Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 5 (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#33 of Commissions

Adamos's service is at its week end. But this can't really be all for him, can it?

A commission for Critic and the overall finale of this little series. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I have.

Without a clock, it was difficult for Adamos to tell the passing of time. Likewise with the lack of windows in the basement complex. But by now, the raccoon figured his trial in Edelweiss's service was almost up. Silently, he prayed it wasn't.

Each breath came with restraint against his latex, a second skin across his own. Rather than a simple room, Adamos had been given a pod to sleep in. From the outside, it looked like a egg. Inside it was a temperature controlled padded cell, keeping him nice and still. The only range of freedom he had to move was spent grinding his cage against one side, or the wide plug against another. The raccoon made the best effort to keep still when he couldn't sleep, knowing the stimulation was just further torment.

One week, if he remembered correctly, was Edelweiss's holiday for him. And in that time he had not only been refused orgasm, but teased both directly and indirectly. Whether it be the rabbit's pine scented body across his nose, or helping punish other unruly and ungrateful toys, Adamos's desires went unanswered. It was enough to make any sane person mad.

Yet the raccoon felt peace. There was a gnawing sensation, a burning desire that swelled in his crotch and seeped across his body. But it made him giddy, excited even, whenever the rabbit stood in his presence or asked something of him. If this was madness, then the raccoon would gladly wear its hat.

But even he had his limits, and his thirst for rabbit cock flooded his dreams each night. Adamos had worn a new plug each day, wider than the last. Surely by now he could take his master's cock? But he would not beg, not unless his master asked of him. Edelweiss appreciated toys that knew their place. That's why he called them his does.

The latch of the egg swerved open. Adamos's eyes blinked several times to adjust to the light, noting a thin silhouette outlined before him. "Rise and shine, boytoy," Robert joyfully commanded. The arctic fox locked a leash against the ringtail's collar and gave a playful tug. The raccoon peeled away from the egg, back to the rubber floor of toy quarters. Eggs stood all around him, each colored brightly like he'd found during Easter as a child. Each holding another toy of his master.

The fox poked Adamos's forehead, dragging his finger along the latex mask he wore. "Did you sleep well?" He asked. He nodded back, taking a moment to breathe in the attire of Edelweiss's personal secretary. Like himself, Robert wore a latex suit tight enough to be a second skin. Where they differed were the fox's black heels that pumped up his ass, the lack of a mask, and the egg decal atop his flat headed cage. He had had the pleasure of worshiping those very parts under his master's instruction, all for the rabbit's amusement.

"Good. Edelweiss has something special for you today. Come." He spoke with emphasis on the last word before swirling the leash around his hand and pulling Adamos along. In the time he'd been under Edelweiss's control, Adamos realized that calling his sanctum a simple dungeon did it a disservice. There was always another room to find, wide spaces to host gatherings, or even recreational spots for guests unseen. Yet some smells were universal. Leather and latex were abundant, but the subtle hint of pine was so faint the raccoon felt he imagined it.

But the next room he was all too familiar with. Adamos blinked as he noticed the rustic feel of the dungeon laid out before him, realizing it was the very same room he had first entered from the building above. The elevator doors chimed, and opened to reveal his master. The rabbit walked out in a business suit that firmly shaped around his body, both hiding and outlining the powerful but sleek muscles within. His lips didn't curl when he saw Robert and Adamos, but the raccoon noted a smile in the rabbit's eyes. Made all the more clear when he towered over him, hand against his chin in inspection.

"You may leave us, Robert," He commanded more than said. The arctic fox bowed with respect and left, his heels clicking against the floor until they were too far away to hear. His master let go and stepped back, a knowing glance eyeing down at the raccoon.

Shame filled his head before Adamos dropped to his knees. Without another word, he arched in and pressed his lips against the black leather shoes of his master. First the right, then the left, each holding for half a minute embrace. "Good. You're a fast learner." The leash went taut, pulling Adamos along toward a leather couch where his master took his rest. In silence, Edelweiss removed his jacket and loosened his shirt, slowly unbuttoning his cufflinks for ease of movement. "I must apologize for the troubles in your stay," He said with restrained regret, "I had promised you a remarkable experience, but outside forces and mistakes from those in my control have reduced that. With it being your last day, I intend to correct that."

