We two: sorting it out.

Story by ScaledRex-FurSecret on SoFurry

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#3 of We two: The story of Ed and Lucas

The third chapter of this series, its shorter than the other parts, but it's only because it's wrapping up part 2(to be honest, it's more like chapter 2.5). it has a small part taken from Lucas' point of view... and a very cheesy part toward the end where they totally shut Lucas' ex' mouth once and furr all.

Anyway lets recap...

Lucas told Ed he was sorta in a relationship on thier 1st day together. Ed flipped and booted him out.

Lucas cried while Ed complained to Jay (an old friend) about stuff. Lucas came back in 5 hours and gave Jay a note to give to Ed. Ed told jay to go home and to ask Lucas to come in on his way out...

So, lets get this started...


"uhhh...i guess the note kinda explained it eh?" lucas said, rubbing the back of his head, looking embarrased.

"why didnt you just say?" Ed questioned, motioning for Lucas to sit next to him.

"I dunno, i guess i thought i could explain it to you... you kinda just freaked out..." Lucas said, sitting next to him, his face reddening even more.

"I'm guessing your ex was a moron..." Ed said trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Yeah, i can't beleve he was gonna text-dump me for that friggin fox bitch. God i should'a known. He was going out late and making excuses to leave the room all the time. Damn, he was giving it away. i was gonna dump him i guess i just forgot. ahh... hell to him, he can figure it himself. He's probably already figured I hate his guts..." Lucas said, angrily complaining.

"y'know, i ain't trying to sound cheesy but, it ain't all your fault, i shoulda listened to you and notflipped out li-"

Ed's voice was cut short as Lucas pushed his lips into his. They kissed deeply laid down on the couch, Ed on top of Lucas. They said nothing, they just stared, smiling, Lucas' blue eyes shining in the moonlight, and Ed's face burning red with passion. They said nothing the rest of that night, they just cuddled on the sofa. Hell they'd just gone through a rough patch, and it was their 3rd day together. That night, they fell asleep together, holding eachother in thier arms, Ed with his head on Lucas' chest.

The morning came and Lucas woke first.

*Lucas 1st person*

The morning was beautiful, Ed was just laid there. He was my human again. I thought i'd lost him forever yesterday, he felt so far away, i know we've only been together 3 days, but i know he's the one. He's just so...god there's no way to describe it...he's just mine...my Ed...yeah i sound like a moron, but if you felt like i did, you'd understand what i was feeling, my heart skipped a beat just thinking about him. When he woke up that day the first thing he did was smile at me, it was like he was the only thing keeping me alive was him... he made me feel so understood...


Ed lifted his head off Lucas' chest, and stared into his eyes, just smiling.

"Morning honey." Ed said.

"i'm glad we sorted out the thing with my ex." Lucas said, his phone started ringing, he flipped it open, he put it to his ear and started speaking.

"Hello." Lucas said

"It's me babe. just checking up on you..." It was his ex.

"Who is it?" Ed asked. Lucas moved his head away from the reciever.

"The ex" Lucas said Disgusted.

"yeah im fine, but...i have something to say." Lucas said down the phone.

"Uhhhh what is that..." His ex said.

"I know you're having an affair and i know you only phoned to dump me..." Lucas said.

The phone was silent.

"pass me the phone" Ed said laughing at the whole situation.

"Oh and btw my new boyfriend wants to say hi" Lucas said handing the phone to Ed.

"Hiya, im the guy shagging your ex. Just like to say, you're a massive twat to give up a guy like him...BYE!" Ed put the phone down.

They both started laughing, they were in hysterics.

"god, that was cheesy as hell. but damn, i love you" said Lucas kissing the side of Ed's face.

"you too, wolfy..." Said Ed blushing.

We two: something to tell you

The second in the series enjoy =P : warning this story contains CAPS! -\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/ Just to make things easier, what Ed says is in blue and what Lucas says is in Red, just makes it easier to read AND easier to write =P (and anyone else...

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We two: breakfast in bed

This is my first EVAR story =3 hope you enjoy it, you must be 18 blahblah crap whatever lets get on with it...

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