Bursting to the Surface

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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The next story for megido, taking place after Date or Duel? and Taking What You Always Wanted. This story assumes that the reader has been following the series, often eliding details that are not needed for the current story if the reader remembers what the returning characters look like.

It's been three weeks since Baron Excelsion defeated Kyora and Daeva. Daeva has not accepted this for one second, struggling the whole time. In the meantime, the royal dragon has gotten himself a date with a certain Behemoth.

Yes, Ritan was a Sacrifice to the Dragon this whole time, sorry.

Contains: Body Sharing Woes, Outlandishly Hyper Proportions, Multicock and Multiball Hyper, Multitudinous Vore Tattoos, Flashback to Cock Transformation, Musk Hypnosis, "Pregnant" Dick, Absorption of Folks Assumed to be Perma-Endo'd in their Own Stories, Unusual 2 Headed Configuration, Multifur in General, Premature Celebratory Orgasm, Impossibly Thick Semen, Trait Theft Reversal, Touch-Free Stealing Absorbed Prey, Double Donut Anus Situation, Feeding Self to Predator Under Hypnosis, Rapid Intestinal Travel, Absorption via Magic Absorby Organ from Ritan, Second Head Turned to Bellymaw, Ascension to Dragonhood, A Royal Declaration and Ding Dong the Bitch is Dead.

All characters were provided and named by megido

The sheer number of species involved in this hybridization was so complex that I made a separate text document from my outline to keep track of them all.

Geeze, this part two took longer after the original than Endgame after Infinity War, glad I made that joke in the last one's description, wakka wakka

I'm open for Commissions! Read my TOS, PM me and we'll talk! If you can't afford a commission and want to support me, I have a Patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a Ko-Fi!

Daeva grasped another fold of flesh with one of the hands his part of the merged body had control over. The former alpaca had crossed the sphincter between small and large intestines what might have been days ago now. He had a hard time determining time except for when the bastard that had zonked the other half of his body into a submissive mess slept. In those times he made the most progress through the dragon's guts.

Kyora on the other hand, was still awash in the blissful connection of his energy to the Baron's own, giving himself utterly. On one hand, he wasn't actively fighting Daeva. On the other hand, he wasn't helping at all, either.

Well, that wasn't true, technically. Because of that very same spiritual tether that had drained away the merged pair's strength and begun their absorption into the aristocratic superpredator, Daeva was able to work tirelessly, without food or water... Because technically, in all ways but physical, they were part of the dragon's body already.

But Daeva wouldn't accept that. He couldn't accept that. And so the absorption process was locked at a stalemate as he wound his way through the belly of the beast.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Baron Excelsion had stopped caring about the sensation moving around his innards, totally certain in his complete victory over Kyora and Daeva. Their soul-marks graced his belly, along with those representing who they had contained upon their consumption three weeks past. True, they were still etherial, glowing and showing the texture of his soft golden belly-scales through the pattern. But he knew when the absorption was complete, those tattoos would turn corporeal, locked onto his flesh forever.

This method of absorption that Kyora had initiated before the dragon could start to biologically digest the merged would-be apex predator seemed to take quite a bit of time. A few more new faces had appeared on his belly, settling in as solid tattoos immediately after he'd eaten them in the interim But still, the dozen or so markings from his most transformative conquest remained not quite set in place.

In the weeks since awakening with new traits added to his already beautiful body, he had grown used to their presence. The dual tailmaws were wonderful for scaring slacking servants, in particular. However, this morning he was awakening with a new transformation. His lower set of arms stroked along one cock each, the pair he'd always had standing proudly up against the underside of his pregnant-looking belly filled with souls.

Then he brought one of his tails along to stroke his third, new cock, as the other stroked along his sac, where the quartet had become a six-pack of powerfully throbbing balls. At the same time, he looked down to the dome of his stomach and spotted the newest tattoo on his gut, a purple alligator's face. It glowed like the others that he had absorbed rather than digested, but already looking nearly as well set-in as the alpaca or salamander.

