping Adamos's back to get another out of him. "Only went out once a year if I remember right."

"Was it extreme social anxiety?"

"No," Edelweiss shook his head, "More like an OCD thing. I'm better with it now though." He found it difficult to see the rabbit cooped up inside for so long. The confidence he carried didn't belong to any shut-ini that Edel proclaimed he used to be. But maybe that was the point, to show how the rabbit had changed into what he was. "Now that's just the lights. Wait until you see the gallery." Edel slipped his hand into Adamos's back pocket, directing him with a subtle squeeze of his ass.

Adamos found it hard to focus on the next room. His body clinging so close to Edelweiss had his heartbeat pounding in his ears, and the pine forest scent overflowing. But in the brief moments of lucidity, his eyes wandered to the art pieces across the space, from paintings of classical knights swearing fealty to kings with their heads in royal hands, photographs of bare chested bikers in dark lighting, and sculptures of masculine furs in open legged kneeling positions.

One stood out especially. The figure was carved from obsidian and set atop a white marble base for contrast. The features were smooth, but a closer look revealed the thousands of marks to mimic fur. He was lithe, athletic, like a football quarterback. A canine of some sort, perhaps a jackal, he couldn't tell thanks to the hood chiseled over where his face should be.

At the bottom sat a brass plaque reading, 'Choice' and the name 'Darian Godfree' underneath it, along with several lines written in French. "Like the piece?" Edel asked, pinching the raccoon's backside. "Bought it off a good friend of mine. Do you know the significance of its name?" Adamos shook his head. "Well, I'll be happy to explain. You see, submission cannot be forced. Despite what's depicted in film or whatever, you cannot force someone to submit without them seeing you as a negative, an obstacle. People are people, after all."

"So their choice matters?"

"Of course it does, but this is the interesting part." He took another sip from his glass, finishing it and placing it next to another sculpture of a colorful egg. "See, some people aren't people. They try to be, drudging day in and out, making decisions and trying to get by in life. Some of them don't even realize that they aren't people, and who could blame them? They've been raised to think they are. A cruel fate, trapped in the very freedoms people fought to give everyone. And by no means am I saying that freedoms shouldn't be allowed, some people just want to be...less free than others. Do you understand?"

He did, at least partially. Choices were hard, but they had to be otherwise they wouldn't mean anything. But still, not a day went by where Adamos wished he didn't need to make so many choices. That life could be simpler for him. But such selfish thoughts were an insult. After all, people needed their freedoms.

Edelweiss smiled, as if reading the raccoon's thoughts. "What these pretenders want is a different kind of freedom. One that, on the surface, looks like slavery. Deep down, that's what they are. Slaves. Not a term to insult them, but to embolden them. To help them dig deep and become their true selves. But it's scary," His breath traveled down Adamos's neck, "Terrifying to most. How could they give up so much, and be happy? It's a choice that matters, and that's what this sculpture is about. The choice to surrender to yourself, and to surrender yourself to another." His hand slipped past Adamos's shirt, crawling against his quivering stomach and chest. "You felt it, didn't you? Back at Holiday? That's why you're here, isn't it? You want to experience that freedom again."

Yes. Adamos didn't dare deny his desire. The raccoon was ready to melt in Edelweiss's arms like chocolate on a spring afternoon. The rabbit's smile had his chest fluttering, "Let's continue the tour, shall we?" Every hallway felt like a maze, a trap that only the rabbit could guide him through. There was a kitchen, a rec room, a bathroom with a shower large enough to comfortably accommodate two or more people, surrounded by glass walls for steam to paint and whisk away with handprints, and more. With every door opened, Edel skipped past two or three, showing only the livable portions.

And it was livable. Someone could have an entire life down here if they chose. "And this here," They stopped at a white door with a striped egg decal, "is my favorite room." With care, Edel opened and pushed Adamos inside. The walls were bright with color, offset by the racks, crosses, and tables dotting the area. Adamos had seen plenty of porn to know what bondage furniture was, but they lacked the black and dark look presented in those films. They were cheerful, as if to hide their darker purpose.

