Fairgrounds Meetup (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#32 of Commissions

Stress is the mind killer. Luckily for Ash, he has a good friend who has the best ideas to help deal with it. Like going to a BDSM fair in a gimpsuit.


A commission for Gunsword2003. I hope you enjoy!

Ash looked at himself in the rearview mirror of his car. Droopy eyes and split ends over his hair reflected back at him, the results of poor sleep. Stress coiled around his spine like a snake, stopping at the neck to strangle him with every breath. Why did he still have his job, he wondered. The amount of agony and frustration the office brought him clearly had to outweigh his benefits. "Right?" He said to the mirror.

The mirror, like always, did not respond.

The spotted pig knew why he still had his job. Several reasons. For starters, he was competent, if only barely. Secondly, it paid well enough that searching for a new job wasn't the most immediate action. But lastly, and this was the case by design if he had to guess, he was too tired to go searching by the end of the day. Throwing out applications was another full time gig, and the mental strain was too much to bear.

What he needed was a day off. Several, in fact. Luckily for him, he had a friend who knew this and planned for it. Twisting the key with tired excitement, the engine whirred to life. One three-day weekend, where Ash could just forget about the office and dig into something entirely better.

"You look like shit." The dragon's tongue felt like an arrow through Ash's heart. Josh casually leaned into the doorframe of his apartment, arms crossed as the gray dragon's eyes looked over his friend. "Have you been sleeping right? Tell me you've been sleeping right." Ash looked away, silently deflecting any responsibility. "And your hair!" The dragon's claws ran through the pig's ponytail, "My god, you've been using conditioner, right?"

"I have been showering." Ash shrugged, "Mostly just to wake up in the morning."

"Well, lucky for you I love a challenge. Come on." Josh didn't so much let the pig in as he did drag him, with strength the effeminate dragon's body shouldn't have carried. Hurried inside and directed to the bathroom, Ash found himself casually stripping away his work clothes, soon standing naked over his friend's ceramic tiled floor. "I want you to use the pink soap, the rouge shampoo, and the lavender conditioner. We need to make this shine."

"What about our plans?" Ash asked.

Josh turned on the shower, the running water echoing across the walls. "We can't do it with you looking like a mess. The fair won't be going anywhere if we're an hour late, trust me."

The pig felt a stiffy in his loins when Josh said that. In the few moments of freedom he'd had this week, the fair had popped up in his mind. When the dragon first brought it up, Ash thought he was joking. A public display of kink? With everyone in leather or latex? It seemed too farfetched to be true, like something out of an expensive porno. A little online digging proved Josh's stories right however, and as he stepped into the hot rinse of the raindrop shower, Ash's mind fluttered at what was to come.

Harnesses and gags. Hung leather daddies wafting in the steam from the shower. Ash bit his lip, desperate to feel their strong touch against his chubby butt. "Aren't you a cute little piggy?" One would say, a horse in a leather harness with his fingers pressed against Ash's soft lips. "Bet you'd squeal lovely underneath my boot."

"Are you done?" Josh's call shattered the pig's fantasy.

"No." He called back, "Sorry. Rinsing now." Josh's products had a lovely flowery scent to them. He made sure to cross his entire body in the feeling, getting between the legs and through the crevices. Anything to wash away the sweat and stress of his office life. And the added benefit of a big strong man lathering him in his mind helped. By the time he stepped out of the shower, his hair hung wet from his head and had to be parted for him to see. The mirror was too steamed to see his reflection, but judging from the dragon's grin when he stepped out, Ash might have enjoyed his fantasy a little too much.

"Little Ash is excited." The dragon giggled, scooting out a chair for the pig, "Sit. We gotta get your makeover done." Ash complied, resting comfortably against the armchair. Then Josh brought out some cuffs. "What?" He smirked, "You expected this to be entirely vanilla?"

Ash shook his head, "Knowing you? I was hoping not."

With his wrists locked in place, Josh lodged a heavy ballgag behind the pig's teeth and pulled his chair out just a smidge. "Now, I want you to think about your grandma for a moment." Ash looked at him with alarm. "Oh, don't give me that look. We gotta deal with that erection and it's too early to deal with it the other way," The dragon said, playfully booping his friend's nose.