Adamos would have said his master had nothing to be sorrowful for. His slaves were flawed, failing to truly appreciate the rabbit who offered his hand to them. But he said nothing, for a toy would not speak without permission. Edelweiss smiled at his silence, nodding proudly to the raccoon's obedience. "I must admit," He said, hand embracing Adamos's hooded head, "Not since Robert have I found someone not only eager to fall in line, but strong enough to stay there." His thumb pushed past the raccoon's lips, oppressively pressing against his tongue. His cage twitched in delighted agony. "If only we had a little more time."

Time meant nothing to the raccoon, not when in his master's presence. It took everything to stand up again as the rabbit pulled his leash. "Come on. I need to change my attire first." Returning to the colorful playroom, Edelweiss lashed Adamos against a gynecologist chair. His legs were locked apart, arms bound behind his head, and mouth eagerly opened wide for the large sky blue ballgag his master lodged behind his teeth.

His master turned around at the last second, as if he'd forgotten something before needing to change. Sifting through his pockets, the rabbit pulled out a small key. Adamos's eyes went wide as he saw it, struggling to keep still when Edelweiss pushed it into his lock and twisted.

The raccoon shuddered at his growing erection. His hands tightened, toes curled, all for the pleasure of his cock finally standing proud and free. "You appreciate it. Good." The rabbit took the ringtail's chin aloft, forcing him to stare deep at the earthly eyes. "Soak it in while I get dressed."

As his master walked out of sight, Adamos looked down at the cock that had been caged for so long. He couldn't help but have it twitch before him, testing out its functions as though it had been dormant for too long. Not that he stopped feeling it, no, the cage didn't prevent that. If anything, it made it worse. Aroused but unable to be hard was a frustrating sensation that had him begging for any kind of release.

But this meant more than simple freedom. He could see the next steps now. His master, after a week of loyalty, would finally let him cum. Adamos was thankful for the restraints. If he were free, he'd be too giddy to stand still. Even now he could barely suppress his excited giggles.

"Hope you aren't too impatient." He looked over to see his master behind him. The rabbit had discarded his business suit, instead covered in nothing but a tight black thong and a leather harness strapped over his chest. The very same outfit he wore at Holiday. Not even a month had passed since then, and yet Adamos felt like it'd been years since he'd seen his master in such a display. He gave a cocky smile to the bound raccoon. "Like what you see, mate?" He asked, his accent as strong as a kiss against a grizzled face. The raccoon nodded enthusiastically.

Pulling up a chair and small table, the rabbit laid out a bottle of lube. "Now," He said, squirting the liquid over his hands and rubbing them together, "This may be your last day, but you're still my toy. So I expect you to act like it. Don't give in without my permission, that clear?" With a nod from the raccoon, he went to work. Cold and slimy hands gripped his shaft, gently squeezing it from the tip down the base until it glistened with lubricated shine. His pumps were slow and methodical, one hand focused on the shaft, the other teasingly rubbing his thumb in circular motions across the raccoon's cockhead.

With every deep breath, Adamos whimpered. His chest heaved, working through the pleasure he'd desired for so long. It'd be so easy to give in, especially after one week of the hellish denial. But his master told him no, and the raccoon wanted to be a good toy till the very end. No, he wanted more than that, but he knew it was impossible. Not with his job, his responsibilities. A life of mediocrity awaited him with the little death, so he clung on to last in this hell of desire.

The rabbit turned his attention to the raccoon's sack, slowly massaging it with one hand while the other teased his tip. "You know, I don't normally toy with the cocks of my playthings like this. A doe will get some feeling on a special day, like on an anniversary or birthday, whichever is more important. But never a toy." He squeezed, not enough to hurt, but to have Adamos breath deep in remembrance of his place. "Because a toy is just that, a tool for amusement for myself and others I see fit. Temporary and kept at a much longer, if still invisible leash."

