Roadie Chapter 16: Don't Tour Alone

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#17 of Roadie

With the tour route set and a good enough bus acquired, Tiffany is on her way to go to tour. But can she bare to be without Felix for three months? And can Felix?

This is the finale for Roadie. This series was not something I expected to still be doing almost two years later (give or take). But as it turns out, I really loved writing these characters, even if one wasn't mine.

Will we see more of Tiffany and Felix? I should hope so. I want to write more of them, but they're not on my immediate mind right now. I make no promises in writing a direct sequel or something else.

But either way, I hope you enjoy.

Tiffany Star belongs to me.

Felix Rose belongs to Jerimiah Chase

Tiffany yawned as she piloted the camper through the night. It'd been roughly twelve hours since she'd hugged her parents goodbye and made the trip back home with her boyfriend. Nonstop driving had both of them so exhausted that she'd almost forgotten to give the pink leopard a kiss when dropping him off home. Luckily, he didn't forget, and that soft peck across her lips gave her enough energy to park near her apartment.

The actual logistics of parking a camper was a hassle she didn't like to think about. Vicky made a call with their landlord to make sure it was ok, and she'd rather have it close to home. Overnight in open spots felt like asking for it to be robbed or totaled. Her lack of experience in car ownership hadn't given her much to work with on whether or not the city was safe in general.

But that didn't matter now. What mattered was that the band had a tour bus and the money needed to fund their share of their first tour. Three months of doing shows across the west coast, with all her bandmates packed tight and her mind stuck on making her loan back. No pressure, at least she had...

"Fuck," She muttered aloud. It only just now hit her that she wouldn't have Felix for the tour. It may have been during the summer when he was out of classes, but her boyfriend still had a job, one he couldn't just drop for her. And not that she'd want him to drop. What kind of person would she be if she expected him to drop everything to travel with her? A selfish piece of shit, that's what.

Though that didn't stop her from wanting it. Shows were already stressful. She liked making music and she liked the energy from the crowd, but that could turn back on her on a dime. And that's just a show. Tours had multiple shows, travel times, the long hours of waiting in cramped spaces, and trying to practice. Not to mention being stuck with her bandmates. Tiffany loved them, they were family at this point. But she did not want to go back to sharing sleeping space in the twin's van.

Would she even have time to work out? More and more minor worries piled up her brain on the elevator ride up. By the time she twisted the key to her apartment, her anxieties had made her too awake to sleep.

One flick of the light and she wished she'd stayed in darkness. Deborah was sitting against the couch, naked and her legs spread wide for Vicky's mouth to worship. Shock crossed her face with the sudden brightness, pulling at the yeen's leash just enough to have her gag. "Guys?! In the living room?" Tiffany cried out, shielding her eyes from her best friend and the devil enjoying themselves before her.

"T-Tiff!" Vicky covered what little she could with her hands, which failed to obscure the erect pseudo-cock between her legs, "I-We thought you'd be back tomorrow."

If only she had been. "We decided to push through the night and-nevermind!" Tiffany kept her focus away from the two lovebirds on her way to bed, "Just try not to make any noise, please. Tired." She ignored their response, closing her small bedroom door behind them and sealing off the outside world. Knowing the walls weren't thick enough (discovered thanks to Vicky being a loud masturbater), Tiffany pulled a pillow across her head to muffle everything else as she closed her eyes.

A minute later she undressed, tossing her jeans and shirt aside until only her bra and undies remained. The hurried steps of her roommate and her guest echoed behind her door, followed by the quick shut from the adjacent bedroom.

Wonderful, Tiffany thought, Deborah was staying the night. She sighed, it wasn't right of her to still be on edge with the gazelle. Obviously, their manager cared about Vicky, in more ways than just working in the industry. She and the gazelle didn't have to see eye to eye. But now she knew they were together, and the thought of them sleeping in the same bed had her stretching out across her own to a side vacant of another.

It'd be like this for the next three months. Sure, the camper would be packed with her bandmates, stuck with their cacophony of snores keeping her up. But she couldn't help but want him by her side, even then.