As much as he didn't want to, Ash closed his eyes and let the familial thoughts soften his cock. Cold and slimy fluids poured over his cock and balls, followed by a chilly metallic ring tightly squeezed between his nuts. With a peak, Ash saw a chastity cage fashioned over his cock. "There we go. Good piggies don't need to get hard. Now about this hair, gah!"

First came the heat protection cream, which Josh massaged into the pig's scalp. Ash leaned back into it, softly nibbling into his gag as the stress oozed away. The heavy hot winds of a hairdryer followed, drying out the excess water for better comb and brush through him. "If I had the space, and the money, I might just have to have you move in here. You clearly can't take care of your hair yourself."

Ash's retort was lost in translation, no doubt from the rubber ball lodged in his teeth. "There we go. Voila!" The pig stared back at his reflection, seeing straight and clean auburn locks hanging from his head. His lips curled up, blushing into the gag at the shine of his hair. "Oh, someone likes it. But does your little Ash like it?" Josh snickered, reaching down and dragging his finger across the metal cage over his twitching trapped cock. The pig desperately moaned, straining his bindings.

"Hmm..." Josh pulled open his drawer, rummaging around it. "I guess we could do some nail polish...no, that'll just have us wait longer for it to dry. She wouldn't want us waiting." She? Ash's reflection raised a brow. Josh grinned back at it, holding the pig's jaw and forcing him to stare into it. "Oh, don't you worry about it, Ashley. I just have a friend waiting for us at the fair. Though I need you to promise me something, can you do that?" The pig nodded with the dragon's hands directing him along. "Good, good. Now, I'm going to take this gag out." His finger trailed across the black rubber ball, "But I need you to not ask any questions. If you do, we'll cancel. Is that clear?"

Crystal. Ash nodded with haste, not wanting to lose his weekend fun over something so small. Not that he thought Josh would cancel it, but obeying was all the more fun. With a smile, the dragon unlocked the gag and gave his friend a minute to adjust while the dragon searched through his closet. Ash eyed the mirror while relaxing his jaw, seeing the gray dragon pull out a pair of fat silicon orbs hanging together, and a set of latex clothing. Taking the pair, he hung them underneath Ash's neck and frowned at the off color. "Damn, too bright. Eh," He shrugged, "I guess it won't matter." Ash wasn't sure why fake boobs of a slightly lighter shade wouldn't matter. He wasn't sure about why Josh had fake boobs.

But it did make his cage feel tighter.

Freeing his wrists, Josh had the pig raise his hands up to slip the silicone breast forms over his chest. The pig marveled at the D-cup breasts across his chest. The dragon, however, decided to give them a good grope. "Don't worry," He whispered, "I got something perfect for this."

That 'perfect' was the black latex suit he pulled out. With copious amounts of lube, baby powder, and playful laughter, they stretched it tight across Ash's body. Every little movement felt restrained, like fighting against a string from a puppeteer. Only the chest felt loose, just tight enough to outline the false breasts.

Josh grabbed one last piece of latex, "And now for the piece de resistance." Ash felt the firm stretch of the material over his head. The dragon pulled and pulled, robbing the pig of any sight until the eye holes slipped over. He watched his reflection stare back, or rather, the big boobed gimpy big staring back at him. She was pretty, if a little tight. Bashful and red in what little skin he could see. The dragon's claws slipped through the hole in the head, carefully pulling out as much of Ash's hair as he could to make a single auburn pony-tail slip out.

"Magnifique!" Josh said, locking the pig's arms behind him. "Now, why don't you stay in the corner, nice and quiet," The rubber gag returned against Ash's lips. He opened wide, letting the dragon lock them behind his teeth, "While I get dressed."

Ash waited by the corner, kneeling with his breathing steady against the tight latex. Like a second skin, it clung to him, squeaking with each movement. In the background, Josh set about dressing himself, quietly singing 'Both' by Todrick Hall. "Ready," He called out, looping a finger around the pig's collar. Ash turned to see his friend's new attire, a pink leather corset and skirt with tall leather boots and a hoodie. A single choker wrapped around his neck. He smiled, "So, ready for the fair?"

He nodded back. "Good." Josh locked a leash around the pig's collar. "Now let's get going. We'll have to take the stairs to avoid anyone noticing you."

Ash's legs moved with the tug, but his mind froze. The stairs?!