"Go ahead," Edelweiss whispered, "See with your hands if you like. They're sturdy enough." Swallowing his anxieties, Adamos dragged his finger across a pink X-cross, feeling the cold vinyl a top foam padding. He closed his eyes and saw himself bound to it, gagged, naked, and at the mercy of whoever wanted him.

Or maybe the swing? His body held high into the air with his ass and cock exposed. Strong but sensual hands wrapping around his cock, toying and teasing him to the edge only to stop and bring him back down. Adamos could do nothing but beg into his gag, pleading to his master for release that might never come.

Then the benches. His chest against the padding, ass open and tail locked to a collar around his neck. The back hole quivering in anticipation to get fingered or fucked by the rabbit's cock. Each piece of furniture brought a new image, budding anticipation that any stricter person would shut away. "Easy there, mate." Edelweiss chuckled from the otherside, "Don't want you overwhelming yourself. Need anything to drink?" He did now, noticing how dry his throat became.

Back in the kitchen, with a fresh glass of ice water in his hands, he pondered on the next words to say.

"So," Edel said before Adamos could collect himself, "How long's your holiday?"

"The..." He sipped from the cup, composing himself, "The rest of the week."

"Oh? Got any plans?" He asked with an all-knowing smile. Adamos shook his head, unable to bring out the words he wanted to say. "Come on, mate." The rabbit hunched over, letting his bathrobe fall loose to reveal his sturdy pecs underneath, "I invited you down into my dungeon as it were, you can say what you want to say."

"I...I want to submit. To you." He specified out of sheer nerves, "Like back in Holiday."

"Do you, now?" He said with mock surprise. "Well, I can't say I'm not interested. You do have..." His fingers tipped toed across the counter and up Adamos's arm, stopping at the neck with a stiff pinch, "Potential. But..."

The raccoon's ears drooped. "But?" Adamos repeated, his chest tightening at the prospect of being turned away. The next few words strung him up like a hangman.

"I'm not interested in one night stands." Then came a smile, "Why don't we continue this in my office?" He kept a steady pace behind Edelweiss as they returned to the front, several feet back as though pulled by a leash. Might as well, given the tightness of his throat while it swelled with words he couldn't decide on. The rabbit took his seat behind the black wood desk. Adamos looked to find his own, but realized there was only one.

He flinched at the sound of the desk drawer pulled open. "This here is a contract." Edelweiss held a small stack of documents between his fingers. "Specifically a contract of servitude. It only lasts for five days, but in those five you would be considered my property. Now, obviously there are clauses built in for your protection. I'm not running an organ harvesting farm." He handed it over to Adamos, "Read it."

The papers fell to the floor when he reached for it. He blinked, looking at the rabbit directly in the eyes. That was a mistake, akin to falling into a pit trap and never reaching the bottom. "Read it." He ordered. Adamos nodded, shivering and slowly falling to his knees to thumb through the contract.

The wording was both straightforward and complex, juggling back and forth between terms of servitude and acts as property. Instead of lines, there were boxes with the labels for thumb prints. Page after page of clauses, conditions, obligations.

A weight pressed up against his head. "Make sure to get a closer look," Edelweiss spoke deep, one foot at the edge of the paper, another over the raccoon's scalp. His ears rung with the pounding of his heart, his nose filled with not just pine, but the earthly scent of the weathered foot pushing him down. Were his pants always so tight? Or his shirt for that matter? It grew difficult to breathe, and yet no panic came to his thoughts.

His face hurt. Cheeks ached as if pulled from the ears. A smile? Yes, he was smiling. Adamos tried to lift his head up, to see how the rabbit looked down upon him. But the foot wouldn't budge, keeping him down to the floor like a worm. Unfit for anything more than this touch. Desire swelled, but it wasn't humility that held him from dry humping the floor until orgasm. No, it was knowing that Edelweiss didn't want that. He wanted the raccoon to sign the documents.