Excelsion licked his lips. Like with Kyora, he'd done his research and extended an invitation to the beast called Ritan. It was harder to dig up information on him than the social media junkie that Daeva, and later the alpaca's predator, had been. But what he found made it clear he needed to claim Ritan for himself. What a trait he had taken along with that extra cock and balls...


Getting Ritan onto his back had been easy, considering the control that his musk was able to exert over the minds of those drenched in it. The Baron licked his lips lasciviously, using two hands to stroke his dicks as his lower pair made sure that the horse-cocked behemoth laid in the right position for mounting. He looked over his 'date' again as he lined up, releasing his ankles.

The behemoth moaned and writhed on the bedding, his cock already flared and his eyes glazed over from the power of the controlling scent. He used his own hands to keep his legs hiked up out of the way, thighs spread from the sheer size of his pregnant bullet gut. A pair of tattoos showed on his taut, purple dome of a belly. These were no soul tattoo magically formed, the muscular matron had gotten them done mundanely. Towards the top of the massive belly was a tattoo of a bull, abstract and with little detail. Underneath, in a similar style was the shape of a panda. His prior research told Excelsion who those two had been.

Not that it mattered.

The royal dragon drove his shaft deep into the enthralled behemoth's ass, his left pair of arms holding that side's cock out of the way. Since his cum-fueled growth in defeating Kyora, he had a much easier time using one cock on conquests rather than both. "You are the means by which I will take to bring about my bio-perfection... Give your omasum to me."

Ritan moaned out wordlessly, his constrictor-thick tongue lolling out one side of his broad muzzle. He reached his hands out to grip on the bedding, muscles visibly flexing to drag himself towards hilting.

Baron Excelsion obliged the wordless plea and continued the roll of his hips forward until they met his conquest's own. He panted softly, resting for a moment, and then tilted his head. He was sure that the magnitude of his cock meant that he would threatening to push the hooded head of his right shaft free from those moaning jaws, as had happened to Kyora. The dragon looked down at the writhing body beneath him. There was no sign of his meat bulging him at all.

He moved to pull out, and found himself stuck. A strange, warm tingling sensation covered his rod, all the way to the root of his cock and into his quartet of nuts. The baron grasped with all four hands and tried to pull Ritan off of his shaft.

The behemoth trembled, legs slumping down from where they rested on the underside of the Baron's gut. His throat suddenly bulged out with the shape of the dragon's cockhead, pushing up and into his own head through the soft underside of his broad jaw. At the same time, his horsecock began to change shape, becoming more like one of the superpredator's own, growing longer in the process.

Excelsion's eyes widened. His cock... had been absorbed by the omasum? But what did that mean? Why was he stuck? He reached down to try to grasp the behemoth's thighs for better leverage, but found his hips melded directly into the front of the dragon's scrotum.

Any panic the Baron had been feeling instantly melted away. His research had shown that those absorptions had been a two-way street. Therefore, claiming that dick so utterly meant Ritan was now fusing with his cock. "Oh, excellent..." He rumbled, stroking along the torso of his conquest. As he did so his belief was proven correct, feeling more and more as though he was rubbing over his dick.

Suddenly, Ritan's scrotum went from being pinned between the dragon's gut and the behemoth's body to gone. At the same moment, a third pair of testicles dropped into place inside the Baron's already straining sac.

Excelsion groaned, shifting his weight forward again. His four hands pressed on the muscular form of the behemoth, feeling it give as his structure was being changed and overtaken. The dragon bit his full lower lip, eyes half-lidded as they took in the sight of what had been Ritan's cock flawlessly turning into a mirror image of his left shaft. It turned over and fully replaced the one that had fused into place within his conquest. At the same time, the dragon felt the built-up arms and chest beneath his fingers push together into a girthy phallic tube, losing all definition.

