Doomed Across Worlds

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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This story was synthesized out of multiple inspirations and ideas, swirled into one another in conversation with FA: Balloonpup / FA: MapleGleam.

Comment below if you guess who Albedo was directly inspired by.

Contains: Big Mean Pointy Dragon, Vore as Punishment, Enslaved Kobolds, Magical Circles, Projection Via Possession of Malleable Matter, Liquidshifting Predator, Clueless Prey, Describing a Goddamn Draconequus, Nabs for Protection, Fun with Teleporting, Coiling a Puddle, Escapes, Gooshing through Labyrinths, Suit Transformation, Possession via Wearing Suit, Pleasure Denial, Dragony Arousal, Attempted Absorption, Mind Alteration Taking Hold, He Thinks He's Clever Chat, You're Right Behind Me Aren't You, Shoving a Horsecock Into a Goo, Cock Drinking a Liquidshifter, Shrinking, Chest Bulge from Horsecock, Cock Vore, Hammerspace Balls with Actual Size Bulges, Splatting the Liquidshifter (affectionate), Cock Growth, Hyper Ejaculation, Attempted Reformation from Cum Puddle, Teasing Repeated Trips to Nuts, Eldrich Realization, Aspect Walking Teleportation, Rubber Transformation, Forced Reformation of Prey, Rapid Re-Consumption of Pubpies, Cartoon Corruption, Collaring and Tomorrow THE WORLD.

Opti is FA: Balloonpup / FA: MapleGleam

All other characters created for this commission.

I'm open for Commissions! Read my TOS, PM me and we'll talk! If you can't afford a commission and want to support me, I have a Patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a Ko-Fi!

From beneath the heap of old, tarnished gold and silver coins, the long, wedge-shaped head of the dragon emerged, currency sloughing off his pale yellowish-green scales like water. A low rumble filled the chamber, but it came not from his voice box. It was far more ventripotent.

At the sound of their master's hunger, the kobolds throughout the large cavern snapped to attention, turning towards the hoard and the dragon emerging from the treasure. They awaited orders of the great wyrm.

The slender, crocodilian jawline rose from the precious metals upon an elegantly serpentine neck, the underside plated with broad bands across his throat. Up above, a crown of four horns swept backward elegantly, framing a glistening mane of platinum white. His shoulders broke the surface as well with a cascade of coins, gemstones amongst the mix as his wiry, feline torso came into view. With a practiced flare, his membranous wings unfurled, treasure running down and back rather than being flung about the cavern.

One foreclaw emerged and pressed flat onto the stone beside the hoard, before he stepped out with the other as well. Bending his neck back like a heron and spreading his forelegs out and down, pressing his hips backward. He brought his weight forward again and slipped his haunches free of the treasure, the accumulated wealth on his wings draining into the void left by his thighs. Finally, his whip-like tail dragged free of the coins and precious items, bearing his continued mane down his entire spine to its tip, which appeared to have a pair of fleshy feelers in amongst the near-white hairs.

Finally turning his attention to the genuflecting mass of kobolds, he squinted, sclera glowing in the low light of the cavern. "You are all to rotate the hoard. Remove the tarnish from every single piece before the relocation is completed." His voice resonated throughout the entire cavern. He gestured with his tail, the long limb coming to circle an empty flat area of the cavern floor with the feelers at its tip. "This is the new location." He paused a moment, staring down at the trembling draconids.

"Now." He growled.

A burst of motion filled the cavern as each kneeling kobold burst to their feet and scampered to the hoard, or to get the polishing supplies. A few spread tapestries so that the work would be done off the naked stone.

The dragon turned his head away from those preparing to those at the hoard itself. Many kobolds were gathering as much as they could carry into their arms before heading to join the others and get to work. However, one kobold was standing behind those at the edge of the treasure, looking around, as if for an opening to get at the gold and silver.

That whip-like tail lashed out, the tendrils at its tip encoiling the indecisive kobold and lifting him from the stone. Sneering, the dragon looked over the trembling thrall. "There is no queuing necessary. Walk around the damn hoard." With none else said, he flicked his tail to send the tiny draconid tumbling through the air with a keening squeal.

The operation halted for a moment as all the other kobolds watched, dumbfounded.

Drawing his serpentine neck back, the dragon watched the tiny beast's trajectory. Suddenly he struck, jaws opened wide, before snapping shut with a clack that shook every kobold in the cavern. Head tilted back, he swallowed, a just barely discernable lump displacing his throat-plates in a smooth, continuous motion as the example was made so by the grand creature. His wedge-shaped snout turned down and towards the motionless kobolds, and his eyes narrowed once again, their glow nearly casting a beam into the crowd.

