Pack Mentaility Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#2 of Pack Mentaility

When Jezeca opens her eyes she sees something she didn't expect to see...her family. Her father sitting at the table resting after a hard days work on the farm, her mother cooking a delicious smelling meal, her baby brother and sister playing in the living room."Papa!" Jezeca yells and rushes forward to hug him when she goes through him like a ghost. Startled she looks back and her father remains unchange as if he didn't hear her."Oh no. It's a dream.' She saids sadly and waits to watch the end she supects. As her family goes about it's busniess which desperately memorizes when a group of bandits break in. The bandits quickly kill her father and grab hold of her mother and siblings and ramsackle the house. Find little and dealing with her squealing siblings they kill them as well then follow up to gang rape her mother. her mother tries to resist but it's no use, buy the third guy she's moan along with his grunts. After they're done they slit her throat and get ready to raid the town it self. Being the eldest Jezeca was at the market in town to get somethings for her parents and witness the bandits attempt to raid the town. They were to cocky and were quickly killed or captured. Jezeca races home to find her family murdered. She returns to the town and stays long enough to see the bandits tried and killed before taking what was left of her family's money and sought out someone willing to teach her how to fight as a warrior.

She finally wakes up with a gasp and tries to move with no sucess. She opens her eyes to find herself tied very tightly with alot of rope. Also that she's completely naked. She begins to look around and finds a young girl also naked and tied up with an elabourite rope, also finds out she's in a cave. She hears grunting and moaning coming from her right and finds a pair a werewovles yiffing themselves crazy. The male on top with the female on the floor of the cave her tongue hanging out of her mouth limply in pleasure as the male continues to pump his cock inside her pussy. Jezeca watches in stunned silence for minutes as the couple climax and collapsed into a bunle of fur and limbs. She hears a groan to her left and sees the young wake up as well. The girl sees Jezeca and asks "Where are we?"

"I'm guessing the packs den."

"Are they going to eat us?" the girl asks with terror in her eyes.

"I don't know." Seeing how terrified the girl is Jezeca tries to calm her the best she can. "What's your name?"

"Rachel, yours?"


"Hey you're that warrior woman that tried to help us right?" Jezeca nods.

"Yes she is and she cost us allot of our packmates." They both turn to the voice and sees Silverback walking up to them. "Good thing you're both finally awake, enjoy the show.' He's says with a smirk and gesturing to the couple still on the floor in a bundle. "Moonlight and Claw do know how to put on a good show. Bye the way I guess I should thank you Jezeca was it? You killed my predecessor and left me Silverback as alpha now."

"The pity is I could get the rest of you.' Jezeca fires back. "Are you going to eat us?" Rachel asks sheepishly.

"Oh no, we have something better planned for you two." Grabbing both of there arms with his hands he then uses the claw on the thumbs to make a cut on their arms. Jezeca grunts while Rachel screams from the pain. He then cuts his own forearm open, dives his thumb in making its tip red with blood then smears it on both of their wounds. "There now you're truly pack." Silverback says with a grin.

"No I don't want to be a werewolf." cries Rachel.

"It's too late with my blood mixing with yours you are now a werewolf though you won't experience your first change until the next full moon which is three days away. Don't worry though you both will be well taken care of in the meantime." Silverback then leaves the girls, Rachel sobbing and resting her head against Jezeca while Jezeca glares at him with blue eyes full of hatred.