But why? She tossed and turned with what space her fins let her. Tiffany had done plenty of shows before Felix, most of them as opening acts but enough to say she could face her stage fright. But after those, she'd get to go home, relax, or party with the band. With a tour, who knew how much time they'd have between shows to really relax. Her days in the camper already told her that they wouldn't be easy. Even with Felix, the space felt cramped. How much room would she have with three other people? Two of which had a whole problem with personal space.

That wasn't her issue though. She'd slept in a van with her bandmates, and could do it again despite her disinterest. But Felix..."Fuck," She muttered, clutching a pillow tight between her arms. Pink sheets, just like his fur. When did she even get these? It didn't matter. She sniffed the pillow, smelling his scent slathered across it. Could she go three months without it? Or was she doomed to be reliant on him?

The worries lingered in her mind as she drifted. As did the image of her boyfriend clutching her close in her strong arms, like they'd done the nights before. She squeezed, unable to let go.


The date of the Rockjaws tour drew ever closer. It had been weeks since Felix and Tiffany returned from her parents, and in that time the two had barely met with each other. They had good reasons for it, with Felix finishing out his semester and Tiffany preparing for the tour itself. But he couldn't help but feel frustrated in the gap in their lives. More than once he wanted to visit her, but the shark's schedule couldn't stay clear.

And now, standing at a restaurant near the pier, Tiffany rested her head against the table as though she hadn't gotten a good night's sleep in days. They had punched in this lunch date at the last minute, and he had hoped it'd go a little more...close? He sighed and shook his head, he was being too selfish.

"W-wha?" Tiffany roused from the table, her sunglasses falling off from her hoodie. "I'm awake, I'm awake. I..." She yawned, row after row of sharp teeth etching her maw. She really could chew him up without issue. He knew she wouldn't.

"Busy night?" Felix asked, forcing a smile. He didn't want her to feel guilty, not now.

"Yeah, real busy. Like, fucking Conner keeping us up an hour extra because he wasn't feeling his strings right. Vicky and Connie got into an argument over the song order, again. Then there's the personnel and dates." The shark shuddered, leaning against her arms to hold her heavy head. "We've got a week left until we hit the road. I should be free but..." Another yawn widened her maw, "I'm sorry, I can't seem to stay awake."

"Maybe a walk?" Felix said, getting up and grabbing her hand, "We can always get something at a food truck. Come on." She followed without complaint, keeping close as the pair sifted through the sands and listened as the waves crashed down. It was all so familiar to him, but then again, why wouldn't it? They'd walked this same beach before. "Remember our first date?" He asked.

"When I locked that cage around you?" She nodded, blushing at the memory, "Yeah. You were so cute."


"You still are. But it's like, a different kind of cute. Back then I just wanted to snuggle you up and protect you. Like," She wrapped her arms around his waist and hoisted him up, "I couldn't help but think you needed someone to hold you. Tell you that you're alright. But now you're a different kind of cute. Confident, happy, and you make me feel safe when I'm holding on."

He laughed, slipping from her grip only to twist and lean into her. It was true, he'd grown more confident. The pink leopard she first met would never wear girly jeans and a tight shirt in public. He had to wear baggy clothes, making people guess he was a boy by his lack of frame. But now? Now Felix didn't care what they mistook him for. He knew what he was.

"That's also when I found out you were a rockstar. You looked so embarrassed to say it."

"C-Can you blame me?" She blushed, "I mean, even though we had some rising clout, I didn't want you to think I was super famous."

"Says the girl who was and currently is wearing a hoodie to hide from the public eye?"

"It's not like I'm Dolly, with a wig on stage and a wig off. Besides, I'm pretty noticeable." Tiffany pulled down her sleeve and flexed, showcasing the muscle lacing her arm, "How many other shark bodybuilders do you know that are rockstars?"

The most immediate thing about her muscles were how soft they were. Before Tiffany, Felix assumed all muscles were meant to be rockhard all the time. But when she relaxed, they were squishy, satisfying to poke or run the edge of his claw over. She was strong enough to bend him in half but soft enough to cuddle with every night.

But they wouldn't be cuddling for a while. He tried shaking the thought away, but it clung to him like wet clothes. Just three months, he thought, three months without her. "Not many," He said, forcing a smile. "Only know one, and she's one of the best people I know."