"P-Pen," Adamos sputtered out breathlessly, forgetting that there were no lines to sign. For a brief moment, one that felt like an agonizing eternity, Edel's foot released itself from his scalp. It returned after an ink pad had been dropped beside him.

"Read it carefully now."

What more was there to read? Adamos had made his decision, pressing his thumb hard against the inkpad before slamming it down box after box through the contract. For five days, he would be property. Five days of servitude under the rabbit, free from the responsibilities and burdens of everyday life.

Finished, he dutifully slid the stack over to Edelweiss. His fur stood on end at the sound of the rabbit's desk chair rolling over, from the clanks of the seat relieved of pressure when the rabbit picked the contract up. One foot arched underneath the raccoon's chin, pointing him up to see the rabbit, now his master, thumbing through the contract casually.

Though he did not dare speak a word, Edelweiss pressed both feet against his face before Adamos could open his maw. He grit his teeth as if to stay the panting, the lust building inside as he sniffed the weathered soles clasped around him. His clothes became restrictive, suffocating him to the point that the raccoon struggled to breathe.

"Everythin seems to be in order." Edelweiss slipped the paper into another drawer, "Strip and heel. Don't worry about being neat with your clothes, you won't be seeing them for a while." He nearly tore out his buttons in haste, tossing aside his shirt, undershirt, belt, pants, everything. His sense of curiosity had him look down between his legs, finding his cock standing taller than he'd swore it'd ever been.

His master took note of it as well, pressing his foot against the pulsing rod right as Adamos kneeled at his side. Edelweiss said nothing, letting his cool soles say everything he needed as they sandwiched between Adamos's cock, warmth by the fur. He grit his teeth in protest, forcing himself not to cum so early. He wanted it, the pleasure bubble to finally pop, but the fear of newfound clarity had him desperate to reel it back.

The rabbit chuckled, his deep aussie accent wrapping around Adamos's chest like tape. "Not even a minute into slavery, and you're holding yourself back. I'm impressed, most of my other toys spurt by now." He got up, leaving the raccoon's cock free and wanting. "Stay here. Don't move a muscle." Easier said than done, with the urge to watch his master walk off gnawing at his mind. But he obeyed, even as his knees burned against the solid marble floor.

Adamos waited. He kneeled for what felt like a minute or more until he heard that voice again. "Stand up." Like a rocket, he shot up, ignoring the pain in his knees. One hand turned him around forcefully and arched his head up. Thick leather wrapped around his neck, locking tight enough not to choke, but to keep him aware of its presence.

"Back on the desk." He laid out against the oak, staring up at the wood patterns above. Every pounding of his heart shook the raccoon's body, his cock standing free as a tower before the rabbit. "Let's see what I have to work with." Edelweiss said aloud, dragging his finger slowly from Adamos's belly button, to the tip of his chin.

He hummed while exploring, figuring and prodding around Adamos as the raccoon tried to stay still. His restraint took everything he had, but twitches and bumps across his skin cracked through whatever chains his mind cast out. A soft gasp escaped his lips when Edelweiss pinched his left nipple. He wasn't sensitive, but to have someone else touch it like so, his fingers clenched into the desk in anticipation.

Edelweiss said nothing. From what few glimpses Adamos mustered from his peripheral gaze, the rabbit looked amused but unphased. As if examining a product he'd just bought. Then again, that's what the raccoon was if he thought about it. He gave up his entire vacation, his holiday, to be under the rabbit's control. "You've got a bit of extra fluff we'll need to cut." He laughed when Adamos's ears dropped, "Not to worry, I'm not shaving ya pink. Just want things to fit nicely against ya."

