Why Did The Chicken Cross? (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#23 of Commissions

It's hard moving to the big city. You don't really know anyone, and yelp reviews suck for checking places out. But Roberta is lucky to find a new friend, all it took was getting nearly run over.

Two uploads in one day? Yeah I didn't want to forget this one. TheQueerOne commissioned me to write a first meeting between two of their characters. I hope you enjoy.

Roberta wasn't sure what she was expecting. Standing in the side parking lot that bordered on an alleyway, the brown chicken looked up from her phone and down again to make sure things were correct. Being new to the city, it took her about a month to grow bored and desire new entertainment. Her mothers told her that the best bars were word of mouth, making her suspicious of finding anything online. When Roberta told her friends of what she was looking for, they told her to try 'Jaquelines'.

Now, the sign didn't say 'Jaquelines'. Rather, it said 'Jaqi's' in hot pink cursive with a neon glow that did little to light up the alleyway. While not a big stickler for accuracy, the city was an entirely different hunting ground from her hometown, so she wasn't sure if this was the right place or if there was a competing joint in mind. The only other thing she had to go on was that Jaquelines was a drag bar, and her knowledge of drag was minimal at best.

She heard the motor before the call. "Out of the way!" Roberta turned her head and, at the last second, jumped backward against the brick and mortar wall behind her. The tires of a red motorcycle with the Suzuki logo screeched against the pavement. A lone ride sat atop it, wearing a red leather jacket, matching pants, and a helmet that hid their visage from the chicken.

The first thing Roberta noticed when the rider removed her helmet were the otter's crimson eyes. Not many folks had red eyes, at least not that she'd seen. The fascination had her locked that she didn't notice the scowl or shouting until halfway through the second sentence. "Glued to a phone like some turkey drowning during a rainstorm!"

"Pardon?" Roberta asked, holding back her tongue in case it was a simple misunderstanding.

The otter grit her teeth and brushed back her short hair. "Don't stand in my fucking spot. I almost killed you."

"Your spot?" Roberta looked down at the parking space, much too wide for the bike currently sitting inside. She found no indication that this belonged to anyone in particular. A quick check on the wall revealed no plaque either. "How's this your spot?"

"Cause I park here all the time." The otter crossed her arms. Even with the leather jacket, Roberta noticed a little definition in them. Maybe it was the month without a good lay, but she imagined how lovely it'd be seeing those arms struggle in a different kind of leather. Or good old fashioned rope. "Not that it matters. You shouldn't be standing in it anyway. I don't know how the chicken crossed the road with her eyes glued to the phone."

Roberta, kindly, held her tongue again at the insult. Probably just stress, she reasoned. "My apologies, Miss..." She waited for a name that didn't come. "I was just doublechecking the name of this bar. My friends told me to go to Jaquelines, and this is the address. But I see the sign saying Jaqi's."

"And? Jaque shortened it. What's it matter?"

"It matters 'cause I don't know if it's the right place. I'm still new to the city."

"Oh, you're a tourist huh?" Roberta wasn't but the otter didn't let her speak up. "Well I got a tip for ya. Get off your phone and watch it. Else the chicken won't get to the otherside." The otter finished her tirade with a middle finger, leaving Roberta alone as she headed inside. As much as she wanted to go and teach the biker some manners, the chicken had to admit the girl's ass looked good in leather.

Her face would look good between her legs.

The chicken shook her head. "Focus, girl, focus," She muttered to herself. Tonight was about exploring and maybe meeting a few new folks. If one thing led to another, so be it. Besides, there were plenty of girls in this bar, there had to be.

Bright lights of hot pink and violet had Roberta questioning whether she'd stepped through a portal to Vegas behind the red door of Jaqi's. The cramped venue was filled with furs of all shapes and sizes, with a single bar in one corner, and a stage in the center drenched with lights. Standing in the middle of the wooden platform, covered in outlandish makeup and colorful jewelry stitched onto a body fitting red dress was a rhino queen with a heavy braided wig singing lyrics to a song she'd never heard before.

