Business Casual Breakfast

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#136 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Fourth vignette for Pickra, again featuring Forest

Bun-Pickra returns as Forest's lazy roommate, waking up late to find Wuffles leaving some work friends unattended while he goes out to pick up take-away.

Pickra is appreciative that Forest got him breakfast.

Contains: Casual Femboy Pred, Yoga Pants, Size Difference, Unwilling Oral Vore, Multiple Prey, Implied Rapid Digestion, Clothes Belching, Rapid Weight Gain Entirely South of the Navel and Implied Delayed Reformation.

Pickra is FA: Pickra

Forest is FA: Spottedsqueak

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on on the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Pickra yawned and scratched at his slender waist under his loose tank top as he stepped forth from his bedroom. The bunny had put on some snug, comfy yoga pants that hugged his curves before opening his door.

One of his long ears perked up at the sound of his roommate's voice.

"Okay everyone, I gotta head out to grab the take-away. Be back in twenty minutes, tops." The wolf was saying. The return murmur of assent from unknown voices was followed by the jingle of keys and the door opening and closing.

Pickra twisted to look into his roommate's open door and saw the digital clock reading 1 pm. Funny, the bun thought he'd gotten up early for once. He shrugged and decided to check out who all his roommate had brought to the house. He silently walked to the corner of the hall leading to the living room and saw a group of four people lounging around the table in what the wolf called a "dining room".

The quartet of strangers were quietly chatting to one another, presumably because their host had informed them of his roommate's slumber. However, one caught the bun's eye specifically.

A light-brown mouse was seated perpendicular to Pickra's view, smiling and chattering away. He was dressed in a business casual button-down tee, slight and coming up to chest height on the table even seated up on what appeared to be a few encyclopedia volumes. Beneath he was wearing jeans, the casual in business casual.

Pickra's mouth watered and his stomach let out an empty growl. How kind of his roommate to bring him breakfast, and even put it at the table for him.

The mouse, however, picked up his glass and slipped off the books and chair. "I'm gonna refill my water, anyone else need any?" After the murmur of decent he turned and headed into the kitchen.

The bun always did prefer eating in the kitchen. He stepped around the corner, stretching and yawning to make himself known. He acted surprised as the remaining three turned to look his way. "Oh... wuffles didn't tell me he was having people over."

One of the non-mice nodded. "Oh, glad we didn't wake you."

Pickra chuckled. "I can sleep through anything, you're fine." He strode confidently towards the kitchen. "I'll just be getting my breakfast..." He ignored any response that came from the others as his stomach growled again.

Stepping through the threshold, the bun spotted the mouse just finishing filling up his glass by standing on a stool to reach the chilled water spout on the front of the fridge. Pickra silently strode closer as the mouse turned. He deftly grasped the glass and set it on the counter before the rodent could react, licking his lips.

The mouse blushed, body tensed up. His brow furrowed in confusion as he found himself cornered, up on a stool, and being looked at so... hungrily.

"Morning, breakfast~" Pickra crooned, scooping one hand under the mouse's hips. He smoothly lifted the smaller male as his jaws dropped open, driving that pointed snout into the soft gullet awaiting a meal.

The rodent let out a squeak, muffled by the flesh surrounding his jaws, and squirmed. However, he was in no way prepared to put up a proper resistance to his consumption.

Without stopping the motion, the bun mmmed indulgently at the mouse's taste, his throat stretching to accept the guest smoothly. Pickra kept lifting the rodent as he tilted his head back, getting to the hips by the time he'd finished the re-angling. His other hand lightly raised his meal's ankles up and eased them in after him with another fluid swallow.

Not seconds after the glass had touched the counter, the twisting tail of its former owner was vanishing between pursed lips.

Pickra licked his lips as he felt the morsel curl into his stomach, filling out his tank top a bit with his presence. He felt a familiar pressure in his throat as he picked up the stool. He held his lips shut and let the belch fill his cheeks, muffled, before exhaling it slowly as he set the stool back in its proper place. Swinging back to the counter he grasped the glass of freshly poured water and upended it into his gullet after the mouse.

The cool water pouring in just set the mouse squirming faster, but also made the stomach noises louder. A nice sloshing, gurgling sound emanated from the bun's waistline.

He practically strutted back to the living room, belly proceeding him with lumps dampened by the tank top fabric.

The three at the table turned to look at the loud borborygmus and the muffled squeaking, freezing in surprise.

Pickra licked his lips.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Forest unlocked the door while carrying the big bag of takeout boxes in the other, before pushing it open. "Okay, food's here!" He called out.

He was replied to by a raucous belch, followed by the sound of wet fabric striking hardwood.

Immediately the wolf noticed that his work friends were nowhere to be seen. He set the bag on the table and looked around. On the floor was a skirt that he was sure one of his coworkers had been wearing, partially damp around the waistband. Further on were a pair of dry socks tossed carelessly to the hall. Forest followed the trail of wet and dry clothes to the bedrooms.

Pickra was standing in his bedroom, struggling with a pair of jeans as they refused to work all the way up his thighs. His normally curvy figure had been augmented significantly, his hips a full hands-breadth wider on either side, a good deal of that going to plumping up his bare rear.

Forest stared openly, blushing a bit as he took in his roommate's gains, and the remainder of his friends' clothes strewn about the space around the bun. He fidgeted in place, then planted one hand on the doorframe. He cleared his throat. "You know. They need to be back at work on Monday." He managed to assert despite the view.

Pickra's ears perked up and he twisted, one paw on his sloshing paunch, to look at his roommate. His stomach let out a wet series of short, repetitive gurgles as his waistline flattened back to normal. At the same time, his hips swelled out further, along with his thighs causing the seams of the jeans to creak and strain. The bun let out an indulgent groan at the sensation. "Well, Wuffles..." He replied breathlessly as he started wriggling back out of the tight denim. "I'll just have to wear skirts until then, won't I?"

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