Prejudice, payback and pounding.

Story by ScaledRex-FurSecret on SoFurry

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#2 of Russel & Adam

Ok guys, this is the second part in Russel and Adam's small series. Maybe after this series is done i'll still use these characters sometimes, you'll have to wait and see... Anyway this one is all about... well... the title basically. Also, as from now on i'll only be posting weekends since the rest of my week is clogged due to my new job and other junk.

This story starts with Adam speaking and alternates between the two like last time, so... enjoy!

So what if coach _ had _ caught us fucking in the showers. So what if we _ had _ been kicked off the team. I'm not complaining... Not like I care, I have a brand new boyfriend, and he's coming over tonight! People are not taking us too serious. They say that we're just another gay couple who can't find anyone else to shag. They're sooooo wrong. They couldn't be more wrong if they tried. Russel loves me, hell! I'd pay anything for him to stay with me. I swear, if he's fooling me around I will use his head as a punching bag.

Everyone is talking about how me and Adam were banging in the showers. It's starting to get stupid. It's already been a week, and they're still on about it! Now, I'm not usually one to complain, but, everyone seems so shocked. Why do they not think two gay guys can love eachother, without there being a catch? It just gets me so mad how prejudice some people are... One jock in paticular though, makes us gay guy's lives a living hell. His name's Claw. I ain't going into details, but he is a royal prick. He hates everyone who isn't a pure white, christian, human kid, hates anthro, only hangs with pink-skins. He makes me sick to my stomach, one of these days he'll get what's coming to him, and god help him if i'm the one who gives it him...

Ohhh god... Some people just can't learn to live with anyone can they... the local 'super-racist' gang have gone and sprayed a tick on all the pink-skin's lockers. Those bastards don't even like the darker skinned humans. Pah, bastards all of them... I seriously don't mind humans in general, just these guys were nasty pieces of work. Thankfully they've never targeted me so I should be... OH SHIT!

So there I am, walking to science, when I hear Adam screaming for help. Naturally, as his boyfriend and all, I go for the rescue. Now Claw is stood there holding Adam against his locker by his neck. Crazy human who adopted an anthro name and almost killed his parents in a car crash. He's nothing, he's not tough, he's not bad. He's a pussy, and worse of all, he just pissed me off!

So just when I think things couldn't get worse, Russel butts in, Claw is a crazy ass kid. No-one has ever stood up to him, and now the mould was about to break with my boyfriend, and it was all because of me. Sure I found it brave of him. But he was also mental to even challenge Claw, or so I thought.

"Hey you! Pink-skin!" I shout. At this moment i'm actually pretty scared. He drops Adam and looks at me. I swing for him, and he takes a punch to the side of the face so hard he gets almost K.O'd. See... nothing of it. Just another pussy wannabe 'gangsta' who needs his gang to help him. So this kid everyone fears is now running from me. The guy who only two minutes ago was having the mick taken out of him because he had sex in a school shower.(Which may I add, made coach get pissed at us and now he picks on us every gym class. Which is always fun!)

O.K. Soooooo. My boyfriend just punched the supposed toughest kid in school in the face, and he just ran off. So what do I do? I repay him! Of course! So like the big slag I am I promise him a BJ later when he comes to my place. To be honest i'll enjoy it just as much as him. He's such a hunk. Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Everyone is crowded around us at this point, and well, they're all congratulating Russel. I put an arm around him and pull him close, he puts an arm around my shoulder and we stand there while the college press take pictures.

So were stood, people take pictures, and all of a sudden the college head is stood around us asking what the heck is happening, obviously since news spreads like wildfire in a college the head overhears and i'm in his office answering why I just punched someone in the face. I can't wait to get home...

So yeah Russel had quite a bad day today. His folks shouted at him 'cause he got into 'a fight'. I was hardly a fight! He was helping me! He's just misunderstood. I'm headed down to his place to give him his reward. But i'll probably try not to use the front door just incase they don't let me in...

Laid in bed, at home, listening to my music, when all of a sudden my window slides open and Adam climbs through wearing his typical grey hoodie, black net gloves and blue denim shorts. At this point, i'm naked, and I just lay there as he stumbles through my window.

---------------------------------(Third person bit.)-------------------------------

Adam fell through the window with a thud.

"What're you doing here. My parents will kill you if they find you here." Russel exclaimed.

"I came to gave you you're gift! For saving me! Annnndddd, It's good luck you've got a lock on your bedroom door otherwise we'd have unwanted company, right." Adam said, being helped up and brushing himself off. "Also, why're you naked, not like I have a problem, just... why naked?" Adam added.

"I like to hang naked with my door locked sometimes. That a problem?" Russel said tilting his head and giving Adam a grin.

"No, infact, it's a big help. Sit down big boy." Adam said, starting to strip off.

Russel sat down on the edge of his bed, and adam kneeled by him, now only wearing his tight black underwear, his clothes piled next to the bed.

Adam put a hand on the flaccid meat infront of his face. "I know i've had this in my ass, but just touching this thing is like heaven for me." Adam said, beginning to jerk it steadily.

"Ungh.... Maybe you should stop complementing me and start giving me the present, 'cause if it's a handjob I could'a done that." Russel said, beginning to get hard. Adam wrapped his mouth around the bear's wide flesh, his mouth just big enough to comfortably take it's width. The tiger's head bobbed up and down rhythmically, while a hand pumped near the base.

"How about... You stop jerking... take off those pants... and we just have sex." Russel panted.

"Sounds fun." Adam said, the taste of pre-cum in his mouth. He stood and lowered his black briefs. It was gonna be a night they would both certainly remember.

There's more to cum so just stay tuned peeps. For now though i'm tired. G'dnight

We two: Dramatic kingdom pt.1.5/2 (The accident)

So here we go! Another 2 part part. The beers have been passed around and everyone got smashed! The boys recorded it all so let's see what...

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2 stories one night, W-how... So this is a break from the norm, a rather quite dirty shower story about 2 guys and a communal shower. H-yeah, y'know where this is goin'. It also has a rather witty title. =P It stars a small tiger and a bear. It's in...

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We two: Dramatic kingdom pt1./2

So this is pretty much the bit where it all starts to make sense, go ahead and skip this bit (Infact, You could probably skip the whole part 1 of dramatic kingdom and not get any man on man action...). No matter though, reading on is the only way to...

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