With a jolt, the kobolds returned to their task, all moving frantically both to speed up but also to not drop a single coin between the hoard and their polishing stations.

A low rumble escaped the dragon's throat, before he turned his attention away and strode across the cavern. He could feel the unwise draconid had already given everything up against the might of his body. His stomach roared, displeased with a mere kobold for sustenance. He hungered still.

A hunger as great as his had turned him towards an unusual method of hunting, one that would keep the locals from seeking him out. He had no fear of dragonslayers, but they made keeping a schedule a headache. His method had and would continue to prevent all of that.

Carved into the floor of the cavern were a series of draconic sigils arrayed within circles and precisely angled and positioned lines. It was just large enough for him to sit down onto and keep his legs, wings and tail within the outer ring.

The dragon slowly stepped into the circle, walking within it around three rotations before he sat down, fore claws pressed to the floor between his hind-legs, forelegs held straight, head held aloft, and tail draped in a curl around his full footprint. He closed his eyes and focused, the lines beneath his claws starting to illuminate with magical power.


Elsewhere, a beautiful dome stood in the center of a park, held up by columns. The dome, the columns, the park itself and the people within all shined in the sunlight. The dome's structure appeared to be lined with a series of highly saturated colored panels, arrayed in a hemispherical tessellation. From within the columns, looking up, the panels were translucent enough to glow during the day.

From the columns outward, a set of wide steps separated the park from this standing rotunda, the steps made from slick graphite-grey material, the same as the paths. There wasn't proper grass, the way organic life forms know it. The open areas off the footpaths were a contiguous green surface, yielding beneath the paws of those out upon it, with the occasional glistening tree emerging from it.

The trees themselves were orange, brightly saturated, from their trunks to the top of their canopies.

The park-goers were similarly saturated, bare to the world and smooth from snout to toe. Happy glossy canines traded catching a white disk thrown back and forth. A lavender giraffe sunbathed atop a glossy red mat set onto the green lawn. A small herd of deer jogged together down one of the paths, a few waving to a pair of wolves sitting at a game-table off the side, who waved back.

It was to this peaceful, glistening morning, that the force from outside the world entered.

The surface of the graphite slab amidst the white columns at the base of the rotunda became splattered with a drip of cobalt blue. Elsewhere, a drop of canary yellow splatted down. Then a magenta drop larger than the others splatted out into a wide mess. All was still for a few moments, as a nearby Labrador stepped up the steps to investigate the sounds.

Then, every panel in the dome melted at once. Streams of bright colored material poured from their frame up above, pooling until they ran together on the graphite slab. Swirling beneath the new columns of falling gloss, it was not long before the dome itself was only the structure that had held each of the panels, leaving only the empty frame standing over the multicolored pool.

The swirling motion became more violent, starting to raise the surface of the fluid away from the level it had naturally formed. As the Labrador watched, the gathering fluid twisted in a protrusion into the air that arced up and out, starting away from the dog but its tip turning towards him. The fluid formed into a wedge-shaped head with four swept back horns. From amidst its crown and downward, the swirling colors created a flowing mane. Eyes opened from amongst the mass upon the head, glowing brightly with no pupil or iris to be seen.

In awe, the pup stood still, one hand on a column, tail wagging with a quiet squirking of where its base met the top of his rump. He didn't even move as the draconic head and neck melted back into the mass of shine, the whole thing roiling towards him like a wave.

The turbulent colorful mass of shine enveloped the naïve pup instantly....


The dragon's throat distended with a bulge larger than the kobold had made, but the swallow was no less smooth, the lump gliding down his elegant throat without breaking his trance.

His kobolds once again froze and stared upon their master, before returning to their work.


Opti floated between places. The glossy draconequus was casually sprawled as if on an invisible hammock, his mis-matched body draped and sprawled over the nothingness. Like most of his kind, each of his limbs was from a different species, all connected to a long, serpentine body. Unlike most of his kind, his body appeared to be made entirely of inorganic substances. His right foreleg was made of pure silver, ending with a hoof-hand hybrid, while his left foreleg was pink latex, ending in a canine hand-paw.

