Nightmare Playtime

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#128 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Adama is having a weird time... dreaming... but is he really waking up?

Contains: Nudity, Spooky House, Muscular Males, Null Groin Shortstack, Demonic Characters, Forceful Prey, Anal Vore, Face Bulges, Prey Takeover, Transformation, Masturbation, Cock Transformation, Hyper Erection, Tail-wrapping, Pec Vore, Wing-wrap, Dream Logic Perspective, Muscle Growth, Macro Vore, Hyper Tongue, Oral Vore, Throat Teasing, Excessive Cum, Condom Filling, Aftercare and Playful Teasing.

Adama and Cas are long overdue for showing up again in my writing. Last time they showed up was Gulp By Proxy.

This was written for my Patreon! Again, people who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on in the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished Patreon writing is available to read for Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Adama looked around. The lion was unfamiliar with just where he had ended up. It was hard for him to remember how he got there either. He had been talking with Cas and then everything was hazy. He appeared to be in a long hallway ornately decorated but in a tarnished, worn state. Cobwebs and peeling wallpaper told a story of an abandoned building. The gaslights were lit, but their flickering yellow light only added to the air of unease.

The next thing he realized, while he was looking down towards the threadbare carpet, was his pronounced pectorals, bare apart from some wafts of his scarlet mane draped onto them. Bending over to look over his shelf of a chest, the lion gasped. He wasn't just shirtless, he was entirely naked, every inch of his powder-pink coat exposed to the hallway. He flicked his tail around his hip to use the red tuft to inadequately cover his loins, a blush glowing through the similar shade of fuzz on his cheeks.

"H-Hello?" He called out, uncertainly.

"Hey Pink Starburst!" A high pitched, gravelly voice called from behind the large feline.

Twisting around, Adama found himself looking at a three-foot-tall bat, equally as bare as himself. The interloper's proportions were exaggerated: quite short legs compared to its torso and hips as wide as their height from the ground. Between those thunder thighs, however, there was nothing but fur. Black fur that glinted red in the flicker of the gaslights, the same that covered the rest of the chiropteran's body. That along with the pair of very un-bat-like horns and the whip-like tail tipped with a spade tipped off the lion to what might be going on.

"Who are you?" The lion took a step back, realizing the short black bat's eyes were glowing, and that its sclerae were black as its coat.

The bat-imp smirked and winked. "I'm a suppository, here to make you the most you can be!"

Of all responses, the lion was not prepared for that, blushing deeply. He stammered, looking around to see if he had missed any cameras filming him. "Isn't that a... a pill that..." He looked back towards where the imp had been standing, only to find bare hallway.

"Goes up your ass? Yep!" The imp's voice cried out from directly behind the lion. Adama felt skinny fingers tug his glutes apart and the bat's leaf-nose grind into the bare flesh between his muscular cheeks.

Adama reached backwards, but the bulk of his own back muscles and arms made it hard for him to flex around in time. With a slick squelch, the lion felt his rump stretch to accept the whole imp's head. Despite the sudden, shocking intrusion, he felt no pain from stretching so much so quickly. He blushed, feeling his sheath stir behind his tail-tuft as the imp's stubby horns dug into his inner walls, stimulating deep spots he rarely got to feel. "A-Aughnn... Hey!"

The bat-imp kicked off the floor and smoothly rocketed upward against all physics. His stubby legs kicked in the air as his torso and wings sank into the powder-pink posterior, a lump forming beneath the lion's flat middle. The chiropteran's wide hips, however, were bigger than anything Adama had even thought of taking.

The lion tried to grab at the imp's lashing tail to give a tug, but the whip-like limb merely slid from his grasp every time. His eyes widened as, against all logic, his ass spread even further, those cheeks nearly as wide as his own forcing his apart, wriggle by wriggle. The lump in Adama's middle grew more detailed, definitely the underside of the bat-imp's jaw as he writhed his way up and in.

Adama perked and turned his attention to the front, pressing his thumb to his solar plexus just above the tip of the bulge and pressing down, ending up cupping the imp's snout through his own flesh. He flexed and grunted, trying to force the invading body back down. Despite it all, he could feel his arousal drop from his sheath, throbbing insistently no matter how confused and shocked he was by this turn of events.

Just at that moment, the wide hips of the imp popped in with a cork-like sound, legs and tail sucking in cartoonishly fast. With the hand in the way, the bulge of the invading infernal bat curled forward, whole face bulging out the lion's stomach as it grew to contain an entire short-stack.

