Pack Mentaility Chapter 4

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#4 of Pack Mentaility

It's been a month since Jezeca made her escape from the pack. After taking a long way around to through off any persuit the pack might send she was now at the outskirts of the town she based herself at. she srrived at this part of the outskirts for a reason, she has a cache of equipment nearby in case she'd need to make a hasty flee. She aproaches a cluster of trees that had twind their roots together and is only seperated by a rock. She pulls the rock away noticing how easy it is this time and grabs a chest hidden in the little alcove. She opens it and peers inside and finds what she expected: A backup sword that is idential to the one at her hip, A quilver of arrows and a bow, and a small sack of gold. She takes the bow and arrows and looks deeper and finads the final group of items. the perivous list of items she put in herself but she was running late and told the blacksmith making the backup armour to put it in the chest she left. When he ask what kind of armour she wanted she said "surprise me." She then pick it up later without looking in it she had a good relation with the blacksmith for he already made her twin swords. Now she wish she had, although made of dragon scales which makes it flexable yet durable it was essentially a bikinni with boots. Shaking her head at the blacksmith's sense of humor but she has no choice but to wear it, she can't go into town stark naked and she begins to change back to human.

She walks into town with a strange sense of dejia vu. Ah! yes, it comes from the fact she walked into the last town that changed her. Strangely she doesn't feel embarassed by the skimpy armour, she blames it on the wolf that infects her. After a quick stop a the market for food which she notices incules more preserved meat than she used to get, darn wolf. She actually feels the wolf chuckle at the remark sighing she continues on to her house. She's halfway there when she hears someone call out her name. She looks over to see a woman of 30 years running towards her. "Debbie!" Jezeca yells. Debora or Debbie to her friends took care of Jezeca's house and finaces when she's gone off on jobs. She's helped Jezeca to be fairly wealthy by investing in certain industries like the blacksmith so no matter what Jezeca has a steady income.

"I was expecting you over a month ago what happen? And what happen to your armour?" Looking at Jezeca's new wardrobe.

"Ran into a little trouble at the last town I was at and my usual suit was lost. This is the backup Biff made."

Debie rolls her eyes"He does have a wicked sense of humor." They finally reach the house and debie pulls out a key to unlock the door. "Here kept it I'll have Biff make me a new one." Handing Jezeca the key. Jezeca's house consisted of a living room, two bedrooms, and a combine kitchen dining area.

"I would offer dinner but i'm exhasted from my trip, so i'm just going to have a bite to eat then sleep."

"Sure see ya tommorrow." and Debie closes the door behind her. Jezeca cooks a small meal of some meat and veggies then heads into the first bedroom where we see a nice comfortable bed. One of her few indulgences. She strips and heads under the covers. Once she settles she sighs and says "Man I missed this." "But the pack isn't here." replies the wolf.

"SHUT UP! THIS is home not there." A sigh escapes." Look i'm to tired to fight with you wolf so please drop it." Reluntanly the wolf does and she's finally heads to dream world.

Weeks pass and Jezeca settles back into her old life...for the most part. The wolf like the armour be cause it left some much skin out to feel the air and knew it won't like Jezeca usual style. After a brief but intense fight Jezeca concedes on this. She even goes to Biff asking him to make a new backup but not before lettting him have it for making it in the first place. She also spends alot of time training herself with her weapons getting used to the new muslces and reflexes she now has. While intally worried that the wolf would try to hunt her neighbors she finds out that the wolf thinks it would be dangerous to hunt humans. The first thing they ever agreed on. During fullmoons she heads outside to the outskirts of town and pends most of the night in wolf form. She also tells stories of her adventures she's been on except for the fateful day of the attack despite prodding from Debie. This wasn't to last however. While out getting wood to chop for firewood she notices the forest is unusually quiet. She stops and starts listening and smelling. First she hears movement in the trees, she drops the wood and draws her sword. Soon she finally has a scent, it's a famiular one. he's not surprised when Raceh and Argus drop from the trees in front of her."Jezeca!" Raceh shouts with joy "We've been looking all over for you. It's time to come home." Keeping her sword rasied Jezeca responds. "Why couldn't you leave me alone I hadn't told anyone of your pack. So please leave."

Raceh has a puzzled look on her face. " But Jezeca your pack, you belong with us. We can't leave you here."

" Yes you can Raceh I"M NOT PACK THIS IS MY HOME! Remeber I killed ten of your pack before you changed me and now I'm more dealy to you so once again leave."