His right hindleg ended in an equine hoof and was made of a caramel-brown vinyl, sporting a loop on one side of the shank like what would appear on a pool toy. His left hindleg was some kind of hybrid predator's limb with bright indigo paw pads and a sky-blue coating, except for a pair of stripes printed upon the thigh that matched those pads. These were similar to a pair of green stripes towards the tip of his tail, which was black and glossy, but segmented like a rat's or an opossum's. The draconequus' elongated torso was brown as well, with what seemed to be permanently attached side-bags at the waist, and a pair of wings coming from just below the shoulders. These too were mismatched. On the right was a glossy transparent red dragon wing and the left was a black feathered wing, though all but the flight feathers were merely markings upon the surface of the glistening material.

His mane upon his fairly canine head was a lisa frank gradient of rainbow tendrils, glistening and heavy. His horn and his antler emerged from amongst the contiguous shape that represented a hairstyle. The latter was black and upright with its prongs swept back and the former swept backwards and up with a silver gear half-embedded within its shine.

Lastly, unlike most draconequui, Opti preferred to wear clothing. Even if this was only an unbuttoned shirt with a tropical floral pattern upon it, a few bangles on his pink wrist, and a pair of round spectacles balanced atop his white snout.

The glossy chimera perked at a strange, distant feeling. Elsewhere, Opti could feel some of his shine flowing of a will other than his own. The draconequus shrugged. Sometimes his critters learned how to do that for themselves. He'd have to go check on that sometime.

Then, that same flow suddenly enveloped one of his critters. And that being was gone. Even if his little ones ate one another, he still felt them. They were all his. This... this was different.

Narrowing his eyes, Opti snapped his hoof-fingers with a very un-metallic squirk, vanishing from Between.


The swirling mass settled into a pool upon the steps, the patchwork representation of the distant dragon's head once again clearly visible. His glowing eyes scanned around the area of his next meal. Catching sight of the group of jogging cervines nearing the base of the rotunda, he surged into a mass once again, barreling towards them.

Before he had closed the distance, however, each and every one of the deer suddenly fell into the path as if it was water. The path's surface rippled and returned to normal with no sign of any of them.

Splashing to a stop on that spot, the fluid mass of hungry shine gained his head back to look around. Everywhere he looked, the park-going critters were suddenly dropping into the ground, vanishing from view.

"What are you planning to do with my critters?" A voice came from outside of his field of view.

The molten dragon wheeled around, eyes narrow, and surged for the only being he could see. He had no idea what kind of creature it was, but he would consume. If this mis-matched being was the cause of the others vanishing, he'd have a better time hunting after-

His target vanished. He didn't drop, or poof, or even flash away. He was simply not there.

Churning to a halt and rotating back around in the spot the other being had vacated, the draconic head formed up once more, looking around.

Opti was reclining upon the handrail of the steps the fluid interloper had just pounced towards. "That's no way to greet someone you've just met."

The extention of the dragon squinted suspiciously, before speaking. "I am Albedo."

Glancing off Aside, the draconequus smirked. "Albedo, eh? Convenient."

Albedo turned his long snout to look towards the direction the other had glanced. Upon seeing nothing, he returned his attention to the mismatched beast. That is, he would have if he was still lounging there.

Instead, he was gone.

The mass of shine scrunched in on itself, pulling against gravity as it took a defensive posture. Glowing eyes continued to dart about.

Opti's muzzle was suddenly right alongside the patchwork head. "Interesting." He was floating in the air, body raised above the horizontal so that his head was his lowest point. "You're not even really here, just using my shine to try to snatch up a meal." He glanced Aside again. "Such a method of getting take-out."

Eyes wide, Albedo compressed his head down towards the ground as his whole mass swirled about, the edges raised in protective waves mid-breach. But once again the draconequus had vanished.

"I'm Opti, by the way." The floating impossibility spoke once more, curled into a neat coil within the defensive perimeter, once again right next to the dragon's head. "And this world is Mine."

The dragon didn't even bother to try to whirl about this time. He surged out and away from where he heard Opti's voice, elongating into a splashing, nigh-serpentine trail of multicolored shine bouncing from one puddling foothold to another along the ground.

He hadn't made it out of the park before he felt something wrap around his hindlegs and tail. Albedo was confused. He hadn't formed those parts of his body at all. He tried to just flow past the binding like he flowed around columns and any other obstacle, but he was held tightly, unable to.

Albedo turned his head back and was shocked to find that his form not only was losing its liquidity, but was being forced to take up the shape of his real body in his home world. The binding on his hindlegs and tail was the draconequus' long torso, twisted and stretched longer still to coil the three limbs together.

Opti grinned. "Gotcha~"

No matter what the dragon did, he was losing the advantage of molten polymers he had cultivated the spells to control so carefully, getting overridden as he became more and more corporeally grounded to this material.

