Mogtun's Real Party

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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Commission for FA: Womblesfan and sequel to Welcome to Mogtun's Party

Craig is exploring his first predscape! He wasn't exactly prepared for how many moogles are inside Mogtun...

Contains: Predscape Setting, Casual Nudity as Default, Heavyset Males, Big Bellies, Pouch Play, Size Difference, Magical Food Based Weight Gain, Instantaneous TF, Implied Shapeshifting, Hot Tub Hangouts, Oral Storytelling, Implied Mass Vore, Reformation and Fae Shenanigans.

Craig was created for commissions and vignettes for FA: Womblesfan

Mogtun belongs to FA: Womblesfan

Moogles are originally the IP of Square-Enix, from Final Fantasy.

I'm open for Commissions! Read my TOS, PM me and we'll talk! If you can't afford a commission and want to support me, I have a Patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a Ko-Fi!

Craig held on tightly to the moogle's paw as the rotund fellow guided him along halls and down stairs through the seemingly labyrinthine cottage. Space seemed to be no consideration at all for the construction, considering just how sprawling the layout was. He always saw a verdant forest outside the windows, even when doorways nearby showed there should have been a room on the other side of the glass.

The moogle brought the badger down another set of stairs, before turning a corner into a large dining room. It was open-plan with only a large island counter as barrier to the similarly enormous kitchen. The table was similarly laden to that outside, Craig noted, and just as many moogles were around it.

The fae creatures seemed to be about as large as those Craig had met previously as an absolute minimum, many of them far more rotund or hefty. None, however, measured up to the largest Mog, the one that they currently resided within.

With no signal other than the mere presence of the badger, the gathered moogles left the table, eagerly surrounding the non-mog newcomer curiously. Craig found himself swarmed far more eagerly than he had been outside, the white-furred bellies fighting for space as they closed in on him. The striped mustelid let out a flustered squeak as he was pressed into by the soft midsections, fighting the urge to drop to his knees and let his head be enveloped.

An eternity or mere seconds later, they dispersed, giving him enough space to stand while still staying close by in a loose ring. The mog who had guided Craig in bashfully apologized. "Sorry, kupo." He looked around at the others. "In the Cabin we're a lot less... restrained in our behavior, kupo. Mogton's making sure we're all alright, kupopipo!"

Craig nodded, panting lightly. The white markings on his head were still quite pinkish from the ventral onslaught to his person. "Uh... yes. Hi. I'm Craig." He cleared his throat a bit. "I came upon the party outside while walking in the woods and... uh... you can probably guess the rest."

There was a smattering of tittering laughs amongst the many mogs. One piped up. "Oh, we can show you around for sure, kupo!"

Another nodded in agreement, his pom bobbing from the motion. "Show you-po all around the Cabin! But first you have to eat something, kupo!"

The badger looked over at the table, seeing many of the same treats he'd indulged in outside. "Well, why not? They were delectable in the forest, I'm sure they're tasty here too!"

Moogles parted to make way for their guest to get to the table.

Craig stepped forward and picked up a cream puff, putting it into his mouth and taking a bite. The soft pastry broke and kupo-nut pastry cream hit his tongue, just as lovely as before. He happily began to masticate, barely registering that the moogle that had come into the Cabin with him was starting to fill in details to the others.

The badger lost himself in the hedonistic pleasure of the sweets, having himself another slice of cake and a few macarons. It wasn't until his belly bumped into the side of the table that he realized that similar to the food outside, it had been piling the weight onto him! The food in here had gotten him as chubby as he had been while becoming a badger-mog in fewer bites of sweets, to be sure. But he was still fully a badger this time. Perhaps without the transformative energies in place it all went to padding him out? His pondering while prodding his paunch was interrupted by a moogle addressing him directly.

"Oh, Mogtun gave you his Mog Tum Bump, Kupo?" The mog flitted his wings excitedly, the motion barely strong enough to lift his giant gut a mere inch higher from the floor. "There's a trick you can do now!"

Craig tilted his head, blushing slightly. "Oh? What's that?"

"Well, if you focus on how you changed outside, kupo," The moogle explained. "You can bring those changes in here!"

The badger closed his eyes and concentrated, remembering how it felt to grow wings, to gain a pom, for his snout to become short and round... He didn't feel anything happen, and opened his eyes to ask if there was anything else. However, his pom was hanging in the top of his vision. He wiggled his wings to confirm they were there. "Oh, wow!" He was once again a badgermog.

"Folks tend to revert any changes they had done to them when they come in, Kupo." The mog continued. "But thankfully this trick can let you keep them as long as you're in here!"

"Now that you're 'properly dressed', kupo." Another mog crooned playfully. "We can show you around the Cabin, kupopipo!"

