Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 4 (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#30 of Commissions

Adamos finds himself entrenched in a few duties as Edelweiss's toy. Some that prove to be just a little overwhelming.

A commission for Critic. Hope you all enjoy!

For the next three days, Adamos found himself in a hell of restraint, pleasure, and expansion. On the first day he had been collared and leashed. By the third, his body had become covered in a latex suit so tight it became a second skin. Every movement was resisted, with small squeaks sneaking out from the corners of his body. Only his face, ass, and cage were free from the black prison enveloping him.

For his training, the raccoon's experiences were split three ways. First there was time with Edelweiss, the sessions he craved and dreamed for. The rabbit carried a subtle cruelty whenever in Adamos's presence, only letting his newfound toy worship the subtle pine scent hidden underneath whatever he wore. From standard business suits, to harnesses, Adamos had rubbed his nose and tongue across the body. But never his master's cock.

But, by god, he wanted it. He'd bury his nose against the rabbit's crotch for what felt like hours, silently begging for the gift of flesh. Edelweiss simply smiled and told him to wait, to earn it. When Adamos's gagged face asked if he had, the rabbit simply explained that his expectations were high, but he believed the raccoon could meet them. Maybe it was the delirious and aroused state Adamos found himself in, but he believed the rabbit enough to try. Using willpower alone to push through the struggle of restraints and soft teasing that reminded him of his place.

Robert, Edelweiss's personal secretary and fox doe, was more playful. The fox had been the one to strap the new layer of latex over Adamos's fur, his hands trailing down to let his victim know how sensitive he'd become. He went on to test and torture the raccoon's spots, massaging his glands so that even the smallest pressure against his nipples caused the cage to twitch.

When he wasn't doing that, the arctic fox was focused on expanding Adamos's holes. Each day for hours he'd strap the raccoon to a table or a wall, with either one or two dildos to push into his throat or ass. Sometimes Robert would strap one over his own cock and fuck the raccoon. Always controlled, never senseless, keeping him at the edge of pleasure without any cracks in his dam. Without a clock, Adamos had no way to tell how long he'd been tormented throughout each day, only knowing that he had one more duty when Robert was done with him.

Punishing failures.

He remembered it clearly, the day Edelweiss showed his failed toys before him. Directed by the rabbit's leash, he followed his master and the assistant down the lengths of the underground rustic dungeon he had built in the city. After several floors, they arrived in a small room with walls colored as if ready for Easter. On the end of the room kneeled two furs, an orca with a broad and chiseled linemen build, and a brown-furred ram with a build fit for a stage wrestler, arms strong enough to crush Adamos's windpipe with a flex, yet shaking in the presence of the rabbit. They were naked save for the leather collars across their necks, and the chastity cages over their cocks.

As Edelweiss entered, both furs shifted their gaze to the floor. The rabbit took his time in crossing the room, stopping within five feet of the two kneeling furs. Adamos felt a tug on his chain, followed by his master's hand pushing him down to his knees behind the rabbit.

"To say I'm disappointed is an understatement." Edelweiss's voice carried itself across the room without the rabbit needing to raise it. "I have a standard, one that many of my good friends expect from my collection. But today I heard a complaint that both of you, both," He punctuated the emphasis, "Failed to hold out and came without permission. Do you have any idea how humiliating that is for me?"

"It's not our fault!" The ram spoke, looking up and pleading to the rabbit.

The orca swiftly followed, "Master, please. If Robert hadn't edged us so hard we'd-"

Edelweiss raised his hand to silence them. The two furs bowed their heads back to the ground. Adamos felt his body shake with every step his master made, like those big furry feet caused tremors with the softest touch. His neck grew tight as he watched Edelweiss hold both his slaves by their necks, jealous of the touch their received even if it was leading to punishment. Not like they didn't deserve it. He had only been under Edelweiss for a day by then and even he knew not to blame his mistakes on others.

"It's worse than I thought." The rabbit sighed, then looked to the ram, forcing the musclebound horned man to look up at him. "This isn't some board meeting where you can shove your weight around. And you," He turned to the orca, "You should know full well how a team works. You don't blame others for the mistake, everyone is at fault. Even me, since I've clearly been too lenient with the two of you." With a snap of his fingers, he had Robert pass along two heavy black rubber ballgags. His slaves did not fight against the new restraints, biting down for security as Edelweiss locked them tight around the back of their heads.

