Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 1 (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#21 of Commissions

After a tough day at the office, Adamos finds himself at an interesting club where a strange hare awaits him.

Commissioned for Critic. Hope you enjoy!

There was a crick in Adamos's neck that he'd been nursing since lunch. Was it from stress, or simply being hunched over a computer all day? The raccoon sighed and leaned back against his seat in the subway car, arching his head back in the hopes it'd stretch out. He hated being a middle manager. The pay was good, not that he got to enjoy much of it with the late hours he forced himself through to keep his bosses happy. And for what? None of his coworkers seemed pleased whenever he was around. Not that he made an effort to be unagreeable, but his sheer position made everyone act as though he was always looking for someone to fire.

That wasn't always the case, but layoffs were frequent enough for that fear. With a yawn, he reached for his phone deep inside his coat pocket. The pointed edge of cardboard immediately dug into his thumb, and as he pulled it out Adamos found a business card snug into his hand. On the front read one word 'Holiday' in white with a black background, with not an address but a single sentence written on the back.

'Come and take one.'

He blinked. Was this a joke? Did his tired eyes miss a detail? Flipping the card back and forth revealed no new information. Someone must have slipped this into his coat at work, maybe as a message to get him off their backs. A holiday would be nice, and he had the paid time off for one, not that he could take it. Too many people relied on him, that was the sad truth of it all.

Still, the thought lingered as he got off. Leaving the subway with each step toward home like he'd done thousands of times. Only this time his feet didn't carry him home. The mystery of the card filled his field of vision, blinding him to the different surroundings until he bumped into a rhino who rudely told him to watch his step. When Adamos looked up to apologize, he saw a white neon sign overheard, cursive letters spelling out 'Holiday.'

Like a moth to a bug zapper, the raccoon felt compelled to slip past the front door. The heavy scent of leather and latex filled his nostrils, his ears abound in the subtle thumping beats of speakers above. High focused lights created a dark ocean across the floor, with a violet glow running across the floor in the form of a road.

Various furs filled the place, their bodies exposed and restricted through tight outfits. Yet Adamos found his own collared shirt and khakis more confining with every step further inside, watching bodies move with grace and freedom while locked up and in cages. He gulped as he reached the bar, headed by a large polar bear in a red suit that molded with his girth, and squeaked with every tiny movement.

"Vhat can I get ya?" The bear asked with a heavy accent, with a soft smile that betrayed his stature. Adamos pondered where the east European accent landed the bartender, but scratched it aside as he ordered a Margarita . "Have not seen your face. New here?"

"S-something like that." The class chilled his fingers as he gripped it tight. "I'm not sure where 'here' is exactly."

"Is Holiday," The bear said, as though that explained everything. Adamos didn't question any further. He must have gotten off early, or later, definitely not the right stop but his autopilot was bound to make mistakes on the way home. Just one drink and he'd get going. Finding a nice empty booth, he slowly sipped the sour drink and watched out from the crowd.

The low lights hid their acts in darkness, forming silhouettes of delight and debauchery with only flashes exposing flesh and fur. He watched a gagged stallion being ridden by a mouse in a leather corset, a masked wolf face first into the crotch of a tall moose, and two women sharing spit while one held the other by the neck.

But with every turn of his head, Adamos's eyes fell on one individual in particular. In an open lounge stationed in the middle sat a firm grey furred bunny. A leather harness hugged his muscular chest, and his legs were open and relaxed to reveal a black thong. Something about him kept hooking his focus, making his grip oh so tight against the chilled glass.

He looked away when the rabbit faced him, face burning at the possible attention. It was too much, Adamos told himself. Time to leave. Guzzling the last of his drink, he set up to go, only to see the rabbit looking back at him with a smile. Holding out his hand, he curled a single finger to call him hither. His throat tightened, like an invisible string looped around and pulled him ever closer to the rabbit until they shared the same light.

"Evenin," He said with an accent fit for the wide plains of the outback. "Name's Edelweiss, Edelweiss Aster. And yours?"

Dryness hit his mouth when he opened to speak. The rabbit smirked, no, his whole body tinged in confidence. So close now he could see the floral tattoos running across his chest, and the outline in that tight thong. "A-Adamos," He finally uttered.

"A-Adamos?" Edelweiss teased, "Does the A stand for something else?"

"Just Adamos." He forced a laugh. Was it funny? He wasn't sure, but the rabbit smiled all the same. "Sorry, it's my first time here."

"It's Alright," He said, quickly enough to sound like one word. "I could tell by the business casual." He scooted over on his couch, patting the seat beside him. "Come on, mate, sit. Looks like you're about to collapse with all that shaking." Adamos sunk into the soft leather cushion beside Edelweiss, nervously trying not to bite his lip in the hare's presence. "So, Adamos. What brings you to Holiday?" He asked.

"Kind of wandered here by accident, if you can believe it."

Edelweiss shook his head, still smiling. "Nobody comes to Holiday by mistake. There's always something. Stress maybe?" He leaned into the armchair, "Sick of your boss riding you the wrong way?"