"You are so mean," Ash complained from the passenger seat. The dragon laughed it off, letting his friend relax his mouth from the gag. The pig had never been more embarrassed, and maybe aroused, by their trip down the stairwell. While each flight had enough darkness to hide in, the sound of his suit echoed clear as day off the walls. They were lucky that no one else took the stairs then.

"Don't act like you didn't like it." Josh reached down and pressed against the cage hidden beneath the latex. "I'm sure little Ashley would be tall and proud right now."

Ash bit his lip and looked away. He tried to look out the window, but Josh had reclined the passenger seat at such an angle that the pig couldn't view outside. No one could see in either. "So, why can't we take the hood off for the trip?"

"Cause it was a pain to get it on your head." The car moved forward. Ash shifted into the seatbelt and his own restraints, pressing against him from momentum alone. "Besides, you can't tell me you don't like being tied up right now. It's like a kidnapping! Except safe...ish."


"Well I mean, how safe is anyone if we get into a wreck?"

"And you're joking about that?!"

The dragon laughed. "A little, a little." The car turned to the left and stopped. "We're here." Ash felt his seat pulled up automatically, giving him a full view of the empty parking lot around them.

"Um..." The pig blinked, "I thought there would be more people at the fair."

"Well the fair's a few blocks away." Ash turned to his friend in shock. Josh jutted his chin out, grinning as he held up a gag and the leash. "What? You think we're starting at the fair? That parking's way too expensive for me."

"But what if someone sees us?" Ash asked with worry, "I mean, I'm covered head to toe in latex and you-"

"Have a hoodie for my top," Josh pointed out, fingering the pink hoodie over his chest, "But don't worry, there's a tunnel nearby that's a direct shot to the fairgrounds. No one in the tunnel is gonna think you're a pervert. Well, they are, but everyone in there is either a pervert or coming from a group of perverts."

He didn't argue in return. Half because of the gag placed firmly back behind his teeth, the other half being that Ash agreed. He was a pervert, and some sick twisted side of him wanted to feel the eyes on him. Still made the first few steps from the car terrifying, with his arms bound behind him and breathing tight against the latex.

The dragon carefully pulled at the least. Ash's collar dug into his neck before he moved, reassuring him that his control was not his own. Each step in the open had his legs wobble, his breathing strain, and his teeth dig into the gag as if he could chew it off and scream that it wasn't what it looked like.

But it was. From the click of Josh's heels, to the shine of the street lights across his latex. It was exactly what it looked like.

No one saw them, least not that he noticed on their way to the tunnel. Ash leaned against the cement walls once they were hidden by them, deep breaths in and out of his nose. Josh gave him just a moment's respite before tugging him along, their steps echoing down the corridor into darkness.

Then he saw a light. Faint on the other end. Music followed, with laughter and cheers. Josh pulled off his hoodie before they exited, stashing it in his backpack for later. The first step outside the tunnel felt like Ash had entered another world. Furs in leather, latex, straps, and more were all around him. Some bound up like him, others conversing like this was a normal everyday occurrence.

And it was massive. Ash saw mice in horse gear pulling carts ridden by a mare. A polar bear in straps walking on all fours for a fox in a biker outfit. A wolf woman with a big dicked mouse girl at her side, her cock caged.

Then there were the stands. Leather goods, latex products, food carts, they were dotting the sides of the street like any sort of fair. Ash forgot his restraints and tried to rub his eyes at what he saw, unable to accept he wasn't dreaming. Craziest of all, no one noticed him. In any other setting, he'd be hearing screams and calls for the police.

But here, he was just another pervert, walking around with a close friend.

The chain grew taut, "Hey, don't get too distracted." Josh cast a knowing glance toward the pig. Wrapping the chain around his hand, he pulled Ash close and held his chin between two claws. "We can enjoy the pretty sights later, Ashley. We have friends to meet first. And you're gonna love this."

Could love be an understatement? Ash struggled to find a better word to express his enjoyment over what happened around him. The deeper into the crowd, the more he melted with the ocean of kink laying out before him. Josh waved into the distance. He peered over the dragon's shoulder, looking out for the friends his play partner had in mind.

A dark blue shark with long aquamarine hair waved back, carrying a wide toothy grin. She walked with heavy heeled boots, with a shiny black latex skirt and matching corset over her body. Black glove hands wrapped around a chained leash, leading along a ram girl from behind. She pulled it taught when stopping, having the ram keep still. "Oh my god, is that her?" She asked Josh, pointing to Ash. The pig blushed at the insinuation.