They continued making tracks in the sand while trudging through the beach. Memories came back, filled with the passion of their first date. The groping, the hot sweaty feel of her body grinding against his, and the handjob he'd given her thick rod in that public restroom at the end. Somehow only holding hands had his heart beating louder, his grip growing clammy in hers.

He took to her lap on the nearest bench. They looked out to the sunset as he snuggled into her chest. Felix could see her struggle to stay awake. "It's ok," He whispered, "I'll be here when you wake up."

"Sorry," she rubbed her eyes, "I know this isn't the kind of date you wanted."

"I'm not that horny, Tiff." He was, but Felix had grown used to his barbs scratching the inside of the cage, "Besides, I got to spend the afternoon with the woman I love the most. What more could I ask for?"

"Well, actually..." Tiffany sifted through her pockets, "Hold out your hands." She stuffed something into his waiting palms. His chastity key. Confused, he looked back up to her. The anxiety devil crept up and whispered something about being let go, but he quashed it before the sentence finished. She wouldn't do that, not like this, not after what they just went through.

"So...I'm gonna be gone for three months. And as much as I like having you caged up, I can't just leave you like that without an escape while I'm up the coast. Keep yourself clean and safe, don't want it to shrink too much."

"Not like any shrinking would be permanent. I'm done growing after all."

"Yeah, some guys really don't understand how it works." Her strong arms pulled him tight, nestling the leopard against her breasts. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I know."

"I wish you could come with me."

"I know."

"But that'd be selfish, right?" She sounded unsure, as if to excuse herself. "I mean, you have a job, and there's no way they'd let you off for three months. Plus you'd have to keep rent going, and I know how much of a hassle that is."

He'd already had those same problems repeat in his head and more. Of course, he wanted to go, but this was her moment. The anxiety devil told him he'd be stepping in and stifling her, that she needed support on her own. Felix tried pushing it down, but something in the pack of his mind couldn't quite lock the door to the devil's cell.

But what was he afraid of? The thought popped up as they walked back together. She wouldn't be cheating on him, and he wouldn't dare cheat on her. Unless a dildo counted, which if it did then he'd be marked with the sin of infidelity.

"We aren't going to your place?" She asked, noticing the longer path they'd taken.

"You're too tired to go home alone."

"Aww..." Her arm wrapped tight around him, almost like a collar, "Is my cutie worried I'll collapse on the way home?"

"Something like that."

She laughed, "If I wasn't so tired I'd offer to thank my knight in rosie armor a prize."

"He wouldn't need one." And she was more his knight anyway. He had intended to leave her at her apartment, giving him more time to think alone on his way back home. But their kiss goodbye at the doorway transitioned to her bedroom and then the bed itself. Tiffany's arms kept close around him as she drifted into dreams, and Felix nuzzled up against her.

Just one more night together, before she'd go.

He couldn't have a pillow play the big spoon. Felix tried in the week after she went on tour, feeling cold and empty underneath the covers. The key to his cage laid out across his desk where it collected dust as he dared not move it.

In one week he'd grown to hate his routine. Without school he had time to kill, so he played video games or binged shows while his roommate worked that day shift job. Felix made an effort not to cling too close to his phone, knowing he couldn't obsess over whether Tiff had seen his latest text or not. She'd always respond, and sometimes they'd have a lengthy chat but it wasn't the same. Most of his other friends having day jobs didn't help alleviate the boredom. Trix was available, and he appreciated her concern, but it wasn't enough.

The drag had taken to his work. While no longer afraid of his feminine build in uniform, Felix had grown sloppy in serving drinks and swaying through the mass of bodies every evening. Isabelle tried teasing him for the tiny mistakes, and while the caribou's workplace attire had his spine scratching at the cage, it didn't break him out of his funk.

Then came Friday evening. Not a special night, well, not for him. He was sure there was a theme or discount on drinks but that wasn't anything extraordinary for him. Midway through his shift, Cyko told Felix someone requested him.

"Me?" He asked.

"No, the other pink leopard named Felix. Or are you expecting to be called Blush?" The hedgehog leaned over and grinned, "Gazelle by the back corner. Real straight-laced type. If you need help, Becky's just a call away."