Argus is the one who responds to that " That's not an option and you've left me no choice." Then he leaps so fast it leaves both girls stunned. He manages to knock Jezeca's blade from her hands. She reponds with a kick to the head and the fight truely begins. "No! stop fighting PLEASE!" Rache yells. She and her wolf are very distress seeing packmates fight like this though she and and her wolf have merge so muchit's nearly impossible to seperate there feelings about things. Her pleads are ignored buy the two combatents who are only focus on eachother.After a one-two punch to the gut then a leap back Jezeca changes to wolf form to have a better chance. Argus charges in an attempt to tackle her but she doges easliy only to be hit in the jaw by both of his feet as uses his hands to stop the charge and pushes. Stunned Jezeca staggers back before doing a sweeper kick to knock out the legs from under him then follows with a powerful kick to the side that hurls him towards a tree. His back hits the tree hard before falling to the ground breathless. While he tries to catch his breath Jezeca retreives her sword and leaps up into the air to deliver the final blown. "NNNNOOOOO!" Raceh screams despiritaely. Inches before it would end Argus's life the sword stops and shakes in Jezeca's hands.

"You can't kill him he's pack." Her wolf declares.

"I'm not pack and he's threatening me."

"Yes you are stop fighting that fact. He's only trying to help you." This internal battle last for minutes, Argus and Rache are too shock by what there witnessing to move. Despite her best efforts her hands won't finish the move, the wolf has been saving it's strengh for something like this. "I can't let you kill a packmate who's only trying to help you." The wolf says with finality. Jezeca then kicks his knee so hard it breaks. After he yelps in pain. Jezeca finally speaks.

"Please please just leave me alone. Go back to your pack." She pleads before withdrawing her sword and leaping into the trees. Raceh rushes over to Argus to check on him.

"Are you allright."

"She's good she broke my knee so it will be awhile before I can get up."

"Then I'll go after her." Raceh rises to leave but is stopped when Argus grabs her hand.

"You will do no such thing!"

Stunned Raceh replies "But she's pack."

"Right now she's in no mood to talk. I was a milita man before my rebirth and she did this to me, your certainly no match for her."


"No buts mine got kicked enough today." Raceh couldn't help but chuckle at the little joke."Did you see her before she left? She wanted to kill me only her wolf held her back but just barely. Thankfully that also proves her wolf is defiantly there and might give us a way in."

"What do we do now? It hurts me to just let her run again."

"I know but Jezeca's human side doesn't consider us pack but an enemy and it's calling the shots now. We found her once well find her again and next time you'll be able to help me because for now on until she's safetly back in the pack you are going to be trained in fight. No buts again. I know both your sides dislike the idea esspecially if Jezeca's on the recieving end, but she's obviously better trained than me so I NEED your help."

Drooping Raceh reluctantly agrees to it.

After dropping off at her cache and retreive the supplies she then headed home to gather her food and other things of value. Debie having seen her friend in a rush comes in to see what's wrong. "Jezeca?"

"Debie? oh good your here I was going to ask someone to get you I need your help."

"What can I do?"

"The trouble that delayed me has showed up and I have to leave town forever. Could you go and close my accounts at the bank? And the house is yours to do with as you please." She was done stuffing her momentos in a large sack designed like a modern day backpack.

"You're not coming back?"

"I can't I'll put you in danger if I stay these guys are determine to get me.So I have to leave and I can't tell you where that way they shouldn't bother you." Debie then hugs her hard and with tears streaming down her face. Jezeca returns the hug.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you to."

An hour later they're on the edge of town Jezeca all packed. "Have a long and properous life Debie."

"You watch yourself." Debie watches her friend disapear form her life seaminly forever.

Pack Mentaility chapter 5

In the months that follow Jezeca travels around doing an odd job for food. She evey crosses a inland sea to get away from the pack. Finally though she is tired of running and wants to settle, she heard there was a town nearby and figure she try here....

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 3

A month has past since the attack on the town. After the first week Jezeca conceded the fact it's easier being in wolf form than in human form, but after that first night as a true werewolf she's slept seperatly from the rest of the pack minus Rachel...

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 2

When Jezeca opens her eyes she sees something she didn't expect to see...her family. Her father sitting at the table resting after a hard days work on the farm, her mother cooking a delicious smelling meal, her baby brother and sister playing in the...

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