"N-No," He laughed again, "Well...maybe? Work has been a lot as of late."

"And you'd like to get away from it all, wouldn't ya?" Edelweiss asked, "To sample the buffet. But can your eyes really feed that hunger of yours?"

"I-I don't-"

Deep laughter erupted from the rabbit, followed by a soft but heavy slap against Adamos's back, "I'm just fuckin with ya, mate. Loosen up." Edelweiss smiled, "Seriously, loosen up. Looks like you're having trouble breathing in those work clothes of yours." Was he? It only just occurred how tight his tie actually was with each gulp. He slipped his finger through and pulled it loose, undoing the long purple tie until it fell besides him. "There ya go," Edelweiss said, watching the raccoon strip himself. "Must be some important work with you dressing up like that."

"Nothing that important." He didn't want to talk about middle management bullshit now. Whether because he was tired, or because he feared boring the rabbit, he wasn't sure. "Just a lot of meetings and talks. Gotta look good." He stripped off his shirt before realizing how exposed he made himself.

"You look better with it off." Edel grinned, "Shame about the dress code. Course, I know of an entirely different dress code that'd be right up your alley." His chest tightened, back stiff at the way the rabbit's earthly eyes rolled over him. Were his muscles quivering? Excited for Adamos? His hand reached subtly across the couch through their conversation, hoping to dig deep into the temple that was his body. "Oi." Edel caught Adamos's hand tight, "Only does and toys get to touch, mate."

He tried to pull away, "S-sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

Edelweiss didn't let go, "You sure?" He sneered, "You've been pryin all night. You want to touch?" He asked, releasing the raccoon. Adamos nodded so fast he grew dizzy, seeing two pairs of shiny buckteeth laughing in his direction. "Well, if you want to touch, then you need to do something for me."

Anything, Adamos thought. Questions arose at the metal egg the rabbit pulled from behind the couch. Handing it over, he softly whispered, "Down the hall and to the right, behind the door with the egg. Leave the knickers." He left before Adamos could question him, leaving the raccoon alone with a metal egg in a room filled with skimpy dancers and clubbers. He gasped, as if holding his breath the entire time while near Edelweiss. His scent was still fresh but fading fast, a euphoria he didn't dare lose.

But Adamos dared not follow until he knew what was inside the egg. Finding the seam, he lifted the top half and found a chastity cage. Clear as crystal, with floral patterns etched onto it. He shut the egg, then opened it back up to confirm his reality. There was no way. When was the last time he'd been this lucky? At best he'd gotten away with eyeing hunks in the locker rooms after workouts, watching their strong forms glisten and...

The raccoon hurriedly walked down the corridor, casting his pants aside and looking for the egg door. He found one, with a multicolored egg plastered in the middle of it. His erection standing tall, he knocked against it and waited.

"Come on in." With excitement and trepidation, Adamos turned the knob and pushed forward. He first noted the toys littering the walls, from paddles to gags. Then came the black mattress with Edelweiss lounging atop it, his smile oozing control as he was handed the egg. "So, I guess you made your decision then?" He teased, taking the egg and popping the cage out. The raccoon nodded, his spine tingling with every jistle of the prison, "I suppose a busy guy like you needs this. It'd be so much better to just give up control, wouldn't it?" His fingers tilted Adamos's head up by his chin, forcing him into those deep brown eyes, "And you want a strong buck to take those reigns, don't ya?"

He did. God almighty, Adamos wanted Edelweiss all over him. The rabbit smirked, reading him like a book. "We might be in a bit of a pickle then. Can't put this on if you're raging like that." He looked down, seeing his erection flaring between his legs. "It's alright, mate," The rabbit said, holding Adamos's hand tight, "Gimmie your arm and push."

The raccoon wondered why. As he pushed, Adamos only felt more of Edelweiss's strength, his power to wrestle him into submission if he dared desire to get physical. It wasn't until he said stop that he realized his erection had faltered. "Funny thing, that. Good old wrestle can drag your focus away. Now keep it soft."

Easier said than done. He thought of his boss, his coworkers, and every other stress in his life while those dexterous hands lubed up and locked the floral etched cage around his cock. So tight, he realized, yet not enough to pinch or suffocate his dick. "Good," Edelweiss chuckled, flicking the caged head. Its protective shell shielding Adamos from any pain, or pleasure. "Now," the rabbit stood tall and sat back against the bed, "Why don't you get to know this body you'll be worshipping?"

As much as he wanted to taste his cock, Adamos crawled up to Edelweiss's impressive pectorals first. His mouth dry with lust, he pressed his nostrils against it and sniffed, his heavy scent rushing through him. Masculine, musky, and something else. Something...earthly. Curious, he explored all over at the rabbit's leisure, hunting for the mysterious scent in the strongest spots. His tongue lathered against the rabbit's pits, numbing the pink organ as though he tasted pine.

