We two: Dramatic kingdom pt.1.5/2 (The accident)

Story by ScaledRex-FurSecret on SoFurry

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#9 of We two: The story of Ed and Lucas

So here we go! Another 2 part part. The beers have been passed around and everyone got smashed! The boys recorded it all so let's see what happens.

"Go on, put the tape in!" Matt said, excitedly shoving himself on the couch inbetween Jay and Ed.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Eskar called putting last night's recording in. "Nice idea to record it all on camera by the way." He added.

"Thanks man!" Matt replied as Eskar budged his way onto the couch next to Lucas. They were squashed up, but the video was worth it.

It had been ten minutes. They were already playing "Drink if".

"Ok I got a good one!" Ed called out. "Drink if, you've ever thought of someone 'on the other team'"

Eskar and Anna drunk a shot.

"My turn!" Matt interupted. "Drink if you've ever gotten so drunk, you've woken up naked, outside."

No one drunk up, but sniggers came from all round.

"Just me? Fuck!" Matt called.

"There there." Anna said. " Drink if you've fucked a woman! HAHA!"

Jay and Anna drunk up.

"This just ain't your game is it Matt." Lucas said, mocking him about being a virgin.

"Oh shut up." He said, angry eyed, arms folded.

"Go easy on him guys." Jay said, calming them down. "Ok, Ok... Uhhh, Drink if you've ever shoplifted." Jay added.

Ed, Eskar, Lucas and Anna all drunk up.

"Criminals!" Matt shouted.

"Square!" Anna shouted back.

"Ow.... burned!" Lucas exclaimed.

"C'mon give him some slack!" Jay said.

Eskar's turn was next. "Ok, Drink if you've ever got someone's number in a club."

Matt and Jay drunk.

"Surprise. Matt did something right!" Anna mocked.

"Only 'cause you can't charm ladies doesn't mean I can't." Matt said.

"He got you back good there." Lucas said.

"Ok....drink if....." The night dragged on. They'd gone through 8 bottles of powerful shots between them. And by now. Ed and Matt were out of thier heads, Anna was relatively sober. And the rest were somewhere inbetween tipsy, and destroyed.

"Hey.... Hey Eskar! Pass......Pass another...hic......vodka and coke...........Ice cubes too bro....thanks!" Matt said, holding up a glass, being held up by Ed.

"Get....get me wine! Wine is where the shit is at...." Ed called. Before laughing so hard him and Matt fell off the couch. Lucas and Jay burst out laughing too.

Anna spoke up. "You guys are lightweights. I'm going home." She put on her coat.

"Aww c'mon. You're the only chick!" Eskar called from the kitchen.

Anna walked out, slamming the door on her way.

"Total bitch!" Matt called out. Only to be shushed. "Sorry."

"Even I remember this, skip it." Ed called out.

"Hey-Hey-Hey-Stop there!" Eskar called.

"Is that?" Lucas gasped.

The video showed Ed, Lucas and Eskar all walk into the bedroom, and clothes get thrown into the doorway.

"No......" Jay said in disbelief. "It totally is! A-HA! YOU GUYS HAD A THREE-WAY!"

"He's my ex!" Ed called out.

Matt and Jay burst into laughter. "Good job we didn't record inside the bedroom eh?" Jay laughed.

"Hang on....Don't jump the gun boys..." Eskar said, shushing the laughter. The tables were turned now...

"Sh, Shh. SHHHHH..... Are they gone?" Matt asked. drunken.

"Yeah....yeah......Hic....... they're gone." Jay said.

Matt looked at Jay... His face moved closer to his... and suddenly...

" BULLSHIT!" Jay shouted.

Now it was Ed, Lucas and Eskar's turn to laugh.

" NO I'M SERIOUS! FUCK YOU!" Jay got up and started to leave.

"Come back! C'mon!" Ed called.


"Look, just calm down man I-" Matt tried to calm Jay, only to be pushed away.

" The last person I wanna talk to is you! Get away from me!" Jay called. He started to storm out.

"Jay, C'mon! We won't make fun! I promise!" Lucas called out.


Jay sat outside the door, the four could hear him crying.

"Why is he so serious about it? We're all gay, except Matt.....Well uhh...." Eskar said. Soon regreting staring the scentence.

"Just play it, I wanna see how far I went..." Matt sighed.

Matt kissed Jay deeply. Jay licked his lips and loosened his belt.

"I've always thought you were hot...Hic, hehe..." Matt whispered.

Jay took off Matt's shirt and kissed his shoulder. He then continued to make a bite mark. More importantly, a mating bite. To symbolise they were together. Ed had got one from Lucas. It was a canine thing...

Matt closed his eyes, clenched his teeth and endured the pain... His smooth skin bruising from the bite. His shoulder bled a little. Jay licked it clean, and continued to take off his shirt. He then lowered himself and put a finger around the waistband on Matt's shorts.

"I've seen enough." Matt said. "I'm gonna try to talk to him."

"Good luck pal." Ed said, smiling supportively.

So that's it! A short story progression, but a good one at least. I will release a story to do fully with the video, so stay tuned! As for now. You could always go read the earlier parts... Also feel free to ask any questions about characters.

We two: Dramatic kingdom pt.2/2 (The start of the aftermath)

This one really impacts the story so you'll heve to read it if you are in this for the story. If not just run ahead with this one. Here we...

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2 stories one night, W-how... So this is a break from the norm, a rather quite dirty shower story about 2 guys and a communal shower. H-yeah, y'know where this is goin'. It also has a rather witty title. =P It stars a small tiger and a bear. It's in...

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We two: Dramatic kingdom pt1./2

So this is pretty much the bit where it all starts to make sense, go ahead and skip this bit (Infact, You could probably skip the whole part 1 of dramatic kingdom and not get any man on man action...). No matter though, reading on is the only way to...

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