I can be your boy toy, I can be your pride

I can shut my mouth, or I can open wide

Do you want the masculine or feminine side

I can do both, I can do both.

It was not what the chicken had expected. She knew that drag was another word for crossdressing. But the energy presented here rippled through her like she'd run a mile and could sprint five more.

Slipping her way through the crowd, Roberta found a mix of queens and girls. While not one against drag queens, she would admit that the mix of lights and shadows made it difficult to tell who was who before one spoke up, and she had no interest in flirting with anyone tucking. Plus, she had no way to tell if a lady here was gay, bi, or even a little curious. Something about city life made it harder for her to ask that question.

"Evenin, sugar." A hippo with a feathered wreath and a pink dress smiled behind the bar. "New in town? Name's Jaqi." Roberta nodded and took the offered hand. "Well, what's your name, honey? Don't be shy."

"Ain't normally so," Roberta said, letting her accent slip. "Just, well lots of people here." She'd pumped into plenty trying to scoot through the crowd.

The hippo nodded. "Yeah, we get plenty of regulars. And why not? This place lets people be themselves. Even if they have trouble with it first." Her eyes shifted rightward. Roberta followed, finding a familiar otter lounging alone by a table in the corner.

"Something the matter?"

"Oh, well..." The hippo grimaced, "I don't normally like to make a fuss, but someone's being a bit of a grouchy bitch."

"Is that someone dressed in red leather?" Jaqi nodded, leading Roberta to sigh. "She's probably angry that I stood in her spot."

"Her spot?" Roberta nodded. "Oh, honey, any beating Ravna's given you is not even a quarter of what she's done to herself. Poor girl is wound tighter than a box spring sometimes."

"She ever unwind?"

With a smile, Jaqi pulled out a bottle and two shot glasses. "It takes a little help. Mind delivering these over to her? I'd ask my girls, but they're currently busy with this crowd."

It wasn't her place to consider it. After all, Roberta came here to enjoy herself. But something about how that otter, Ravna as she now knew, yelled at her that made her consider it. Lips like those could have been put to better use somewhere else. And she could make a new friend in the city.

"Sure, her tab?"

The hippo smiled softly, leaning into the bar and mouthing out, "On the house." Taking the shot glasses and haphazardly maneuvering throughout the bar, she plopped them down right in front of Ravna, much to the otter's surprise.

"I didn't order any...oh, it's you." The otter sighed regretfully and turned her head. "Fuck, this about what happened out front?"

"Could be. But it ain't my idea." Roberta thumbed back over to Jaqi by the bar. "Seems you've got people watching out for that behavior of yours."

"Yeah, well..." Ravna took her glass and gulped it down her throat. "It's not every day I get annoyed for almost flattening someone. I'm really more angry at myself than you, was too busy going through the motions that I didn't notice you until the last second."

"Apology accepted." Roberta took her own. The liquid burned her throat, forcing out a quick gasp as she slammed the empty glass back down.

"It wasn't an apology." Ravna turned her head to the stage. "You should have been paying attention."

"You're the one driving."

"And that means I take all responsibility? You've got your own to share."

Roberta didn't want a fight, but she didn't want to back down either. She raised her hand to the barkeep, asking for two more shots. "How about we settle this like adults? We each take a shot again and again until one of us gives up. Loser apologizes and pays the tab."

Ravna raised her left brow. Intrigued, but not amused. "Let's raise the stakes. Loser gives up their panties to the winner."

The chicken laughed. "Trying to scare me off? Deal."

The look on Ravna's face when the Jack Daniels Whiskey landed on the table was simply priceless. With a cheeky smile, she nodded and held out her hand. A strong grip, one Roberta wouldn't mind feeling later if she ever went on bottom. "I should warn you," Ravna said as she poured the next two shots, "I've got a high tolerance."

"Bitch, my mothers wouldn't let me live it down if I couldn't tolerate my liquor."