The former wrestler and bodybuilder moaned out, his horns fading away on his head. His eyes closed as he threw his head back in pleasure. His moans turned wet, then into garbled gurgles as thick, viscous pre began to pour forth. The underside of his jaw pulsed and swelled, joining to the ridge that had formed leading from his neck to the top of his broad, pregnant belly. The tattooed flesh had hardly changed at all, except that the purple hue had shifted to match the Baron's own more than what the behemoth's had been.

As the dragon watched, a new glowing tattoo appeared in amongst the others, between Daeva and Kyora's. An alligator moaning in pleasure. Glancing past his gut to his conquest's body, he witnessed a foreskin forming and wrapping up over the swelling cockhead that had once been the behemoth's cranium. He was looking down on the underside of a new cock, grasped in all four hands. Excelsion paused, then released his grip, stepping back from the bed.

As soon as he had let go, the lower cock twisted... or rather... untwisted back to normal. The pregnant belly on the underside swayed to a stop just above the Baron's scrotum. Then, it suddenly contracted, pulsing, getting smaller. In a flash of magical energy, the abstract tattoo of a bull turned into a face tattoo like any of the ones displayed on his belly. The abstract panda was next, forming a tattoo showing the face of a femmy panda with an asymmetrical bob haircut. Then four more faces formed a square around the pseudo-ursine as those he'd stored inside him were summarily added to the dragon as well.

The pregnant lump on the underside of the third cock pulsed and flexed, sending ripples of pleasure up to the Baron. The dragon roared in triumph and pleasure, all three cocks starting to fire in rapid sequence.


All told, Excelsion had gained nine new faces on his body the day before, six on his new shaft. His prize, the omasum, was settled into place around how far from the root of his cock it had been when he'd inadvertently hilted into it, forming the distinctive belly on the massive third prick.

Ritan being unseated bothered him as little as Daeva or Kyota. That was simply how absorption worked as far as he was concerned. Soon enough all those who glowed upon his person would settle in and turn to mere pigment on his beautiful scales, their souls sealed away for eternity.

In the meantime, he was far more concerned with how much more food his body craved since the additions to his body. The Baron finally got up off of his bed with a wide stance to allow his sextet of testicles swing forward to rest between his thunder thighs. He cleared his throat to call out to his servants to bring him his breakfast, and then froze. The glowing marks on his body flickered.

The bored, regal look on his face twisted into a cruel grin. He hadn't been certain how long things would take but now he could feel that the unseated conquests in his body had minutes remaining. No, seconds. He could reach into that spiritual tether and pull hard and that would be it. "Oh, my delectable so-called predators..." He crooned to his body, tails raising up as his triad of dicks pulsed faster. The thought of sealing them away irreversibly after a wait seemed so much more arousing than merely digesting them, now. Like edging for three weeks on that high.

"Kyora, naiive waif... Daeva, arrogant fool... Ritan, presumptuous pretender... One more pull and you will all be mine forever." He panted heavily as he gazed at the triad of his latest conquests on his belly. Kyora was a moaning wanton mask of lust as always. Daeva was struggling, as always. Ritan had a mix of lust and despair upon his face.

Baron Excelsion jerked his cocks with three hands, the fourth groping over the pregnant belly containing the omasum, focusing on this feeling of dominance, of triumph. "It is done!" He called out as his six nuts jolted, the underside of each shaft swelling with the sheer volume of his climax. "WE ARE ONE!" Tar-thick ropes of seed shot forth, destroying the re-enforced panelling of his bedroom.

Daeva's fingers burst from the orgasming dragon's pucker, fighting the contractions of the throes of pleasure. Kyora's face emerged first, pressing into the cleft of massive purple asscheeks, before the former alpaca's scowl pulled past the puffy donut. The merged hybrid struggled, pulling upon the tether that bound him to steal strength while the beast at the other end was pre-occupied with his pre-mature victory celebration.

