
Story by ScaledRex-FurSecret on SoFurry

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#1 of Russel & Adam

2 stories one night, W-how... So this is a break from the norm, a rather quite dirty shower story about 2 guys and a communal shower. H-yeah, y'know where this is goin'. It also has a rather witty title. =P It stars a small tiger and a bear. It's in 1st person, but swaps character. Hope you enjoy it!

EDIT: Starts with Adam (Tiger) then swaps every paragraph. Enjoy.

I fucking hate gym class. The guys are so bigheaded in there. I'm only small compared to the other guys, and i've never been much for sport, and worst of all, i'm gay, and the school has communal showers... Who thought that was a good idea!?...I once got a boner after looking at Russel's dick in the showers. They mocked me for a full month... Dull minded bastards... Russel is hot though... I start to get stiff just thinking about him... his brown fur, his grey eyes, his size... Don't get me wrong, he's a bit chubby, but I like that. I've always had a thing for chubby guys. He's not, oh my god get a salad fat, just oh my god, he looks like he could lift a car, fat. As in, he has no muscle, but he still looks muscley. Confused? Ahh you won't get it... You have to be there...seeing is believing my friend. Talking about believing, his cock.... Oh my lord! It must be at least five and a half inch, _ FLACCID! _ As luck would have it, he's gay too. However his chances of picking me are very...very...slim...He prefers bigger guys. My cock wouldn't impress anyone, it's probably only 5.7 hard... Though he has seen it before, and he didn't laugh, so it's obviously not that bad... I thought I caught him staring before, but, I just put it down as my imagination. As if he would want me.... pfft....As if... However today is gym class and I'm going to get kept behind as always for "slacking". I do however, if Russel isn't done showering, get a glimpse of his meat... That's the only thing that keeps me going...I know, the better I do the longer I can stare at his fit body....Mrrroww.......I'm starting to sound really perverse, but it's true... I've imagined me and him so many times it's become routine....If only he knew....

Gym class....Not exactly sunshine and lollipops, but still fun. I get to look at all those fit bodies in the showers. Oh god, I just wanna blow my load all over the shower wall sometimes. But the jocks in there....Man, they are all fit, sure. But they're all big headed moronic fucktards. They laughed When Adam got a boner. Jeez, they know he's gay, give the kid a break... That being said, I did look... and then I imagined.... Ok, so maybe I basically got hard too, but atleast no-one noticed... I think..... Maybe they're just too scared to speak out... I don't care anyway, as long as I get to stare at tiger ass for a second, i'm happy. Adam is so cute. He's everything most guys would ask for. Hot, modest, not to mention his meat ain't too bad either. Must be atleast 6.4 hard... Though nothing can top me. 9'7 hard baby, read it and weep. Us bears do have quite the big ones, but most importantly, we're well known for thier girth. Mine's 6'4 inch around. Thick meat. But a big cock isn't always the main factor...You gotta have skill with it, otherwise you ain't bringing anyone pleasure. You get me? One of the jocks always brags about his huge 10 incher, but that means fuck all if you can't fucking get it in them and you still blow your load. There was a rumour that he blew his load after a girl stripped for him....yeah.....fucking talk about easy.....As for Adam, well he's a different story... a little pessemistic to say the least.... We're good friends, had to work together in gym class a couple of times. (And I must say, he did nearly actually catch me staring once.) I just love his body! It's small, but toned... when you touch his pecs his skin is so tight around them his muscles feel huge! It's so hot. He's not actually all that strong, but hell, he could definately match up to me... Oh god, just thinking about him gets me hard... I've thought about it yes, but i'm too shy.... I can't just tell him I want him.... Can I?.... If only he knew....

It was another typical day at gym class, I'd got kept behind as usual. Got the usual lecture from the coach about "If I don't improve i'm off the relay squad." Which, by the way, is total bullshit 'cause i'm his second fastest runner...

But something was different, no-one was in the shower, I'd been kept behind longer than usual, and there was no sign of Russel anywhere. So there was no pay... I just showered alone, not even a glimpse today... Luckily that means I could jerk off a little earlier than usual... or so I thought... I was jerking away, thinking about Russel when suddenly speak of the devil...

Adam was stood there, butt naked in the shower moaning my name quietly and jerking off... I just had a peek... Ok, so maybe I was stood around the corner feeling myself up. But you got anything against that? I definately know he likes me now! Maybe I should go in and "Join him"...

I could hear him stripping off....Oh my god, I was almost hyperventilating... He was going to shower, with me, naked, after I was paw fucking myself and moaning his name? Something was going on here...

I walked around the corner, naked, choose the shower nearest Adam, and start showering... By this time he notices that i've gotten totally stiff, and I look him in the eyes and say "So you like me then?" Like some arrogant jerk... Obviously not meaning to sound arrogant, I stop and put an arm around him. "Hey, I like you too...Ask me out if you wanna." I say rubbing his shoulder, of course he's gonna ask me... He's practically drooling over me... As for me, I'm trying to stop myself from just shoving his cock down my throat... Man this is tense...

