Welcome to Mogtun's Party

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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Kent FA: WomblesFan Badger was the first to notice my stealth announcement that my commissions had reopened and slid right on in to get in on that.

This time it's a story revolving around his big pouched moogle character Mogtun.

Craig is wandering around the woods, as he is wont to do, on a nice autumn day. He stumbles across a clearing filled with round, fat moogles having a party. And the emcee is a fat mog who stands twice as tall as any of them...

Contains: Casual Nudity, Numerous Nigh-Indistinguishable Moogles, Size Difference, Pouch Magic, Belly Markings, Food Stuffing, References to Vore Jargon, Magical Belly Bump, Slow Burn TF, Eating Pastries and Sweets, Tummy Rubs, Weight Gain coinciding with TF, Oral Vore, Savoring Willing Prey, Soft Digestion and Awakening in a Predscape.

Craig will return for a followup exploring Mogtun's Predscape.

I'm open for Commissions! Read my TOS, PM me and we'll talk! If you can't afford a commission and want to support me, I have a Patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a Ko-Fi!

Craig strode along in his scarf with his satchel resting upon his hip. The badger, like most of his kind, had a healthy layer of insulative bulk beneath his smooth coat, enough to perhaps be considered pudgy. He had a hard time thinking of himself as fat, however. He kept getting into situations where he would run across people far more ventripotent than himself, and he would continue to do so. But we're getting ahead of ourselves.

The badger sighed, eyes dancing along the changing leaves of the canopy and the crisp, fallen leaves amidst the mossy ground of the forest. He heard something amongst the trees, the boughs swaying in the breeze forming a white noise easily. But there was shape to this. He continued to walk, listening, before he realized what it was. Voices. Apparently, his wandering had brought him closer to their source, for as soon as he began to recognize words, a scent was carried on the air. The rich scent of freshly baked pastries and cakes, sugary creams and some unknown nutty odor teased at his nose.

Curious, Craig followed the scents and the voices, his path leaving behind whatever trail he had been heading along. His senses brought him to a large set of bushes ahead of a forest clearing. With both hands he pressed the foliage apart, peeking into the open space ahead.

Set up within the clearing were a set of wooden tables, each laid out with white-frosted cakes and sweets, creampuffs mounded high rather than used to decorate a centerpiece. There were bright red macarons and little blue cookies that Craig couldn't make out the shape of, just that they weren't regular or round.

The party-goers, however, were both round and quite similar to one another. It took the badger a moment to remember the name. Moogle. These were moogles, a fae creature who often stuck to their own in 'wild' places. Their creamy white fur covered their entire bare bodies, apart from their small wings and the curious red pom that dangled at the end of a single stalk raising from their heads. Each and every one looked as though they ate these sweets every day, round and soft looking, all around the badger's height, if he were to guess.

All except one, standing on the far side of the clearing, who appeared to be twice as tall as any of the others. As a result his rotund pear-shaped figure outclassed each roly mog in sight. He was facing away, his wings idly buzzing as he attended to something Craig couldn't see.

The badger figured that he should leave the moogles alone. It was awful rude to crash someone else's party uninvited, especially an outsider like himself. It didn't matter how mouth watering the scent of all those pastries was. He sighed and gently let the bushes close, stepping back and turning around.

Two of the moogles were standing there, smiling. "Kupo, don't go just yet!" The one on the left said in a lilting voice.

The moogle on the right pressed his little paws together in front of his chest, which meant that his forearms were resting atop and pressing lightly down into his round belly. "We wanted to know, are you a real badger, kupo?"

Craig blinked, dumbfounded for a moment. He adjusted the strap of his side-bag awkwardly, before standing up a bit straighter. "Yes, I'm a badger."

"Kupopipo!" The first of the pair exclaimed, excitedly. "We've never seen a real badger before!"

"I..." The badger blushed a bit, faintly visible in the white lines on his face. "I've never actually talked to a moogle myself, before either. I'm Craig."

"Oooh, then you must meet the others-po!" The right moogle bounced a bit, his pom swaying in time with his tum.