Shaking, the four-armed and quite diminished chimera yanked his legs free, then dragged his twin tails out by rotating between the massive mattresses of the clenching cheeks of the dragon's immense ass. Daeva grunted, panting and starting to wriggle to send himself downward. Slickened with intestinal juices, it didn't take long for him to drop onto the rearmost set of testes, finally free of the Baron's body. He slipped off and slumped to the hardwood floor facedown with a groan. Slowly, he pressed up with the lower set of arms, getting the shared body seated upright.

Suddenly, Kyora and Daeva's markings disappeared from Excelsion's stomach, followed by the glowing marks of everyone they had brought with them. The royal dragon didn't notice, a haze coming over his eyes as he continued to cum thoughtlessly.

The upper arms of the hybrid reached up towards the massive ass as it jiggled with every pump of cement-thick semen. The upper face of Kyora moaned weakly in longing.

Daeva looked up, panting a bit, before reaching out as well. He found his fingers wrapping around that invisible tether, still in place from the salamander's devotional lust. He pulled.

Mid-orgasm, the Baron felt himself feeling oddly more drained than usual, but his mind was too hazy to pinpoint the reason why. His hair was shrinking back up into his skull, as his horns fused back into a single draconic set. His ears smoothed back into draconic frills as his tails began to merge back into one, losing their spaded tips.

Daeva felt a rush of energy, strength surging into the merged body. As if someone had struck a slider between the two asses, the draconic rump and hips above him shrank at the same time as Kyora's swelling with power. He moaned, his look of exhausted determination shifting into one of rapturous pleasure.

Eyes starting to clear up, Kyora's hands joined the lower set, grasping onto the spiritual connection. He pulled as well, trembling as all four arms started to surge in size, regaining their musculature.

Excelsion's lower set of arms dwindled and sank back into his sides, his jaws slack as his fat tongue lolled forth down onto his chest. The traits he had stolen from the pair were dwindling faster and faster now that both had taken up the cause.

Pushing them up onto their feet, Daeva laughed triumphantly. His face pressed out further from between the pecs of the merged hybrid, becoming more than a sunken visiage. Rabbit ears swelled from the sides of his head as his alpaca muzzle returned. A marking appeared on his forehead before surging forth into a spiral unicorn horn.

Kyora gasped as his cock suddenly jolted in size and a third set of testes appeared in the sac below, all six surging in size shortly after.

Up on the dragon's belly, the face of Ritan vanished as well. Excelsion shuddered as his third cock started to sink away into his body, the hanging gut on it sinking into his hips first. The cum jetting from his other two cocks had thinned, returning to its original viscosity.

The hybrid behind him now stood as tall as Kyora had when he first arrived for their date three weeks prior. A tremble ran through the former salamander as a pair of ridges of spines appeared along the back of his head and ran down either side of his spine, one each along the top of the twin tails. Underneath their base, his fattened pucker pushed downward towards the base of his sac and a second swelled into being. At the same time a pulsing warmth made itself known in the merged duo's stomach.

Daeva crooned as he recognized what had just deposited into their body, strutting with a hip-sway around to the side of the Baron. A glance up and a look forward told him that both the usurper's and the supposed superpredator's eyes had glazed over. "I'm glad I got ahold of that power." One of his arms stroked at his bunny ear. "Mind control makes things so much easier, don't you think Kyora?"

Kyora moaned a bit, upper arms stroking over the chest above Daeva's head.

Excelsion's orgasm finally trailed off, his body looking only as grand and magnanimous as it had been at the start of the date, showing no sign of any of the traits he had stolen, eyes fully hazed over.

The merged in alpaca cleared his throat. "Now, Excelsion. Feed yourself to me."

Unlike the last time Daeva attempted to use this power, this time the Baron had no defense up against it. The dragon turned towards the hybrid, then obediently lowered his head down to chest level. Or more appropriately, maw level.