As he did so, Adamos realized he'd seen the orca before. He was a Lineman for the local college football team, a decently famous one at that. Now that he thought about it, the ram rippled through his memory. Was he a board member for another company? He'd seen him at a social before while on a business trip, Adamos was sure of it. Just how wide was his master's net? What power did he hold to have such people quiver in his presence?

"Now, I'm gonna to give you both one chance at proper forgiveness." At another snap, Robert stepped behind the rabbit and pushed himself onto his hands and knees, becoming a stool for Edelweiss who sat down as though the arctic fox's thin frame was no different from a common chair. "If you both can properly kiss my feet and apologize for weakness, I may let you off the hook from your punishment." He urged them forward, all while eyeing Adamos from his peripheral gaze.

The two climbed over one another in a race toward their master's feet. Their muzzles pressed against his furred pads, but the gags were too big for a solid kiss. They tried to whimper apologies, but nothing coherent escaped the black as night spheres in their maws. "What's that?" Edelweiss leaned forward, twitching his ears, "You'll have to speak clearly, I can't understand you."

There was a tinge of terror running down Adamos's spine as he watched his master toy with the two...well, toys. The rabbit carried an affectionate but sadistic glee as they struggled to meet his standards, neither daring to remove their gag for fear of disappointing him further. From the onset, it was clear that they couldn't follow the command perfectly, being set up to fail. Did Adamos want that? His cage twitched in tightness over the thought. The raccoon didn't desire to fail, but the thought of being on the verge of tears at his master's mercy made his body shiver in delight.

Goddamn, he needed out of the cage.

Edelweiss clicked his tongue and shook his head, ignoring the panicked tears in the eyes of his toys. "Now, now, it's alright." He wiped them away with each hand, cradling the two men to face him. "You did fail, but not because you couldn't do what I asked." Their eyes dilated as he spoke. "You failed because you seeked to avoid punishment, even if the task was impossible. A good toy knows that if their master demands a punishment, they are to accept it willingly. Otherwise, the punishment doesn't have much meaning, does it?" His hand tightened, Adamos had only sensory memory to feel the joy of that firm grip. "I remember when both of you knew that, but you forgot. That's why you're just toys, not does."

He let go, and snapped his fingers. From behind, two latex and leather clad furs stepped in from behind Adamos. One looked to be a canine, and the other feline, but their exact species was impossible to garner. "Take them to the display room. Three days."

Adamos would never forget the gagged cries of the two men as they were led out of the room. The muffled jitters of fear and desire. They coiled around him like a constrictor snake, suffocating his thoughts until the fresh pine scent of his master slipped him back out. "Now, where were we?" The rest of that first day was spent training his holes and positions.

He kept the memory alive when walking behind Robert, his leash wrapped tight in the arctic fox's hand. "Have you wondered what a punishment is like? A real punishment, not some silly little spanking," Robert asked. Adamos nodded, but he didn't consider spanking to be a weak punishment. The raccoon wasn't a big masochist, pain was enough to stop him from doing anything.

The white fox smiled. "Well, the two big lugs have a fun little punishment. And as a toy, as temporary as you are, it's part of your duty to help punish them." The next room was unfamiliar to the raccoon. He swore he'd been in an art gallery in the basement dungeon before, but none of the displays were familiar. They were even more brazen and erotic than he remembered, not even daring to hide their purpose with the chiseled rabbit statue in the middle holding a leash to some sort of submitting lion.

"Like it?" Robert asked with a smug little grin. Adamos felt his blush burning brighter and nodded. "Believe it or not, this was a gift rather than commissioned. Was around before I had this." The fox lovingly thumbed the leather collar at his neck as he spoke. "One would say Master has quite the reach. People just come to him, entranced by his presence. It's almost like worship."

Adamos knew how messed up that sounded, like he was walking through the corridors of a leather and latex based cult. But he didn't care and nodded in agreement. Something about Edelweiss had him happy to be on his knees, even as they hurt. "Anyway, that's not even the best display here. Come on." Robert tugged at the leash, directing the raccoon down the room. More exposive and erotic art filled his vision, with powerful men, both lean and otherwise, mostly predatory furs, submitting to the rabbit or some other fur of prey. Being a raccoon, he never paid much attention to the dynamic, but something about seeing a wolf subservient had his cage tighten.

