We two: Dramatic kingdom pt.2/2 (The start of the aftermath)

Story by ScaledRex-FurSecret on SoFurry

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#10 of We two: The story of Ed and Lucas

This one really impacts the story so you'll heve to read it if you are in this for the story. If not just run ahead with this one.

Here we go!

Jay sat outside the door crying, only to be interrupted by Matt opening the door.

"Fuck off, the last person I wanna see is you." Jay sobbed.

"Look i'm not here to shout or anything. I just wanna talk, we were drunk and-"

Jay interrupted "I could'nt give a fuck if you were drunk, stupid, or high. Get the fuck away from me."

"Why is it such a big deal!? Why is it suddenly all about you!?" Matt shouted.

"Because! Because I have catholic parents! Strict, catholic parents!" Jay got up still crying, he paced down the hall of the block of flats.

Matt paused a second to think "Wait Jason!"

Jay stopped. When someone says your real name over your nick-name, It's serious. He turned, eyes streaming. "What? What is so important that you had to stop me?"

"The bible, it says that Moses states 'Ye are the children of the Lord your God: ye shall not cut yourselves, nor make any baldness between your eyes for the dead.'"

"And so... my parents will disown me! I highly doubt that hypocrisy will save me against religion." He put a hand on his head. "Look, My parents are... Serious. Ever since I was a young boy they wanted me to have a family, to have kids... WITH A WOMAN! Not to go against the word of god!"

Matt stopped and sighed. "Did you enjoy last night?"

Jay looked puzzled. "Of course not! No!........I mean......well......yes....but......"

"Don't say another word. Until you can give me a reason that you shouldn't tell your parents to screw themselves, i'm not going to treat you equal. You treat yourself bad, so will I. You have free speech, use it." Matt stopped caring and his face screwed up tight. "If you're straight, gay, bi or even anything else, Your parents should be proud. If they're not, they're not good parents."

"Don't say that about my parents." Jay said.

"What... They're not proud of you... They obviously choose god over you, why can't you see that!?" Matt said pointing at him, victimising his parents in a way.

"Don't say anything else-"

"You know it's true, You know they are unproud of you, they're-"

" ENOUGH!" Jay interrupted charging at Matt holding his hands around his throat, slamming him into the wall.

Ed, Lucas and Eskar heard the bang from outside. They rushed out and pulled Jay off Matt's throat. Matt gasped for air and collapsed. Jay growled visciously, being held back by Lucas and Eskar.

" What the fuck are you playing at you psycho bastard!?" Ed shouted walking up to Jay. "I've known you for too long now Jason, too fucking long. And all you can do is lash out after how calm you act with me? What is it? Is it because he made you gay? Fuck no! YOU MADE YOU GAY!" Ed prodded Jay's chest. Jay stopped resisting and started breathing heavy.

"I, forgive, you..." Matt wheezed.

Jay looked down at the small orca. He pulled his arms away and sat infront of him, lowering him to his kneeling level.

"I'm going to hate myself forever for this. But i'll admit it. I'm not gay, but bi, definately... Hell, maybe even only bi for you, but whatever happens, my parents can shove it..." Jay stopped talking and stood up.

"Let's all go inside, take a breather." Eskar said pulling a smoke out of his shirt pocket an lighting it.

The group walked inside and a hours pass before everyone is calm again. Eskar and Matt had left, and Anna was on the other side of the phone to Ed.

"Yeah he's not feeling to well after being strangled......So what, you're butch......Shut up, he's smaller than you, Jay was going really rough on him....You can be such an insensitive bitch you know.....You better be fucking joking too, it was serious stuff. Right, See ya." Ed hung up.

"So what's happening?" Lucas asked.

"Jay has no-where to stay..." Ed said. The pair sat down and thought of places he could stay so that he wouldn't have to see his parents.

"Why doesn't he have his own house?" Lucas asked.

"His family is a natural pack, they'd never split." Ed replied.

"Oh... feral?"

"No... Semi... His dad belives in all that 'we're animals' Junk"

"So does mine..." Lucas grinned.

"Yours is feral..." Ed replied.

"Exactly, why do you think i'm such a beast?" Lucas growled.

"No, no, no, Lucas, not now!"

"Awww, tease!" Lucas said, leaning across the sofa to kiss Ed. Ed smacked him in the face.

"You moron! We forgot about your problem..."

"Ow! Which one!?"

"Your violent fucking one... y'know, since being half feral is messing with your head!"

"We've got too many problems man... Let's jus' go to bed... Jay can stay here for the night..."

"Not a bad idea..." Ed said stretching out. "Jay, you can stay here for today!" He shouted.

"Ok!" Jay shouted from the kitchen. "But you two best be quiet in there... Haha!"

"I don' think that'll be a problem!" Lucas shouted back. "Unless Ed likes it rough."

"T.M.I bro!" Jay shouted back.

Lucas laughed and followed Ed into the bedroom. "G'dnight guys!" Jay shouted.

Jay was in the kitchen getting food when suddenly he froze and punched a wall.

" DAMN IT!" Jay screamed, he leaned his head against the wall he had just punched and vented his anger.

"Man he's totally beating himself up over that." Ed whispered to Lucas in bed.

"Poor fella..." Lucas replied. "Tell you what... Why don't we buy him a place?"

"We don't have the money babe. I'd probably talk more but... I got work tommorow, an' we ain't got many options. Go to sleep we'll talk in the morning." Ed said, pulling in closer to Lucas. Lucas laid without blinking, wondering where Christian was... He was worried, what if he came back? He was under so much stress. He was just too tired by now to care he shut his eyes and started to drift off.

Not much to say so...I leave you this...

"Why does the bad stuff happen to the good people?" - Myno1secret.

Prejudice, payback and pounding.

Ok guys, this is the second part in Russel and Adam's small series. Maybe after this series is done i'll still use these characters sometimes, you'll have to wait and see... Anyway this one is all about... well... the title basically. Also, as from now...

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We two: Dramatic kingdom pt.1.5/2 (The accident)

So here we go! Another 2 part part. The beers have been passed around and everyone got smashed! The boys recorded it all so let's see what...

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2 stories one night, W-how... So this is a break from the norm, a rather quite dirty shower story about 2 guys and a communal shower. H-yeah, y'know where this is goin'. It also has a rather witty title. =P It stars a small tiger and a bear. It's in...

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