The next three days for the girls consist of being fed, given water, allowed out too go to the bathroom, and sleep. They're still tied up, when Jezeca asks why since they're 'pack'. Argus another male werewolf responds "One to prevent you from escaping which undoubtly is still in your minds and two the rebirth into wolves the first time is painful and it takes a little while to get use to the wolf you now have to guide you." When night finally falls on that third day Jezeca can start feeling the changes in her. The pain is incredible even for a harden warrior such as her self she can't help but scream in pain as her muscles contort and grow. Her limbs get longer, her face contorts into a muzzle turning her scream into a howl. Her ears move upward and change into wolf ears. Fur spreads throughout her body. The ropes strain against her growing body. Despite all of this the thing that scares her the most is the feeling she isn't really alone in the body anymore. She feels an alien yet familiar presence there joyful at finally being free after three days. This Jezeca decides can only be the wolf Argus mentioned. She feels the wolf happy to be with pack and surprisingly happy to be with Jezeca.It even tires to reach out even further to Jezeca wanting to be more merge with her. Jezeca is shock by this and directs her hatred which has not gone away but has even grown with the change. The wolf is saddened by the rejection but still overall glad to be here. While this was going on inside Jezeca's head their change on the outside is complete their muzzles open, tongues hanging out and panting heavily. Rachel's new look was a light grey fur coat, green eyes lined with gold, and blond hair. Jezeca on the other hand had a fur coat similar to coyote's with light grey and sand. Her eyes are still blue like Rachel's were still green but also like Rachel they have a lining of gold in them, and finally her hair has remained the same beautiful red hair is was before. The other werewolves look on with eager approval. After a few minutes Silverback and Argus remove the ropes believing it was now safe. Helping the 2 new wolves up Silverback annouces"My fellow packmates I present to you our newest members Jezeca and Rachel." Nearly a dozen howls fill the den. Rachel cringes from it, but it is clear that both she and Jezeca are exhausted from the rebirth. Knowing their exhausted Silverback calls it a night and directs them to the spot were the pack sleeps literally in a dog pile. To exhausted to put of a fuss both females just collapse on the soft mat of leaves and instant fall asleep with the pack around them.

It is early morning when Jezeca awakes from her sleep. The first thing she notices is a smell that is strange yet comforting like it should be there. She lifts herself into a sitting position and stretches feeling a little stiff. She finally opens her eyes and notices where she the middle of a pack of werewolves. She quickly jumps out of the pile and presses herself to the wall of the den. After a minute she notices the wall feels strange against her clothes, she looks down to discover her new body. "NO NO NO!" she cries in her mind. "I'm human HUMAN!" Her wolf side notices her distress and tries to comfort her saying its okay. She quickly refuses the comfort and tries to focus on what she looked like before. Once she does she feels a strange pressure and shifting, not pain at all just pressure. When it's done she opens her eyes and looks down to see her human body back...but naked.While her wolf dislikes being in this form Jezeca takes that as encouragement and then starts looking around for her clothes or any clothes and her equipment. After a few minutes she only finds the bones of most of the livestock from the town. "I'm surprised to see you up this early but I guess I should come to expect them from you." Silverback walks out of the den into the early morning light where Jezeca's search last took her."I'm also surprised that you manage to change back already, it usually takes a week before a rebirther like yourself to go back to human form." With a look of hatred she faces Silverback and asks

"Where are my things?"

"They were left behind. They are of no use to us and you didn't need them in your new life." Crossing her arms she replies

"You expect me to run around naked then?"

"Yes which is why we prefer our wolf state than to our human one because were more protected. Now follow me inside the others should be awakening soon." Reluctantly she does follow him in to see he's right. The others were waking up. Rachel's is among the first to wake up, she nervously looks around then notices what she's become. "NNNOOOOO! This can't be! This isn't me I'm human." and she begins to cry loudly. Jezeca runs over to try to comfort the traumatized girl. "I'm here Rachel I'm here." and she wraps her arms around Rachel."Jezeca?" she briefly looks at her and then says "Look what the did to me."

"I know Rachel I know. They did it to me to but we'll get through this." Silverback watches this from where he's stand though Rachel's cry had disturbed the pack Jezeca's appearance confirmed to the pack they should be left alone for now. Silverback decides that the girls can best help themselves better than anyone else though some will teach the pack's ways. Jezeca continues to hold on to Rachel through out most of the morning, secretly vowing that no matter what or how long it takes she'll get them out of here. She was taught the best hunter is a patient hunter, and she's very patient.

Pack Mentaility Chapter 3

A month has past since the attack on the town. After the first week Jezeca conceded the fact it's easier being in wolf form than in human form, but after that first night as a true werewolf she's slept seperatly from the rest of the pack minus Rachel...

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