Then came what Robert considered the best display, and Adamos agreed. Before him stood two black frames filled with latex. Outlined in that latex were two fit furs, their prison so tight they might as well have been sculpted from the shiny material itself. Three tubes were attached to each frame, one to the corner, one to the mouth of each fur, and another to the cage.

"Don't worry, they're allowed enough movement each day." Robert wrapped his arm around Adamos's neck and pulled him closer, "After all, Master prefers his toys and does to be in the best shape they can be, even in long-term punishment. Though I know a few in his personal harem that see this as the ultimate reward." The fox's finger dragged across the tight latex of Adamos's confining top, trailing around his nipple. "They go on for hours about being made an art display at parties. Showing off everything for his guests. Sometimes he doesn't even have these strapped to the wall. Instead, they're used as tables. Can you imagine that?" His breath coiled around the raccoon like a snake, forcing a whimper as he teased further. "Being used as a piece of furniture for folks you can't even see? Would it drive you mad?"

"Y-Yes." Adamos's mouth turned dry as a desert. "Yes, it would." The orca and the ram laid perfectly still in their prison, with only the soft and subtle movements of their chest indicating life. He peered down to find blank nameplates on each frame. "Are those supposed to be blank?"

"Pretty much." The fox nodded, "Names are only put in when a doe is stuck inside there. Toys don't have names under Edelweiss. When you're a doe, he gives you a new name. Your true name, as it were." Robert grinned. "Mine's Robert Frost. His favorite author."

"What was your name before?"

The fox shrugged, "Don't really care to remember, not like I use it." He tapped the latex holding the two slaves captive, snickering as they struggled the tiniest bit. "But these two don't get new names. No, they get to keep pretending that they're regular people whenever Edelweiss let's them off the hook. It's kind of pathetic when you get down to it."

"Pathetic?" Adamos's throat clenched at the thought.

The fox nodded, leaning up against the latex encased orca. "See this one? Well, he's a local football star. A minor one, lineman. Even had a girlfriend. But something was missing in his life, and by chance he came across Edelweiss after one of his games. Just one meeting and this muscle bound jock realized he was living a lie. That he'd be happier underneath the rabbit's boot. Not that he's ready to fully admit it yet." Robert flicked the orca's hanging nuts, chuckling at the pained squeal escaping the latex frame. "No, this big lug still believes he can find happiness outside of this place. Purpose. Master knows this, and lets his toy be free range until needed. But one call, and the orca will drop everything to worship Edelweiss's big furry feet."

He knew the orca was familiar. The name escaped him, but he'd heard talk around the office about how some lineman was getting sloppier on some days, and playing like a god the next. The raccoon just chalked it up to sports talk, no real causation between game to game. But now, with the Adonis of an athlete hanging before him and exposed, he couldn't help but wonder which performance his master was responsible for.

"And what of this one?" Adamos arched his head to the ram. "What's his story? Wait, can they hear us?"

"Nope!" Robert cried out for good measure. "These two are in strict sensory deprivation. The only real sense they have is taste and touch right now. As for the ram? Oh well he's a fun one." The fox twirled to the encased horned fur, biting his lip at the muscular wrestler's build. "You'd think he'd be some kind of big name wrestler with that bod. But no, he's just really enthusiastic about bodybuilding. What he really is, is a washed up CEO that still carries that title despite not feeling worthy of it."

"What do you mean?"

"Well," Robert thumbed along the tube attached to the ram's cage as he talked, "He was the bigwig of a startup that had some profitable margins. Or something, business talk goes over my head. Only, as it turns out, those numbers were rather cooked. Edelweiss bought the company when it went public, but the news of the cooked books had him do some major cleaning. This dumb hunk thought he could muscle his way to keeping his status, so Edelweiss gave him a small challenge. A single wrestling match."

"Which he won."

"Was there ever any doubt?" Robert smiled, "But after that, this ram, months later I might add, came to Edelweiss and asked for a rematch. And then another, and another, until finally it wasn't about the rematch, it was about submitting himself. Now he's a CEO and running some small little firm, but that's just the leash he's given. Personally, I don't think he has what it takes to be a doe, but Edelweiss says he has a plan and who am I to disagree?"

He took one last look at the two labored forms. Compared to him, these were powerful men outside this dungeon. Yet here, they were equal to him. No, less so now given their punishment. "So, I'm here to help?" He asked. Robert nodded and picked up two vibrating wands from a nearby table, handing them for Adamos to take so he could set about releasing the orca and ram's privates. A long and hollow sounding rod slipped out slowly from each cock, followed by the soft muted whimpers of the latex prisoners as their cocks became free from their cages.