The original moogle took the badgermog's paw in his own and started him towards the stairs, the rest of the rotund troupe following along in a chorus of scattered kupos.

Similar to the whirlwind of activity of coming from the room that Craig and the mog had awakened within to the kitchen, the hybridized mustelid was guided through corridors for quite some time. Eventually, they came to a hall filled entirely with bedroom doors.

"This is where 'long term' guests stay overnight, kupo." One of the mogs explained, pointing. "Each one is a fully furnished bedroom!"

Craig blushed a bit, wondering exactly how many days it took to be considered long term. Or weeks. Years...? Before he could ask, he was being tugged by the paw back the way they came, the mass re-arranging to surround him in soft, bouncing bodies as he was nearly carried to the next part of the tour.

An uncountable number of turns and switchbacks and stairs rushed by before the badgermog found them entering another large chamber like the dining room and kitchen had been. However, this one was filled with different cozy seating arrangements, from couches to conversation pits, beanbag chairs and koketsus. Many mogs were milling about and conversing with each other, while many others were lounging about.

Craig saw several of the smaller mogs using the bellies of their far larger counterparts as beanbag chairs or mattresses as they read or chatted with other nearby moogles. Others still were gathered around low tables, some with playing cards, others with full board games set up and in full swing.

It might have been a cacophonous mess if this sort of scene played out in the real world. But in the Cabin, it was a relaxing white noise. Somehow, Craig was able to attune his ears to whatever conversation he wanted to with little effort.

A few of the milling mogs noticed the crowd at the door and came over.

The badgermog braced for another swarming, only to find they kept their distance a little bit. "Oooh, you giving this new mog a tour?" One asked.

One of the moogles at Craig's side nodded. "Yep, kupo! First time in the Cabin."

Another mog hopped up and down. "Oooh! Oooh! I know the best way to learn the layout of the cabin, kupopipo!"

Craig tilted his head enough that his pom swayed to that side. "Oh, what's that?"

Several of the mogs got the same idea at once, smiling conspiratorially to one another, before they all shouted as one. "Hide and Seek, Kupo~!"

The badgermog perked. He was one of the smaller males in the group, he thought. Perhaps he'd have an easier time hiding than the others. "Well, that does sound like some fun."

One mog mischievously grinned, putting a paw on Craig's shoulder. "Okay, you're it, Kupo."

Craig's heart sank as the group just sped off back into the halls to start hiding. The badgermog sighed. Well, at least the fatter ones would probably be easier to find, he assured himself. He turned his face to the wall and began counting aloud.

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The badgermog lost track of time in his round of hide and go seek. Somehow, even the fattest of moogles were able to compress themselves into tight spaces, only given away by soft giggling or their pom poking free of their hiding places.

Along the way, Craig had found more than moogles, having run across further chambers that stretched credulity. One door he was sure led into a small closet instead opened out into a tall library, one that looked as though it belonged in a mansion rather than a cozy cabin, stacks of books nearly forming a vanishing point while going up several stories.

Luckily for him, the moogles trying to hide in amongst the books were fairly obvious, either having left displaced books scattered on the floor near their hiding places or having their wings emerging from what otherwise looked like a thick tome.

In another part of the Cabin, Craig found a room the size of the lounge lined with shelves stacked high with DVDs, VHS tapes, even film reels, all in service of the various pulldown screens situated around the space. Each one had rows of beanbag chairs facing towards them, along with a projector hanging from the ceiling pointing towards the white material.

In this screening room, there were a few white, fuzzy beanbag chairs that turned out to be hiding mogs.

Back at the kitchen, there were plenty of cupboards to hide in, as well as under the table's hanging, decorative tablecloth. Craig had been distracted a bit by sneaking a few more sweets from the table, eliciting giggles from a few nearby hiders. That had allowed the badgermog to get a start on tugging mogs from their hiding places.

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When finally, Craig was done seeking out mogs he returned to the lounge. The fact that he found his way there immediately told him that the moogles' plan had actually worked: he knew his way around the cabin now!

The mogs who he'd caught were there waiting for him, all seeming to have had a nice time. One smiled. "After that much running around, how about joining us in the sauna, Craig-po?"

"Kupo, dibs on hot tub!" A particularly fat moogle bounced in place, holding one paw in the air.

"You-po would have to be a lot bigger to justify hogging it all to yourself." A nearby mog nudged him in the doughy side. "Anyway, our guest should have a chance to soak, kupo."

Craig smiled, blushing a bit. "That does sound nice, yes."

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The badgermog settled into the heated water with a sigh, feeling the surface shift with the swell that traversed the hot tub and bounced back off the bodies of six moogles already seated. Craig smiled. Everything within the Cabin was comfortable, but something about a hot water soak let him relax a bit more easily.

"Did anymog tell you how Mogtun came to be with our village yet, Craig-po?" The moogle next to him asked after a moment of contented silence.