Daeva moaned indulgently, basking in his control of the situation as his throat was bulged out with the crowned head of his former conqueror. He found himself wishing he had a wine to pair with the royal meal, even as his throat led directly to the shared stomach with far less distance to travel than Kyora's did. He swallowed, dragging the subdued dragon in until he reached the curve of his golden belly.

Attempting to continue obeying instructions, Excelsion's claws dug into the sopping wet hardwood, still flooded with mixed seed. Muscles beneath the layers of fat on this thighs flexed as he tried to shove himself deeper. It was slow going, the top two rows of his conquered tattoos disappearing behind Daeva's full lips.

The former alpaca grasped onto the royal dragon's diminished hips with his lower set of arms and flexed powerfully. With a yank the yielding dome of a belly compressed, apex surpassed, and the rest of his body was down-hill.

The hybrid body's belly stretched with the moaning face of the dragon, muffled beneath layers of flesh and fat. The Baron was forced to twist and curl around more and more as he was greedily devoured, no longer able to push off anything to feed himself to his mind's owner.

Daeva pursed his fat lips around the base of Excelsion's double dicks and his tail, before sucking powerfully. Those three appendages joined his legs in limply slurping away like oversized udon noodles past the former alpaca's mighty soup coolers.

By that point, the belly was as large as the rest of the merged pair's body put together, resting on the floor in the mucky cum mess. It shifted a bit as the dragon re-adjusted, but stilled. He had no fight in him, content in having done as he was told.

In addition to the unicorn horn and bunny ears, Daeva had claimed the powers of another in the process of disempowering the Baron. One that was throbbing in the underside of the stretched gut. Closing his eyes, the former alpaca focused, pressing both hands on the mass of dragon inside that enormously stretched stomach. The opening to his small intestines parted and started to greedily suck the fat aristocrat up.

Both heads groaned out at the intense sensations as their lower guts greedily, powerfully began dragging their catch through yards after yards of flexible tubing, recreating their own path to escape over the last three weeks in a matter of minutes.

Unlike their escape, however, there was a major obstacle to exiting out either of the fat puckered anuses, and it was behind the one on top.

Without orders or the powerful scent of the hybrid's outsides, Excelsion was starting to regain his bearings, only to find himself smothered in rippling, powerfully sluicing and contracting walls of flesh, dragging him along. He had no reference for where he was, or even what had happened to him. He started to writhe, too weak in his post-orgasmic state to do much more than that, but it was useless.

The moment his snout crossed the entrance to the omasum, it was all over.

Baron Excelsion was dragged bodily through the fleshy valve into the pulsing, greedy organ. In moments, he was bundled up again in a far tighter space, the stomach outside showing his form's lumps and angles only for a few moments more. Then, it all began to soften away, the hybrid's stomach resembling a pregnant gut more and more.

Daeva raised his head, his elegant camelid neck returning to him as Kyora's sank down to their shoulders. Not a moment later, the confused, moaning face of a dragon appeared distending the lower throat, rising up. Moments later, it pressed into the soft under-jaw of the former alpaca and vanished. His round snout swelled and pressed forth, his facial structure becoming more and more draconic by the moment.

The smooth hide of the shared body shimmered and then developed scales, washing in a wave from their chest out to spread over the whole of their form. The salamander speckles and their other markings remained with this change, only the texture of their skin became far more durable. At the same time, the salamander face above was gaining the same draconic traits as the lower head. Kyora's lips filled out further as his eyes rolled back in his head, a wanton groan escaping the enthralled body-sharer to Daeva.

With a ripple of flesh, massive wings burst forth from their back from beneath their twin set of shoulderblades, arching high up above their heads and draping down nearly to the floor when they returned to folded on either side of their twin, spaded tails. Powerful muscles to help control them formed beneath Daeva's neck, swelling to surround him with more muscle again.

