Entranced Treat

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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So, I decided to get in on FA: Circutron 's Hypnovember commission drive and he finished it comfortably ahead of time (posted here). It turns out, the kitty's birthday was the day before Halloween. After he finished writing Relax, but before it would be posted.

Last year, I wrote Circ a vignette and follow-up commission for Halloween.

So, this happened. Happy Birthday Kitty ????

Contains: Reference to previous stories, Fat Ghosts, Vore Tattoos, Ghost/Ghost Vore, Hypnosis, Soft Cuddles, Spectral Muscle Theft, Possession, Soul Bulges, Wolf in Pup Body, Soul Vore, Impersonating a Pupper, A Tender Awakener, Springing the Trap, Hammerspace Maw, Throat Bulges, Teasing Pred and Implied Digestion.

Channing getting vore tatts on his butt are a suggestion/addition from a fan-followup to Ghastly Gluttony by HisashiHinata on Eka's

I'm open for Commissions again! PM me and we'll talk! If you can't afford a commission and want to support me, I have a Patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a Ko-Fi!

Channing floated along in the small hours of the morning. The long-dead nobleman's figure had been changed beyond recognition by his gluttonous rampage around midnight. What once was a fairly fit wolf wearing neatly tailored clothing, now was a mass of soft, weighty astral blubber. He had long since untied his cravat, tucking it into a coat pocket to give his throat room to stretch for his many meals. His shirt and jacket refused to close entirely, his lapel only just covering his chest wound still. His trousers refused to stay all the way up, straining to hold the sheer volume of soul essence that had gone beneath his tail. When the tails of his coat were pulled out of the way, an observer could see the colorful markings of his prey stowed away there amongst his white ectoplasm, those that were north of his waistband.

Said observer in this instance, was Braun. A similarly living-impaired bear who had taken possession of the first body to be emptied by the wolf's hunger. The in-life bodybuilder had taken the flesh of a cervine witch, markedly the opposite in every way to his self-image of a muscular male. Mortal eyes glinting with a dirty orange glow, the bottom-heavy deer approached his accomplice. "Looks like those souls have settled in... learned their place as spirit fat."

The noblewolf chuckled, stroking a paw along the semi-translucent white surface of his pillowy marshmallow of a belly. "Indeed... There remains only one thing to do before the dawn, however."

The possessed deer tilted his stolen head curiously, towards the side with the intact antler. "What would that be?"

Channing drifted closer, placing his claw on the slender shoulder of the corporeal form before him. "Give us a kiss and we can get my precious witch back where he belongs."

Braun looked more confused, the cervine muscles of his stolen face contorting. "What?"

The wolf leaned in close, angling his snout to kiss.... Then opened his jaws wide and inhaled powerfully. Against the other spirit's will, the deer's jaws opened up, and the glowing, brown face of a masculine bear was pulled out of the gape and right into Channing's own.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tris laid on the bed, a soft smile across his muzzle. His eyes were closed most of the way, with hints of pink and purple glowing beneath the slightly parted lids. The soft black labrador breathed calmly, one arm draped around the back of the smaller feline at his side.

Circ had dozed off after entrancing the big puppy, but he'd set a timer on his phone so he would know when to bring the hefty dog out of his trance. In the meantime, he used his plush body as a pillow, purring quietly in his sleep.

The sun set.

The wall directly above the bed began to shine, as if under moonlight, well before the moon had gotten to a position to do so. With a baritone hum, Channing drifted through the wall into the room, floating above the pair. Most of his weight was gone and his clothing fit far better. In fact, if one were able to tug down the back of his well-tailored trousers, they'd only find one orange-brown marking there.

A result of his change in diet was also that his shirt refused to button all the way up. The wolf's chest had broadened and bulked up significantly with the consumed bodybuilder spirit's incorporation into his incorporeality. A bit of plumpness remained at his waist, straining the buttons of his vest.