Muffledly, the imp spoke again. "Now to make you the most you can be!" The bulge started to smooth over as a heated tingle rushed through the lion's body. Adama suddenly heard the voice as if in both his ears at once, but deeper than before. "Which is ME."

As the last details of the bulge smoothed into a pot belly, the fur around Adama's navel suddenly turned pitch black. In a wave outward, his fur changed to match the bat's own, covering his entire belly and continuing on. Once the color had reached the limbs, the stomach began to contract rapidly.

Adama struggled as he found himself having a harder time being coordinated in his movements. As the dark fur spread along his arms, a dark membrane started to form between his triceps and his lats, webbing stretching out rapidly. At the same time, his last two fingers on each hand began to stretch out impossibly long, forming a webbing between them as well. Flicking into his vision, the black fur reaching the tip of his tail obliterated the scarlet tuft there, turning it into a very familiar spade.

"Now stop struggling and enjoy the ride." The rumbling baritone of the former imp filled the lion's mind again, as he watched his snout lengthening before his eyes. When he crossed them, the pad of his nose stretched and formed a leaf. Moments later, Adama found he had lost all control of his body, but he wasn't falling. He was posing. Flexing.

The demon bat chuckled using the former lion's mouth. "There we go, all better." He reached down with one wing hand and groped over the erection there. It too had turned black along with everything else, glinting red in the gaslights. Adama was forced to watch what had once been his own body pleasure itself, while feeling every moment of it just the same. He tried to cry out, feeling muscles tensing all over his stolen body, then all went black.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Adama gasped, jolting awake, dangling half off the bed. He managed to not topple fully off the bed to the floor with a flex of his abs. His legs felt distant, still asleep a bit, but they were heavy enough to balance it out as long as his hips were on the right side of the edge. He felt over his snout, glad to feel the blunt feline muzzle and no sign of a leaf, then rubbed along the underside of an arm to his chest. No wing membranes. But his chest felt sensitive. Erogenous even. He trembled and stroked from his throat to his chest back and forth a couple times.

Then something wet and salty filled his mouth from his throat.

A familiar voice chuckled.

Adama's eyes snapped wide open. He wasn't in his bedroom, the bed he was hanging off of was in that house. And up on the bed, kneeling upright astride the lion's legs, was the infernal bat.

His body still mirrored the lion's own, even up to the scarlet mane having turned into a collar of luxurious blood-red fur to adorn the hellish chiropteran's neck. The bat smirked at Adama's surprised look and playfully pulled the bedding away to show the intersection of their bodies.

Flexing his abs again, the muscular feline gasped. His torso terminated in a black mass of fur at the bat's groin, a fuzzy sheath. Adama squirmed, only to find he couldn't feel his legs at all now, or anything he couldn't see.

With his wing-hands, the bat began to stroke up along Adama's sides, fur smoothing down into black flesh in his wake. Also in his wake, muscles smoothed away, forming what was clearly the back of a very large shaft indeed. "You see, I can't get enough of your body, I gotta add another of it to my loins. Thank you for giving me those in the first place, by the way~" The demon winked with a low rumble.

Reaching his arms down was a mistake. Adama's arms were caught in the smoothing strokes, almost instantly melting into the increasingly phallic flesh. His broad, muscular torso dwindled into the barrel of the demon's greedy arousal as more salty pre filled and overfilled the decreasing lion's mouth.

By now, the bat was practically jerking off with both hands, very little to more delicately smooth away left. The last of Adama's fur vanished, leaving him a glossy black rod with a bare lion's face, which was now being forced to tilt back towards how he'd been when he awoke.

"So heavy, such a mass of man-meat..." The bat was crooning as he stroked over and over, his massive testes starting to tense.

Adama trembled, his eyes closing on their own as he stopped breathing, having lost lungs to do so. The bat's heartbeat filled his ears, before they too faded away and he only felt the pulsing travelling through his very being... Then there was a rushing sensation, where his spine once was swelling out with a rapidly rising pressure.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The lion jolted awake again, this time fully under the covers. He felt around, finding that, one, he had arms again, and two, this was his own home bedding. He rolled to one side and tucked his knees up, feeling along his legs slowly while still under the weight of all those blankets.

Then something very narrow with a spaded tip hooked around both his ankles and yanked his legs straight. The covers suddenly flew off the shocked lion to reveal the bat demon once again. Now his cock stood proud as long as Adama's torso, for very good reason. "Oh, you are delectable, I must have you again." He grinned, licking his lips.