There was excited chattering not just amongst the moogles within the tub but from the assorted mogs sitting on the sauna benches nearby.

One particular mog flitted up to stand on the tile surrounding the lip of the hot-tub. "Kupopipo! The tale of Mogtun's Arrival!"

Craig looked on in expectation as the self-appointed storyteller cleared his throat, only to get splashed by a couple of the mogs in the tub.

"Alright, alright, kupo." He huffed, his fur matted down with the splashed water. "We'll take turns."

"The first time Mogtun came to our town, kupo," The moogle beside Craig started eagerly. "He was only as big as any of us!"

"He had his pouch back then, and the markings on his belly, but he was smaller than you are now, kupo!" A mog pointed at Craig.

The badgermog blushed and put a paw on his broad cakeborne belly a little shyly. "Really?"

The assorted moogles nodded, their poms bobbing.

"We took care of him, as he had no home of his own, kupo."

"Kupopipo! We made sure he was well-fed!"

"He stayed quite some time, kupo. Long enough for festival day!"

"With all that plenty stacked before him, his hunger got the better of him, kupo..."

"Mogtun ate nearly all of it in one sitting... and the next day he was the big moogle you met, kupo!"

"We didn't blame him, kupo." A mog continued. "He was so very hungry, and we knew that he was a different kind of mog already!"

"It was a bit more work to feed him after that, kupo."

"One day, oh... who was it, kupo?" The moogle huffed that his turn had been taken up by a forgetful moment.

"Moglet." Another mog helpfully replied. "He's probably in his bedroom right now, kupo."

"Moglet-po had just finished hand-feeding Mogtun... some of us had gotten into the habit of doing that since the tables are too small for him to easily reach down, even when sitting kupo."

"And whoop, Mogtun just slurped Moglet up like a kupo-nut! But without the chewing, kupo."

"Mogtun-po didn't even notice until we asked him where Moglet was a few hours later!"

"Then, like a magic trick he realized what had happened. He put a paw in his pouch and pulled Moglet out, right as rain! The poor thing was quite flustered about the whole experience, kupo."

"But then it was all he could talk about, kupo!" The moogle standing over the hot tub bounced in place, flitting his wings. "He told us about how he fell asleep inside Mogtun's belly, then woke up in a forest!"

"He talked about how he wandered around for hours, kupo, until suddenly, he passed out again, and when he woke up he was being pulled out of Mogtun's pouch-po."

"So... the Cabin wasn't there yet?" Craig asked, leaning forward a bit with interest.

"Yes, kupo!" The mog beside the badgermog replied. "That didn't come until well after several groups of us mogs went on 'belly expeditions' to explore the forest, kupo." He made finger quotes, his pom bobbing in time with his fingers.

"It wasn't until Moglet said that Mogtun's belly was like a home, itself, kupo," The turns passed around the tub once again. "That Mogtun sat down and decided to create the Cabin."

"It took him a few tries, kupo. More belly expeditions to check on the different layouts and designs..."

"We all agreed it needed to be bigger, kupo." One moogle giggled.

"Well, it certainly is." Craig replied. "Bigger, that is."

"Mogtun-po is now technically part of the village." The mog on the tiles replied. "The Cabin can house as many of us as the rest of the village combined, kupo, so why not annex it?"

Another mog waved a paw. "It's nothing as compulsory as that, kupo. He offered his belly to be an expansion of the community. His way of giving back when he'd been putting such a strain on our food supply, kupo."

"Yeah, none of the food in here has to be grown or cooked, it just shows up, kupo!"

"If we want to cook, kupo, the kitchen is functional. We just don't need it!"

"And with so much moogle magic concentrated in Mogtun-po most of the time, he can just make cake and sweets appear in the real world too. Food troubles over, kupo."

Craig smiled at that. "Wow... it seems like it's a wonderful arrangement."

All the moogles nodded happily in agreement.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After the long soak, Craig was feeling very well rested. The water in his fur had evaporated the moment he wanted to be dry, such a relief for a fuzzy critter. He did wonder something, however. "So... uh, how do I leave the Cabin?" The badgermog asked.

"Two ways, kupo!" A nearby mog lounging on the belly of a larger moogle replied. "First, you take an external door out of the Cabin and walk into the forest. Mogtun feels that and knows you want to come out, kupo, so he reforms you in his pouch!"

The newcomer nodded. "And the second?"

"Well, I think the more fun way out is only available when Mogtun-po joins us in here."

Craig perked. "He can do that?"

The moogle grinned. "Yep, kupopipo! Takes some concentration but he can be present here and out there at the same time. You find him and climb in his pouch and wait, kupo. Then, you climb out of his pouch and you're outside!"