It was then that the former alpaca realized that his control of the shared body had not spread nearly as much as he thought it had. He couldn't move their shared legs. He tried to beat the new wings, but they were as unresponsive as the upper pair of arms. Daeva grimaced and focused, trying to pull upon Kyora, trying to regain control.

When the former salamander's eyes rolled back to facing the correct way, the haze was gone and his pupils were decidedly draconic. Kyora groaned out in a low voice, but it wasn't the thoughtless moans of an enthralled lust-slave. If Daeva had known about one of the side effects of the absorption through the omasum, he would have realized what was happening when the Baron's memories did not flood into his mind upon absorption.

But Kyora had years of experience as a superpredator to draw upon now. Excelsion was gone, but his intellect, his strategies, his magical knowledge... those were... "Mine." The upper draconic head asserted, a fat tongue slinking out to lick between Daeva's ears to the base of his horn.

The former alpaca's eyes widened as it sank in what had happened. Frantically he reached up to grasp either side of Kyora's head with the hands he had control of, trying to focus on the connection between them in order to take more of the dragon for himself.

Draconic eyes squinted, and all attempts summarily halted. Kyora had had an absorptive connection with Daeva longer than he ever had with Excelsion, and now he had the combined experience to keep it in his favor.

Daeva trembled, his arms slumping down to their broad belly. He felt all the things he'd fought to preserve, his mind, his willpower, his independence... it was being drained away by the very thing he'd thought he could turn the tables with. And through it all... he just moaned. It felt too good, his eyes unfocusing as he stopped struggling.

Kyora placed a finger on the tip of Daeva's snout and lightly pressed until his head sank back to being a face amidst their broad pecs, the horn diminishing back into a marking above his eyes. "You saved me from him, so I won't absorb you all the way..." He smirked a bit, before dragging his finger down along the curve of his mighty belly, pulling the face along his flesh as though it were as malleable as clay. He stopped as the former alpaca's mouth aligned with his popped navel.

Said feature at the apex of the pregnant-looking belly turned into the former alpaca's full, plump lips. They parted with a moan, revealing a dark passage leading directly into the stomach chamber behind the flesh, no esophagus to get in the way.

The former salamander stretched his upper arms and wings out with a happy groan. The last of Exelsion was finally settling into place, the changeable body getting more set as the plumpness of the aristocrat settled over his form and smoothed over the definition of his muscles. All that was left in the omasum was the concentrated soul power of all of the Baron's meals.

A strange twitch came over the upper of the two puckers. Ritan woke up for the first time since he had become a cock, confused by his new surroundings. Darkness, pursed lips he could hardly move...

Kyora trembled as he felt the awakening under his tails. "Oh, so you're awake now too." He chuckled and clenched his cheeks tightly around his pair of donuts. "You're not getting off as easy as Daeva is."

A confused moan came from the smushed together cheeks.

The new dragon chuckled. "I don't know you and you weren't a help at all. Your omasum was useful, yes. But it's mine now. As are you." A grin crossed his reptilian visage as he began to pull upon Ritan.

The twitching grew weaker, as the former absorber was subsumed, his will fading as his mind drifted upwards...

Kyora crooned as everything he needed to know about his new organ both from the research side of things from Excelsion and the experience side of things from Ritan were securely set into his mind for future use. "Yes, mine." He flexed his ass again, and the twitching halted entirely.

Spreading his wings as far as the grand bedroom would allow, the new dragon flexed and twisted his tails, relishing in their return to him. He raised his arms and adopted a strong-man pose, shifting his titanic hips confidently to one side. "Now, do you understand your place, Daeva?" His immense cheeks bounced off each other as his roll came to a stop, sending ripples and jiggles across his body for seconds after.

Lustfully, the bellymaw spoke, voice guttural and wanton. "I'm your good bimbo~" As he spoke, the lower set of arms posed to match the posture of the upper pair.

