Compressed Turkey

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#131 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Fourteenth vignette for Kobalt (Twelfth with Cody)

A Thanksgiving themed vignette, where Cody shows another one of his talents as an indigestible micro. Eating several times his mass and volume without turning into a watermelon belly with a stoat attached to it lol

Contains: Food Prep, Thanksgiving Sides, Turkey, Rapid Skeletonization of Cooked Poultry, Distended Stuffed Belly, Smug Predator, Grumpy Buckaroo, Micro Vore, Tongue-play and Messy Endo sharing Belly space with Food

Kobalt is FA: KobaltTheWolf

Cody is FA: CodeStoat

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on on the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Thanksgiving in a mixed-size household is a smaller affair, one would think. The reality is often different. Kobalt knew just how much his micro housemate could eat if he put his mind to it, and thus had been working since he got out of bed to complete a full thanksgiving dinner for two, not one plus a micro. The hybrid was finally laying out the turkey, dressed, stuffed and placed under a large metal bell to keep the heat in while he got all the sides ready.

He finished pouring the mashed potatoes into a casserole dish and covered it, before setting the pot in the sink with a clang.

A clang echoed back.

Kobalt paused, looking around, before figuring the pot had knocked something else in the sink over. He resumed filling the various dishes with the sides, or covering the dishes that were cooked in their casseroles. With hand protection, the buckaroo brought the dishes out onto the table, humming to himself as he arranged them on trivets set around the turkey.

When he was done, he looked over the fully set table, then to the clock in the kitchen. He smiled. He got the dinner done before he thought, but only by a couple minutes. And everything was ready around the same time! Kobalt cupped his hands around his muzzle and tilted his head back, in case his housemate was upstairs. "CODY, DINNER'S SERVED!"

When he didn't hear a reply, he shrugged, taking his plate and opening a few dishes to start serving himself heaps of mashed potato, green bean casserole, sweet potato pie, waldorf salad, cranberry jam... He paused, hand hovering over the bell covering the turkey. "Cody, you don't want things to get cold, do you?" He called out, looking around for any sign of his roommate.

A muffled, raunchy belch echoed through the room sounding like it was in some kind of... metal... container.

Kobalt grasped the top of the bell and yanked it up.

Cody was sprawled on his back in the middle of the turkey carcass. What had, mere minutes earlier, been a full turkey, was stripped to the bone and ligament without being disassembled. There were a few pieces of cut celery from the cornbread stuffing on either side of the stoat. The micro himself was stretched out from his rapid consumption, but looked as though he couldn't have done more than eat his own weight in food.

The tiny predator licked his chops and thudded his paws on his taut, stretched belly towering over him, just barely able to reach its apex while still laying down. He belched again.

Kobalt, his dumbfounded expression sharpening, lowered the bell to his side. "Cody, how."

Cody brought a messy paw to his muzzle and began to suck his fingers clean one at a time, a smug look on his face underneath the matting down of his fur from all the juices of a fresh turkey.

"Now there's no meat for me." The buckaroo pointed out, huffing through his nose.

The tiny stoat attempted to sit up, but only managed to wiggle his arms and legs a bit, before slumping back again. He groaned and reached up to knead over his belly again with both arms.

Kobalt frowned, then smirked. Letting the bell drop to the floor with a clang, he grasped the two-tined serving fork he'd been prepared to use to portion out turkey along with the knife. With a smooth motion, he tucked the tines under Cody's arms and hauled the micro off the platter.

Yelping in surprise, the pear-bellied glutton dangled from the tines, forcing his arms down as best as he could to keep from slipping off and taking a tumble to the table.

"Well, there is some meat for me." The hybrid smirked, tilting his head back as he lifted the stoat higher up and towards himself. As soon as the dangling belly was over his snout, he opened wide and began to tilt his head back.

At the sight of his housemate's open mouth, Cody's grip wavered and his arms slipped. He yelped and fell right off the serving fork, landing on the familiar tongue on his back. He twisted and rolled over, trying to get his bearings to escape before...

Kobalt snapped his jaws shut neatly, mmming low at the flavor. The micro's normally sweet flavor was augmented with the herbs and seasonings the hybrid had prepared the turkey with. He pinned the stoat to the roof of his mouth, grinding his tongue up and down that stuffed hard belly. He felt his saliva gathering faster from the savory treat as he rubbed intently into his form.

The micro groaned at this treatment, his swollen gut facing down on the muscular sensory organ receiving an absolutely wonderful massage from it. He lost any thought of squirming away, just slumped in place with his back to the hard palate. That is, until the pin was gone and he felt a familiar undulation over his ankles.

A lump appeared in the buckaroo's throat, larger than normal due to the stoat's belly but still manageable to the full-sized male. Kobalt took his plate and sat at his place setting as he felt his micro roommate land within his stomach.

Cody plopped down back-first into the familiar rugae. From the juices in there and no sign of any other food, Kobalt hadn't eaten in some time. He huffed in annoyance, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Now that I've had my protein, I can get to these sides..." Kobalt chuckled, thanking himself silently for making extra dressing that was in the casserole directly in front of himself, so he didn't miss out on the stuffing that had been obliterated by his housemate.

"I didn't get to have ANY." The indigestible stoat called out, pouting.

Rolling his eyes, Kobalt took a heaping fork-full of dressing, put it in his mouth, and swallowed. He smirked a bit at the indignant noises from his lower chest as a good deal of the free space inside was suddenly taken up by soaked and re-cooked cornbread and a mix of herbs and vegetables.

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