
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Sally experiments with two clashing potion effects thinking she has the perfect recipe for a long pleasurable night of 'me time'. Things do not go as planned, but she can't complain about the results.

(F Inflation)

Sally grinned to herself as she returned home from work. Her potions were finally done! Creation of any sort of magic potion took quite some time, because most of the ingredients were not inherently magic... so you needed to slowly saturate them with mana over time. The material shaped the mana, the mana powered the effects, the effects contribute to the final potion result. One potion was only tinged slightly light blue, the other was a much more vibrant pink. The two potions were opposing forces, but Sally theorized they were just what she needed to unwind. She didn't need a boyfriend- no one knew her body better than herself! In one hand she held the pink potion that greatly enhanced orgasms, in the other hand the transparent blue potion of chastity. Normally the blue potion prevented orgasm to allow a person to remain chaste even if their will fails... which seemed rather counter intuitive given the other potion she planned to drink. Sally did her best to keep the potency of the two equal- what she planned would happen is a forced edging effect. The chastity potion would keep her from going over, while the orgasm potion helped build her up and keep her at the edge. They were both higher concentration than the recommended ammounts, but she figued the blue potion would keep her from absolutely exploding, and the pink potion would prevent the blue from completely preventing orgasm.

Between her eagerness to test these together, and the fact her clothes were already sweaty and needed cleaning- she did not even bother to undress before gulping down the entire potions and plopping down on her soft carpet between couch and living room table. Her job was not physically hard, but she had to do it out in the beating sun all day, so it was draining, and always left her sweaty. She slid one hand up her shirt to grab her sweat slick tits, and the other immediately went to her pussy which was already heating up from the potion's effects. Her pussy was bare under her clothing- with how hot her job got she kept herself clean shaven just so there was less hair to overheat her. The men she worked with had to keep at least their faces clean shaven too, to avoid catching live embers in their facial hair... which would get real bad, real quick. Sally smirked as she imagined her male coworkers in sexually compromising positions. She did not particularly think of any of them as attractive, but that was partially why she was aroused at the thought of them being rendered helpless under, oh say, a spike heeled leather boot she may or may not own. As Sally pawed at her searing hot pussy, it started to drool with arousal- a clear effect of the potion. Because it coats the insides, female lube is less noticible than male because it has much more area to cover before getting to open air, so it usually takes a lot to start literally dripping. She usually only used two fingers, but now she tried all of them- not so much to stretch herself wider but to try to get any of those fingers deeper. Her clit throbbed against her palm as her hand hooked around and into her, trying to dig deeper. Her pussy was as hot as the beating sun at work! Her other hand squeezed her ample breasts hard, digging into that flesh aggressively too. Her body bucked a bit from what felt like hitting the edge of orgasm but it only lasted a second, sending echoes of pleasure trembling through her entire body before returning to just before. She angled her hand and body to be more up and down and sat on her wrist, forcing as much of her hand into her as possible, sinking down to her on wrist so her entire hand was inside of her hot, wet snatch. The crotch of her pants and her panties within were utterly soaked at this point, but the outfit was filthy to begin with so she did not care.