Adamos thought back to the ram and orca. Outside the dungeon, he would have considered them 'real' men. The kind that society told him to strive for. But behind the walls they were weak, subservient, and, worst of all, disrespectful to his master. They were lucky to be his toys. Maybe their struggle was why his master kept them. It amused him in some soft sadistic way, unlike how he treated the raccoon.

"When I first laid eyes on you back at Holiday, I figured you'd be a decent toy. Though you proved me wrong." Fingers firmly dug into his stomach fur, holding Adamos steady. "And as such, you deserve a very rare treat indeed." Something hot and wet enveloped his tip. The raccoon arched back, held in place by the rabbit's hand, his own limbs flailing wild into his restraints from the sudden pleasure. Then came the tongue, the warm and sloppy appendage coiling against his head and underside.

Despite every fiber telling him not to look, Adamos dared. His eyes grew to saucers upon seeing his master's mouth over his cock, slowly bobbing his head against the shaft. A blowjob, from Edelweiss? He wasn't worthy of such attention, not when he still had trouble taking the rabbit's cock in entirety down his throat. Mentally slapping himself, the raccoon took several deep breaths to hold back his pleasure. He dared not cum without his master's permission, and to cum in the rabbit's throat would be too great a sin.

A single strand of saliva strung from his master's lips when he pulled off, breaking at the thinnest point. He smiled, the curls of his face burning like the hot sun. "Must be difficult, holding back." He returned to pumping, slowly picking up speed. "But see, that's what I like about you, Ringtail. Or maybe I should call you Ringo? Nah," He shook his head, "Toys don't get names. They don't need them. Just like they don't need to cum. I could stop right here, and set you on your very way, knowing you'll never have such a sensation ever again."

In a moment of weakness, Adamos pleaded no. His gag stopped it from being coherent, but he could tell Edelweiss understood him from his eyes alone. He would apologize over a hundred times with his gag, but the rabbit didn't listen. Instead, he pumped faster, the wet slapping sounds of the lube swishing between the rabbit's grip mixing with the struggling moans and gagged cries for permission. How much longer could he last? Every breath only delayed the inevitable, a week's worth of torment building to a geyser of ecstasy.

His master let go. "Cum," He ordered. His cock surged, but the pleasure waned without the firm grip around it. Instead of a flood, came a dripple. Small pockets of seed steadily flowing out before the bunny's cruelty. Adamos whimpered into the gag, his arousal unclaimed despite the release pooling at the floor underneath him. Drop after drop.

In silence, Edelweiss caught several spurts with his fingers. He squished it before Adamos, rubbing the tips of his digits with the raccoon's thick seed. "A week's worth, and this is it?" He didn't speak with disappointment, but curiosity. Still, the raccoon felt shame. Shame for going against his master's wish, for leaking out like a broken faucet, and for the selfish feelings he carried even now. He wanted, no, needed real release, a real push past the breaking point. Instead, he had been tripped over the finish line.

Edelweiss cleaned his fingers off against the raccoon's nose, then called his fox in to release him. "Your time here was lovely, Adamos." He said, as though he'd finished a simple transaction. The raccoon's legs struggled to stand straight, as if they fought against their very nature. "Robert here will get you cleaned up and return your clothes. I hope you enjoy yourself."

How could he? Adamos blinked, realizing clear as day that there would be no enjoyment the moment he walked out those doors like this. Sure he could jack off in his apartment. Maybe take a few more days of PTO and toy with himself over and over. But it wouldn't be the same, no orgasm would feel right.

The raccoon fell to his knees, finding comfort in the position, and bent over with his head to the ground. "Please, sir," He said with all his breath, "Take me as a doe." The silence in the room was broken only by the subtle squeaks of his and Robert's latex. He watched the rabbit's large feet move, not daring to look at his former master's gaze to see disappointment. He knew he was pathetic to beg for it, but damn it all, he had to try.

"What was that, mate?" Edelweiss asked curiously.

"I..." He gulped, feeling parched in his throat, "I want to be your doe." He needed to be, but he couldn't sound more desperate.

