An Unexpected Observer (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#24 of Commissions

The celebration of their latest caper has a small spy for Monroe and Sasha.

Commission for TrailblazersFan, I hope you enjoy.

There was something about the wait that always made Monroe antsy. The hotel bar had a fine assortment of wines, gines, whiskies, and the like, giving the large rat plenty to choose from as he bided his time. The pine taste danced on his tongue while he subtly watched the entrance. A month had been laid out in advance for this plan, so there was little prep and it was made all the more risky. But the first part went off without a hitch, thanks to his son.

Sasha had a certain charm to him. Even if their target was as straight as an arrow, they would bend against his flirtations. As a father, Monroe still felt a pang of worry and...he supposed jealousy when men would give into his son's tactics. Of course, that was the plan, one that he created. If he wanted anyone to be blamed for using his son as a honeypot, it would be himself.

Was this how husbands felt when their wives cheated on them? A clawing feeling at the back of their mind knowing someone else is toying with their partner? He forced a laugh, as if Sasha could be satisfied by anyone else. His son knew how to be loyal, and there was the bond between them that no mark could shatter.

And speak of the devil, he shall arrive. Monroe's eyes peeled at the sight of the fox walking into the bar. Loose shirt, relaxed shoulders, a dumb giddy look on his face. The rat smiled. Yes, Monroe thought, Sasha performed perfectly. All he needed now was the evidence, which should be coming in three, two, one...

His phone buzzed. Pictures of the debauchery filled his smartphone's screen. Not the best angles, but enough to make controversy out of in case they were released. Taking one last swig from his gin, Monroe wiped his lips and set about meeting his mark.

"Mr. Conners?" The fox turned in confusion at hearing his name, then shock at the sheer size of Monroe. He got that alot, a true mixed bag in his line of work. Some people were better intimidated, others needed to be lulled into a false sense of security. "Oh, my apologies. But are you David Conners?"

" that'd be my father. I'm Duncan." The fox turned back around on his chair, raising his hand for a drink. Monroe sat next to him, uninvited. "Look, if this is about a business investment, I'm not exactly in the mood to hear bullshit."

"Are you sure? I run a company that specializes in privacy, something we don't have enough of in these days of big tech." Duncan nodded with disinterest. "In fact, I think you have some things you'd like to remain private."

"We all do. Your point?"

Monroe smiled and slid the phone over, "My point is that for a one time lump-sum payment, these photos will never see the light of day." Duncan looked up at him with disinterest, but as his eyes shifted down, they widened to saucer plates at the front picture. "The Conner dynasty is an old one, is it not? Old money often has archaic beliefs. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't your uncle ousted from the family due to a relationship with a man? It was never publicly revealed why, but well, seeing him quickly divorce his wife and marry another man the same year spread a lot of talk."

Monroe had seen the whirlwind of emotions Duncan ran through. First was disbelief, then anger, and many people stayed at anger for quite a while. " can't just."

"My boy," Monroe leaned in, emphasizing the sheer difference in body mass between them. "You have no idea what I am capable of. The people I know, the journalists both real and 'real' who would be oh so happy to humiliate your family in any way they can. Your grandfather made a lot of enemies, and your mother hasn't helped in reducing that." He grinned at the twitching fox underneath his shadow. One heavy hand rested on the orange boy's shoulder, keeping him steady. "But unlike your standard con-man, I have a sense of honor. There's no fun in leeching the same target for years and years. And it's risky. Why, I'll only build contempt from you and one day I might slip up. Then, as frustrated as you are, you'll slip the proverbial knife in my throat. No, I just ask for a simple one time payment, and they will all be gone." Not that the boy had any way of verifying that. But Monroe, for all his lies and deceit, did tell the truth. Experience taught him that a wide and varied pool of marks made things better.

The fox tried speaking up but found his throat caught in a desert. "Why," He asked after wetting his lips on expensive gin, "Why are you telling me this?"