Adama struggled, his legs stuck together by the tail's grip and unable to break free.

Raising and spreading his wings, the chiropteran beast showed off his broad pectorals, which still mirrored the lion's own. At the same time, he tugged his tail on the lion's ankles towards himself and upward.

Rolling onto his front, the feline grasped at the fitted sheet on his bed, claws extending. To no avail. Nothing he did gave him a grip as he was dragged backwards. He perked, as rather than a pair of jaws, or even that monstrous cock, he felt the bat's muscular chest against his soles. Adama tried to spread his ankles, but the whip-tight grip was too much, keeping his heels together.

And then his ankles sank between those muscular mounds of masculine might, past where the sternum should have been. And the rest of each foot followed with a simple, tight flex of the bat's chest. The lion couldn't quite process what was happening, so focused he was on trying to get a grip on the suddenly impossibly slick sheet. He felt one wing-hand grasp at his knee, pull him back, then the other grasp up on his thigh. And ever on the tight squeeze clenching and pulling at his legs, accepting the tugging motion of the bat's powerful arms, his feet sunk into incredibly tight warmth.

Adama trembled and twisted his neck to look back over his shoulder when the tight heat was nearly at his glutes. He gasped as he finally saw what was occurring. As one of the bat's claws grasped that shoulder and began to pull, the lion saw his powder-pink posterior get eclipsed by the black-scarlet coated musculature, built, powerful pectorals clenching and sealing against his body. The feline tried to squirm his legs as his hips sank inward, reaching both hands back to try to brace against the demon's shoulders. He could only reach that predatory chest, planting his palm-heel against them and extending his arms as best he could.

The chiropteran grinned toothily, pulling just hard enough with his wing-hands to overcome the backward force of his prey, while leaving the real consumption to his chest. "Your muscles are especially delectable. I can't wait to double up on them by feeding all of you to my strength..."

Gasping as the heated pressure closed onto his loins, Adama turned his head forward again. The kneading of the consuming chest along his throbbing erection caused the cat to mewl. He shuddered, having not realized he was once again so very aroused by the beast's actions until it was working against him. His arms trembled, fingers against slick fur and muscles that turned rock hard each time they pulled him further inward.

Then a more powerful clench and drag.

The lion yelped as his hands slid along the smooth fur to press against his waist. One more good flex caught them and dragged his arms down to be at his sides. By now his legs, held so immobile, were more of an idea. They seemed distant to him, far away and over-warm.

"Let's get this over with, cutie..." The bat's voice audibly deepened mid-flex, vibrating through the lion's very being. He extended both wings, then wrapped them in against himself at shoulder height.

Adama found his face conformed to by the fleshy membrane, groaning and squirming. He was truly trapped, no sign of light as he writhed, and still that ever-present pleasure continuing to overwhelm.

In the lion's mind's eye he could see what it was like outside. The demon bat standing at the foot of his bed, monstrous cock throbbing and leaking infernal fluids all over his bedding, wings wrapped around his own torso. And under those wings, a yowling face bulging them out, shoulders disappearing from the stretching shape as the form of the caught prey's head sank backwards further and further.

Adama could now only see from this outsider's view, but he still felt the powerful muscles alternate from comfortably firm to intensely tight, dragging him downward. He felt the wings pulling away from his cheeks just before the pectorals closed onto them. Being dragged deeper again. Only his snout could be seen through the tightly wrapped wings... and then even that was smoothed away.

The lion trembled as he felt the next tug close around the tip of his nose.... Then the next succeeded in closing fully in front of his face. Totally immobile, Adama watched, unable to look away, as the demon flexed down tightly, cock jumping. His shoulders visibly broadened as he grew taller. His legs gained further definition, larger calves and quads. Then he unfurled his wings and held his arms out, revealing his massive chest and powerful arms. The bat's shaft jolted again as he rumbled in a low bass. "Mine." He began to spray pints of tainted seed across the bed, the euphoria of orgasm rushing through the disappeared feline's mind, until...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Adama spasmed awake. His face was buried between two pillows. He groaned and brought his arms up to squish them around his head, glad the rest of him was underneath the bedding. Perhaps if he kept his eyes closed and stayed this way, he'd fall asleep again and forget that nightmare.

The whole bed lurched.

Startled, the lion twisted and sat up, blinking his eyes to adjust to the light. He yelped as the cause of the lurch came into focus.