The gazelle in question came dressed in a business suit and long nylons down to her hooves. Her blonde headfur tied itself to a ponytail that swished whenever she moved her head. Those eyes, however, felt more like a lion staring down at him through the thin glasses she wore. Even her smile felt off, as if she was used to faking it. Swallowing any fear, Felix passed along the fruity cocktail on his platter, "You requested me, miss?"

"Millers," She said, taking the glass between her fingers, "Deborah Millers. I don't think we've been properly introduced."

"Should we?" He asked, "I'm not a stripper here."

"Oh? I could have sworn you had a lovely run as Blush."

The warmth against his face made him thankful for the dark lighting in the club, "That was just a contest. I don't really dance on stage for everyone. In fact, I should probably go back to other-"

"I'm Tiffany's manager," Deborah said, taking a quick sip from her pink drink. "Well, specifically I'm the manager for Rockjaws, and my visit does relate to the band as a whole."

He froze. Did something happen? Is Tiffany ok? He couldn't read any concern on Deborah's face, or much of anything. The woman kept herself cold and neutral throughout. "W-What happened?"

"What makes you think something happened?"

"You're here, in my place of work, introducing yourself as my girlfriend's manager. Feels like a setup for something bad."

A small tink sound echoed where she placed her drink. The gazelle smiled, a genuine curl of her lips that didn't alleviate any of Felix's concerns. "No, Felix, nothing bad happened. I'm just here to discuss an opportunity with you."

"An opportunity?"

She nodded and patted the seat next to her. "Yes. Have a seat."


It took a flat tire to make Tiffany realize how much she missed an actual bed. Vicky had sworn something was wrong in the middle of the night, and somehow their spare went missing. They were fortunate to already be ahead of schedule for their first show, so a day at the repair shop wouldn't stop them. Why her bandmates were so adamant at taking time at a motel made little sense to her, but she was too tired to argue.

Maybe they all wanted a softer bed than what was provided in the camper. Or maybe they couldn't stand each other. She groaned at that possibility, knowing full well how poorly the show would go if they couldn't enjoy each other's company.

But that didn't matter now. What mattered was getting some privacy to herself in a single bed without issue. But as she slotted the key inside, Tiffany found it already unlocked. It was the right room, one glance at the key number and the number plastered in the frame confirmed that. Careful, she pushed it open and flipped on the lights.

"Hey, honey."

Tiffany dropped her bags. Across from her, laying on the bed in red sheer women's lingerie, was her pretty pink furred boyfriend. With a soft smile upon his lips, Felix curled over on the bed, letting her see everything lining his lithe body. "F-Felix?" She struggled to say, her mouth suddenly dry. "What...what are you doing here?"

"Lying in bed and waiting." Felix sat up and spread his legs, revealing the outline of his cage underneath the red silk skirt. "And I know you could use a familiar bedfellow. Or more, judging from your little Tiff."

"I don't..." She peered down, blushing at the tent in her shorts. Closing the door behind her, Tiffany tossed her bag aside and embraced the pink leopard. "What about work? And your rent?"

"I am working. Or at least, I will be."


"Deborah hired me on as a roadie. Or at least, as an intern roadie. So I'll be along the tour to help out. Pay isn't the best, but Cyko told me I'd be able to get my job back when I return if needed. Hell, I might be able to do more than serve drinks with the skills I pick up." Deborah did this? Tiffany's tongue caught itself in knots. Lucifer herself decided to have her boyfriend come along, and didn't tell her? The urges to strangle and hug that gazelle crashed into each other like meeting oceans, freezing her thoughts in place. "Hey," Felix snapped his fingers, bringing her attention back down. "You ok?"

"It's just...well it's a lot." And was it even right? It'd only been a week, and he was here. She wanted him to be here, but... "Being a roadie is tough work. You sure you can handle it?"

"I want to try. But enough about that." Felix pulled her belt away, "I think we're both long overdue for this."

She agreed. Perhaps more than he realized. Her lips pressed against his with such vigor that the leopard melted in her grip. Together they slid into bed, tongues twisting with each other as she shimmered out of her clothes, leaving her grey skin out to bare before him. That adorable smirk across his face awoke the devil in her, whispering dares to twist that expression into ecstasy. "On your knees," She ordered, pointing to the floor as she took her seat.

Her cock bobbed in his face, pre-dripping down carefully against his wet nose. She saw his lust building, how his face softened at the smell of her dick. "Did you ever let yourself out?" She asked, pressing her foot against his tight cage. "Week with your key, wouldn't be too surprising."

