We two: Dramatic kingdom pt.0.5/2

Story by ScaledRex-FurSecret on SoFurry

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#7 of We two: The story of Ed and Lucas

Ok, here goes. The 1st half of the 1st half of this bit. Still not feeling well so It's probably not gonna be as good, which is a shame cause this bit is really dramatic.Might end up re-writing it if it goes wrong, let's see.

We're off...

The clock read 01:26 PM, Lucas had apologized to Ed and Ed had already left for work that morning. It was raining pretty heavily, and the news was forecasting a storm.

"...I wish Ed was here..." Lucas said to himself looking for something to watch. He was all alone. However, today he wasn't tied up. Ed said that he was capable, just that sexually provoking him was what made him snap. And Ed was willing to risk himself to prove it. "...He's too good to me sometimes..." He got up to go toward the kitchen, but stopped dead in his tracks to think. "...Maybe, he's too good for me..." He carried on walking shrugging it off. "...Well if he was, we be over with right!?..." He smiled to himself, grabbing a slice of pizza that Ed had surprise ordered him from work. He took a bite only to stop once again, this time to grab a knife. Someone was in the front room... It couldn't have been Ed... Could it? A large figure came through the door and Lucas stabbed it in the arm. The rhino screamed in pain.


Lucas kicked him in the gut, only for his leg to be caught by a much larger figure. Before long he couldn't see, and was hauled into the back of a van.

By five o' clock Ed had been let out early because of the storm warning, there was a small chance of a flood.

"So? Who's up for hitting a bar?" The thin, nerdy orca said.

"Matt, bars are so dull, let's grab a pint and head to a club!" The taller, feminist-cat said.

"Guys, I can't do fuck all 'till I check Lucas is fine." Ed said putting his umbrella up.

"Oh I get it, not a party guy, eh?" Matt said.

"Oh what do we know, neither of us like men so shut the fuck up." Anna said punching Matt in the arm, which made him cry out in pain.

"Why don't we go to my place and grab some bottles on the way?" Ed said putting an arm around Matt, rubbing his dead arm.

"Sounds like a plan." Anna agreed.

"I guess I can't argue there. 2 vs 1." Matt said.

"3 if you count how much of a bitch Anna is." Ed said laughing.

"Ahh, shut it pinky." Anna said holding up a threatening fist.

The trio started walking toward the large building where Ed lived, grabbing a couple of beers in a near by shop. Little did they know what was going to happen when Ed got home...

Lucas sat up and felt his face. Blood. He'd been knocked unconscious by the rhino not long after being hauled into the van for backchatting.

"Rise and shine pretty-boy." A familiar voice said. "Awww, you look even more cute when you're scared." The rat said, lighting a cigar. "Remember me? Course you do, I still have the phone call recorded." He pressed play on a tape and Ed's voice started playing.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!? TELL ME BEFORE I RIP YOUR THROAT OUT!" Lucas said, visciously drooling, only to be pulled back by a horse.

"Nothing yet... We're just getting started... Take a look." The rat said showing him a computer screen showing Ed's living room and a large Elephant figure stood in the middle. Grinning.

"He's gonna bring your lovey-dearest to us. Too bad it's gonna be in a body bag..." The rat exclaimed evilly.

"YOU WOULD'NT FUCKING DARE YOU-" Lucas was cut short by a smack to the face.

"Who said you could hit him?" The rat said.

"Sorry boss, I uh...." The horse replied.

"SORRY!? Fucking kill him..." The rat said with a one-handed brushing motion.

"NO! WAIT!" The horse screamed, a gun-barrel down his throat.

*Bang* The horse lay dead behind the rat. The large rhino with the tourniquet around his arm took the dead horse away.

"Keep the head, We might be able to do a mafia job. Hehehe..." The rat did a smart remark. "C'mon laugh you pussy." The rat said blowing smoke into Lucas' eyes. "You've changed." He said.

"That's because I stopped caring for you or your criminal buisness long ago, Christian." Lucas said. Wiping his mouth.

The door opened on the monitor. "Ohh, showtime..." The rat said clapping. "Enjoy the show wolfie." He laughed manically.

Ed opened the door. "Honey I'm... UGH!" He was punched in the gut savagely.

"NO ONE DOES THAT TO PINKY!" Anna screamed. All Matt could do was pull out his phone as Anna wrestled the large elephant to the ground and Ed curled up on the floor. Anna Strangled the larger male to the floor and stamped on his gut repeatedly. Then she pulled out a small pocket knife and held it to his throat.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" She shouted in his face.

"NO! NO,NO,NO,NO,NO! THAT WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!" The rat said punching the computer, his face red with anger.

"Not so smart huh?" Lucas smiled. His head down, blood dripping on the floor. The rat lifted his head and held it there a second before punching him in the face, blood flicking onto the floor.

"Lock him up..." The rat said, disgusted.

Lucas was thrown into a small cage somewhere in the werehouse. His face burned with pain.

"Oh Ed...Don't do anything stupid..." He said to himself.

Well........That's all for now folks....move along....Go on, shoo...

We two: new moon part 2/2

Ok, people here I go, not much of an explanitory intro to this one so just read on people. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ...."I think I might be in season" Jason said. "How the hell does a male two-leg wolf go...

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We two: No time for love

Hey hey ppl, definately long time no see eh. But I got kinda bored, and well....started writing, in the end it came to this! Part 3 of my sieries and you finally meet the ex. The last 3 were kinda a prologue and this is kinda where the story explodes...

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