Playing the Hand you were Dealt

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#134 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Ninth vignette for Amuzi?i, following up on Strawberry after the Halloween nullifcation

Contains: Magic, Null Masturbation, "Massager"s and mind-wracking bliss.

This ended up pretty short because the idea was just pretty straightforward.

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on on the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Strawberry, upon getting upstairs to their room and closing the door, set their bag and the blanket down at the foot of their bed. Hooking their thumb into the waistband, they squirmed out of their skirt. Once it was free of their hips and tail and had pooled on the floor, they flopped onto their mattress, facing the window.

The moon's rising meant that the silver beams of light were washing over their body, along with the bare patch of fur between their thighs. Exhaling, they trailed their fingertips down over their trim belly and towards that spot. The fox bit their lip and veered to the left, raking the tips of their claws lightly along their inner thigh.

Transitioning into a stroke, then a rub, Strawberry teased themself for a bit, hemming in the perimeter of their new blankness in a gentle spiral leading to the other thigh. Slowly, the vulpine trailed their fingers into the zone their genitals had been earlier that day. A tremble ran through their body.

The fox curled their toes against their bedding, before lifting their hand away. Strawberry gestured with one hand. A few feet away their nightstand seemed to open on its own. Such a simple manipulation of magic hardly took any concentration for Strawberry at this point. A twist of the wrist followed, a hand-held massager launching itself into their grip.

The long device had a round pad at one end jutting from the casing containing the batteries and electronics.

Strawberry used their thumb to turn it on, filling the room with the low hum of vibration. They very gingerly brought the buzzing pad to their groin. They could feel it even when it was just against their fur. Then it met their flesh underneath.

The fox gasped for air and closed their thighs tight around the massager. They hadn't had an inkling that they would be that sensitive. Strawberry grasped onto the casing with both hands, shaking as they rolled their hips up into the vibrations. The familiar sensation inside their body that they were nearing the edge grew and grew.

Then, Strawberry hit it, jaws spreading wide into a breathy hiss as their whole body trembled. They stayed at their height, writhing in the moonlight, gasping for breaths as pleasure wracked their form. The grip on the casing eventually slipped, bringing the fox's thumb across the power switch.

They slumped to their side, finally coming down, gulping down air as they recovered. Strawberry opened their thighs up and rolled back onto their back. They wondered... would they still feel oversensitive afterward? There was no physical change that they could determine during arousal. Setting the massager aside, they brought their fingers down to their patch carefully.

A blush rushed to Strawberry's cheeks. It felt just the same as before... A tremble ran through them as they realized what this likely meant.

No refractory period.

They looked over at the massager, laying on the crumpled bedding by their ribs.

Their climax had only fallen off when they turned it off by accident. Was it possible they could hold it indefinitely...?

Strawberry turned the massager back on and held it over their chest with both hands, nub pointed down. Slowly, they brought the pad towards their bare groin again, licking their lips in anticipation.

They touched down on that ultra-sensitive spot. Strawberry writhed with arousal, shifting their grip as they worked their way towards climax once again.

When Strawberry reached it, they clamped their thighs shut and let go of the massager with their hands, grasping onto their own thighs and holding them together. Now sure it wouldn't accidentally turn off, they quivered and writhed on the bedding, mind bursting with pleasure surging from their hips.

Blessed moon, they would think later, when they could be that coherent again. Bringing me to this perfection....

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