"Really? You think I'd give up so easily?" His tail curled behind him, "Hasn't been off yet."

"And the key?"

He nudged to the right, "In my backpack."

"Good to know." Tiffany made her dick twitch before him. "Now, how about you show little Tiff how much you miss her."

That rough tongue was heaven on her. Felix slowly dragged it down her shaft, one hand holding it with the other massaged her nuts. He knew just where to touch her, worshipping every inch before suckling at the head. "Good boi," She cooed, holding his head gently as he swallowed inch after inch, "Good boi. That's it." Oh, how she wrestled desires as he worshipped her. Wanting to either take both hands and hold him steady to thrust in, or continue to have his way with her. Tiffany gave him control, for now, never letting go to keep him on just long enough to explore as much as his throat as he desired.

"Almost, almost...stop," She commanded, pulling him off. He looked up in confusion, pouting as though he'd done poorly. Tiffany smiled, sharp teeth wide in view. "We don't want me blowing so early, do we?" She patted the bed, "Come on. We're enjoying every second." Their tongues twisted again, now with hands free to explore each other's bodies. Every little pinch had his body shiver in delight, eliciting a soft moan whenever she brushed across his nipples. "Whose is this?" She whispered into his ear while holding a firm but careful grip on his balls and cage.

"Y-Yours, Mistress."

"That's right," She murred, thumbing the urethral slit, "This is mine. All mine."

"And this?" He reached for her cock, paw grinding against the head as she shivered, "Who does this belong to?"

She laughed. Too cute when trying to switch, "Oh, that's still mine. But it has a favorite couple of holes."

"And which would that be?" His breath trailed against the gills on her neck.

"Oh, I think you know." She pushed him down against the bed and rolled him aside like a toy. There, blocked only by red sheer garments she slid off, lay his pretty pink ass. Her strong grip kneaded those back cheeks before spreading them wide for that inviting pucker to present itself. Licking her lips, she dove in and explored her favorite hole tongue first. His soft purrs egged her further, massaging her little boy toy before sliding one finger in. "You're so loose. We might not even need lube."

"We still do."

"Yeah," She nodded. "We still do." She got up to grab some but made her way to the bathroom first. Surely the motel wouldn't mind if she made use of extra towels given? Rolling them up, she returned and tied his arms back. His playful protests were silenced by another towel wrapped around his maw. "I nearly had a heart attack when I saw you." She smiled, nipping at his shoulder just hard enough not to draw blood. "You don't give me a heads up, or anything. It's almost like you wanted to scare me."

Not that she didn't enjoy it. Tiffany just might have to give her satanic manager a free pass later. Or just stop referring to her as the devil, but that was for the future. For now, she pulled his ass up and, with care, pulled his tail away. "Do you like making your girlfriend worried?" She teased, throwing a light and quick slap against his right cheek. He laughed in his gag, wiggling his pink ass ready for more. "Oh, you do?" She slapped his left, "Well, when did you become such a brat?"

Any answers came muffled, not that it stopped her playful onslaught. Tiffany would never harm her boyfriend, and she couldn't imagine giving him welts like Connie or Conner often described in their play. But watching his but twitch, and feeling her hand stinging against his backside, gave her a rush.

Ready and pink, she flipped him onto his backside and reached for the key. "I think it's time we let little Felix breathe." Oh, how he struggled to remain still at those words. Tiffany took her time inserting and twisting that key, slowly pulling off the pretty pink cage until that pretty pink dick was free to grow unimpeded. "Someone's happy," She teased, hovering her fingertip an inch over his cockhead. Never touching it, no, this wasn't about his dick getting off. Just an extra reminder.

"I bet it feels good," She cooed, "That blood rushing up your cock, hardening it before me. Bet it'd feel better squeezed. But where should I do that? My hand?" Her fist clenched an inch around it, "My mouth? My tight pussy? Or maybe we should have you explore my ass?" Desire burned in his face. Crawling up to him, she pulled away his gag and kissed him. "Or maybe, we just have it stand? Because I really want to fuck that cute ass of yours."

"When did you get so cruel?" He whispered back, his smile staying strong on his face.