A broad clawed hand pushed out of the edge of his man-cleavage, distorting his pectoral.

Channing sighed and flexed his spectral pectorals with an echoy grunt, forcing the struggle back beneath the surface. "After a year, one would think you would have learned your lesson. Perhaps after a century or two..."

The noblewolf returned his attention to his reason for coming here this night. He carefully rotated himself in midair to line up with the entranced canine, before slowly drifting down onto him. Then into him. Channing let out a croon as his body conformed and changed to fit into the flesh and blood.

Circ shivered and cuddled closer to the big dog in his sleep, feeling a chill at the spirit travelling through his embracing arm.

Tris murmured as the last visible sign of the ghost vanished from the room, still deep in his trance. His eyes opened, the expanding circles of his magic-induced state visible for two more cycles, before the pink was supplanted by a glowing green instead of the purple it had been trading with for the last half hour. The labrador's head tilted back and an audible swallow filled the space.

A copy of the pup's snout pressed into view, a lump travelling down his entranced throat, illuminated lavender beneath the black coat. The muzzle opened in an echoing moan before vanishing into the dog's chest. Then, the big canid's already straining shirt rode up with a wobbling expansion of his stomach. Glowing paws pressed outward, followed by that face again, distending the flesh.

The green-eyed Labrador looked down at his squirming stomach, using his free hand to stroke over it. "Sshhhh... Relax and let me drive for a while... I presume you are in the mood to abdicate, considering how I found you..." Channing's voice resonated out of Tris' throat.

With a gastric churn, the black-furred stomach started to contract back down towards normal, a soft echoing whine coming from the soul within as he was subdued.

Channing moaned indulgently, closing his eyes. His lips returned to a broad smile and he trailed his fingers along his belly until his free arm rested at his side again.

The phone alarm chimed.

Circ stirred, opening his eyes slowly. They still had a bit of the flickering glow left over from the pill he'd taken earlier, but it was mostly under control now. The cat stretched a bit, then eased himself out from under the seemingly entranced dog to straddle his belly. "Can you hear me, Tris?"

"Mmmhmm..." The dog murmured, eyes still closed.

"When I count back from ten, you will awaken, and your mind will be yours again. I love you, puppy." The feline kissed the tip of the labrador's snout. "Ten."

"Ten..." The dog murmured.

"Softly surfacing, back to me. Nine."


"You're a good boy, my good boy. Eight."


"No one can take that away from you. Seven."


"Your body is your own, I return it to you. Six."


"Going to be the best puppy you can be. Five."


"Anytime you need this again, you can return. Four."


"There's no shame in asking for help. Three."


"Big puppies needn't shoulder the world alone. Two."


"Love my puppy, so much. One." Circ closed his eyes, leaning down to kiss the pup awake.

Instead of repeating the last number, Channing gaped the labrador's jaws wide, bumping his belly up. This got the desired effect of throwing the cat off-balance, dropping his head into the dog's gullet smoothly.

Mewling in surprise, the cat squirmed, continuing to topple forward. Somehow, instead of colliding with any fleshy walls, he was just falling inward, into the abyss of Tris' gape. His hips and legs came off the big dog's belly, tossed up in the air by an unseen force, before dropping straight down.

Channing snapped the pup's jaws shut, his cheeks swelling out as if his mouth was quite full. A claw distended out one side, as a confused mewling came from the other. As the claw receded, a blunt feline snout distended the opposite cheek, opening up in a yowl before falling back in.

The possessing spirit swallowed firmly, Tris' cheeks flattening back to normal as his throat bulged out with Circ's confused face. In a fluid transition, the cat's chest, waist, hips and legs distended the neck of the dog, before the belly once again swelled out and bounced from impact. Channing sighed and patted over the big black-furred belly. "Perhaps, kitten, you should lay some salt next time you plan to leave a big strong body without anyone at the helm." He chuckled playfully, the big dog's gut starting to growl and glrrrn wetly.

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