Pack Mentaility Chapter 1

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#1 of Pack Mentaility

Pack Mentality

By AdmiralQ

Jezeca enters the town with a feeling of relief, she's been doing several jobs the past few months and is eager to head home and rest awhile. This town isn't her hometown but it's the last town she needs to visit before getting home. Jezeca is not the typical woman you might see. Her gorgious red hair and beautiful face are above a form fitting,durable and light armour with a sword at her left side a bow with a quiver of arrows on her back a canteen and a sack that did contain foodstuff and coin, currently only the coin remains but it's alot showing her sucess. She heads to the town's tavern to rest up, get a drink, and heard the latest gossip before heading to the market to restock her supplies. The barkeep sees her aproach which is interupted buy men trying to seduce her and getting pain for their troubles."Hey stranger wha'ca need?' he asks as Jezeca pulls up a stool." A beer and the latest gossip around here." she responds putting down alittle extra for the barkeep. Handing her the beer she ordered the barkeep responds. "We've been having problems with a werewolf pack that's setup territory near here. I wouldn't recomend anyone leaving this town to anywhere far alone." Having fought against werewovles in the past she knows how dangerous that can be. "How big is this pack?" Jezeca asks. " No one knows though survivors form attacks said there were a half a dozen werewolves in the ambushes. I know the mayor is thinking of putting together a hunting party to eliminate the pack." "Thanks for the info." Jezeca then ponders the situation while she drinks her beer.After a half hour she finishes her beer and heads out to resupply. She was half way to the market when a commotion happen at the outskirts of town. Jezeca is naturally curious so she heads over to investigate. What she finds is a crowd gathered around a man in torn up mail and his body riddled with bloody claw marks talking to a man who is fat and covered with clothing that some would consider pompous.Obviously the town's mayor."...they got us by complete surprise Jimmy didn't even get a chance to draw his sword before they killed him. I barely got out.....there were so many." "How many son." The mayor asked. " About 30 werewolves sir." "HOLY CRAP! How can we hold out against such a number?" It's here that Jezeca decides to enter the discussion." Through tatics mister Mayor,I've fought werewolves before so they can be beaten. How far behind you were they?" "Considering they were picking over the remains of our patrol maybe an hour." "Not much time but it's better than nothing, Mayor will you let me help?" The Mayor responds "If you fought them before than you've got more experiance than most of my men, yes do what you can." "Alright boys arrows are practically usles against wolves unless it's a head shot...." Thus begins the preparations for the battle. An hour or so later Jezeca and the town militia were standing ready on the town's wooden walls. As predicted the pack showed up on the outskirts of town, ignoring Jezeca advice some of the milita fired there bows at the werewovles. Aside from a couple of lucky shots most of the werewovles hit merely pull out the arrow with a grunt and growl at the shooters. When they get to 5 feet from the wall the werewovles show there supernatural ablilties by jump up on the the wall's walkway. Jezeca with her sword already drawn engages the nearest wolf and immediatly slices of his head before finding another wolf this time a female. This fight lasts longer for the female werewolf was very agile only receiving nicks and cuts while her own claws were leave deep scratches on Jezeca's armour. A sword through the heart ends their duel, she can barely catch her breath when 2 more werewovles charge to her. She is forced to jump from the walkway. Recovering form the jump she reviews the battle, despite her crash course in fighting werewovles the milita was losing most of them forced from the walkways but there are still many wolf bodies next to milita bodies on the walkway. Soon some of the werewolves attack the houses most which still have families in them, some families tried to leave before the fight..their screams came out 10 minutes after they left leaving the knowledge that there's no where to run. 30 minutes later a tired,bloody, missing chunks of her armor Jezeca stood in the middle of town werewolf bodies spread out from her yet she still wasn't done. Her sword unsteady but firmly in her hands facing off against a large brute who was obviously the pack alpha. Showing better stamina the alpha launches the attack with a pounce. Jezeca spins her body to dodge and uses the momentum to swing her sword around. it takes the skin off a part of his back, enraged he swipes a claw around and rips off her chest plate baring her breasts to the world. After a few moments to gather her breath and strength then takes another swing with her sword this time taking his left arm off. Despite losing HIS ARM he manages to send her flying with his right arm 10 feet away. Jezeca was out for a couple of seconds feeling pain everywhere. She tires to find her sword only to find it 20 feet away. She knows the wolf was approaching and feeling this was going to be her end she lays back and whats. When the wolf leans over her she lets out desprite but load battlecry and stabs the alpha wolf in the heart with her final weapon...a dagger. The wolf has a look of pure shock on his face for a second before the life leaves it and begins to fall on Jezeca who got to she the look before blacking out. This duel did not got unnotice, the packs beta Silverback walks over to the bodies.He is very distinctive wolf with black fur, violet hair, and silver fur runig down his back and on his tail, thus his name. He lifts the body of the alpha over an inpects the female. The Alpha was clearly dead but the female was some how still alive. Silverback gets up and looks around. The fight was brutal the bodies of the dead all round him, but he does see at least a dozen of his packmates walk up to him."Were there any of the others?" he aksed Moonlight." Nightrider said "He saw something and should be here soon but no one else." She replied. With his head drooped and eyes closed Silverback says."This was a mistake. it has costs us too much,we should have waited longer. Waited until we were bigger. What of the humans?" "All dead except for this one." Moonlight points to Jezeca." Not true look what I found." Nightrider comes into the group carry his load and heaving it down next to Jezeca. It is a teenage girl of roughly 18 years. Silverbacks looks at the to females with interest.Finally he speaks "Take the livestock with us they shall keeps us fed for a while."What of these females?" asked Moonlight. "Take them as well they'll be of great value to us."

Pack Mentaility Chapter 2

When Jezeca opens her eyes she sees something she didn't expect to see...her family. Her father sitting at the table resting after a hard days work on the farm, her mother cooking a delicious smelling meal, her baby brother and sister playing in the...

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