"Oh, Felix," She murred, brushing his cheek, "You just bring it out of me." Squirting lube across her fingers, she set about making his backhole just as slippery as needed before covering her cock in the glistening fluid. Holding his legs apart, her head pushed against the pucker and slid in with little fanfare. His moans told a different story, huffing and puffing with every inch digging deeper. The pink leopard's face shifted and softened with that filled feeling inside him, no doubt feeling helpless to her.

"Are you ok?" She whispered as her hilt dug into him. He nodded. "Good. Can't have what's mine feeling uncomfortable." Her movements started slow, easing both of them into pleasure. No need to ram it hard now, not when she didn't know when they'd next get privacy like this. He mewled underneath her, wanting more so quickly. So impatient, she thought, silencing him with another mouthful of her tongue as their bodies compressed.

Soon his mewlings were insatiable, and she picked up speed without realizing it. The bed creaked with each thrust, her breaths mixing with his. "Fuck, fuck," Tiffany muttered out, the warmth of his ass squeezing her just right. Was he doing that? If he was, he'd better be prepared to do it more.

Not once did she touch his dick. The only sensation that barbed pink rod gained was when she collapsed on him to kiss or tease the poor boi. Maybe another time she'd let it out and play with it? Let him fuck her after a stressful day where she couldn't pound his ass.

Would he want that? From the face he was making, Felix looked content in being the catcher. She'd have him pitch again. Just not today. Pulling his backside up, Tiffany made sure to aim his cock down to his face while hammering into him. Each little twitch a sign he was ready. Then came the leaking, his pre dribbling down and hitting his face. Breathy moans overwhelmed the bed straining noise. "H-Harder!" He cried out, "I'm close!" She complied, slapping into him again and again until he silently cried out. A steady stream spurted from his rod, drenching his face and open maw like the adorable slut he was.

"On your stomach," Tiffany rolled him over without much thought. She wasn't done, not after that. No, she pulled his head back and fucked him through each orgasm running through his body. Gritting her teeth and pulling him till he screamed, she cried out and filled his backside.

Their breaths were all that remained. She looked upon his back, the loose muscles underneath that naturally pink fur. Undoing the towels that bound him, she collapsed beside him and held her hand against his head. "Sorry, I think I got a little too carried away."

Felix reached over and pulled himself atop her. "I like it when you do. But I'm not sure I can feel my legs."

"Seriously?" She asked, wiping some seed from his cheek.

"Well, I can feel them. I just, like, don't wanna move them, ya know?"

"Yeah...yeah, I can get that." She didn't want to move hers either. "Let's just take a few minutes before we go and shower. And no shower sex, I don't think it's big enough."

He smiled, "The stall at the gym wasn't that big."

"It was better than this." Tiffany pinched his cheek before looking back up to the ceiling. He was here, on her band's first tour. When she first met him, she never expected Felix would be so forward. That shy and timid leopard, surprising her with sexy underwear in a motel out of nowhere.

She could get used to surprises such as this. After long enough, Tiffany carried her cute prince over to the bathroom where they rinsed each other off. They spent the rest of the evening cuddled up against one another, drifting off to sleep. The sunlight streaming through the window woke her up. Pulling her top and some pants on, she opened the door with a yawn.

"Someone slept well." Deborah smiled on the other side of the door. "Did you like my little gift?"

"Something like that." Tiffany leaned in, "What's this about putting him on as a roadie? Feels a lot like nepotism to me.

"Connections, Tiffany, connections. And they're the first step to getting you anywhere in this business. Or well, any other if I'm being honest." She pulled out her phone, "Anyway, we leave in 10 minutes."

"10? Did they..." Tiffany blinked, "Did you blow a tire on purpose?" Deborah smiled and said nothing else as she walked off. Tiffany didn't pursue, no point when she had to get ready. "Felix," She whispered, kissing his forehead, "Babe, we gotta get going."

"Five more minutes?"

"In the camper, sure. But we got a schedule to keep. Don't forget to lock up." After a quick brush and morning freshening, the two were outside and staring down at the camper. Her bandmates were waiting outside, each wearing a knowing face as they looked up at the couple.

Felix took her hand, "You ready for this?"

Tiffany squeezed tight, "More than ever, now."

The End.

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