Pack Mentaility Chapter 3

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#3 of Pack Mentaility

A month has past since the attack on the town. After the first week Jezeca conceded the fact it's easier being in wolf form than in human form, but after that first night as a true werewolf she's slept seperatly from the rest of the pack minus Rachel who initially joined her but lately has slept with the rest of the pack. During the day Jezeca pretty much stays buy herself but in view of the others so when she does make her escape they'll be completly surprised.Rachel is the only one Jezeca allows to be close to her. She does join the the hunts and quickly becomes one of the best hunters.She also listen in on the stories they tell Rachel about the packs history. One story in particular was about a courious male wolf who went to a distant land. He and a couple of other wolves, mainly rebirthers like Jezeca and Rachel knew how to read and right. His last letter talked about him visiting a museum run by a green dragn that he planned of visiting. He was never heard from again. Luckly both girls didn't have to worry about the males trying to mate with them for Silverback decreed that the girls were off limist for a year giving them time to adjust, and Silverback while not as strong as the last alpha but he had respect. One day Rachel approaches Jezeca who was on the outskirts of a clearing hear the den looking out to the woods. "Jezeca why do you keep to yourself so much? The others eagerly wait for you to join us."

"I don't want to spend time with them I'm planning our escape."

"Why bother."


"We're werewolves know Jezeca. Where could we go where we wouldn't be hunted? Family is dead the town is gone. I have nothing to go back to, but at least were accepted here."

"But Rachel.."

"I'M NOT RACHEL!" Rachel interupted. "Rachel died with her family I'm Raceh now. Please just learn to be happy here." Rachel excuse me Raceh pleads.

Jezeca shakes her head. " I can't forgive them for what hey took from me like you can. I'm sorry I wasn't stronger to prevent you from losing yourself. That's a failure that will haunt me." Raceh sighs and walks away with her head, ears, and tail drooped. Watching her go Jezeca sighs herself and goes back to looking into the woods and thinks to herself "I have to leave tonight. There's nothing left keep me here. Rachel has fully assimluated into this pack of theirs. I'm only going to get one shot at this."

While Jezeca plans her escape Raceh seeks out Silverback. She finds him on a hill nearby gazing to the valley below it."Alpha."

"Yes Raceh."

"I'm worried about Jezeca. She's not taking her change well."

"Hhhmmm. Raceh come sit by me." Raceh easliy sits down besides her alpha.

Silverback continues"Not all rebirthers adjust to their new life as easliy as you. Sometimes it takes years for them to be truely happy with a pack. Argus took 3 years berfore he could."

"I didn't realize Argus was a rebirther."

"Yes he is and now look how happy he is."

"But Jezeca is still planning on leaving despite my attempts to talk her out of it."

"Don't worry about it Raceh. That's probably just a way for her to sow adjust. Where would she go? Just give her time she'll forget about." Raceh is not entirely sure of it but she trusts her alpha.

Jezeca waited till the middle of the night to make her escape. She pauses at Raceh's sleeping form and pets her head. A smile apears on the sleep wolfs face. She then leaves the den and heads out for the town. One of the few perks she admits to being a werewolf is the speed. She was twice as fast as she was human. Soon she reaches the ruins of the town and begins to look for her stuff. The bones and clothes of the dead are still lying around where they fell a month ago. She quickly finds the remains of the old alpha the dagger still in his bones. She grabs it a sees despite the dried blood it's till in good contition, also she finds her sword in good contition but here armour was nothing but scrap. She finds a rope to tie her swords sheath to along with a new bag for her money which surprisingly still there. She then leaves the town and crosses many streams and rivers on her way home. She never told anyone in the pack not even Raceh where she lived.

Meanwhile back at the den morning has come and the pack begins to wake up. Raceh follows her usual routine and seeks out Jezeca before the morning hunt. She doesn't see her sleeping in her usual stop."Hhhmmmm, must of woken up early today." After a few minutes of searching with no sigh of Jezeca she gets worried. She finds Silverback "Alpha I can't find Jezeca anywhere."

" You're sure you check everywhere?" he asks.

She nods "Yes she's not here." In minutes the entire pack spreads out to find her only to come back empty after an hour of looking..well relatively empty. A couple of werewolves had deers in their hands for the pack.

"Well you were right Raceh she was think of escaping I'm sorry."

"Well we have to find her she's pack!"

" And we will Raceh, you and Argus are to go out and find her and bring her back no matter what. Do not return until you do. I can't send anymore for your safety."

"I swear we'll bring her back."

Pack Mentaility Chapter 4

It's been a month since Jezeca made her escape from the pack. After taking a long way around to through off any persuit the pack might send she was now at the outskirts of the town she based herself at. she srrived at this part of the outskirts for a...


Pack Mentaility Chapter 2

When Jezeca opens her eyes she sees something she didn't expect to see...her family. Her father sitting at the table resting after a hard days work on the farm, her mother cooking a delicious smelling meal, her baby brother and sister playing in the...

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