His Own Heated Pool

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#135 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Fifteenth vignette for Kobalt, Thirteenth featuring Cody!

Swimming in a backyard pool in November? Kinda chilly. Thankfully, Kobalt has a solution for Cody getting cold, and it involves an extension of the micro's mini waterslide...

Contains: Micro/Normal Cohabitation, Musclegut Buckaroo, Mild Water Inflation, Pred at the End of the Slide Trope, Oral Vore, Big Sloshy Belly, Splashing Around, Endosomatophilia and Cozy Vibes.

Kobalt is FA: KobaltTheWolf

Cody is FA: CodeStoat

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on on the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Kobalt did an underwater turn, exhaling as he surfaced to head back towards the other end of the pool. The buckaroo's strong body was softened by a layer of subcutaneous plumpness that, with the addition of just how much heat muscle tissue had a tendency of putting out, kept him quite warm in the water despite the time of year.

To Cody, the backyard swimming pool was a lake, impossibly deep and too wide to swim across. The micro stoat stuck to one area of the shallow end usually, where a ramp was set up to ease his entry and exit. He stepped up onto the ridged plastic, shaking himself off and shivering. He had far less of the insulative properties of his much larger housemate, but getting out of the water was the only way he could enjoy the mini water park set up on the edge of the pool.

At some point, the deer-roo hybrid had decided to set up an aquarium pump along with some hoses to form enclosed tube slides for his inches-tall housemate. There were three of varying lengths, starting from varying heights of the plastic rig that it was all attached to.

Cody crouched down and sat at the entrance of the middle slide, watching the water bubble up from the plastic piping from the pump, swirl in the little basin and pour out the hose. The stoat sat into the basin, before pushing himself forward over the edge. He crossed his arms over his chest, sliding down to where the hose met the water, splashing down shortly after.

Kobalt had been watching the tiny mustelid as he settled into floating rather than swimming. It was obvious to him just how chilly Cody had gotten. He perked, getting an idea. As the stoat started back onto the ramp, he eased himself towards the tubes.

The micro stretched, walking around behind the plastic rig before starting to climb up towards the top slide.

The buckaroo wrapped his lips around the other end of the hose, knowing light didn't travel through them very well. His mouth almost immediately filled with chlorinated water, which he swallowed.

Cody couldn't tell where Kobalt had gotten to from his position at the top of the slides, sitting down into the basin. It certainly looked dark down there... was it darker than it usually was on this hose?

Kobalt continued to drink, smirking a bit as he tasted the tell-tale smores flavor suffusing into the water coming down the slide telling him he'd chosen the right one.

Shivering, the stoat took a deep breath, then pushed off into the flowing water down. He slid along the inside of the hose easily enough, but when he was expecting to be splashed down into the open pool, light shining onto the outside of his shut eyelids, it was still dark, and something warm and fleshy was under the surface. Cody was disoriented, not realizing just what had happened.

Then the buckaroo swallowed again, sluicing the micro stoat down another slide.

Cody yelped in surprise, squirming as he realized what had happened too late to stop it. A blush rolled up his cheeks as the flexible tube of flesh undulated to accept him right through the snug valve at its other end. He again splashed down, but into a far smaller pool.

Kobalt took his lips off the hose with a sigh. "oogh... Didn't expect to drink so much... but I guess that gives you more to swim in." He stood up, his belly noticeably swollen from the volume he'd taken in.

The stoat surfaced in the stomach as the movement outside sloshed the water around the organic chamber. Shortly after, everything sloshed one way, as the walls seemed to just rotate around, a muffled splash sounding through the dense flesh.

The buckaroo had flopped back into the water with a sigh, letting himself float back to the surface, though his legs and tail dangled down below due to their lesser buoyancy. He put his paws on either side of his belly, looking down at it as he felt the fluid inside sloshing still. With a smirk, Kobalt jostled his gut, receiving a sound not unlike a half-full jug getting shaken about.

With a yelp, Cody held his breath as the water inside went madly turbulent, crashing and splashing back and forth. He surfaced as it turned into a fairly energetic slosh, no more breaking waves for the time being.

Giggling, the big hybrid sprawled his arms out at his sides to just relax, his belly subtly shifting back and forth as the contents settled back down. He flexed his long muscular tail, undulating it a bit to send himself drifting over to the deep end, relaxing.

The stoat sighed a bit as the movements became about as calm as the pool outside had been when his housemate was swimming around, continuing to calm further. He ended up floating on his back as well, blushing. Kobalt's body heat had warmed the water for him. "I have been bugging him to make a heated pool, but I didn't think this would be it..." He muttered, but smiled in the darkness.

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