Josh nodded, pulling the pig between his arms. "Sara, meet Ashley. My cute, boxum, and nervous subby." The dragon fondled Ash's fake breasts for emphasis. Ash couldn't feel it, but his eyes darted around all the same.

Sara looked over him, finger at her chin as she lost herself in thought. "Gosh, she is just adorable. And she insisted you walk her here like this?"

"Yep!" Josh lied. Ash looked to his friend as if he would kill him, but the dragon's knowing smile dashed such thoughts aside. "And who is the cutie you got by the chain?"

"Oh, this bitch?" Sara pulled the ram closer. She had brown fur and curly hair that puffed up behind her head. Ash found it difficult to read her expression, thanks to both the blindfold over her eyes, and the fat red ballgag filling her maw. At a second glance, he realized it wasn't a blindfold but some sort of special latex hood that covered part of her head. His eyes wandered down, noting the large breasts and tight nipples free from the ram, the red corset, and latex stockings ending at her hooves.

And the cock. He blinked when he saw it, flaccid between her legs. Already he could tell it was bigger than his own, but his eyes kept staring to confirm suspicions. He only looked away when the two doms laughed. "I think Ashley wants to taste Elise," Sara chuckled.

Ash felt his friend press against his shoulders, casually bringing the pig down to his knees. "Hmm, tempting," the dragon mused, grabbing his sub by the ponytail and pushing him against the goat's crotch. Elise's musk mixed with the latex smell of his mask. He salivated, subconsciously pushing his tongue against the gag for a taste while his cock screamed to be released. Elise's saliva dripped against his nose, teeth gnashing against her gag while she moaned through her growing erection. "I think Elise wants some attention."

"I think you might be right." Sara grabbed her sub's chin and asked, "You know there are people watching. Right now, there are eyes on you, judging your silly perverted ass as this cute little piggy is at your crotch. She's got big tits too, the kind you can fuck. Do you want to fuck them? Right here, in front of everyone?" Elise's cock stood proud at the question. The ram nodded with haste, her breathing short and swift in excitement. "Such a slut." Sara turned to Josh, "What about Ashley? She want to play right away?"

With a playfully sadistic tone, Josh said, "Oh, she's always up for play." The dragon's claws reached around and grabbed Ash's fake tits, "Isn't that right, Ashley?" Ash didn't get to say no, his eyes too focused on the cock before him. "Let me help you with it though. We both know how much you love to stay bound." His friend wedged the ram cock between the fake breasts.

His ears twitched at the snap of Sara slapping Elise's backside. "Come on, enjoy those lovely tits," The shark commanded. With a biting grunt, the ram slowly thrusted her hips into Ash's face, grinding her cock in the middle of the latex covered mounds. The shark spritzed lube over his chest, causing the rampant pounds to become high pitched squeaks in Ash's ears.

People gathered around from the corner of his eye. No cameras were pulled, but snickers and fingers aimed their way. The pig squirmed in his bindings, the burning shame causing his cock to rebel against the firm metal holding it down. No one knew it was Ash. They only saw the gimp piggy Ashley, an insatiable little slut who'd gladly let any horny bitch fuck them.

Saliva dripped from Elise's gag as she buckled down. Knees bent, she pushed and rammed into the soft tits. Sara pulled the chain taut, "Woah, there, little bitch. Have a little decorum." The shark chastised, "These people want a nice show. Maybe you should let Josh do the work?"

"Someone's getting spanked later." The dragon laughed. He squeezed the fake tits tight, turning Ash's chest to an impromptu masturbation sleeve. With slow but deliberate movements, he pumped the ram's red rod up and down. Ash felt its heat against his chest, his inner voice wishing the tits were real just to feel it all over them. Looking up, he saw Sara hold Elise from behind, fingers pulling and twisting her nipples with delight.

Elise's breathing tightened. Rapid huffs escaped her nostrils. Her hooded head thrashing as her legs struggled to stay still. Ash smelt it half a second before he felt it across his face, his black hood coated with her seed. Cheers erupted from the audience as Sara and Josh pulled the two subs apart. "Well, isn't she a squirter?" The dragon pulled out a napkin and rubbed the seed off of the pig's face. Briefly Ash wished to taste it, but his desire to bit into his gag overpowered the lust.