"So uhh...Russel, did you hear me......Y'know......" I ask. He stops washing himself again, and puts a hand on my chest. Oh god I love when he does that, he totally rubs me all the right ways... Anyway, so he's rubbing my chest and says "If I hadn't heard you I wouldn't be hard now would I?" I just freeze up... He was hard... over me?... No chance, this was probably a trick... He takes his hand away and I carry on cleaning myself...

He was ignoring me!... Why?....Sometimes he's just too defensive... Maybe he thinks 'cause he's smaller that I don't like him... All I can do at this moment is show him im serious. So I start jerking off right next to him... Yeah, I went redder than he did when I caught him... however, I did soon find myself in a daydream and did accidentally callout his name.... WHAT I CAN'T HELP IT! I DRIFTED OFF AND MOANED HIS NAME! Now I was in for it... he made the first move...

So there I was and was jerking off infront of me, and he suddenly phases out, like he was in a trance, I still ignore him, not taking the hint.... But my ears perk up when it's my name he moans as he imagines fucking... me!... He was imagining us, having sex, right here, right now... brain went on vacation and I lept onto him and wrapped myself around him. He snapped out and grabbed me, and I grabbed his dick and lowered myself down...

By this time I was nervous... My cock teased his hole... Oh lord it was tight... there was no chance it would've fit in... so I did the only thing I knew, I kissed him, put him down, bent down to reach my bag, and pulled out some lube... Yeah, LUBE! I had it because I was planning on having "Alone time" at home with toys, and had bought it during school time... Man was I a lucky bear...

So he pulled me off, ran to his bag bent over, making sure to lift his little tail high to give me a good view, and then pulled out some lube... Man was I horny right now... I grabbed the lube off him and put it on my hands... What happened next was obvious... I grabbed his massive cock, and jerked away lubing the length madly... I even licked it, tasting the lube with his meat... Strawberry... kinky bastard...

So yeah, my dick was covered in strawberry flavoured lube. And he was licking away, and jerking me....I decided enough was enough and told him to lay on the locker room bench, this whole time we had not turned off the shower... So he was there, his legs spread apart, his hole in clear view. And I start rimming him... Licking his hole like he needed it or he would die... He moaned so loud it echoed. I shushed him and he put his paw over his mouth... Next I grabbed the lube and spread it on my hands, and start shoving two fingers in there, pawing off at the same time, opening him up. He moans again, but this time it's muffled by his paw... He looked like he was gonna blow... So did I to be honest...

So there he is, he just rimmed me, and now he's giving me the fingerjob of my life... Yeah, I'm moaning and all that stuff now, ready to blow. But I hold it in. I want him to ram me. So I just come out with it, I take my paw away from my mouth and moan "Just pound me!" I sounded like such a slut... But he wanted it too... I could tell...

So by this time I've totally forgotten where we are, but if a guy tells you to pound him, and you think he's the hottest guy you know... you do.... so I get my dick and start to push it in, It's a tight fit, but hell, he takes it all, moaning. He looks in pain but all he does is tells me to go deeper. So I do. I pound him faster and faster, Im on the verge of blowing when all of a sudden, he sits up and grabs my neck, pulls himself off the bench, and starts riding me...

So there I am in the moment, Riding away. He slams his back into the wall so he can stand. This has to be the hottest thing ever. And suddenly, he's breathing hard, and his cock twitches inside me, and it feels so good. My head is swimming in pleasure... I am in pure ecstacy here, and I slam myself down, let out a roar of pain, then blast my load all over him. It goes all the way up to his mouth. and He licks some off, then kisses me, as he thrusts into me that last little bit, his balls twitch, and he blows inside me... Filling me up so much it leaks...

I hadn't blown like that in a long time... I slid my back down the wall... My Huge meat still stuck inside this small tiger... and my eyes are closed, I'm so worn out it fucking hurts... But just to add insult to injury (And pleasure). Coach starts to walk in, the showers are still on, and he calls out "I heard a fight! I'm coming in..."...

Now...I have no idea if one sentence will ever haunt you forever... But that one does... Made my life a hell from then on... However, I did have the greatest bear ever, and I did get to learn one thing...


That was so fun to write by the way... It really brought out my dirty side... ;)

Hope you liked it, Peace out mah friends. Buh-bye.

We two: Dramatic kingdom pt1./2

So this is pretty much the bit where it all starts to make sense, go ahead and skip this bit (Infact, You could probably skip the whole part 1 of dramatic kingdom and not get any man on man action...). No matter though, reading on is the only way to...

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We two: Dramatic kingdom pt.0.5/2

Ok, here goes. The 1st half of the 1st half of this bit. Still not feeling well so It's probably not gonna be as good, which is a shame cause this bit is really dramatic.Might end up re-writing it if it goes wrong, let's see. We're...

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We two: new moon part 2/2

Ok, people here I go, not much of an explanitory intro to this one so just read on people. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ...."I think I might be in season" Jason said. "How the hell does a male two-leg wolf go...

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