"That is, if you want to, kupo." The left held a paw out towards his companion, as if to get him to calm down. "Would you like to join us Craig-po?"

"Well, I was just curious about hearing the chatter and smelling the food," Craig explained. "I didn't mean to be a bother..."

"Most critters wouldn't notice either, kupo!" The right mog exclaimed, smiling broadly. "Why not join in, since you found us?"

Thinking on this for a moment, the badger wondered if he was allowed to perceive the party. The moogles were fae things, with magics that he couldn't really understand. His stomach growled, answering for him. Blushing, Craig nodded. "You know what, it sounds fun."

Each of the moogles took one of his hands, starting to merrily guide him around the bush and into the clearing. "Look what we found, kupo!" The left moogle called out.

The right moogle squeezed on Craig's hand giddily. "A real life badger! And he wants to play, kupo!"

Craig was only halfway to the tables when he found himself surrounded in the nigh-identical moogles, each one looking over him with expressions of awe and wonderment. The badger blushed a bit deeper as looking was no longer enough, they were getting close enough that their soft round bellies bumped into him as they eagerly kupo'd and asked so many questions they overlapped.

It was at this point, the largest moogle approached. "Alright, let the badger breathe," he told the smaller mogs. Closer up, Craig could see that unlike the others, the largest had a pair of markings on the top half of his belly, resembling the narrow eyes of his kind, with an oblong black spot in his fur between and below them, mirroring his nose. Most distinct to the newcomer, however, was how the 'face' was completed by a big smile in the form of a pouch.

As the smaller moogles reluctantly scattered away from the object of their curiosity, the largest held out a paw. "I'm Mogtun. I organize these parties; help keep them going. I'm sort of a combination emcee and venue for the second level of things." Before Craig could ask what that meant, Mogtun was on talking about something else. "We like to get together and share our talents with one another. Though most of the time it just seems to be how quickly we can scarf down cakes." He winked playfully.

Craig lost his train of thought when he saw something shift on the lower half of the largest moogle's belly. Faintly, there was a form within the pouch!

Mogtun saw the badger's eyeline. "Oh! Case in point, this little mog heard that staying in my pouch for a while can get the appetite going of even the most stuffed moogle." He fished around in his pouch with one paw, before pulling out a moogle that looked nearly identical to all of the others, except his belly had similar markings to the bigger mog's own.

Each of the gathered moogles cheered at this, clapping as the other mog was set down. They eagerly swarmed him as soon as he was set down, guiding him to the tables. From the chatter, Craig was able to make out that the pouched mog didn't used to have those markings.

Mogtun gently patted Craig on the back as he turned to watch. "They want to see if he really built up a hunger just by being in my pouch."

Craig blushed softly at the touch from the much larger male, finding it more than just angles keeping his eyes drifting to the, to him, eye level belly. He thought about it, and what the large moogle had said. He tore his eyes from the gut to look up at Mogtun's face. "What did you mean about the 'second level'?"

The large moogle chuckled. "Oh, I have quite the appetite myself, but it's for them." He gestured at the crowd of mogs now cheering on their fellow as he single-handedly demolished a tiered cake. "Those I gulp up end up here." He patted his soft gut affectionately. "But they're not just mindless pudge. I do indeed have a venue within, where they may party as much as they like before I reform them."

"You mean, like a 'predscape'?" The badger tilted his head. He had heard of the concept in his travels, but not yet met a predator who had one. He had spent quite some time wobbling on hungrier critters' bellies, but always as fat and a mere marking in their fur, lost in a dreamy haze until he was returned to corporeality.

"Ah, is that what badgers call it?" Mogtun smiled.

Craig chuckled. "Oh, no... I've never been in one myself... it's just a term I've heard people use to describe it."

"Well, I could take you to the second level if you'd like~" The large moogle smiled warmly, as if offering to eat someone was as simple as offering them a coat, or to make them a variety of tea they'd never tried before.

Although he was blushing deeply, the badger cleared his throat. "T-that would be lovely..."

Mogtun smiled even more broadly. "One thing you need to do first, then." Before Craig could ask what that was, the broad belly of the moogle began to glow, magic gathering beneath the surface.