The draconequus' torso continued to elongate, his form wrapping up around Albedo's barrel. Opti's fingers pressed to the dragon's stomach, pressing there probingly. "Now, where's my puppy?"

Albedo shivered. If this creature was able to see his true form and force him into it... did that mean that he had some kind of means to ensnare his real body? Would it somehow be transposed into a cage of colorful materials? He couldn't take that risk. He closed his glowing eyes and focused.

Abruptly, the dragon's body burst into a cluttered mess of colored panels, the shine returning to the form it had been before Albedo had taken control of them.


The eyes of the dragon's true body opened up, his meditation interrupted willfully to escape that... entity. He frowned, his brow furrowed.

Albedo paid no mind to his kobolds. They were working, and he had far more important things to think of. A single kobold and a foolish dog would not do for his appetite. He exhaled and closed his eyes again. He felt out with his mind... somewhere else on that same world... somewhere that creature wouldn't find him.

Beneath his claws, the carved sigil in the stone shimmered to life again.


Opti frowned that the interloper had gotten away and that there was no sign of the critter he had consumed. Snapping back to his regular shape, the draconequus gestured from the pile of loose panels towards the now framework dome.

One by one, the panels flew themselves through the air, re-affixing themselves into place.

The draconequus teleported over to above the dome to ensure each one was returned to where it belonged, before sighing. He raised his pink paw in the air, bangles glinting in the light.

Each of the critters that had fallen away surfaced from the ground, none the worse for wear. A few were confused, but none seemed to have experienced any distress from the experience.

Opti smiled softly, looking over the park. Then, he felt a very familiar sensation. Some of his shine flowing of a will other than his own. He snapped his silver hooftips together and was gone.


Inside of a large building, the black stone and golden inlay had started to melt off the wall. First it had merely sagged, then sloughed. Now it was a very liquid pool on the floor, the stone that made up the slabs melting to add to the mass.

Streaked with gold, the black visiage of Albedo returned to this foreign world he'd chosen as his hunting grounds. His head rose up on a long, shimmering neck until the structure of his shoulders peeked from the glistening pool of molten shine. Eyes glistening gold in the low light of the building, he lowered his head and began to fluidly slither, seeking out more prey.

The intruding dragon wound through corridor after corridor, finding neither a way out of the building, or any life forms to claim for his sustenance. Occasionally, he would find a figure represented in gold inlay on one of the walls, or even the floor, but nothing to chase and pounce. Albedo got more frustrated the longer he flowed from corridor to corridor.

Soon he was splashing into the walls of right-angle turns, sloshing and surging like a flood with his eyes and crown of his head only barely discernable amongst the churning black and gold.

He finally arrived back at where he'd started, slumping into the divot on the floor he'd made in annoyance.

"Silly dragon, appearing in the middle of a maze..." Opti teased from some unseen location.

Perking at the familiar voice, Albedo sluiced into another hallway, roiling and churning like rapids as he tried to get away from the strange creature.

The draconequus phased right out of the wall ahead of him after his third switchback. "Of course, it won't slow me down." Opti giggled. "It's Mine, after all."

Eyes wide, the dragon compressed down to the floor to try to surge right under the levitating beast, snout forming fully as he dove forward.

Unknown to him, the fluid mass had once again started to take up the shape of his real body, though it was still just as flowing and changeable as it had been. This, however, meant that he had a back exposed between folded wings.

Opti dipped a claw down and delved into the flowing surface Albedo's mane where it adorned his spine as the fluid dragon surged beneath the floating draconequus. The claw parted the pseudosolid mass like a blade across water, only retreating as the base of the tail passed.

An intense tingling ran through the dragon's back as he suddenly lost control of his body. He collapsed with a wet splat sound further down the corridor, but his form refused to mingle with itself, retaining his shape.

Albedo shuddered, hissing as he tried to move, only managing to weakly raise and lower his forelegs limply. He felt strange and loose. He felt... hollow...

Humming to himself casually, the draconequus was suddenly directly over the dragon's back. Opti reached down and pulled open the seam he had formed in the interloper's dorsal mane, revealing just how empty his body had become.

"What's happening...?" The dragon trembled, confused.

"Oh, you'll never find your way out of the maze the way you're going." Opti chided playfully. "You'd better let me do it." He delved his arms down and into the slit, flexing his mis-matched hands.

Albedo's foreclaws flexed against his will and he realized what had happened. He had somehow become an empty suit, and the draconequus planned to wear him. The dragon squirmed weakly, trying to resist but having no ability. He could feel the humming beast slotting hindlegs into his own, then driving that long tail to replace his missing spinal column...