Shot after shot they downed, looking each other straight in the eyes for every gulp. The slam of their glasses rung throughout the bar, only to be muffled by the drag-show karaoke playing on stage. The music, the cheers, all became muddled in Roberta's determination to beat that smug otter.

And what a smug otter she was. Smiling with luscious lips, breaking only to take a drink or lick off any drops with a skilled tongue. Roberta had something for that, and the more she drank, the more she thought about grabbing Ravna by her short headfur and forcing the smug bitch between her legs.

"See...see something you like?" The otter flubbed out her words behind a cracked grin. "You've been staring at me with those emeralds for a...minute? Two?" Ravna started counting her fingers.

"Emeralds?" Roberta cackled and hiccuped, "You think my eyes are pretty?"

"No!" The blush on Ravna's face said otherwise. "Just green, likish emeralds."

"Wells...you gots rubies." They were more crimson than ruby red, but by god, Roberta lost herself in those eyes. The otter took another swig and turned away, but she saw the blush across that tan-furred face.

"Ladies, ladies," A wolf queen stepped up to their table. Perking her gold lipstick stained lips, she bent over and whispered, "You both have been causing a scene for the past hour. Can you keep it down?"

Had an hour passed? Roberta fumbled for her phone, trying to remember her pin password. Ravna slammed her fist into the table, catching the whiskey at the last second. "Fuck off, Doreen. I'm winning!"

"Honey, you're winning like my last boyfriend on a Tuesday night."

"She's not winning." Roberta took another shot. "I'm winning. She can't last anymore."

Ravna scowled and tipped the bottle to pour another shot. But only a single drop came out. "Fuck...Doreen get another."

"I'm getting you both a ride."

"Get us another bottle, bitch!" Ravna caught herself on the table, taking heavy breaths to keep herself in line as Doreen walked off.

Maybe it was the alcohol and attraction mixing in, but Roberta flipped through her phone and opened up one of the many rideshare apps her friends had her download. "Say, why don't we take this elsewhere?" She asked, putting in her address.

Ravna grabbed the phone. "My place," She muttered, typing up a new address. The otter tried to compose herself, peering down with the kind of presence every wannabe top tried forcing out. Roberta didn't mind, tomorrow morning would be all the sweeter because of it.

Of course, she didn't wait until the apartment to make her move. Oh no, as soon as they held each other for support, she made her play. Outdoors and against the pavement, Roberta pressed the otter against the wall and nipped at her neck. Ravna didn't shove her off. Didn't complain or clench her fists either. No, the river otter did nothing but moan and squirm.

"How long till your place?"

"Te..." She panted, out of breath, "Ten minute drive..."

"Here's the bet. You cum before we get there, you're my bitch tonight." Roberta couldn't wait to make that smiling face twist in ecstasy. Of course, she started slow, dragging her hand against the leather covering the otter's crotch while waiting for the ride. By the time the toyota pulled up, Rava was huffing and puffing. Taking to the back seat, Roberta patted her lap for Ravna's preferred seat.

Biting her bottom lip, she relented. Roberta slapped the otter's thighs to keep them apart, keeping clear access to her fingers. The poor driver, stuck in the front seat and listening to the chicken slowly unzip the red leather pants, slipping a finger down to toy with the clit behind cotton panties.

"The things I'm gonna do to you," Roberta whispered behind Ravna's neck. Each word poised with a strobing of her finger across those panties, occasionally slipping underneath to toy with her clit and pink lips. "You're going to have to pay extra for the mess. And after that's said and done, I'm going to take you to your bed and lock you between my legs for hours." Another hand slipped past her shirt and underneath the bra, twisting the otter's tight nipple.

Ravna squealed. "F-Fuck you..." She muttered with pleasure. Roberta held her laugh, hooking herself inside the otter's cunt. The otter's gasp set her off, quickly fingering the welcoming hole.

"Got any toys?" She whispered, "Bet a bad girl like you has a few." Ravna didn't answer, her teeth too busy grinding against one another to stop her moans. It didn't matter, Roberta would find those toys once they-

"We're here." Roberta froze. She blinked once, then looked to the driver, who made considerable effort not to look at them. They were done? No, no they couldn't already have gotten to her place.