Pondering, the badgermog nodded his understanding. "I think I'm ready to come out again, yeah. Don't want to be caught in the forest at night or outstay my welcome."

There was a collective "awwwww" from the moogles around the lounge (mostly followed by scattered 'kupo's), but they were understanding. They did all insist on giving him a belly-smooshing hug in sequence, some smooshing his belly more than theirs and vise-versa.

Then, when Craig was finally done saying goodbyes, he walked to the only exterior door he'd seen during his tour and the game of hide and seek.

Before he could grasp the handle, it opened in front of him. Mogtun strode in, his gut seeming larger than the doorframe but also fitting through without brushing at either side. "Oh, Craig, how are you enjoying my tum cabin?" He smiled broadly.

The badgermog blushed a bit, smiling. "It was fun! A nice time. But I think I should be heading on, you know? Don't want to outstay my welcome."

The largest moogle nodded his understanding. "Of course, though I will say you wouldn't be able to manage that if you tried." He chuckled, his whole gut bouncing.

Craig stared at the face-markings on the belly and the lip of the pouch, blushing. "Actually... would it be okay if I took... uh... the pouch route out?"

Mogtun grinned and just tugged his pouch open with his thumbs, bending forward enough for the opening to point at the badgermog's face.

Bashfully, the smaller mog clambered up and in, feeling the warm fur and elastic flesh bounce him into the underside of that broad, squishy gut.

With a muffled slapping sound, the pouch closed up as Mogtun removed his thumbs like a man snapping his suspenders. He then reached down to press on the bulge that Craig was making, adjusting his position and pushing him lower and deeper.

Through all this, Craig couldn't help but feel around, kneading at the fuzzy flesh surrounding him, even as it got tighter the further under the broad belly he was tucked in. After he felt the hands retreat to leave him in place, he heard the sounds from outside the pouch changing. Gradually the quiet of the entryway gave way to muffled voices. He hadn't felt Mogtun walk to where other moogles were, strange... All through his pondering this, he was still rubbing and kneading, not sure how long he had to wait.

Mogtun's voice resonated through the gut against his back. "Alright, you can come out now, Craig."

The pouched traveller perked and began to work himself back up towards the lip of the pouch. It was a bit of effort to do so, the path getting steeper as he got closer to his goal. Then, he poked his head out.

Craig was back in the clearing, surrounded by moogles. The tables laid out with food were still quite laden, though every mog looked very full from their meals.

The next thing he noticed was that his snout was back to its longer pointed shape rather than the blunt muzzle that being part-moogle had given him. He felt the top of his head with one hand, finding no stalk for a pom-pom. Flexing what he thought was his wing muscles just made his back tense against the soft belly behind him. "Oh, all back to normal."

Craig hefted a leg up, hooking his knee over the lip of the pouch, then yelped as his center of gravity shifted. The badger tumbled forward and out.

Mogtun caught Craig with one paw. "Well, not quite." He gently set his guest upright again and stood away.

Looking down at himself in confusion, Craig soon realized what the bigger male meant. All the weight he'd put on in the Cabin with food he'd thought was imaginary was still clinging to his waist. He was positively rotund, blushing at the realization. "I'm going to only wrap my scarf once around my neck now..." He smiled bashfully.

The assorted moogles laughed as Mogtun retrieved the badger's scarf and side-bag. It too was rounder than he remembered. "We packed you some extra treats for the road." He handed them over to the rounded mustelid.

Craig took the bag and found that indeed, his scarf looked silly wrapped any more than one time around his neck from how much weight he'd gained. Once he was all set, he smiled up at Mogtun. "Thank you for letting me enjoy the party." He turned and nodded to the rest of the mogs. "And thank you for inviting me in. I had a wonderful time."

Mogtun nodded. "You're welcome. And you are welcome to come back any time you like!" He patted his belly. "Knowing your way around the Cabin means you'll be able to find your way to our village whenever you like. Feel free to stop by whenever you're travelling through the forest."

Craig perked and smiled broadly. That wasn't even close to the most outlandish thing he'd heard today relating to the magnanimous moogle's belly. "I think I'll do that, yeah." He bounced a bit on his toes, causing his hefty body to wobble. "Even if I'll need to be rolled away if I eat any more of your food." He joked, a blush tinting his facial stripes.

Soon, he was making his way back towards the path he'd left behind that morning. Craig was amazed it was still the same day after all he'd done. As he left the clearing, the badger turned and waved, seeing all the moogles waving back. A few called out extra goodbyes as he turned ahead again... and was on the path.

Craig perked, looking around. No sign of the party at all.

He shrugged. When he wanted to see them again, he thought to himself, he could. They said so, after all. The badger adjusted the strap of his bag and started walking again. Though, he did dig a paw into the pouch to sneak one of the macarons for a pick-me-up to start his long journey.

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