Both hands pressed against his stomach, "Not bad," He murmured, kneading the raccoon's flat gut. "I reckon you don't eat much, do you? Or walk about much either." Adamos nodded. "Well, good. Good." That cold hand reached below and tightly folded around the raccoon's sack. Slowly, like a hydraulic press, he squeezed until Adamos whimpered, letting go and chuckling aloud as he patted the sack. "Lucky for you, I'm not that kind of sadist," He jested, taking that hand around Adamos's raging erection and clutching tight.

"No, I'm a more," He pumped steadily inside that death grip, "...mental kind." At that, Edelweiss grabbed Adamos's jaw and forced him to stare at the earthly brown eyes. He froze but fell, his mind lost in a vortex of desire, dominance, and submission with the unflinching stare of the rabbit jacking him off. Gasps locked by strong fingers, he vented through his nose as pleasure built and built with steady motions. "Don't look away." He ordered, right as Adamos's eyes flinched down to his crotch. "You look at me, unless I tell you otherwise. Blink twice if you understand."

Another contract, verbal and signed with two blinks. "Good. Now, when you're close, I want you to close your eyes real hard. Are we clear?" He blinked two times, heart pacing at the rabbit's domineering smile. The rabbit made no effort to get him off quickly, pumping his cock steadily with the only breaks devoted to teasing the head. Adamos wanted to curl his head back and cry out, moaning louder than ever before. Edel's grip on his face stayed true, to the point that his jaw ached. But he did not complain, did not squeal or beg for mercy. He couldn't, not lost in those eyes.

Breathing sped up. Pleasure rose higher and higher. Remembering his master's command, Adamos closed his eyes tight to signal the rabbit. And just like that, Edelweiss stopped. Both hands left him free, aching and cold on the desk, while the rabbit sat back and reclined in his chair. "Get soft."

Betrayal hit him like a knife through the chest. He was so close, right at the edge and now rapidly falling in the opposite direction. Tears swelled in his eyes while his cock turned flaccid and soft, his cheek fur matted wet when finished. "Shh...don't cry." Edelweiss wiped his tears with his finger, "You'll enjoy it in the end, trust me." He shouldn't. By all accounts, Adamos had made a mistake. But some part of him did, and it became the dominant force in his mind.

"Kneel on the desk. Chop chop." Adamos responded with a clap, situating himself against the heavy oak on his knees, cock and balls hanging before the rabbit. Opening another drawer, Edelweiss pulled out that familiar clear chastity cage with the floral pattern. The memory of Holiday surged at the sight of it, bringing life back to his crotch. "Oi, stay soft." He shivered at the command, harsh words dragging him down as the raccoon thought of anything to stay soft: his time working retail, awkward Christmas office parties with subpar catering, random assortments of ads that pissed him off.

With lube, the cage parts slide on gracefully, locking his cock away with one final click. It looked like a galleria piece, making his cock display only. "There we go," Edelweiss said confidently, looping a finger around Adamos's collar and pulling him close for a kiss. The rabbit's tongue slipped through the raccoon's lips, wrestling his own into submission. His cage twitched, but did not hurt at the attempted erection. "I wonder," He said, pulling away with only one shared strand of saliva breaking, "If you'll even recognize yourself after five days."

Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 3 (Commission)

The subtle scent of pine had Adamos digging his nose deeper into the rabbit's ballsack. Only a few hours into signing the contract, and the raccoon's arms and legs were locked in latex sleeves forcing him onto all fours like a filthy feral beast, face...

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Roadie Chapter 16: Don't Tour Alone

Tiffany yawned as she piloted the camper through the night. It'd been roughly twelve hours since she'd hugged her parents goodbye and made the trip back home with her boyfriend. Nonstop driving had both of them so exhausted that she'd almost forgotten...

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Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 1 (Commission)

There was a crick in Adamos's neck that he'd been nursing since lunch. Was it from stress, or simply being hunched over a computer all day? The raccoon sighed and leaned back against his seat in the subway car, arching his head back in the hopes it'd...

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