The draconequus ducked his canine head down into the slit, a loose lump travelling up the black and gold throat. Opti sighed, parting the dragon's jaws to use them instead of his own. He curled Albedo's long tail up over his back like a scorpion and dragged the two tendrils there up along the mane-lined seam, sealing it up like a zipper.

Now, the dragon couldn't even squirm to show his resistance.

Opti flexed the stolen wings as far as the walls would allow, before folding them back to his sides. "Now, let's solve the maze~" He began to strut Albedo's body along, humming smugly to himself.

At the first corner, the dragon felt his flank grind into the corner. Rather than causing discomfort, the compression paired with the sensation of the polished surfaces grinding together sent a wave of euphoria through Albedo's mind. It was enough to momentarily halt his mental screaming.

Smirking with Albedo's lips, the piloting draconequus ground his other side into the flat opposite wall of the next corridor, shifting his hips and making no attempt to hide that it was no idle mistake. Opti stood away with a wiggle of his haunches, and continued to where there was a flight of stairs heading up to another level. He nuzzled the top of his stolen snout into the ceiling's edge where it turned to follow the staircase and ran that corner all the way down the caught interloper's spine.

If he had the control to do so, Albedo would have moaned. The sensory experience was becoming more intense each time he was forced into it. He found himself wishing that the draconequus would let him slump onto the steps and grind his underside up and down...

Opti reached the landing at the top of the staircase with his head and lowered the dragon's wings to the steps on either side, supporting their weight as he lifted both foreclaws. A low chrrrl escaped the stolen throat as the draconequus guided his captive's claws to stroke over his own barrel, dragging slick claws over smooth plating, all of which yielded wonderfully to the touch.

It was at this point that the dragon recognized that the sensations were causing arousal. Albedo would have blushed if he had the blood to do so. He squirmed, trembling as he felt his slit parting, starting to drop a glistening black replica of his real maleness into the air of this maze... and directly onto the steps. He found himself desperately wishing to grind his hips forward, to take advantage of this situation.

Humming casually, the draconequus instead continued to stroke over Albedo's body with his claws, very pointedly holding the hip joint locked perfectly and touching everywhere but that throbbing symbol of his captive's need.

Albedo trembled. Perhaps... Perhaps a shiny body was superior to his native flesh and blood... the experience was so intense he couldn't keep the thought away.

'Oh, I agree. Flesh and blood are so limited.' Opti's voice spoke, directly within the dragon's mind.

The dragon silently shouted in alarm. Not only had the draconequus inhabited his created body, he was somehow invading his mind? His physical head had somehow fit into the hollow suit-Albedo's own... that must have had something to do with it...

Giggling, the playful beast gave him the merest roll of the hips. "I was hoping that you'd put that together sooner."

Mentally, Albedo fought against the surge of pleasure that movement caused, trembling through his form. The dragon started to wall his thoughts off, to block those sensations. He knew he had to if he was to sever the connection again.

"Oh no you don't~" Opti crooned, wrapping Albedo's forelegs around his chest like he was possessively grasping onto him. He raised his head to press his crown to the ceiling and swallowed slowly, like he was savoring it.

Albedo began to panic, as the sensations somehow rippled and pulled around the blocks he was making, tugging his mind in the opposite direction to the connection to his true body. Like... Like a swallow. The walls he'd built up were betraying him, the dragon's mind feeling them closing in on him again, this time with a very audible gulp that rang through his mind. He was going to be consumed if he didn't escape, he knew it. He focused hard on that connection, to get his mind on the correct side of it before it snapped...

The lewdly posed dragon body gasped, trembling, before it abruptly hardened to stone and metal.

Opti phased out of its chest, floating underneath. He was frowning as he looked up and down the erotic statue that filled the stairwell. He snapped his silver hoof-fingers again.


Albedo gasped as if he was surfacing from the sea, slumping in his stance upon the sigil. That had been significantly harder to pull free from than the last time that beast caught him. He slowly caught his breath, shifting his claw against the stone. Then he realized that his cavern was silent. He turned his head towards the center of the chamber.

All of the kobolds that had been frozen, staring at their master in his moment of weakness, scrambled to get back to work, ferrying tarnished treasure from the old hoard pile to polishing cloths and then to the new hoard pile once it was shiny and fresh looking. They appeared to be past the halfway point in their task, judging from how high the new stack was getting. Every coin, every goblet, every precious thing spotless and glistening after having been tended to by careful, tiny claws.