They engorged quickly, swelling to erection and dwarfing Adamos's own cock. Well, the ram's did. The orca was surprisingly the same size as the raccoon's if not a bit thicker, not that he had any time to process this before Robert grabbed the wand. "So the trick here is to keep them at edge, but not to let them cum. They already have a special censor that stops the wand," he tapped a small black ring around the base of each cock, "But if you're really good, you don't need to rely on that at all. You know how to use a wand?"

He didn't, but how hard could it be? "I just rub it on the shaft, right?"

"Shaft, base of the dick, cockhead, etc. Cocks are pretty susceptible to vibrations. Course, most guys are used to pumping so it's all the more fun to see them squirm." The fox whirred his wand to life and gently pressed it against the orca's shaft. The cock twitched as if to escape, but he followed with each movement, keeping the toy dead set on the erection. Adamos, with a breath to steady himself, pressed his wand to the ram's girth and pressed the button.

The bulbous head buzzed to life. He heard the subtle squeak of latex above him, seeing the muscle-bound form of the ram struggle meekly into his compressed cover. Slowly, his chest beat as though he could calm himself. Adamos dragged the toy with care across the spacious erection, his own cage growing tighter with every soft whimper escaping the vacbed. When he reached the tip, a muffled cry slipped out. He backed off, the raccoon's heart leaping against his ribcage while the cock before him dripped pre.

"Come on," Robert cooed, still tormenting the orca, "We're not done because they want it. It's a punishment after all."

Yes, a punishment. For two toys that not only failed their master, but for daring to push the blame to someone else. Toys that deserved to be edged, left aroused and wanting so that they remember who owns their pleasure. Adamos thought this and more as he tormented the ram, keeping special attention at the burgeoning cockhead for the most delightful gagged screams. His wand shut off automatically several times over the next few hours, forcing the raccoon to watch the pathetic failure of a toy to swell down so he could start again.

Maybe the toy wasn't enough? Maybe he needed a hand, or a nice warm mouth to help torment him. Licking his lips, Adamos leaned in and took a whiff of his hearty musk. The masculine scent mixed in with latex and the salty sweat of desperation. Opening his mouth, his tongue pushed out for a taste.

"What are you doing?" Robert shouted, his tone enough to freeze and pull Adamos's head away at the last moment. "Were you trying to give this toy a blowjob? Did I say you could? Did Edelweiss say you could?" He shook his head, shame crawling up his spine like a centipede.

Robert gently pressed his fingers underneath the raccoon's chin, tilting him up to amber eyes. "Did you really think you could properly tease him with your mouth? You're more likely to have him explode in there than anything else." The fox's latex covered hands playfully slapped Adamos's cheeks, "Come on, think! No wait, just obey.

Guilt held his heart with bony fingers. He stared up to Robert with his ears drooped, silently begging for forgiveness. The fox sighed and let go, "Go report yourself to Edelweiss. Master should be at his desk. I'll take care with punishing these two." The raccoon hugged his leash like a childhood blanket with every step through the facility's halls. He was a good toy, or at least he wanted to be, so maybe his mistake wouldn't cause him to lose the rabbit's interest.

Edelweiss sat focused at his desk, his intense gaze focused on the tablet before him while his body wrapped itself in a fine office suit. He had no reason to leave, not today, yet he always dressed well. His attention didn't waver when Adamos entered the room, not bothering to acknowledge the ringtail's presence until he kneeled down beside him. "Why are you not with Robert?" He asked with a neutral chill.

Adamos tried to speak, but found his throat dry and tight, as though his collar tightened itself. "I...I gave into temptation." Adamos bowed his head. "Robert tasked me to help punish the two disobedient toys. We were to tease them with vibes. I...I thought it would be better to suck one off, to tease them with my mouth. He stopped me, sir, rightfully so, and sent me to you."

The tension strained with the squeaky swivel of the rabbit's desk chair. "That is serious." Edelweiss's tone did not come with anger, but disappointment. It still felt like needles underneath Adamos's latex. "I really don't have time for a more hands on punishment, not with my meeting in ten minutes." Scooting away from the desk, the rabbit opened a drawer and pulled out a large and black rubber ballgag. With a snap he had Adamos crawl closer, opening his mouth wide for his master to lodge the restraint behind his teeth and lock it around his head. Pulled by his collar, Adamos found himself face to face with the hardwood of the rabbit's desk, his arms locked behind him and then his elbows touching before forced back to his knees and underneath the shadow of the table.