"Good." Kyora replied, then groaned as a surge of energy started to flow through him. The bundle of power left behind was finally soaking into him. His whole body surged in size, swelling and growing taller. His natural bioluminescence in his speckled pattern began to glow even in the light of the room, especially upon the symbol of the incubus now resting above Daeva's face.

In a wave from that symbol, every single 'set' face that had adorned Excelsion's body burst into being to cover the broad, pregnant belly. At the same time, Daeva's lips smoothed down flat into the scales of the gut, his whole face becoming a tattoo as well at the center of it all. And last of all, the dragon's hooded horsecock swelled and split into two, side by side. They twitched and leaked pre thick enough to make the floor shake when a splatter splashed down into the mess below.

With that, Kyora knew that Excelsion had finally been settled fully into part of himself. All his magical strength and skill, his experience, his qualities that had made him a pred-eater, now part of what had, a month before, been an opportunistic fanboy who took a chance to overtake his idol.

That twink salamander felt so far away now as the dragon idly took in the damage to the bedroom, mostly caused by the premature victory orgasm of his most recent conquest.

Daeva's face un-flattened as he spoke, lustfully purring with full lips once more. "Do you want me to take care of your new double-barrel dicks, Kyora?"

Smirking, the dragon allowed his bellymaw control of his lower pair of arms again. "Yes. Such a good bimbo you are."

Daeva moaned at the complement, grasping one cock with each of the hands he controlled. He began to stroke each of them off, only thinking of pleasuring his host.

Kyora crossed his upper set of arms over his chest as his belly-pet got to work, curling his draconic toes into the cum-soaked wood a bit. Such willpower that Daeva had. Well, used to have. That will was what kept himself and his conquered idol survive three weeks in the possessive, greedy body of the aristocrat. It kept them from being fully claimed, it was what made him such a successful predator before that.

And now that will belonged to Kyora. The one thing that he'd lacked. The bunny had tried to tell him that before, but he hadn't listened, and Excelsion nearly destroyed him because of it. But now with that will, the Baron's intellect, the precious omasum... he could now truly be called a predator in his own right.

The new draconic lord of the mansion strutted to the bedroom doors and pushed them open, letting his musky cum pour out into the hall. "Good morning, everyone." He called out to the Baron's staff. "Guess who won't be bossing you all around anymore~"

The servants who were in a position to see this were in shock. Those who merely heard the voice were confused, walking out of the kitchens and other chambers to see what was going on.

Kyora stepped up to the balcony over the front hall, his twin cocks still leaking from his lower arms stroking them off. "If there's one thing I've learned, treat the help well." He playfully stroked his gut just above Daeva's moaning face. "Excelsion is no more. If anyone has a problem with that, they can leave. Otherwise..." Before he could finish his announcement, the assembled staff of the house started to cheer.

The dragon perked up. He had known they feared the Baron but he hadn't expected such an enthusiastic reaction to the news. Before he knew it, he was being fawned over by the staff. One butler was telling him about renovation plans to fix the ruined bedroom, as the chef was asking him how his palate differed from the Baron's own.

He smiled and curled his tails to run along various fawning helpers as he began to walk down towards the dining room. Every step set his gut bouncing off the roots of his dual cocks. Every face magically tattooed onto his stomach now appeared to be wracked with bliss.

Apex City - Tail Attraction

The headquarters of the League of Super Heroes reside beneath the streets of Apex City. Having a skyscraper with neon LSH on top of it would be too much of a target. And they might get a lot of junk mail. ...

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A white-furred fox stepped into the room, lime green eyes taking in the mess of bluish gel. He wore some snug jeans and a white button-down shirt. In addition to his eyes, his nosepad and the tips of his hair were...

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Exploring Options

Late in the evening, Ashgar sat, cross-legged. The bear-lizard had his eyes closed and was in his more upright form. The druid breathed slowly, communing with the forest, feeling the moss against his tail and the...

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