The display caught some of the smaller moogles' attention, turning away from the tables laden with sweets. "Mogtun's gonna do the Mog Tum Bump, every-po!" One pointed excitedly.

"Brace yourself." The large moogle chuckled. "Don't want to bowl you over..." He turned to face the badger, positioning himself so that his glowing gut was aligned with the badger's center line.

Craig was blushing harder than ever, especially since now every mog was looking his way as he stared down the barrel of an incoming gut slam. He bent his knees and leaned a little forward, hoping that would be enough.

It was. Mogtun bent his knees low and gave Craig a gentle bump across his whole frontside with his belly. On contact, a wash of magic flowed from the glowing fur into and through the badger. The large moogle stood upright again, chuckling. "Go have some fun, then when you're ready I'll take you to the second level." He turned and began to walk away.

The badger found himself surrounded in the smaller moogles again, looking after Mogtun. "What... what just happened?"

"Oh! The Mog Tum Bump can turn you into a moogle, kupo!" The mog who had been in the larger moogle's pouch, identified by the smeared buttercream on his cheeks and the fading markings on his extra-swollen belly, explained. "The harder he does it the more effective it is."

Mogtun chuckled, looking back over one of his wings. "Told you what whets my appetite, Craig..."

The badger blushed deeply, wondering if transformation counted as a seasoning. But still, it was a new experience. His previous transformations had been from badger into someone's fat, usually. "So, uh, how long does it take?"

"The more fun you have, kupo," One of the two who had brought Craig into the clearing explained. "The faster you get your wings."

"And your pom-po!" The other mog from before agreed, giddy and bouncing on his toes.

"Well, I was curious about the nutty scent coming off all those pastries..." Craig smiled, looking over. His stomach audibly called out to be filled again.

A new moogle gasped and grasped the badger's wrist. "You've never tried Kupo nuts, kupo!" The others started to usher Craig along as he was tugged forward by the arm. "Just the perfect moogle delicacy, kupopipo! And it's in all of our cooking!"

Craig blushed as he was led along, doing his best to keep up as he looked along the spread on the gathered tables.

The moogle released his wrist and dashed with a wing-buzz to one end of the table, rapidly describing, in such detail and jargon that Craig was having trouble picking out when 'kupo' was used as the name of the nut or the mog's speech quirk.

Losing track very quickly, the badger just reached out and grasped a slice of cake from the platter closest to him. The sponge looked quite airy, and the frosting was similarly fluffy, with visible chopped bits of nut in it. Craig licked his lips, before opening his mouth and taking a bite. The sweetness hit first, before the creamy frosting and soft sponge registered as texture. Starting to chew, he felt the bits of nut against his tongue and their brand of flavor added to the profile, rounding it out. It was unlike any nut he'd ever tried, but not unpleasant. He felt a slight tingle in his muzzle as he took another bite, the pointed mark he'd left in his slice supplanted with a rounder one each time he went in for more.

By the time Craig finished the slice licking his fingers clean of frosting, his snout had shortened significantly, more like the flatter, rounded muzzles of the moogles surrounding him. The badger licked over his lips, before crossing his eyes. He realized his nose was far closer to them than it had been his whole life. "Oh, wow..."

Turning down the line of food, the badger grasped a handful of cream puffs. Craig happily popped them into his mouth one at a time, biting down and enjoying the creamy nut flavor inside. The pastry cream filling was infused with ground kupo nut, it seemed, bringing the flavor with an entirely different texture.

He busied himself with the repetition of pastry shell popping to release cream onto his tastebuds over and over, until he realized he was already starting to feel full. He looked down and blushed. His normally quite flat, if soft belly was jutting forth from his hips by quite a bit, far more than a slice of cake and some cream puffs would justify.

One of the other moogles noticed Craig's reaction. "Want me t'rub your tum, kupo?"

Craig looked up, blushing still. "Oh... uh... yes please."

The mog happily planted his paws onto the still mostly-a-badger's belly, starting to knead. "You just go on enjoying yourself, kupo." He instructed, pressing a little more firmly. As he worked, the taut dome softened, and the full feeling in Craig's belly faded.