Why indeed? Monroe didn't like to brag this openly, but something about Duncan had him wondering. "Well, I like to walk virgins through these things. Now tell me, Duncan, is this your first time?" When the fox blushed, he added, "Being scammed, I mean."

"Y-Yeah..." Duncan nodded, "I've mostly just been told to avoid spam emails. Not..." He took another swig.

Did he feel a tinge of sympathy for the lad? Monroe frowned and patted the boy's back. "A shame, your family should have warned you of honeypots. But I suppose they never thought it was a problem with your...preference."

The fox halfheartedly nodded, "It's not fair."

"Fairness is a mortal condition. And mortals are hypocrites. Life is and was never fair, boy. While you lived with a silver spoon, people starved or gorged themselves to death with overly sugared garbage. But don't take this experience as a bad one, my boy. Take it as an opportunity to learn. And as for my payment..." Monroe slipped a strip of paper over to him, "I believe you can route money to this account from your phone. Let's keep this quick, shall we?"

Duncan stared at the paper for a solid minute before sighing in despair and pulling out his phone. "Can I at least say goodbye?"

"I'm not sure you would want to," Monroe said, taken aback by the request, "You were just a mark, my boy. Nothing more, nothing less. It'd be best if you handed me your roomkey and went home for the evening. I know you can afford the flight."

Watching the disheartened fox walk out the front door with his shoulders slumped would have panged Monroe in some way. But the rat had seen plenty of marks pretend in order to invoke a little sympathy, and he had been generous enough already with his lesson. Rather than think of Duncan's poor excuse of street smarts and broken heart, the rat took it upon himself to finish his drink and take one elevator ride back up to the top floor.

The fox's first mistake was going all out. A penthouse for a one-night stand? Monroe could hear his own frugal mother chastising the boy. "Must hate your family," He stated to himself, stepping through the front door, "Or not understand the value of a dollar. Though I suppose inflation makes that lesson difficult." Helping himself to a bag of nuts from the minifridge, Monroe searched the bedroom to find Sasha, who waited clumped underneath a blanket in the bedroom.

For a moment, he said nothing. Content to just watch his beautiful feminine boy resting against the pillows. But the night was...well not young, but not very old either, and he had questions to be answered. "Sasha, my dear." Monroe jostled his son's sleeping form, "Wake up."

The blonde short rat shifted but didn't move. "I know you can hear me," Monroe said, looping a finger around the rat's gold hoop earring and pulling. "Wake up."

With a dull yelp, Sasha rose from the covers with tired annoyance. "Can't I have five more minutes swe..." he blinked, smiling at the massive frame before him, "Oh, hi daddy. I'm guessing you already did business with Dunky?"


His son giggled and nodded, "What? I can't give my marks a nickname? Some of them find it cute."

"Did he like it?" Monroe asked, shifting the bed as he sat down next to his son. "He seemed rather heartbroken when I showed him the pictures. You didn't declare anything dumb, did you?"

Sasha's left brow perked at the question. "Dumb? Me? Please, daddy, just because I'm blonde doesn't mean I don't have a brain. Although," He tilted his head backward and frowned, "I'll admit that Dunky did seem to fall to things a bit too easily. Not even in the whole macho alpha sort of way. He was...sweet."


He nodded. "Yeah. Like he wanted to make me happy, made it almost a bit difficult to get him happy because of those little bitty concerns." The small rat chuckled, "Not that he lasted. No one can sway against my charms."

No, no one could. Not even Monroe could deny his son, which is why he let the boy plan the bulk of this caper. "So why don't you tell me how you did this? Surely Duncan must have been a little suspicious, given how his family is."

With a yawn, Sasha crawled out of bed and into his father's lap. "Oh, he was. In fact, when he thought I was a girl he wanted nearly nothing to do with me. But when I let that, special something, slip, he latched on. Hook, line, and sinker."

The image of such an encounter brought a smile to Monroe's face. "So, how did that happen? Did you give him a little whisper?"