Her entire hip area felt like it was pulsing every full second- the muscles started to tense from approaching orgasm but then revert as the two potions played tug of war with one another. She started to work herself over faster, bouncing on her hand so her clit landed in the crook of her wrist, slamming them together. Her breasts were bright pink under her top from her aggressive kneading. She started to moan in desperation as sharp pleasure jolts started to fire through her off-rhythm from the muscle pulses as her body tried to release. She bucked her hips now, grinding her clit on her lower arm and wrist as well with every downward slam. Finally her entire body went rigid with pleasure and her muscles all clenched automatically, but she never orgasmed. The pleasure was certainly there, she made it there, but there was no big release. When her body started to relax again, Sally caught her breath. She pulled her pants and panties right down to look at herself a moment. It was an orgasm with no release. Her pussy was still hot and drooling. It looked severely sensative now, and bloated. Her lips had become fatter than she had ever seen them and blushed bright pink. She figured the orgasm potion would somewhat negate the chastity potion, but it seems both were still holding their individual effects in spite of the other. Well, she couldn't continue here or the carpet would get drenched so Sally went to the bathroom and finally kicked off her sodden clothes. She started a cool bath and resumed pawing at her needy crotch while she waited for the tub to fill. Her swollen pussy felt like extremely soft rubber. She could flick the fat lips and they bounced back into place. The flesh of a pussy was always like that, but normally it wasn't bloated up enough to really notice. Sally's clit was actually a bit harder to hit now, because it was sunken in deeper thanks to everything around it being more inflated. She intended to cool herself down and call this experiment a bit of a bust, since she couldn't completely finish herself off, but standing here touching herself felt so good, she decided to give it one more go. She grabbed the shower head and stuffed the rounded head into her pussy. In its swollen state it certainly did not look like it would fit, but the flesh was pillowy and plush so it stretched aside easily to allow the shower head in. Because she was already rubbed sensitive, she was able to build up to orgasm much faster- being penetrated helped too. She was so into it as she sat on the edge of the tub, she not only completely forgot the filling bath but did not notice the cool water rushing around her as it overfilled and started to cover the floor. She trembled violently as she reached another orgasm, and almost fell backward into the water! Her pussy throbbed and clenched extremely tight! Several seconds passed as her hips continued to buck and the throbbing only got stronger. As good as it felt Sally got worried when it wasn't showing any signs of stopping. She realised she still wasn't getting any release, but because the shower head was still inside of her, she wasn't coming back down from the edge either! She quickly grabbed at the hose leading to it and went to pull it out and yanked herself off the edge of the tub onto the wet floor! She looked down in her desperate pleasure addled haze and seen her pussy pressing out WAY farther than it should! Her labia were inflated like water balloons to the point where the shower head no longer fit to get it back out! Her lower gut even stuck out a little bit, and her thighs looked bigger too? That wasn't right. It didn't matter how aroused she was, her legs shouldn't change, ever. Growling in effort she grabbed the hose with both hands, bent her hips forward with what little muscle control she still had in her lower body and yanked as hard as she could. The slope of the shower head was gradual, so it should still come out. It took some effort but she managed to finally yank it free. Moments later she finally noticed the pool of cool water she was sitting in and turned around to turn off the faucet.

Sally looked down at herself and her pubic mound was so pronouced it looked like she shoved a soccer ball in herself, yet there was nothing in her at the moment. Her pussy was giant! It was like she used a saline injection and a pussy pump at the same time. She touched herself only lightly and immediately shivered at the feeling. The nerves were stretched so far. It really was like a water balloon, it was soft and wobbly but still taught. Her clit was swollen huge too, but not nearly as much as everything else, absolutely burrying it in there. The problem with that was now if any of the flesh around her clit moved, it rubbed all over the clit itself. Why had the area around her pussy grown a little too, though? She slowly eased herself onto her feet. She needed to consult her magic books again, see if she could look this up as a possible side effect, because this was a little baffling.

The moment Sally took a step forward she almost fell to the floor again. Ooooh god, was it ever sensative! Her pussy was so inflated and sensative that she almost had a mini orgasm as both her legs rubbed against it. She couldn't walk properly with it like this! But she needed to look up reversal remidies! If both potions were still in effect, this wasn't going away on its own. She walked slowly, shivering in pleasure with each step. Every few steps she had a mini orgasm and had to stop and brace herself against the wall. And with every mini orgasm her lower gut started to swell out a bit, and her thighs thickened. By the time she got to the kitchen where the potion station was set up with her books on the counter, her entire belly was puffing out a bit, and her nipples and areola were now looking swollen out for some reason! She staggered to the island counter in a final burst of speed, counting on it to brace herself against. The pleasure surge was great though, and caused her to buck involuntarily which then mashed her huge swollen mound right into the corner of the counter! She slid to the floor immediately in huge shaking orgasm and could visibly see herself blowing up! Her thighs swelled and softened and her stomach started to push out making her look like she was in early pregnancy! Her boobs started to swell a bit larger as well as her ass! Sally touched herself, poking gently at the swollen areas that were not her pussy. They felt softer than they should, but taught and a bit jiggly as well. Her eyes went wide as she realized finally what was happening! The chastity potion was preventing release, but the orgasm potion was causing her extreme pleasure, and her pussy to produce impossible ammounts of female ejaculate. Her body couldn't release the produced fluid because of the blue potion, causing her to inflate with her own pussy juice! It felt like a water balloon because it almost literally was! Her boobs were not even remotely connected to her crotch, but were pleasure centers. The fact that the magic was able to reroute excess fluid there because it was much more flexible, meant that it really was not going to stop on its own. Even if her pussy was inflated as big as it could ever possibly get even with the influence of magic- the potion was just going to find another place to stick it and keep going.