"So, I did hear right." Adamos felt a heavy foot over his scalp, pressing down. "You sure about that, mate? You've got a job, a life. A doe only has one purpose, and that's to serve under me. They don't get what you have."

"I g-get that." The lump in his throat went down like a golf ball when he swallowed. "B-But if I leave here, I'll only be a husk. Some kind of zombie pretending to be a person. I don't want that. I don't want to survive, I want to thrive. To fucking live!" Every word came with the force of a scream but the tone of a whimper. Tears dotted his eyes, but he didn't wash them away with his hands. He had to stay in position, to keep himself submissive to the rabbit's presence. Safety and happiness underneath his master's heel. "It's all an empty joke. I feel fulfilled here. Wanted."

A long silence passed, with the only sound being the creaking of latex and the thumping of the raccoon's own heart. Edelweiss lifted his foot, "Get up." He commanded. Adamos stood straight, chest puffed out and hands behind his back. It almost felt wrong without his cage locked.

The rabbit took hold of his face, twisting the head right and left in inspection. "Are you sure about this?" Edelweiss asked with sincerity. "Once you're my doe, you don't leave until I let you. Of course you'd be compensated for it, but I don't let does leave easily."

His heart nearly burst with his nod. "Yes, sir," Adamos held back his squeal, "I'm sure."

He looked him over one last time before turning to Robert. "Bring him to the cross. I have to make a call." It took everything not to bounce to the ceiling at those words.


Edelweiss checked his watch on his way to the desk. "Shouldn't be interrupting him," He said aloud to himself. To be safe, he pulled his bathrobe over his body, hiding the straps from any camera before setting up a video call. It rang three times before the caller picked up. Any more, and he'd need to send a punishment.

A mammoth appeared on his computer screen. Tall, wide, with a gray business suit that barely contained his frame. "Good afternoon, Sir," Mr. Holt bowed his head, "I trust this is about Adamos."

"That it is." Edelweiss Straightened his back against the chair for his camera, "He's decided to stay under my...employ. Apologies for having to tell you directly, but it seems he wanted to join immediately."

"I expected as much." Mr. Holt nodded. "Is he to your liking?"

The rabbit tilted his head at the question. "Why else would I take him?"

"Right." A nervous chuckle slipped behind the mammoth's trunk, "Right. I'll inform his subordinates. I'm sure we can find a replacement shortly. Though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad to see him go."

"Don't be. Instead, be happy that he's found where he belongs." The rabbit clicked open his account, "Now, as per our agreement, your golden parachute has gotten another shiny coat. Is this number satisfactory?"

The mammoth squinted to the number on his end. Then his eyes slowly widened, "That is...most generous, sir."

"I am nothing if not." He leaned into his seat, letting the springs hold him aloft, "Don't bother asking if I need another for a few months. I would like to take my time with him. Really teach him the ropes of my empire."

"Of course, sir." The mammoth smiled on the other end, "A shame, really. Would have kept him for myself, but Anthro Resources would have my head if I got caught about it."

"Like that's ever stopped you." Edelweiss knew perfectly well why the mammoth didn't. There was a pecking order after all. "I'll send you a toy to enjoy. For now, I'm going to enjoy my new doe."


"Full name here, and initials here." Robert pointed to each line for Adamos, flipping page after page of documentation. The raccoon expected to sign something before being put to the cross, though not a two inch thick stack of papers. From his skimming, it looked like a standard employment contract but with vague wording on the decisions and rights he had. The standing erection he sported made it harder to focus, making him wish he was caged. That and he missed the euphoric rush of being aroused but not erect.

The back doors opened as he finished. On reflex, Adamos rested to his knees and kept his legs wide, back straight and palms out before his, now permanent, master. "I take it from the stiffy," The rabbit gently nudged his toes against the raccoon's cock, "He's signed everything?"

"Indeed he has, sir." Robert handed him the documents, which the rabbit flipped through and returned, "Good." He paused and looked over Adamos, hand rubbing against his cheek, "Tadolini. Adamo Tadolini. Yeah, that works." He snapped his fingers. The raccoon stood up, chest tight and ready for his master's hand. "Get soft."