"Something like that." Sasha straddled against his father's lap, curling a finger for the larger rat to lean down. "I had my hand against his crotch like so." His knuckles ground against the hardening rod underneath the rat's trousers, pressure building against it to his liking, "And told him that boys know what boys like. Just to be safe, I lifted my skirt ever so slightly, revealing my cute little bulge to those wandering eyes of his." His son's lips touched Monroe's own, with tongue slipping through as the shortstack rat gently pushed him against the bed.

"He was surprisingly strong," Sasha said as their embrace broke away. "Nowhere like you, daddy. But he had his hands holding me tight on our way here. Hell, by the time we left the elevator, I was stuck in his grasp and we spun to this bedroom." As he spoke, his finger trailed down Monroe's chest, outlining the muscle that lay underneath the suit he wore. Monroe reached up to remove his tie, but Sasha batted the hand away and pulled his father by it. "He kept his clothes on until the end, daddy."

He'd never seen his son so...dominant. Sasha was forward, that much he'd seen time and time again. But to have his son take control like this, Monroe found his cock to be edging a little harder than usual. But was that because he wanted to dominate back, or submit? He couldn't say, not just yet. "With his back against the bed, I scooted down and decided to give him a taste of what I could offer." He slid down the rat and kneeled at the edge of the bed, finger pulling at the zipper of Monroe's pants. "Only, I found myself surprised by his dick."

"How big was it?" He asked with only a tinge of worry.

"It wasn't, daddy." Sasha giggled as his father's cock flopped out, the wide rod casting a shadow over the shortstack's face. "Dunky's small. Even I'm bigger, and, my gosh, it was cute."

"Cute?" He couldn't think of a time he'd ever want his dick to be called cute.

Sasha nodded, slipping his own cock out of his panties to be dwarfed by his father's. "I had an inch on him at least. Part of me wanted to slip off my panties and make him wear them, but he might have taken offense to that. Bet he'd look adorable in them though."

"Not as good as you."

Sasha tilted his head in thought, "I don't know." He pressed his cock against his father's and humped against it, skin brushing onto skin, "He did shudder a lot when I did this. Blushed plenty too when I called him cute. Guess too many people laughed at that little dicklet of his." Monroe didn't feel any need to, not when, even with Sasha pushing against him, his cock weighed down against his child's.

Lips embraced the tip as Sasha crawled back down. "Suckling on it was like a little lollipop. Sweet, but more of a treat than anything else. Not like daddy's sausage." Monroe tried not to roll his eyes at the jest as his son's tongue lapped against his shaft. Saliva coating his rod with a nice shine. "No, this is a proper meal. With two heavy nuts filled with delicious gravy." He massaged them as he worked, both hands kneading his father's nuts while his tongue worshiped from base to tip of the shaft. "It was almost nice not to choke on his cock."

"Almost?" Monroe looked down, seeing Sasha's face planted against his fat phallus. He smiled, "Do you want to choke on daddy's rod?"

"Oh, I want more than that." Sasha's thumb braced against his father's tip. "I want a nice and firm hand holding me down. Dunky was too soft, too kind. Decent boyfriend material but not what-" Sasha's little tirade was cut short by his father. Monroe grabbed the back of his boy's beach blonde hair and forced him down the shaft. The sudden shift created a delightful gagging sound from Sasha's throat, but the short rat had stars in his eyes as Monroe took both hands and pumped his son up and down his cock.

"Cheeky little brat," He grunted. "You didn't look bored in the pictures." A testament to Sasha's acting, but also an excuse for Monroe to pretend he was jealous. Not that his son seemed to mind, lost in pleasure at being throat fucked like a pocket pussy. He stood up from the bed and held Sasha steady, keeping his head back so he could thrust unimpeded. Balls slapping against his chin while the honeytrap gargled and gagged on spit and dick.

The retching sound he made when Monroe pulled out was music to his ears. The rat followed by beating his cock over the boy's face like a drum. "Keep your mouth open, you dirty little whore," He growled, one hand tight on blond headfur the other pumping his slick dick. Sasha's tongue hung loose with his wide smiling jaw, black mascara streaming down his cheeks.

