
Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#132 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Fourth vignette for Razz, continuing the Werecock Saga

This time, another of Razz's selves has shown up to join the fun.

Contains: Messy Post-Orgasm Horror Scene, Swinger Sapient Tailmaw, Nonverbal Scree Communication, Tailmaw French Kisses, Altersex Goofox, Analingus, Tail-To-Mouth Snogging, Cunnilingus with Clitoral Stimulation, Does A Sentient Cockhead Getting Pulled In Count as Unbirth or Vaginal Penitration, Torso Deepthroating, Paw-Maw Self-fellatio, Null Groin Stimulation, Excessive Cum, Arm-Throat Bulging With Pumps, Multi-Cumflation and Implied Continued Lewdness.

Perhaps some of this counts as body horror since one of the partners can basically form a mouth anywhere like The Thing

Razz, Razz, Eddy and Luta are FA: Razz

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on on the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

A white-furred fox stepped into the room, lime green eyes taking in the mess of bluish gel. He wore some snug jeans and a white button-down shirt. In addition to his eyes, his nosepad and the tips of his hair were the same shade of green. He put his hands on his hips, glancing from the walls, to the floor and finally to the bed where the werecock still sat.

The vulpine's fluffy tail twisted and angled towards the phallic beast. The furred tip split open, speaking with a matronly voice. "Well, someone was pent up~"

Razz screed upon recognizing the other conjoined pair enter the chamber, scooting their way towards the foot of the bed with their glistening blue flesh on display coating every inch.

The fox chuckled. "Wow, you even talk like him now."

The werecock stepped off the bed, hips rocking side to side to send an undulation down their tail.

Eddy perked up, twisting and carrying one of the waving sways to 'look' upon the interloper.

"What do you say, Luta?" The vulpine addressed his tail. "Fancy a Double Date with Razz n Scree?"

Screeing excitedly, the pair of drake-cock heads smiled as Razz closed the distance further.

"Who can say no to a face like that?" Luta purred playfully in return, lowering herself to meet Eddy head-to-head.

The fox's clothes turned lime green and glistening, before fluidly sinking right into his body. His fur spread to cover where the clothing had been, though it was clear to anyone paying attention that his goo ran all the way through...

Notably, the goofox's sheath was quite swollen already, starting to disgorge its neon tip into the air between himself and the werecock.

Razz took another step forward, placing both claws onto the goofox's shoulders.

Eddy met with Luta's mouth, the pair of sapient appendages beginning to kiss intently. Glimpses between his jagged lips and her fluffy ones showed the brighter blue flesh inside the werecock and the lime green inside of the tail's jaws, as well as a cobalt-blue tongue dancing within.

Slowly, the werecock drew the goofox back towards the bed, retracing their steps. Their expression was hard to read due to their simplified face and aggressive jawline, but they bumped up against the foot of the bed and stopped. Removing their hands from the vulpine's shoulders, Razz used one hand to pull Eddy away from his snogging, which was already causing quite a bit of blue 'drool' to leak from him. In the same movement, the eyeless beast raised one leg and tucked their tail down and around, before flopping backward.

The goofox tilted his head lightly, waiting to see what this was about.

Luta licked her lips with her cobalt tongue. "Hmm?"

Razz's tubular body was resting on the bed in a vague S shape, head pointed at the other pair in the room, with their tail-base pointed straight out between their thighs and drooping towards the floor.

Eddy shook his head in disorientation, before flexing and raising to hiss in annoyance at Razz. He paused, then turned to look back to the goofox, realizing what position he was in. The way his host was stroking his base like he was a proper trouser drake again helped put that idea across, as well.

"Oh, wonderful idea~" Luta purred as the goofox she was attached to rotated around to face the other way, showing off his curvy hips and wide bottom. She twisted and raised up in a serpentine manner to help expose her host better.

In amidst the white fur was a pair of lime-green entrances that mirrored his duality. A snug pucker peeking from the ample cheeks and below a set of folds set upon the pubic mound behind his hefty sac.

Eddy screed happily and dove forward, nuzzling between those plump cheeks, before starting to lick, sliding up to the pucker at first.

Razz hissed lustfully, stroking over their chest with their arms as their toes flexed and splayed above the messy floor.

Luta dove down to meet the top half of the werecock, her mouth meeting the jagged lips of the other end of the beast from before.

The tailcock shifted his attention, grinding his glowing blue tongue into the glistening green folds of the goofox's vulva. Eddy delved deeper there, snout-tip starting to push the petals apart as his slacked lower jaw bumped against the vulpine's clitoris.

Gasping, the goofox pressed back, putting his weight back onto Eddy. His shaft had grown to its full hardness, practically the length of his own torso now. His own cobalt-blue tongue lolled from his jaws at the sensations while he grasped onto his member with one hand, the other going to reach back to one of Razz's thighs. As he worked his hips down to start wriggling the drake-head into his tunnel, the bulbous knot at the base of his shaft started to swell into being.

The palm of the vulpine's hand split open to reveal more gooey flesh, and a third tongue eased out to start wrapping and sliding along his erection.

At the other end of the goofox's body, Luta gaped as well, the tailmaw diving over Razz's entire head with an indulgent moan. Her tongue wrapped around the werecock's chest, squeezing and sliding across the glossy blue surface.

Eddy screed muffledly as his head fully popped through the cervix, horns keeping him well and truly caught for the time being with how tight that ring closed around him. Unknown to him, his face was making quite a bulge in the goofox's fur, displaying his open, jagged jaws as he vocalized lustfully, drizzling ample pre into the reproductive chamber.

Razz echoed the sounds within the tail-gullet as they felt Luta start to delve further down over their torso in greedy full-body-fellatio.

She worked her fluffy jaws all the way to his hips and re-wound her tongue around the werecock's thighs. Swallowing firmly while giving her tongue a squeeze, Luta retreated slightly to take another lunge, only to find the beast in her throat tremble as her tongue grazed across the null spot where the two ends of the transformed duo met. Purring, she refocused her attention there, shoving back down over Razz to get her jaws over the pelvic patch, clamping down greedily there.

The goofox gasped as the effect was noticeable immediately. The bulge of Eddy in his lower stomach was suddenly obscured by the bloat of rushing seed filling up his womb. At the same time, visible swells travelled down the length of his tail from her playful charge-taking. Soon seed from Razz's jaws was also bloating the vulpine's belly, filling up their stomach above the reproductive passages already getting overloaded.

Stuffing his palm-maw over the tip of his own shaft, the fox shuddered, sac jolting. Bulges travelled from beneath his knot, up his length, and into his forearm, swelling his bicep into his shoulder with his own release. That third tongue extended to wrap just beneath the bulb at the base of the bucking rod and tugged, dragging more into that puzzling orifice.

Razz trembled and wiggled their legs, their arms pinned to their sides within the tail-gullet as they felt the overwhelming ripples of orgasm rebounding back and forth between Eddy and themselves. All the while the gooey duo kept them at their peak. Why didn't they all get together more often...?

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