"Some masters prefer physical pain as punishment. And I'll admit, I have used it effectively in the past," Edelweiss said aloud as he looped the raccoon's leash into a bolted ring on the floor, forcing Adamos to kneel down. "But my preferred punishment is more...well, it varies from partner to partner." Unzipping his pants, his master pulled out the prestigious cock and balls Adamos dreamed of. His eyes went wide as saucers when the rabbit sat back down and rolled inward. He tried to back away, but the bolted leash kept him steady so his gagged maw was buried into the rabbit's sack.

For hours he stayed there, the subtle pine scent of his master's musk seeping in with every breath, every whimper. While not painful, the firm grip on his cage became a dull and nearly unbearable sensation as his dick cried out to grow, its twitches only serving to make the lock jingle and clack against the hard plastic. Adamos's tongue lapped with futile effort against his gag, hoping for a soft taste of his master's sweat to sweep through.

Edelweiss's attention was only physical. No words were said to acknowledge the raccoon's presence, only the shifting of muscly thighs for Adamos to rest his head against. But he enjoyed it, the erection was proof of that alone. The raccoon wanted, no, needed to service his master. Tears streamed and matted his fur as he tried to hold back from complaining more. This was a punishment, a cruel and twisted one that reminded Adamos to never overstep his place again.

When the rabbit pulled free, Adamos's face was soaked in musk and sweat. Edelweiss undid his leash and pulled him out. "Are you sorry for your mistake?" He asked, unclenching the gag. Adamos nodded, his jaw aching from the strain of the rubber ball. "I asked you a question, toy."

"Sorry, Sir." Adamos bowed his head, then looked back at the solid brown eyes, "Yes, Sir. I am sorry for my mistake." His voice cracked not from desperation, but pure honesty. If he were forced to stay a day underneath the rabbit's desk, he would without hesitation.

"Good." Edelweiss had the faintest glint of a smile before patting the raccoon's cheekfur with affection, "Now go find Robert. Your training isn't complete." That had been the last time Adamos saw his master that day. He wasn't sure if it was a continued punishment, or the rabbit's own busy schedule, but his heart sank into a despair that he tried keeping lit through the fox's tasks and training, taking larger toys in each hole longer and longer knowing it made him more suitable for the rabbit.

Now Adamos found himself standing before his master, leash held by the fox by his side. "How's he been doing?" The rabbit asked from behind his desk, speaking as though the raccoon weren't present.

"Well. Barely any complaints from him that aren't reactionary."

"All complaints are reactionary, Robert."

"Well aren't you sassy?" The fox giggled, "I meant that he's not asking me to stop. Squeals for size are expected."

The chair wheels clattered as they rolled when Edelweiss stood up. He paced before Adamos, stopping to take a tight hold on his chin. What the raccoon wouldn't do to melt in his master's arms now, his legs noodles to the touch. "Suppose it's time for the main event. On your knees." Like a well oiled machine, Adamos obeyed, his back straight and chest puffed out before his master. The rabbit opened his drawer and pulled out a latex mask. The raccoon's heart thumped in his ears with every step his master took around him. The latex meshed tight against his face, pulling and dragging with enough force that he fought to stand rigid. A new layer completed the second skin of his body. "Good, now you're ready for tonight's stream"

Stream? As curious as he was, Adamos kept his mouth shut. He figured it'd all be explained, and the tug of his leash by his master's hand had his thoughts elsewhere. Walking behind his master and Robert through the rustic dungeon, the raccoon found himself in a new room. Small and colorful, with the orca and ram bound in leather and gagged with wide black balls. Their faces weren't hidden from the cameras set up around the room, lights focused in on illuminating their position.

Adamos gulped when he saw their legs spread and cocks free. Gynecologist chairs held them still and exposed to whomever watched from behind the camera lens. Edelweiss let his leash hang limp as he reached for a mask laid out atop a tray table, sharing a space with two strange strap-on harnesses. He expertly applied it over Robert's face, robbing the fox of any identity he held.

"Open." Adamos's mouth dropped without hesitation. His lips parted at the silicon cock pushing his tongue flat against his mouth and down his throat. Before his oral training, he'd have gagged and choked with every inch, but now he took all six without struggle and knew he could take more.

