We two: new moon part 2/2

Story by ScaledRex-FurSecret on SoFurry

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#6 of We two: The story of Ed and Lucas

Ok, people here I go, not much of an explanitory intro to this one so just read on people.

...."I think I might be in season" Jason said.

"How the hell does a male two-leg wolf go into season?" Ed asked laughing, thinking the whole situation was rediculous.

"Well, first we find a mate... then we ummm....*cough*.....uhhh, do it.......alot.......rough.....and uhhh.....I can't always control my feelings...... I remember, my roommate and I tried to live together when I was in heat, I nearly raped the poor kid I was so desperate..." Lucas said struggling for words.

"So you're trying to tell me...you could decide you want sex at any time, then go into some sex induced rage?..." Ed said, trying desperately to get the image of Lucas harming him out of his head.

"Yeah, see, the reason this is is because my dad was a four legger and, uhhh..... with him being wild and all he-" his voice was cut short by a kiss, Ed pressed his lips powerfully to Lucas' holding his face with a tight grip.

"Well it sounds crazy, but i'll be with you all the way." Ed said smiling, his face showing uncertainty.

"But-" Lucas' voice was cut short again.

"All we have to do is restrain you, make sure I don't provoke you, and make sure you get a daily dose of 'relief'." Ed said, smiling un-naturally. "Now get to sleep. The feeling of being filled is very calming for me." Ed was obviously still being affected by the wolf hormones, but he did have a point. Maybe he could escape harming anyone if he just cranked off every so often. It was humiliating for him to think about it, but maybe it would work. He got comfortable, and slowly drifted off.


Morning came, and Ed was the first to wake. "Hey honey, wake up, time to get you ready to mating season."

"Hmm?" The sleepy voice said as the gray, nude wolf opened his eyes. "Oh...uh....Oh yeah, I remember the plan." he said stretching.

"You're so cute when you wake..." Ed said kissing him on the cheek. Lucas smiled, he was much too tired to do anything. Ed sat up, the wolf hood in his hole slowly slipped out as he pulled off. Cum leaked everywhere! It stained Lucas' fur and then leaked onto the sheets. "You did alot of cumming last night, huh?" Ed said, the cum leaking out if his ass.

"I forgot to tell you, I cum more." Lucas said lazily grinning as he yawned and sat up.

"Well we can get a shower. I'm not having you smell cum and go crazy." Ed said getting off the bed.

()_()_()_()_()_()_()_()_()_ (No shower play this time, awwww) ()_()_()_()_()_()_

After the shower Ed sifted through some drawers to find something to tie Lucas up with. Rather usefully, he had some rope from when they tied up Eskar.

"Aha! PERFECT!" Ed said. "Ok, So i'll tie your legs to the bottom of your bed, and i'll tie your SHOULDERS to the top. So you can still move your arms." Ed said in a suggestive manner. "I'll also leave you naked and lock the door, only opening it when it's needed. I'll also be sleeping on the couch." He added.

"That seems reasonable to me, as long as the remote is in reach for the TV i'll be fine..." Lucas said, he looked pretty depressed as he was being tied up.

"Cheer up honey, It's only temporary. You have food and water, and 'entertainment'. I put a porno in the DVD, just flick it over when you want it." Ed said winking. "Ok. I gotta set off to work, there is a phone next to you, calI Jay if you need anything cause I can't take many more sick days this week so I've gotta go in." He told Lucas giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

"See you later babe." Lucas said blushing after looking down and realising his tip had poked out just from the tiny peck on the cheek.

"See you too wolfie. Don't get too excited now..." He said walking out of the bedroom and giving him a wave. Pushing a chair to the door-handle.

"I WON'T!" Lucas shouted out. "Now...let's watch some TV."

_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)Thought diary(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_

Hour 1: I've been so lonely without Ed...I feel like I could just break at any minute...I feel trapped...Useless...Man I feel so cruddy...But I guess it's all for my human. I'll do anything for him... even give some of my life if it comes to it...

Hour 2: Oh fuck....This is a definately unexpected problem, I need to go. Desperately....Oh god, where should I piss? WHERE SHOULD I PISS!? CAN'T HOLD IT IN!!! Omg, no... I certainly can't. Not from here....Well... here goes...(Ohhhh, that feels good.)...Omg....OMG YES! IT'S GOING IN THE BIN! HAHA! Me:1 Unexpected problems:0!

Hour 3: Jerking off. I never actually realised how good Ed's hand feels compared to my padded ones before, and much more skilled too....Mmmmmm.....Oh......... Maybe I should actually put that video on....

Hour 4: The 2 otters on the video are really skilled. They are like... SO HOT! Obviously they won't stop me thinking of Ed. But i'm definately enjoying it... Ed you really do have the best porno collection a gay man could ask for.