The dragon smiled slightly. Such talented claws his kobolds had. And each and every one of them a precious addition to his belongings. Adorable. Perhaps after he was done hunting, he should polish them up as well, repay their fastidiousness in kind-

Albedo's smile vanished. Where did that thought come from? If anything, the great dragon would have them polish one another. He would certainly be proud of his warren if they shimmered in the light as marvelously as his hoard. Polished until they all were so smooth and glossy and squeaky-


The confused dragon shook his head slightly. He was getting distracted from his hunt. He had to find a way to stalk prey without that blasted draconequus finding him out. Exhaling slowly, he reclaimed his upright posture, focusing on the magical markings he sat upon, closing his eyes...


A white statue of a western dragon stood opposite a similar statue of an eastern dragon, out front of a large official building. The two plinths were graphite-grey and flanked the steps leading up to the postmodern façade.

Slowly, the statue's proportions shifted, the snout lengthening to a wedge shape as the wings grew larger. The spaded tail melted into a tuft, out of which two tendrils extended. In a wave from the tip up his spine, the white surface rose in a flowing wave as his mane asserted itself. Albedo opened his eyes, a smug smirk curling the corner of his lips. The less he altered to make his avatar in this world, the easier he would go unnoticed. The perfect deception.

Albedo felt his form starting to grow softer, becoming more fluid like he had been on his previous ventures. But he hadn't done it. He trembled, but held the statue's pose. Only one thing he knew of could alter his body in this world against his will. "You're right behind me, aren't you." He said flatly, staring ahead.

Opti had his paw and hoof crossed just beneath his mis-matched wings, levitating just above the white dragon's back. "Yep."

Closing his eyes with a deep, beleaguered sigh, the dragon tried to ignore the chimeric creature. 'If I don't turn around, he can't do anything to me. Ignore him...' Albedo thought to himself.

"Well, if you're not turning around," The draconequus sing-songed playfully, "I guess I'll just have to..." Something long and cylindrical plunged into the fluid drake's back. No, not just that, the topology...

Albedo's eyes snapped open, a pink blush forming on his mother-of-pearl surface. He looked back to see his assumption proved correct. Opti was thrusting a sky-blue equine member into his back, the medial ring sinking in.

"You're the right color this time and everything." Opti crooned, before giggling, his tail extending to start to curl around the dragon's own.

"What do you mean by that...?" The drake trailed off as he felt an odd sensation from the oversized erection jutting into his core from where his spine should have been. An inward motion, towards the tip.

Chrrring lustfully, the draconequus wrapped his forelegs over the base of each of Albedo's wings, plunging himself in until his hips properly sank into the flowing dorsal mane. A low swallowing sound came from that spot, paired with a felt undulation along the underside of the buried horse shaft, rippling from the flare at the tip to the base... and a surge of weight from the associated sac resting on the dragon's back after each.

Albedo gasped as he realized just what was happening. Opti was somehow drinking him, with his maleness! The dragon scrambled and tried to toss the significantly smaller creature off his back, but only succeeded in losing his balance and tumbling off the plinth onto the stairs. The dragon tried to right himself, only to let out a groan as he felt his own arousal grind along the ridges of the steps... was this really getting him going as well?

Opti rolled his hips, shifting them enough to be considered a thrust, each repetition pulling his filling sac away before letting it collide with the fluid drake with a wet splut over and over.

It was at this point that the dragon realized that the plinths on either side of him were getting higher, the steps getting larger... No, it was the opposite. He was dwindling in size. His volume was being drained away into the draconequus' loins. Though they seemed heavier, the sac that seemed to be his destination was only seeming to grow at the same rate as the rest of the naughty predator. Which is to say, only in comparison to Albedo's diminishment.

By virtue of the inverse cube law, his apparent shrinking grew faster the smaller he was. Each gallon of fluid dragon made up a greater percentage of his remaining whole, so even though the flow never changed its speed, the visual effect to the outsider became more intense with every passing gulp.

Soon, Opti was able to wrap his forelegs around the dragon's chest, nibbling at his ear. "Silly dragon~" He purred lustfully. "Doesn't matter which shine you use to visit." He thrust a bit more intensely, the flare of his shaft momentarily distorting Albedo's chest. "I AM the shine. You've been begging to be mine, honestly~"

All Albedo could do was blush as he found himself getting smaller than the draconequus, and being forced to be pulled off of the sky-blue shaft buried in him. It could no longer fit inside him all at once by this point. The white dragon squirmed, his own shaft twitching in the air as he was held aloft by the floating chimera.