The bed was held aloft in the extended wing-hand of the impossibly muscular demon, the chiropteran as large as a house somehow, the bedroom around Adama replaced with a void. As if to show off, the black-furred beast brought his other claw around to grasp onto the bed as well, the motion forcing his pectorals together and making them appear even larger. Each one was the size of a car to the startled feline.

"W-Wait, you weren't this big!" Adama stammered.

"Wasn't I?" The bat's bass rumbled through the lion's very being. "Well, it doesn't matter, Strawberry. All alone in your basket, awaiting your fate..." The demon's tongue pressed into view, hot pink and seemingly florescent as it lashed outward between his biceps and over the neck-fluff that covered the top half of his pectorals. The oral organ continued to extend further and further, flexing and writhing against gravity until it was all the way out to his outstretched wings, just beneath the bed.

The lion realized only a moment before he was toppled off the bed what was coming.

With a flick of both wrists, Adama was thrown down onto the broad, glowing tongue, landing with a wet splt. The demon bat's maw-muscle twisted and curled, wrapping around the treat-sized feline with practiced efficiency.

For his part, the pink lion tried to turn about, to head back towards his bed, still held aloft in the bat's arms. But with every twisting squeeze of the long tendril he was dragged away from it, and back towards the wafting billows of the demon's breath. He pressed his arms down at a loop of the tongue around his waist and gasped as this only shoved it against his erection. Blushing, Adama squirmed as pleasure struck his brain once again.

This was enough for the feline to lose his grip, his arms soon bound as well by the twisting muscle. With that, the demon bat yanked his bundled up tongue back into his jaws, snapping them shut with a wet snkt.

Adama writhed and mewled, trembling as the glow of the tongue seemed to vanish the moment the teeth met, drowning him in darkness as the wet flesh ground against every sensitive part he had. He hardly noticed the orientation of his prison changing, until once again his mind was awash with an image from outside.

The bat demon had his head tilted back, smirking and looking right at Adama's astral viewpoint. Pointedly, the muscular chiropteran placed a claw onto the soft spot where the center of his jaw met his throat, above the adam's apple. With a lurch that shook the whole lion, he dropped. At the same time, a lump pressed into view.

The claw rubbed that lump firmly enough for the trapped feline to confirm its presence with the pressure through the tunnel he had been plunged into, before sliding to the top of the bulge. Adama felt the fingertip on top of his head push down, as he was forced to watch the bat casually drive his form down through his neck and behind those pecs he'd already been consumed by once before.

"Just too tasty to resist..." The demon rumbled as Adama tumbled into the wet space of the stomach below.

Trembling, the lion tensed up, whimpering.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Adama came, shuddering as he spurted and tension flowed from his body. He felt clammy and a bit sweaty.

A gentle claw stroked his cheek.

The lion panted, opening his eyes to his boyfriend's smiling face. A black bat, yes, but not the one from his dream. Cas was skinny, almost too skinny, and he was a flying fox, so no leaf graced his nose. No scarlet neck-fluff. No black scleras. All the fear from his nightmare faded away as he gazed upon his lover.

"Happy Birthday, 'Dama." The chiropteran smiled, scooting up onto the bed alongside his boyfriend's head and using his wing-hand to stroke along the opposite cheek now.

Adama steadied his breathing as he remembered what that meant. Cas had told him he could create any fantasy he wished, using dream magic. The lion had asked for the very scenario that had played out... in vague, less than specific terms. He blushed a bit. "I could have taken a bit more before I woke..."

Cas leaned over the lion's face to reach out of his field of view. "I don't think we should push it, starburst." The bat smirked, gathering something in his claw.

"My mind could take it!" Adama asserted, huffing a bit.

The bat pulled back, revealing three condoms in his grip, tied off and filled to look like white water balloons. He reached with his other hand to gently start working a fourth condom off the lion's receding arousal. "Your prostate, however..."

Crunching his abs to look over his chest, Adama saw the last was larger than the other three. His eyes widened as he tried to wrap his head around just how much he'd came in his sleep. He relaxed his core and slumped back to the bed with a groan. "Okay, fair..."

"Look at this way, sweetie." Cas finished tying off the last condom and added it to the bundle. "We'll make a killing at the sperm bank. We can get there before they close if we leave now!"

Adama panted, blushing softly. He looked from the condoms to his boyfriend's playful face, down to the matted wet fur on his chest, and how much he didn't want to put on pants with how tender his shaft was already feeling. "Uh... can I... just... uh... shower?"


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