
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Tony wakes up in the night to have some fun with his mate Marc, who is unfortunately at his mercy due to his endowments.

Tony woke up and almost immediately rolled over without meaning to. The entire bed sloped toward his mate Marc on the other side. It wasn't difference in body size either, it was entirely just his package. The giant hairless balls were the size of large pumpkins each, stretching the scrotum smooth over their surface, though the skin still had considerable give toward the base where their hefty weight normally yanked it down. His dick was already the size of Tony's forearm and it was completely dormant, resting quite snuggly in the cleft between balls.

Tony couldn't resist touching it, it was too good to just leave alone. The skin was hot and a bit clamy in places since the huge thing generated so much heat it was hard not to sweat. Tony smiled in the dark bedroom, feeling the huge ball shift around from his touch and even some veins moving about in the soft skin. Marc groaned but remained sleeping as his cock started to shift. The skin on skin friction cause his shaft to bunch up and arch a hit before springing forward, getting fatter then longer. It started to slowly arch down as it made it to the apex of the balls. Tony repositioned to between Marc's legs to watch it head on, leaning in to deeply inhale their musk. The balls started to swell up themselves- normally only containing about a tenth of the fluid produced, if fluids are backing up into the balls things must really be overpressured. His taint was probably swollen up to the thickness of a pool noodle under those swollen spheres. As the balls grew a bit, the cock raced them trying to make progress in its slow forward lurch. The fat glans were a bit too big to be contained in one hand now, stretched wide by the extremely fat shaft.

That is why Tony smiled so broadly, unlike its owner, the giant cock had become obese- so fat with backed up fluids that it could not lift itself. It was solid enough that the end stuck out off the outer curve of the balls, but that was as far as it could stand. And both the cock and its owner were at Tony's mercy- Marc's equipment had become so tremendously heavy and large he could not stand up without help, and could barely walk as his nuts swung around under him like wrecking balls. Too much pleasure. All the fun seen his dick grow big and strong, but too much fattened it and weighed it down. Now Marc was anchored by his own pleasure. Tony kissed the slit lovingly, feeling the firm rubbery flesh on his face and the salty musk in the air, licking a bubble of pree that formed after. He gripped the meaty corona of the head, feeling the bumpy texture as he gripped it, then brought his own cock close. He very gently pushed the cock back and sat only some of his weight down on the huge balls, now feeling the throbbing veins inside against his own taint. With each throb they seemd to demand 'more, MORE'. He rubbed his shaft along the urethral opening while pressing in from either side with his hands to deepen the divot momentarily. As soon as another bubble of salty pre showed itself, Tony wet his entire cock with it and easily slid inside Marc's urethra. Still gripping the corona, Tony thrust in and out of the huge cock, loving the feeling of the slick insides and the feeling of the rubbery head bouncing off his crotch, his comparitively small balls swinging forward to slap the frenulum. The huge balls he sat on resisted his weight, shifting his entire seating forward and caused him to rise a bit as they tightened. The shaft was too bloated to masturbate normally, so without his partner Marc wouldn't even be able to cum in this state.

Marc half-woke with a grunt and moan as he orgasmed heavily. Tony felt the fluid fill the shaft around his own, then squeeze him powerfully from pressure, then force itself into his own shaft. He came from the feeling but as soon as his own cum attempted to shoot out, the invading flow used the opening to reverse into him. The flow was fast and strong, curving through his taint and swelling his prostate immediately to freakish proportions. The fat tubes leading into his balls hardened from pressure and then his balls started to grow in surges. The pulses of the shaft were almost like watching someone's throat as they chugged a drink. And boy must his cock have been thirsty. The urethra was forced wider and fatted from the pressure of the flow, there was so much that excess started to oversaturate the shaft itself, causing it to bloat. Tony squirmed and broaned, trying to pull out but couldn't. When pressure eased up enough for him to try, his cock had become so bloated that it was stuck all on its own. He was only finally able to escape once Marc finished cumming, because Tony's cock was now too big to fit in the other, shrinking cock and popped out on its own from total lack of space. Tony watched as his cock continued to fatten and grow slowly from the overabundance. He still felt extremely hard, but it started to weight so much that it was bending down to rest on his huge balls regardless. Now Tony's tool was the immobile beast of a thing. Marc chuckled at him, gaving his smooth swollen sack a gentle pat, telling him he would get around to fucking that load back out of a while. Maybe tomorrow? He was too bloated to cum on his own after all. The problem with their little trade- every time they switched their current load was added to the liquid mass. So every time they switched, it got bigger and heavier, and the other became less mobile and more at his partner's mercy.

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