The draconequus rutted his hips upward particularly hard again. A ripple travelled through the dragon and his body lost shape entirely, splatting outward into a white splash. Opti's shaft flexed, and the splash reversed its direction, siphoning into the tip of the equine flare. The bulge of the fluid travelled down its length, before vanishing entirely, the mismatched beast's sac jolting as if something heavy had landed inside.

Opti groaned indulgently, running his hoofish fingers along the spine of his shaft at its base.

Suddenly, the wedge-shaped snout of Albedo bulged out the sac, impossibly at its full scale.

The draconequus clenched down with a moan, returning the hefty loins to their proper shape with a residual wobble on his sac. However, his loins seemed markedly larger than they had appeared before the futile escape attempt. When similarly scaled claws pressed forth on either side of the sky-blue surface, he shoved his thighs together, smooshing down on his sac with an indulgent lick of his lips.

Albedo trembled. The clench had felt pleasant, overriding his attempt at forming his body into a solid again, but that possessive squish of thighs... He moaned wetly, struggling against them, trying to form up any part of his body. He hardly got a hindclaw shaped before the walls clenched in on him again, returning him entirely to liquid with a muffled 'splat'. The dragon squirmed and pushed... but his mind had lost track of why. No thoughts of escape, just of eliciting another clench, another squish, to feel himself get denied his form was.... Euphoric.

Opti gasped, his shaft jolting under his fingers as he felt something give in Albedo's mind. That was enough for him to reach climax, starting to shoot rope after rope of thick, viscous white shine out onto the road in front of the steps. "Miiiiine~" He purred aloud as he flowed, unleashing his climax in long, high pressure gushes. His hoof continued to stroke as he held himself at his bliss, unloading nearly all he had claimed.

The puddle shifted, trembling a bit as the last few splashes of draconequus seed struck. Albedo slowly tried to put back together his pleasure-shattered thoughts, a claw grasping up into the air before splashing down as he lost control again. It wasn't just that he was having a hard time thinking, he suddenly felt so very cold. The rippling surface shuddered.

"Awww...." The draconequus drifted down the steps towards the broad pool he'd created. "Poor dragon's gonna get all cold..." Opti grinned, stroking the sides of his shaft with his paw and his hoof. "I'd better slurp you back in to keep you warm~" He floated down, flared tip approaching the trembling white surface.

Albedo snapped to attention. His eyes glowed in the mess for a moment, then the puddle turned into an enamel of formerly molten statue on the road, solid.


The dragon slumped all the way into a curled heap, panting heavily. That had been far too close. Albedo slowly opened his eyes. Once again, the kobolds were not working, but this time they were each standing at attention. Slowly, he turned his eyes towards where his hoard had been. Nothing there. Nothing at the polishing stations... the tapestries had been removed already.

A few of the kobolds looked between themselves, uncertain what to do with their master appearing so weak. Two ended up pushing the one between them forward, towards the dragon's muzzle.

That kobold yapped in surprise, then stood upright at attention. "Hoard rotation f-finished, Master! All treasure cleaned and untarnished."

Albedo slowly pressed himself upright, regaining his strength. He didn't speak, barely regarding the report.

The kobold swallowed nervously. "Isn't it... uh... nice and shiny?"

A chill ran down the dragon's neck from the root of his skull. His eyes darted straight towards the new location of his hoard. In the low light of the cavern it shone, nearly glowing.

'I AM the shine.' Opti had said on their last encounter.

Albedo trembled. Could that creature have tracked him back to his world...? Was he able to appear where anything was glossy enough? And worst of all... the dragon wasn't sure if he was afraid of this being true... or if he wished it were.

Underneath the dragon's gaze, the treasure of the hoard shifted on its own.

At the sound, the kobolds twisted to look, each certain a kobold caught in their Master's hoard would be devoured.

Instead, a mass of coins rose in the shape of a paw. Then another with pointed digits, blunt like hooves. Then, between them, a long tubular structure pressed upward, comprised of treasure. The canine snout emerged next, before the whole form sat up, wings unfurling. Rising into the air, the mis-matched legs and long, serpentine tail drew themselves into view. Then, suddenly every glistening coin and precious thing fell back into the hoard, revealing Opti to the cavern. He smiled broadly, forelegs spread wide. "Ah... there we go."

Albedo's jaw went slack in astonishment. However, rather than his fleshy pale pink inner maw that the unfortunate kobold earlier in the evening had experienced, it was the color of his scales, appearing polished.

"Oooooh~" The draconequus spotted this, grinning. "I'm glad those changes took."

