Not to Decide is Still a Choice

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#130 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Eighth vignette for FA: Amuzi?i , once again delving into magical nullification with a bit more of a Halloweeny theme. I was tempted to post this on the 30th but that would have A) made me late finishing my patreon work for October and B) posted this less than two weeks after it went up on Patreon so...

Strawberry is an Enby witch who has learned a spell to alter their sexual organs. But they just can't decide what to alter them to, just that they want to alter them. Magic knows what they don't.

Contains: Sexy Witch, Exposed Out in the Woods, Spellbook PDFs, Magic Orbs, Reference to Gaelic without having any Gaelic text, Ponderings of (Hyper Growth, Micropenis, Genital Transformation, Altersex Anatomy and TGTF), Magic at Sundown, Realization, Self-Exploration and Some Restraint Shown.

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on on the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Strawberry knelt down onto the heavy blanket they'd laid out on the mass of leaves and earth beneath the oak. The vulpine looked out towards the sunset, obscured mostly by the nearby deciduous canopy of the rest of the forest behind the house they shared with several housemates.

The fox themself was dressed in a short skirt that hardly made it to where their striped thigh highs compressed on their curves, the stockings thick enough to keep warm for the time being on this October evening. They wore a looser blouse that kept slinking off one of their slender shoulders, however this was intentional. That sort of thing is cute, after all. To keep their arms warm were a pair of matching arm-stockings where the hems squeezed in on their upper arms to keep from wrinkling and sagging down to the hook of their thumb.

Taking their phone out of their bag, Strawberry tapped the screen and unlocked the device. A PDF filled with Gaelic print lit up the shadows of the oak tree. The fox read over the words carefully, to make sure they knew them precisely. One can't just go around memorizing pages-long incantations on a whim.

They set their phone aside on the blanket next to their right knee and daintily took their manicured claws and pinched them on the hem of their short skirt. Pulling up, they revealed the rather average vulpine sheath and fluffy scrotum between their thighs. Strawberry leaned back a bit to keep the fabric from flopping back down over their genitals while digging their paw back into their bag.

Strawberry retrieved a clear crystal orb about the right size to cup between their palms while resting their fingertips together. This is what they did, closing their eyes and holding the sphere outward. Syllable by syllable the incantation had begun to escape out of their lips, their mind focusing their will into the glass focus. With certain ease, the fox began to move the ball in a circle through careful bending of both elbows, more than moving their shoulders.

As their casting began to fall into the rhythm of ritual, the vulpine's higher thoughts drifted. They had thought they had a very strong idea of what to focus this spell onto when they had prepped for the casting, but now they found themself indecisive.

The incantation itself was one specifically tailored to the modification of the sex organs. Strawberry knew a bat who had started using it to perform gender affirmation transformations for clients, in between municipal jobs. The fox had initially intended to just alter the size of their loins.

A blush came to their cheeks, but they kept speaking. The image of themself with a truly formidable arm-filling girth of shaft and basketballs tautly tucked between their thighs had asserted itself in their mind. But while that had its hedonistic appeals, it was impractical, and didn't feel like it would keep its charm well after playtime was done.

On practicality, Strawberry's mind pondered merely shrinking the set, allowing for wearing tighter clothes with less discomfort. It wasn't as if they had much of a sex life at the moment, anyway. But this too didn't spark the desire that would justify a casting.

Of course, the spell is far more versatile than merely changing the scale of the organs in question. They imagined carrying around something more befitting a stallion, or the twin hemipenes of a reptile. Although they had novelty, these too didn't seem to fit.

Strawberry turned their mind towards the bat again. Why not alter sex characteristics more specifically? The vulpine imagined a slit forming along the ridge that ran from their scrotum to their anus, unfurling into a beautiful vulva, connected to a true womb within their abdomen. Both types of sex organs coexisting.

While they knew this was possible, dualsex didn't seem all that appealing to the fox. Strawberry mentally erased the sheath and scrotum from the equation. Perhaps merely swapping them for the folds and deep inner passage without getting so complex. It would solve the tight clothes issue they thought of before, but it didn't quite sit right in their mind, either.

The vulpine was nearing the end of the spell. The light was fading from the sky as the sun sank beneath the horizon of the swiftly tilting sphere. They still hadn't made a decision, however.

Strawberry drew the glass orb towards themself and trembled as the familiar rush of magic surged through their groin, starting at the surface and sinking through into their core, along everything connected directly to their reproductive organs.

The fox opened their eyes, panting as the tingling warmth subsided, looking out at the rising moon. Shakily, Strawberry returned the glass orb to their bag and looked down. Despite their best efforts their skirt had flopped back down over their groin. Manicured claws once again pinched and folded back the fabric to reveal...


Strawberry's eyes widened, staring at the perfectly smooth pelvic space between their thighs. Not even the hint of a mound of labia. Just their snowy ventral fur. With a finger, they reached down to see if their fur was just obscuring whatever was going on, prodding where they thought an entrance might lie.

Instead, a very sensitive squish beneath their finger-pad met them, just silky fur. It was almost like poking at their upper pelvic area, but between their legs. Strawberry's mind gradually wrapped around the situation.

They had rejected every option that they could think of. But instead of the spell failing, it gave them none of the options. An option that they hadn't even considered.

Strawberry reached down and cupped between their thighs with their right hand. A blush formed on their cheeks. "Wow..." They couldn't believe just how good that felt. Both feeling nothing, but also feeling their paw holding onto that nothing. The fox began to rub their palm and fingertips in, bearing down a bit with the palm-heel.

The vulpine brought their thighs together around their hand with a soft whimper, wrinkling up their blanket between their knees.

A gust of wind brought a chill over the scantily clad witch. They looked up at the angle of the moon. They put their phone back in their bag and stood up, taking it and their blanket in hand before starting towards home, trembling at the cool air whipping along their bare groin under their skirt, sending their tail a-fluff.

Anyway, it was probably better to explore their new loins, or lack thereof, in the comfort of their own home instead of out in the woods, at night.

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