Leather straps wrapped around his latex masked head, clicking and tightening in the back. He felt the weight of another dildo hang from his mouth, stripped in Easter colors and floppy but solid. After applying the same to Robert, he grabbed Adamos's cockgag and had him look up to him. "You're going to help me end their punishment." He turned the raccoon to the bound men, "Right now, I have friends watching in. A lot of friends. What you're to do is bring these two disappointments to orgasm using this." He squeezed the fake cock in his hands. "Is that clear?"

Crystally so. His body burned underneath the latex when the rabbit smiled. "Good toy. Now let's just add one final touch." He pressed Adamos to the wall with ease, forcing the raccoon's ass out. Adamos didn't dare hold back his moans at the cold wet finger trailing his back door, slowly pushing and expanding it. Fuck, how long had it been since a real cock buried deep inside him? How much longer until his master did it? Instead of answers, a widening plug pushed deep inside his ass, filling him up and straining his cage.

His master spoke, but the words were deaf to Adamos. He cared only to make Edelweiss proud. By twin leashes, he and Robert were brought into the light. Edelweiss kneeled both of them down and lubed up their face dildos and the holes of their targets. Adamos was given the orca's muscled ass, spread wide and sweaty with musk and desire. The shadow of his cock fell over him, and if it weren't for his master, Adamos would wish it was inside him.

But only one cock would truly satisfy him now.

There was soft resistance when Adamos pushed his head forward. The orca shuddered into his gag, his lower body twitching with each inch. The raccoon didn't care, it wasn't about the orca. No, it was his master's desire, and his master wanted the orca to cum.

Locking his arms around the orca's powerful thighs, Adamos pushed himself in and out from the black backside. The orca's sweat and pre dripped over his muzzle, musk swelling into the raccoon's nose. How many were watching the masked raccoon facefuck the bound orca? Ten people? A hundred? A thousand? Each with a burgeoning erection or otherwise, pawing at themselves while he debased himself for them. Like a toy, an object. Because that's what he was, a simple toy and object.

His rhythm stayed steady, the toy rubbing against the orca's prostate without mercy. Days of teasing and denial had weakened his walls, but the time it took for them to break was lost on the raccoon. He heard the ram break first, shuddering and whimpering into his gag while his cock dripped a steady stream of seed. Robert continued to fuck him, letting the ram ride out his earned orgasm.

But the orca, he screamed into his gag. His athletic body raged against his restraints, chest heaving as the wave rippled across him. Adamos looked up just before it burst, a white geyser shooting from the orca's fat cock and drenching him. The raccoon reached to rub it off his eyes, but stopped at the last second, waiting for Edelweiss's permission.

"Robert." Edelweiss pulled him and Adamos out from the bound toys. "Plug and edge my two toys for the next hour for our viewers. Then we'll have them apologize. As for you." The raccoon crawled along in the direction of his leash, blind but obedient, "Time to get you cleaned up." In a tiled room, the rabbit stripped Adamos down to his cage. After wearing the latex for so long, he felt off without it. Too loose, as though he'd fall apart with no restrictions wrapping him tight. "Face and hands against the wall," Edelweiss commanded. He followed, biting his lip not to scream as cold water jettisoned out from a hose. The temperature rose quickly, but the humiliation of being hosed down stayed cemented in his mind.

"We're almost done with your time here." Edelweiss made sure not to leave any spot of the raccoon dry. "And I have to say, I love your commitment. You're better than a simple toy." He pulled Adamos's head back, strong hands dragging across his wet fur, scrubbing away his anxieties and stress that came with being a person. With being him. "I think you'd make an excellent doe."

To Adamos, truer words had never been spoken.

Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 5 (Commission)

Without a clock, it was difficult for Adamos to tell the passing of time. Likewise with the lack of windows in the basement complex. But by now, the raccoon figured his trial in Edelweiss's service was almost up. Silently, he prayed it wasn't. Each...

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Sacrilege (Commission)

Prayer is a powerful thing. It has the power to lift civilizations out from darkness and push forward to a new dawn, no matter the religion it took form in. Sister Icetalon found herself lost in this power during her morning solitude in the church, but...

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A Change In Tradition: Part 2

The chill from the snowy blanket outside brought more comfort than the yelling in the trailer. Tabitha scrunched up in the foldout chair left behind, bundled in a jacket two sizes too big for her. The benefits of hand-me-downs or charity clothes were...

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