Yes, pine. Fresh pine. Something both numbing and rejuvenating wafted in Edelweiss's scent, or maybe it was the aftertaste of his drink. Whatever it was, spring had come and filled the raccoon's nose with the fresh flowers blooming. His cock stirred inside the cage, never hurting but damn near trying to grow erect in the bunny's presence. But to no avail, Adamos's pleasure came through his worship. Not just from the scent, but at the touch of his soft muscles underneath his fur. With a single flex they could grow hard, outpacing anything he could achieve. But their softness provided comfort, peace, as though he could cuddle up against the rabbit and close his eyes for a month.

"Quite the explorer." The rabbit spread his arms out wide over his body, letting Adamos touch without his own grip latched across the raccoon's head. "Most go straight for my dick. But you want more than that, don't ya?" He did. Every fiber of his being wanted to taste and touch Edelweiss, and the sensation grew stronger with each second. His smile sent a warm tingle down his spine, one hand reaching for his face to push his thumb against the raccoon's tongue. "I love a respectful toy. Brats are fun to mold, but the shy submissive is all the more disheartening. Needing a firm hand to guide them. And yet, you have patience to enjoy what you can.

"So come on," He pulled Adamos closer, "Enjoy it. Prove your worth to me." The command rippled through his body. Noticing the ache on his jaw as he swallowed the anxiety building, he crawled down the rabbit and with his front teeth, pulled away the black thong. Edel wasn't the biggest he'd seen, not that it felt any less imposing before him as it towered over the raccoon's nose.

One sniff, then two, the heavy musk reminding him just how tight the cage was yet he couldn't whine. The snugness pushed him forward, one hand holding the pulsing girth steady as his tongue slowly lathered the shaft from base to tip. "There we go," Edel said gently. "Savor every bit of it."

What else could he do? When was the last time he'd gotten laid? No, not even that. Adamos didn't care about his own pleasure, just about Edel's smile. The happier this rabbit was, the prouder he felt worshipping him.

Both hands massaged the shaft and head as he suckled the balls, the salty taste of his sweat dancing on the raccoon's tongue. With one final deep breath, he brought his lips to the head and swallowed down, inch after inch. Adamos closed his eyes to focus, feeling around the rod with his tongue through every bob up and down. He breathed through his nose, focusing on keeping a steady pace so as not to gag.

Unless Edel wanted him to. He could see the rabbit holding his head down and fucking him raw, strangling the raccoon with his cock. Adamos wouldn't demand it, he would simply accept being used like the proper toy he was right here and now.

But Edel didn't fuck his face. Adamos looked up, meeting the piercing gaze of a man who had full control and loved every second. He swallowed deeper, desperate to make the rabbit cum, but only succeeded in choking himself.

Laughing, Edel pulled him off. Pre glistened from the tip of his urethra, mixing with the strands of saliva that broke away as Adamas gasped. "Eyes bigger than your throat there, mate?" He jested, getting up and pulling his thong back on. The raccoon almost crawled to his leg, pushing his snout against the tent in the hopes he wasn't done, that Edel wasn't displeased.

The card Edel pulled from his strap stopped him before he could try. "If you want to meet up again. I'd love to stay longer and really see your potential, but I have somewhere to be. Oh, you might want to get up." Adamos followed without questioning it, taking the card as the rabbit pulled out a key and unlocked him. "Until we meet again, sweetheart."

He left. Adamos stood frozen, card tight between his fingers, as he stared at the door. That was it? No, he shook his head, it couldn't have been it. The raccoon rushed out to the hall and then the playspace, but found no sign of the rabbit. As if he disappeared into thin air.

Back in the room, Adamos slumped against the bed and looked over the card. Brown with white letters reading, The Burrow, on the front, with the back having an address and a code. FFD4E5.

Whatever it meant didn't matter. Adamos sighed and fell back against the bed, his mind affixed with the rabbit's physique. He needed more. Needed it harder. His cock bobbed, and in desperation, Adamos grabbed some toys from the wall, namely a dildo about the rabbit's size with a suction cup at the base. Closing his eyes, he sniffed and imagined the pine heavy musk scent. Licked it to taste the salty pre he craved.

Sticking it to the wall, Adamos rested on his knees and mirrored his technique from earlier. Only now his cock was free and raging, hastily pumped away despite the silicon taste with a lingering sting along his tongue. Edel was watching him, he could see the rabbit's grin clearly in his mind's eye with every suckle and bob of his head against the fake cock.

Desperate, he grabbed latex gloves and held his head, imagining the rabbit holding him at the base. That deep laugh echoed in his thoughts, but it was fading. Gloved hands pumped vigorously at his erection while he focused on sucking, desperate to please the image in his head to completion.

But he couldn't. His cock throbbed painfully and his throat ached when he pulled off. No matter how hard he pumped, or how tight his grip was, Adamos couldn't bring himself to orgasm. Something else held him back, and he knew what. That voice was missing one command, one permission to let him finish.

He had walked into Holiday exhausted. Though aroused and confused, Adamos felt nothing but a pep in his step on the way home. With Edelweiss's card tucked safely in his wallet.

Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 2 (Commission)

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