Hesitant at first, the changing badger realized not only was he no longer full, he wanted more. Within easy reach was a tray of dark blue frosted cookies. It was after a moment of examining that Craig realized that they were each a little bat wing. He smiled at the design and picked a couple up, starting to happily munch on them. These had bits of kupo nut baked into the cookie itself, adding to the texture.

The moogle continued to rub and knead his belly as their guest continued to eat, appraising the gradual rounding of his cheeks as the sweets padded him out unnaturally fast. He felt a slight lump under his fingers and pressed inward a bit harder, causing a low 'glrsh' to resound from Craig's belly, followed by a high pitched 'fwip' behind him.

Craig gasped, perking up as a new sensation washed through his back... no, was on his back. Not even on it, sticking out of it. He turned his head, his cheek squishing into his shoulder as he tried to get a good look. Jutting from just beneath each shoulder blade was a little dark-blue wing, batlike. No, moogle-like. "Ooohhh..." At a thought, they flexed and beat back and forth enough to cause a low buzz for a moment.

The rubbing mog continued to knead, smiling broadly. "You're coming out so well, kupo!"

The former badger blushed. "Kupo..." He muttered without thinking, finishing up the cookie in his hand with gusto.

When he turned his attention back to the food, a tray of macarons had been swapped for the cookies, each as bright red as one of the moogle's poms. Getting a sense for the pattern, Craig picked one up, rotating it in his chubbier fingers. The filling between the two halves of the cookie appeared to be a nut butter, three guesses which nut.

The first two don't count.

Craig closed his eyes as he placed the first macaron into his mouth, closing his rounded snout and biting down. The crisp shell of the cookie halves broke and let the kupo nut butter coat his tongue. He groaned appreciatively, his taste for the nut having grown with each re-exposure... or perhaps just with his progress in becoming a moogle. He swallowed and grasped for another, happily savoring each one as a tingle came from the crown of his head.

When finally, his curiosity outweighed his enjoyment of the filled cookies, the changed badger opened his eyes again. There, dangling at the top of his vision was a bright red pom. Reaching up, he felt the stalk supporting it coming from the top of his head. Craig swallowed and licked his lips. "Wow..."

The moogle that was rubbing the badgermog's tum stood up straight, letting his hands rest at waist level as he bumped his belly to Craig's own, revealing that it was nearly as large as any of the moogle's own now. "Looks like you're about ready to join the real party, kupo."

Craig had forgotten what that meant for a moment, having been so engrossed in the sweets and his gradual changes. Then he spotted Mogtun looking their way and blushed. "Kupo..." As he watched, the larger mog turned his attention back to one of the smaller moogles near him.

"You even sound like us, Kupo!" The mog slid one paw around to the small of Craig's back to guide him around the table towards the largest of the moogles.

As they approached, Mogtun lifted another mog into the air by the scruff of his neck, licking his lips. He parted his jaws and gently eased the giggling moogle into them, releasing his grip with a rub near the base of the stalk.

The smaller moogle quivered and blushed at the rubbing, before tucking himself in a little by scrunching down.

Mogtun closed his lips around the stalk and tilted his head back. He swallowed, his throat bulging out as the pom slurped in between his lips. As the bulge vanished behind his chest, his whole round belly visibly bounced downward from the internal impact.

Craig swallowed his nerves, his cheeks flared up in a deep blush. The badgermog couldn't deny that this was about to happen, especially after seeing a moogle get gulped right in front of him.

The biggest moogle turned his head down towards the one and a half mogs approaching him. "So, he's ready for the second level?"

At that moment, the devoured moogle decided to press out, a muffled 'kupo' coming from the guts amongst the bass gurgles.

This distracted the badgermog significantly, staring at the shape pushing out amongst the hefty wobble at his eye level. After a few more seconds of this Craig realized that a question had been asked. "S-sorry, yes. Yes I am." He tore his eyes away from the face-marked belly to meet the mirrored smile above.