Thick cream mixed in as pleasure pulsed in his crotch and spurted across the short rat's face. Whatever missed fell onto the carpet floor and the wall behind them, a mess for someone else. With a sigh of relief, Monroe fell back against the bed as his refractory period kicked in.

"Someone was jealous." Sasha swallowed the seed and wiped his face off the bedsheets before crawling atop his father. "I hope it's not over."

"Course not," Monroe said, though his yawn didn't help. For a brief moment, his eyes darted to the door, then back to Sasha. "Sweetie, why don't you go run us a bath? I'll continue."

"Ok!" Sasha leapt off.

"And leave the panties." The small rat grinned with lust and playfully tossed his panties aside, shaking his ass as he walked through the bathroom door. Playing it cool, Monroe sifted through the drawers and made his way to the bedroom door, eyeing the crack to find their little eavesdropper.

With lightning reflexes, he pulled it open, finding a thin fox with his pants around his ankles and his hand thumbing at the small dick between his legs. For a moment, the rat had to pause at the sight of it. Sasha had been known to embellish his stories, and the pictures he'd gotten didn't have the best angle. But Duncan was indeed small, adorably so.

"Enjoy the show?" He smiled, crouching down to eye level with the fox. Panic, shame, and anguish filled his gaze, as if expecting a tirade or jeering from a better suitor. As cruel as Monroe was, his sense of pity won out in the end. "Now, now, I'm not going to judge you on a kink."

The fox's orange facial fur turned red, "I'm...I'm not."

"Boy, you were hiding behind the door and jacking off to us. Don't tell me you aren't a voyeur. Or are you a cuck? Sasha did say a few embarrassing things about your equipment after all." Duncan didn't dare face him. With a sigh, Monroe looked to the bathroom and chuckled. "Tell you what. I'm about to plow my son's ass in the bath. You're free to watch, or you can go. It doesn't really matter what you do. Although," He reached for the bed and tossed Sasha's pink thong over, "I'll let you keep that, for memories."

Monroe paid no mind to Duncan after that, sauntering over to the bathroom with his cock swinging back and forth. He found Sasha bent over the bathtub, naked and testing the waters with his fingers. One quick slap across his son's behind had him yipping in delight. "Warm enough yet?"

Sasha nodded with a giggle. "Though it's smaller than I thought." The tube was built for furs of average height, and from the sight alone Monroe knew he wouldn't fully fit.

"All the better," He thought, slipping out of his clothes and stepping into the bath. Water rose over the edge as he hunkered down, leaving his pecs and cock above the waves. "Looks like you'll have to ride me."

Straddling over him, Sasha stretched his ass wide and sat down on the meaty pole. Soft gasps escaped with each inch slipping inside his loose hole. "Fuck...I needed this."

"Bet you couldn't feel Dunky."

His boy laughed. "He had enthusiasm, but that only made up for so much." His erection bobbed off as his ass reached Monroe's base. Nails dug into the large rat's pecs, holding for stability while the shortstack bounced along the cock. "Daddy...fuck me."

"With what room, dear?" Monroe rested his head backward, eyes darting to the door and pleased to see Duncan's shadow underneath. "I'm afraid you'll have to prove just how much you want it today." Sasha's pouts did little to sway his mood this time, not when he had an audience. Determined to get off, Sasha clenched his hole and bounced, the water underneath them splashing and flowing out from the tub.

Monroe saw Duncan's muzzle from the door, nose deep in Sasha's panties while the feminine rat enjoyed himself. He cackled and buckled his hips, slamming into Sasha with surprise and power. The boy's ratcock danced in erection, dripping with pre that mixed with suds.

A lustful cry broke from his son. White seed sprayed from his cock, floating atop the water like a mock little island until it sank slowly. Monroe didn't let him stop until his own arousal burst, filling the boy's insides with his father's seed. Sasha collapsed against his chest, running a finger through the muscles underneath Monroe's fur.

"I love you, daddy."

Smiling, Monroe looked over to the door. Duncan was gone, but a little white puddle remained at the edge. "I love you too, Sasha."

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