A deep chuckle emanated from the otter. She twisted out of Roberta's grasp and straddled her hips. With a hand on the chicken's chin, she forced Roberta to look into those intoxicated crimson eyes. "My turn."

Fare paid, the two struggled up the stairs. Ravna, as tipsy as she was, had difficulties opening her front door. Once inside, Roberta felt herself pulled along without much chance to explore the place, landing back first on a foam mattress topper covered in green bedsheets. "You've got a lot of nerve pulling, pulling that off back there." The otter stripped and tossed her clothes away, revealing her toned body. Not anything like Roberta had seen in the countryside, more gym built than work built.

"You loved it." Roberta followed through, tossing her clothes aside without any care. Her opponent didn't retort, simply rummaging through her drawers until she pulled a pink feeldoe strap-on from them. "Think you can handle me?" Roberta chuckled, spreading her legs.

With a grin, the otter stood tall and arched her head. "Turn around, face against the headboard. I wanna see that ass." There was a dominance in her tone that oozed through Roberta like warm molasses. She didn't normally bottom, but tonight she'd lost fair and square. She turned over and braced herself against the headboard, exposing her tushy to the inebriated otter. The bed shifted when she crawled up behind the chicken, the tip of her toy dragging against Roberta's wet folds.

"Beg me for it."


A sharp slap crashed against Roberta's left cheek. "You lost. So beg me for it."

Of all the obnoxious...Roberta sighed and cackled to herself. "Such a cheeky bitch," she mumbled before shaking her ass. "Fuck me already."

Another slap. "That sounded like an order. I said beg."

"Please fuck me?"

"With sugar on top?"

Roberta groaned. "Yes, you-" She squealed out at the sudden intrusion past her folds, her beak hanging agape as the silicon filled up inside her. Legs twitched at the pressure and fullness between them, with it growing stronger by the second until she felt the warm fur of Ravna's hips against her ass and the tip bracing her cervix.

One arm looped around the chicken's throat, quickly locking in place and tightening. Every breath became a struggle with each thrust demanding a grunt or gasp. "You sound better like this." Ravna's hold tightened as she whispered. "Struggling, gasping, not speaking with that smug sense of control." She ramped up her thrusts, the burning pressure building up with little time to adapt.

She winced in pain at the battering against her cervix, the fullness bringing her to an edge of pleasure cracked by the sudden shock at the tip of the toy. No breath to alleviate the feeling, and the alcohol on Ravna's breath clogged Roberta's sense of smell. "You think you can make me a bitch? The only bitches in my place are the ones I bring."

"S-Says the bitch." Ravna's hips smacked against the chicken's in retaliation. Her hand loosened just enough for Roberta to breathe, only to cry out when strong hands pulled her head back by the red comb over her scalp.

An explosion sounded off and rippled from her cunt to her body, but the otter didn't stop stretching and filling her insides. Every cry of pleasure was ridden through, mixed with Ravna's own grunts of satisfaction until they both collapsed against the bed, tired and gasping haggardly into the night.

"Fucking bitch..." Ravna cussed out in the end.

"You love it."


She had good coffee. That much was certain the next morning as Roberta took a sip, not that it alleviated the headache thumping in her brain. Draped in only her panties, she hunched over the counter and tried to avoid looking at the sunbeams casting through the blinds.

Ravna didn't fare much better. It was her place, so she had a shirt to wear while she brewed her coffee. "Sorry for almost hitting you."

"Sorry for paying too much attention to my phone."

"Eh." The otter sat next to her, "It happens. People are glued to them. And it led to last night, which was...nice."


Pink flushed over the otter's face, "But, I think if we ever do that again, we should take turns on who's on top."

Roberta chuckled but nodded. "Yeah, or find someone to sandwich between us."

Ravna snorted off the idea, but grew focused when she saw Roberta was serious. "Girls only."

"Of course," Roberta said, holding out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Ravna."

"Likewise." She took the chicken's hand, "Roberta."

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