Mogtun was quite obviously amused by Craig's behavior, chuckling as he reached down to rub the back of the former badger's head. "Well then, let's get those things off you so they won't get ruined..." The large moogle eased the hybrid's scarf off.

The mog who had lead Craig over carefully eased the satchel off his shoulder as well. "We'll take care of these, kupo."

Craig blushed and nodded. "Thank you-po..."

The largest moogle scooped one paw under the badgermog's hips and supported his shoulder just above his wing-bases as he hefted him up. "Now, let's see what moogle tastes like infused with badger~" He opened his jaws wide and eased Craig towards them.

Having seen just how fast the previous mog had gone in, the hybrid was partially expecting a similar haste to his consumption. However, he was eased in a bit slower, the big mog's tongue curling and rubbing over his fur.

Mogtun took his time, savoring Craig. He pulled his paw away from the smaller creature's rear to let his hips slip past his parted lips, before the big moogle started to lick over the hybrid's belly.

Craig groaned, blushing deeply as he felt the fat tongue grind and knead deeper into his newly rounded gut, soaking his still badger-patterned fur with plentiful drool. The badgermog fidgeted as he felt a pressure on the base of his neck from the paw still on him pressing him in a bit further. He glanced back over his shoulder to see all the assembled moogles watching with interest.

The biggest moogle of them all finally eased his newest snack's head past his jaws, slowly closing his lips around the protruding stalk. Careful not to let his teeth touch it, Mogtun tilted his head back slowly, placing one finger on his throat. Showmanship is an art, after all.

This new sensation set the badgermog trembling. The pom-stalk was so much more sensitive than he was expecting it to be, and that tongue was continuing to grind and squish his belly. But then the fat organ scooped under his hips, and he could feel the opening beyond opening up at his feet. Craig let out a gasp as he suddenly lurched downward, that same maw muscle cupping the back of his head to help push him down into the gullet.

Mogtun traced the latest bulge with his finger as it travelled down his throat as the new hybrid's pom popped in past his lips. The biggest mog gulped a second time, sending Craig down and in to join his previous snack. He let out a happy sigh as his gut bounced with impact, steadying it with his other paw.

Craig groaned weakly as he dropped from the tight muscular embrace of the throat to land in the gut, feeling the floor sag under his weight for a moment. The space was illuminated by the other mog's pom, which was glowing in the darkness.

"Oh, kupo." The moogle smiled shyly. "Guess we're headed to the other party together, kupo."

"I'm Craig," The badgermog held up a paw, blushing still.

Before the other occupant of the belly could reply, the owner of the stomach spoke up. "Now you two relax. My gut can't hold back for long."

The mog perked at that and giggled. "Okay, see you inside, Craig-po."

Craig blushed. "See you in there, kupo." As soon as he had spoken, the stomach walls began to shift and move, eagerly wrapping around each of the treats within the large mog's belly.

Mogtun's gut was strong, but worked gently, kneading tingling juices into the one and a half mogs in his belly. Craig groaned weakly, blushing as he felt his energy just evaporating away, his limbs feeling too heavy to move even when he wasn't squeezed between two sets of rugae. It was warm, the massage and tingle were pleasant... it was just so easy to fall asleep...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Craig slowly swam back to consciousness, yawning. He opened his eyes and found himself laying on a big soft bed, in a room that appeared to be inside a cottage of some kind. He sat up and perked, touching his belly. It was just the same size it had been before he found the clearing. He glanced back over his shoulder to check. No wings. He brought his paw up to his snout. Pointed. And he ran his other hand over the top of his head. No stalk either.

The mog who had been in the belly with the badger stretched, sitting up on the other side of the bed. "Oh, guess your mind knows you're a badger, kupo."

The badger perked. His mind? Of course. This was Mogtun's predscape, why wouldn't his own self-image be what he was here? He looked around and felt the soft quilt covering the bed with both paws. "Wow... this is the first predscape I've been in, you know."

"Predscape?" The mog tilted his head. "This is Mogtun's tum cabin, kupo. C'mon, I'll show you where the real party is." He grasped Craig's hand and started to pull him off the bed.

Craig blushed, but held on, following. "Lead the way, kupo."

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