"You should see her after a week," Sara laughed, "I swear I can get her to go a few feet."

"No way!" Josh said, "What else can you make her do?"

"Lots. But why don't we discuss that over coffee? There's a cafe on this street that really gets into the spirit of the fair." The shark held her sub close, waiting for Elise's legs to stop shaking before tugging her along, "Come on. You'll love it."

"Oh, bet." Josh pulled Ash along, and, like a good slave, he followed.

The first thing that caught his attention of 'Unsanctioned Grinds' was how normal it looked. In the middle of the fairgrounds stood this one coffee shop with a pride flag and kink community symbols strewn about. Heading inside, Ash smelt the aroma of coffee on the air, and noticed not only the regular chairs and tables for lounging, but a wall of sex toys and other kinky implements for sale. The customers were a mix of people either casually dressed, or in full kink gear with their genitals out.

"OMG is this real?" Josh's mouth hung open in shock. Sara nodded and led them to the front counter, where a cow lady in a corset smiled back.

"Hey, Sara. Your newbie seems pretty well dressed." The cow eyed over to both Josh and Ash, "And a gimp? Now that takes commitment."

"They aren't newbs, Fran." Sara leaned into the counter, "It's just their first time in your cafe. I'll have my usual and..." She turned to her submissive, "Honey, do you want anything? Water maybe?" The ram nodded at the request. Josh ordered a frappuccino with sprinkles as his 'cheat treat'.

"So, how did you meet Ashley?" Sara asked as the duo sat down. Neither Elise or Ash were offered a seat. They did get pillows to kneel against though, giving the pig rest he didn't know he needed. Elise nestled against her mistress's thigh as she talked, blind and trusting while the shark ran a finger through her curls.

"Oh, I've known Ashley for years." Josh leaned back and brushed his fingers through the air, "She's always been so pretty, but forgets to take care of herself. Stress on the job. Just today I had to deal with her split ends before taking her here. And also." Arching forward, the dragon's whisper was lost to the casual chatter around them. Sara frowned, looked at Ash, then giggled as she looked back to Josh's nodding head. The pig swore his blush could melt his latex.

A femme deer with a flat headed chastity cage and leather straps across their body passed along their drinks. "That's one mocha grande and one frappuccino," They said with a smile, "And two waters for your subs. Is there anything else I can get for you four?"

"Hmm..." Josh scratched his chin and looked over the nearby wall. Ash squeezed his butt in reflex at seeing all the dildos, his mouth salivating at what could come. "Yes. Can I have one of those leather paddles? I'd love a souvenir."

Sara raised her hand, "And I'd like to take that large pink dildo." The ram arched her head to her mistress, who returned with a smile at her hooded sub. "What? I've been wanting to get an upgrade for a while now."

"Oh, that I'd love to see." The dragon smiled, "Maybe we can break in our new purchases together? If you're up for a little shared fun."

Sara shined her toothy grin, stained with the hint of chocolate from her mocha after a single sip. "Not at all. But my place is bigger."

Neither Josh nor Sara decided to have their subs take it easy before heading back to the shark's apartment. The dragon wanted to show his special piggy around, and Sara was keen on encouraging her ram to push herself. Ash had even been given a sign around his neck that let anyone touch his breasts. Even though he couldn't feel the hands of every groper, his face stayed red throughout.

By the day's end, both Ash and Elise were carrying at least one bag of toys and gear from their dominants collective shopping spree. Taking separate cars, Josh cackled excitedly over what he had planned next. He ungagged the pig to relax his jaw, and gave him permission to speak.

"Do they know I'm a guy?" The pig asked, stretching his arms. Josh just smiled with a knowing glare, one that made it clear that Ash shouldn't ask such questions tonight. The gag went back in when they parked, forcing the pig to swallow his fear as his best friend led him up to Sara's apartment.

"You two didn't hit traffic, did ya?" The shark asked, letting them inside. It was bigger than Josh's apartment, more open space and a hallway that led to two bedrooms compared to the dragon's single. Ash couldn't find Elise at first, figuring she was waiting in one of the other rooms.