Hour 5: The porno ended about 40-odd minutes ago. And there's nothing on TV. I didn't even blow my load...What's wrong with me? Serious... Ed should be home soon, thank god too I'm starting to run low on water and food. I only have a sausage roll left. But damn do I love sausage rolls. *Eats*....Oh god....If i get hungry now i'm going to have call Jay, and then things will get akward.... Oh please no......

Hour 6: What's taking Ed so long? I got so bored I ended up just pawing for the heck of it... I was thinking of Ed though, and I did blow my load.... Pretty far too. Nearly reached my neck! I started lapping it up, to see how I tasted, see if I needed improvement. And it wasn't too Impressive. So I used my mobile to go on the net, found out a rumour about how eating fruit can make your cum taste less salty, and more sweet. I'd rather just stay salty thanks...

Hour 7: I hope he's home soon! I can't bring up the courage to phone Jay... And I can't stay thirsty like this... I've even got bored of wanking. Probably cause everytime I think of Ed all I think is 'Is he safe?' and not about how sexy he is... I'm not even worried about him I KNOW HE'S FINE! It's a thing wolves can do... They can sense a loved one in danger they can... Yup 100% true.

Hour 8: huff........ OH IS THAT FRIENDS ON TV!?......seen it......... IS THAT!? YES IT'S HIM! YES!YES!YES!YES!YES!YES!YES!


"Honey i'm home!" the voice came from the front room. Ed moved the chair from infront of the door and opened it. Lucas was so happy he was crying.

"Well you might be happy to see me, but you look like you had a pretty fun time without me." Ed said pointing out the long string of cum trialing up his chest.

"I was thinking of you the whole time..." Lucas said growling suggestively.

"Now, now hold on wolfie boy. I'll have to tie your hands before I pleasure you..." Ed said pulling out more rope and tying his hands to the bed.

Lucas whimpered as Ed got on his knees at the side of the bed. Lucas' tip was pointing out already.

"Excited so easy. Calm down." Ed said putting a hand in the area just above his sheath. "Get ready." Ed continued. "Lay back and enjoy." he said taking off his work top.

Ed bobbed his head down and licked the tip of Lucas' meat. Lucas Moaned in pleasure, his arousal filled the room as he sweated nervously. His cock came out quickly, and it wasn't long before Lucas was bucking his hips trying to force his wolfhood down Ed's throat. Ed pulled away.

"WHO SAID YOU COULD PULL AWAY!?" Lucas said, lust filled and horny.

"Lucas, you've gone mad!" Ed said fearing what was going to happen. Ed ran out of the room and put the chair back where it was, out of breath, topless and scared, he sat quietly on the sofa and put his head in his hands, beginning to cry.

"GET BACK IN HERE! YOU'RE MINE! I......I........I............I..." Lucas snapped out of his lust filled rage. "I want you." He finished the scentence with a more subtle tone. "I tried to throatrape the love of my life...." He said to himself. He couldn't help himself, the sound of Ed's sadness from the other room echoed in his mind. He couldn't help it any more, all he could think is how much of a monster he was. He began to cry. In his rage he'd forgotten how much he loved Ed. All he wanted was sex. But now, all he wanted was Ed to lay by his side and hold him.

The chair was pulled away from the door, and Ed walked in. "You...." He said, being unable to describe the horror he felt.

"I know, I'M SORRY!" Lucas said, tears streaming down his face. "Please just lay by me, I want you to love me." He said looking the other way, his eyes closed.

"No...." Ed said. "It's for your own good." He walked out slamming the door behind him and putting the chair back in it's place.

Lucas had never felt so down... All he wanted was for Ed to drive a stake through his heart like he was a horrid beast. But more than that, he wanted his love.

"All I want is for you to love me." Lucas said clear enough for Ed to hear.

"I do, I just......I........can't trust you at the moment." Ed said, not knowing whether Lucas heard it or not. An audiable voice came from within the bedroom. "I love you. You know just what to do. You complete me." Ed stopped crying and smiled. "You complete me too" He said cuddling up to a cushion and laying on the couch...

Lucas stopped crying when he heard Ed stop. He Must have understood. He smiled and closed his eyes, waiting for the new day.

So.....WOW! That was pretty heart-wrenching, huh? They really do love eachother. That's all for now my fans, keep tuned and live long.

We two: No time for love

Hey hey ppl, definately long time no see eh. But I got kinda bored, and well....started writing, in the end it came to this! Part 3 of my sieries and you finally meet the ex. The last 3 were kinda a prologue and this is kinda where the story explodes...

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We two: sorting it out.

The third chapter of this series, its shorter than the other parts, but it's only because it's wrapping up part 2(to be honest, it's more like chapter 2.5). it has a small part taken from Lucas' point of view... and a very cheesy part toward the end...

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