The Dragon's Kingdom
The Dragon's Kingdom by Von Krieger Mira shivered as she walked down the wide open hall, her hooves tapping a rhythm on the cold marble floor, her chains rattling as she walked. She shivered again, in part from the cold of the hall, in part from...
A simple story I ( 19/22 )
Gruff was lying on his bed. More precisely, he was sprawled on, wearing only undies and a T-shirt, barefoot. Facing him, his laptop on and connected. It was now the middle of the afternoon. He quickly passed a hand over his face to try to alleviate the...
CHAPTER 1 " if dogs could fly " GNY SGT :ALBERT Esquivel ? Just shipping in from the states with my new fresh troops I knew I would have to teach them everything I know. I heard stories of men fresh out of training who could not shoot worth...
Cat Island, Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Stormclouds and Mist Mist, mist, and more mist. That was all she could see. An endless sea of fog, with no determinable end. Lethe chuffed, the laguz warrior leaning on the railing on the bow of the ship, a tiny thing. Along with her sister...
Flora: Rhymes and Bets
A particular friend had a plan to bring two mutual's who disliked one another together. A game night could provide the perfect environment for them to get together and find common ground while a mediator sat by just in case anything went wrong. It was...
The White Robe Chapter 16
CHAPTER 16 Caitlin sat in the same spot in the yard while the other girls spent their yard time in motion around her. She didn't feel like moving at all, even after being locked in the small cell for the last two days. She watched as some of them...
Eone groaned as he sat up. The smell of fresh air wafted into his nostrils. The scent of the Yarwil trees tickling his nose. That was unexpected. His eyes shot open as took his surroundings. "This is impossible." he said to himself in disbelief. ...
Alens And Lieans Night Out, Chapter 1
Alen (Al-En) - Black Ocelot Liean (Lee-An) - White Ocelot _ **This is a WIP, 6/24/11 This is a rough draft posting and editing still needs to be done to this, The story itself is completed for chapter one, This is an FYI** _ _ ** The setting...
Is this Real?
Please read the disclaimer for the Prologue if you have not already done so. Thank You. In Love, This is Real: Part I Is this Real? 2005 by Eldyran "Nothing matters! It's not real!" Rin took a deep breath and took a step back from...
chapter 2: how to have an interesting day
Hey, just a note that I'm throwing in what the Guy's at the park say. So when I say park I means Skate Park and when I say skate I mean skate board. If you don't like this than too bad, You don't have a choice on this one. But, you can still send me...
Treacherous Favor
Werewolves were strong willed or rather single minded to the point it was almost impossible to control them. This was well known as their feral instincts and passions took them over nothing could deter them from their hunt and hunt they did bringing...
Fennec TF
As the fluid courses through your veins, every bit of you warms up. It's like a warm bath at the perfect temperature. The figure steps away and watches his work. Very quickly, in the sam fashion that the warmth spreads, you skin begins to darken in...