Confused, the dragon followed Opti's gaze and stuck out his forked tongue. As he saw that it was a pale, yellowish green like the scales on his wedge-shaped snout, those scales suddenly flattened, the edges between them smoothing away. A wave rode across Albedo's body, revealing that his body was no longer flesh and blood, despite his belief that he had been totally isolated from the events in the other world.

"So?" Opti drifted idly to one side, the tip of his tail giving one or two kobolds a stroke as he floated along. "Are you going to lay on your nice new bed that your kobolds worked so ardently to fix for you?"

In shock, Albedo stared for a moment, before he stood and walked from the sigil etched into the cave floor to the mass of his treasure that the draconequus had somehow emerged from. He turned, then toppled backwards over it. The dragon groaned, overwhelmed with a sense of relief as he let his forelegs sprawl away from his barrel. This had to be the most comfortable his hoard had ever been.

The draconequus was floating over him again. He wiggled his mis-matched digits eagerly, before he pressed down, as if to give Albedo a belly rub. But his hoof and paw phased right into the dragon's stomach, forelegs moving as though digging around inside.

At this sensation, Albedo writhed in place, eyes wide. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation, by any means, but it was a very new one, to be sure.

Opti pulled himself up into the air, dragging the dazed form of the black Labrador free of the dragon's stomach. "There we go. My puppy." The draconequus kissed the dog on the forehead, then gaped his jaws, revealing the striped shine framed by seemingly impossibly large teeth. In a smooth movement, he lunged them over the innocently wagging canine's head and shoulders, banded tongue wrapping around his waist. A simple chomp allowed him to toss his head back, then he swallowed. The glossy anthro was slurped right out of sight, leaving not a single bulge in the long body.

The dragon and assorted kobolds stared in awe, uncertain what to make of that display.

The chimera sighed happily. "All mine." He floated back down and thrust his hoof and paw back into Albedo. He dug around calmly, humming to himself. Shortly after, he pulled free a kobold, now as glossy as either the dragon or the reclaimed dog. Opti kissed the small draconid on the forehead, before setting him down and giving him a light shoo with his hoof off towards the rest of the warren.

The kobold ran to the rest, squeaking the whole way as his freshly polished body rubbed against itself.

Opti was nowhere near done, however. He started pulling kobold after kobold free of Albedo's body, giving each a light kiss and sending them on their way. Occasionally, the shape of a dog's snout or paw would press out of his tubular midsection, distracting him momentarily, but each was pressed back out of sight before the draconequus returned to extracting kobolds.

With each former example pulled out of him, the dragon's features softened and his color saturated. His snout rounded and shrank, removing the severe wedge-shape of his head. His sharp claws grew shorter. His horns shrank into cute nubs. Albedo lost every sign of his menace as he was turned soft and cuddly.

The draconequus patted over the paradoxically rounder belly of the now bright-green dragon with his silvery hoof. "You can keep the meals you took from other worlds for now, Albedo."

Albedo let out a soft whine, reaching his stubbier foreclaws up towards Opti and making grabby motions. Despite how nice all the new sensations were, he still felt confused and oddly needy. He had no idea what that need was directed toward. All he knew was that the draconequus could somehow fix it.

Opti tilted his head, pink paw pressed under his chin as he pondered. Then he smiled. "I know what you need."

The rounded, glossy dragon perked up. "What?"

The draconequus reached behind his back with his silver claw and pulled a band into view, a multicolored strip of glossy material that seemed to be constantly shifting. Opti floated down and wrapped it around the base of Albedo's now significantly shorter neck, sealing it in place against itself. "There we go, a collar to show you're Mine."

Every ounce of confusion and distress within the dragon's mind melted away. A blush appeared on his cheeks as he started to sway his chubbier tail.

Crooning, Opti stroked his paw along Albedo's cheek. "That's a good, good dragon." He kissed the tip of his now rounded snout. "My greedy boy."

Albedo churred softly, closing his eyes as he was praised. He pressed into his Master's touch, enjoying the strokes.

Opti continued to pet and rub along his new dragon's jawline, looking out towards the kobolds.

The freed glossy kobolds had wasted little time cuddling and kissing their way to transforming all of the others. Now all of them were a squeaky pile of giggles, cuddling together and smiling up at the draconequus.

A smug smile crossed the chimera's muzzle. Not just a dragon claimed, but all of his kobolds. Not bad for a rescue mission for a single pup. A proper foothold into a new world, as well.... Soon the shine would spread, and all of this would be his as well~

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