Adamos nodded and thought of every unsexy idea he could muster. He thought back to the utter boredom of his office life, and the joy that it wouldn't return, shrinking his cock down to its flaccid state. Robert handed the rabbit a new cage, similar to the raccoon's old but now adorned with the egg logo like the fox had. "As a doe, you are more than just my object of pleasure. You work for me." Edelweiss rubbed lube and, with care, yanked the raccoon's sack between the first ring. "Robert, for example, is my personal secretary. You will act as a manager for my toys. This includes, but is not limited, to their punishment when I am unavailable, and tracking where they are being sent to and returned from. Is that clear, Tadolini?"

Adamos nodded, "Yes, sir. Is that to be my name?"

"Uh huh." Edelweiss nodded. "I don't expect you to know the sculptor. Was before your time. Was debating Ringo but I wanted something more classical for you." With the cage fitted around his cock, and the final click, Adamos felt the snugness of the cage once more. What was once an odd feeling had grown comfortable, satisfactory even.

The heavy hand of his master took his shoulder and pulled Adamos along. The raccoon found his arms pulled up and locked against an X-frame, his back turned to the rabbit and fox behind him. The soft giggle from Robert had him blush, but he said nothing as his legs were spread apart and locked at the ankles.

"Now." Adamos felt the lube drenched fingers of his master thumbing around the stopper of the plug in his ass. "Time to pop this cork and savor my newest doe." The next soft twist had the raccoon take a steadying breath, followed by the firm but gentle pull of the wide toy. The delightful tightness of his cage pressed against his cock, denying the erection it demanded as his master popped the plug outside his back door. For a few moments, he felt empty. His hole gaping and begging to be filled once more.

Then the thick finger of his master slipped through. "Well, well, Robert you have outdone yourself," Edelweiss said with respect. "Loose enough to stretch, but feels like it'll be tight enough for me."

"Thank you, sir." The fox bowed out of the corner of Adamos's eye, "It'll need careful maintenance. You won't get to fuck him as often as he'd like if you want it to stay like that."

"Oh, but that's half the fun, isn't it?" A warm, lubed head pressed against Adamos's pucker. The raccoon squealed underneath his breath, excited and terrified that it was finally coming. "To see each and every doe work so hard, and be denied for so long. Well, it makes this all the more special. Don't it, Tadolini?" A strong hand hooked his cheek, pulling Adamos's head back. The subtle taste of pine sparked along his tongue and wafted through his nose when his master's breath cascaded down. "How's it finally feel?"

Every inch took another word from the raccoon's mouth. That and, with his tongue caught between two fingers, Adamos found it hard to convey his feelings verbally. He'd taken toys to prepare for this, but his master's cock had a strange class all its own. The pressure against his prostate was akin to a delicate finger and a fat fucking all at once.

The rabbit thrusted slowly, building a rhythm with each inch deeper. Every pull and push meant to savor his asshole, to savor him. If his master wanted a simple orgasm, he could have done it already. But he wanted control, and Adamos would have melted into his embrace if it were possible.

"That's it," Edelweiss whispered, "Sink into it. Slide down into the abyss." Kisses crawled up his neck, suckling and biting softly with each taste. "I expect a lot out of you, Tadolini." His hips gained speed, his strength pounding Adamos into the frame. The wood scratched against the floor with every thrust and the raccoon's voice peaked each time his master's base hit the rim.

He broke first. A silent wail escaped Adamos's throat as a tiny spurt dripped from his cage, breaking off with the swing of his hips. Edelweiss pounded through the outcome, bombarding the raccoon's prostate until he swore it'd become bruised and delighted afterwards. With a hearty grunt, the rabbit filled his insides, spurt after spurt of precious seed that eased his exit from the raccoon's backside.

The raccoon fell limp into Edelweiss's arms when they released his restraints. His legs were jelly, arms made of straw, and his chest burned. He looked up to his master, weak but smiling. "Did I satisfy you, sir?"

"In so many ways, Tadolini." Edelweiss brushed the raccoon's hair away, "In so many ways further to come."

Fairgrounds Meetup (Commission)

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Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 4 (Commission)

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