He was right. After pleasantries, Josh and Sara brought him to a shared bedroom where Elise was waiting on her knees. The ram still had her hood over her head, relying only on sound as they approached. "Such a good girl," Sara cooed, petting the ram's curly hair. "Did you know this is the longest she's gone with it on? She didn't even want to take it off when we got home. I suspect you both have something to do with that."

"I'd say Ashley's guiltier." Josh pushed his piggy against the soft red sheets of the mattress. "I mean, she's been in her costume for the day. Must be some competitive spirit between the two." Ash felt a firm hand on his backside, groping against the latex. Then came the pull of a zipper, exposing his pink butt to them. "So, you wanna take a swing first? Or do I get to try Elise first?"

"Why not both?" Sara pulled Elise beside the pig, butt open for each of them. "Let's say, whoever's legs curl up first loses."

"And what does the winner get?" Josh asked with an inquisitive tone.

"A better place in the sandwich." Ash could just imagine Sara's smirk as she said that. "Ash a good little painslut? I know Elise is still learning to work through it."

"Why not find out?" Josh said. The pig's ears twitched at the swinging sound in the air. The kind of scream made from holes drilled into a tool. Could it be made of wood, or leather? The one Sara had just bought was leather, but would she use that? The answer came with a swift strike down on his right cheek. He heard the slap before the pain surged through, the fleshy crack that sounded with leather. Gnawing into his gag, Ash squealed and buried his face.

Elise followed suit, digging her head into the bed while Josh came down on her cheeks like thunder. Each strike came after the other sub squealed, creating a pattern of paddling that had Ash swearing into his gag. But he held out, he wasn't sure how but he did. The ram gave in, curling her legs back on the last strike. "Seems we got a loser!" Josh cackled.

"It's ok, sweetie," Sara cooed, brushing her submissive's hair, "You did your best. Now get up, we got a sandwich to make." Ash felt himself lifted forward by his arms, face buried into Josh's crotch as the dragon sat up against the headboard. With a sly grin, the dragon had slowly discarded his outfit and revealed his erection. The pig didn't need to guess what was coming next, not with the cold slim being applied to his asshole.

"And now the winner gets the prize." The dragon mused, taking Ash's gag out, "Best seat in the sandwich."

The warm pulse of Elise's cock entering his ass held him steady. He turned his head, eyeing the ram penetrating him. Behind her stood Sara, lining her own strap-on against the ram's ass. He didn't see her penetrate, not after Josh grabbed his head and returned the pig to the dragon's cock. "Come on now," He whispered, batting the thick rod across his friend's face, "Don't leave me hanging."

With salivation, Ash started at the base. His tongue slowly coating the underside and tasting every coat of sweat Josh had built up from the day in leather. The tightness of his cage only made him want more, his lips focused at the head and bobbing carefully with his friend's hand at his scalp.

Elise pushed further, moaning into her gag as Sara shushed and fucked her. "Be a good little fuck doll and follow my movements," She whispered aloud. The ram was slow, careful in her rhythm with what Ash could only assume was Sara's pace. His prostate didn't care, quivering at the pressure of the ram's cock.

Two hands took his head and, with a thrust, pushed the dragon cock down his throat. "Come on, Ashley, I said best seat, not slowest." He giggled. Ash gagged on the cock but didn't give up, softly swallowing what he could while keeping his ass relaxed. Elise's rhythm grew faster, the bed creaking under the shared weight of her and her mistress's poundings. He heard the ram grunt and breath through her gag, lost in the pleasure of both sides.

"That's it...that's it...fuck..." Josh called out, burying his dick down to the base in one final thrust. Not a stranger to the taste, Ash almost balked at the feeling of his friend's seed traveling down his throat. Skipping the tongue entirely. His coughs were mixed with moans when Josh pulled out, cum dripping from his lips and splattered across his mask with every bat of Josh's dick while Elise fucked him.

Just a little more. The dam walls cracked, with only a few more pushes he'd finally see release. Elise cried out with a single whimper, and he felt her splatter his insides. She stopped thrusting soon after, leaving him wanting and empty in her rest. "I don't think our winner won yet, Joshy," Sara cooed.

"Hmm...I suppose Ashley here needs more attention." Ash felt Josh's claws at his chin, lifting him up to the dragon's gaze, "How about we have another little spanking session before that? You alright with that, Ashley?"

Ash nodded. He wanted it all.

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