This was well beyond her ability to fix, Sally did not need to look in her magic books to know that. She needed to find her friend- she practiced much more complex stuff and might know how to fix this. Or at least know someone else who could. It was hard to move though. Even standing was difficult because her body felt so heavy! Liquid was dense and weighed a lot for its mass. Sally had two more small orgasms on the way to a new outfit, and another huge orgasm the moment she sat on the end of her bed to put it on! Her boobs inflated massively this time, presumably because her crotch was already now at maximum capacity. Her ass rounded out a lot too. If it was just that she may not have even minded- she always wanted a bigger booty. But not like this. She moaned loudly as she yanked her top on. Her fat swollen nipples against the fabric were so sensitive it nearly hurt. Her breasts were larger so a shirt that was supposed to fit her fine now revealed her midriff. She was not even going to attempt underwear at this point. She got her pants up to her upper thighs before it started to squeeze into her soft flesh. These were the loosest pants she had, from before she lost weight. They were supposed to not fit because she is too small, not too big! The round curve of her bloated labia stuck several inches out from where the pants waist could be pulled to, there was no possible way to fit in inside. All the cramming in the world could not pull that off, and trying would cause her to orgasm and grow even more swollen. She needed a sweater or a jacket! She could tie it around herself and drap it over her giant bloated pussy to hide it! It was the only thing she could think of to pull this off. She just needed to get to her friend's house, not through crowded places.

When Sally went to stand, bending forward put pressure on her gut which shifted the liquid pressure forward and into her pussy, causing it to clench and her body to shake in a small orgasm. The lips on her face started to puff up a bit now with subtle pressure too! Another area that was flexible. She started to rock back and forth, trying to use momentum to get her on her feet without moving too much. The liquid inside her rocked as well, and she could feel the waves of motion rocking against the inside of her pussy, rubbing it from the inside! She squeeked in desperation, as the momentum tossed her forward but she was hit with an orgasm so rather than roll to her feet she went completely over onto her hands and knees. Her body shook from orgasm and jiggled from liquid as it swelled bigger. Sally's eyes went wide at the sight of her hands holding her up. Her fingers looked a little puffy! Her entire body was swelling, not just the flexible areas now! She tried to get herself up onto her knees, and trembled as the sensation of liquid shifting inside of her tickled her pleasure nerves and gave her several tiny orgasms. With each jolt of pleasure she got a little bigger- her pussy gushing more hot liquid into the rest of her body. Her pants were forced lower and lower as her ballooning thighs allowed less and less to fit. By the time she got up onto her fat knees, her knees were as far as they pants could go, making them rather useless. She couldn't walk at all with pants clinging to her knees, so she had to take them off entirely. As soon as she carefully bent over to grab at them she cooed at the sensation of the liquid rolling around in her now huge breasts. Her shirt was so tight, and the boobs were so soft that they squished and spread into every available space left to them. She shuddered and fell back to her hands and knees, swelling a bit bigger. She could hear the threads of her shirt groaning, she was outgrowing any article of clothing. Sally should have known there was no way to remove the top, but couldn't think clearly enough. She tried to grab at the edges of cloth sunken into her supple flesh but jiggled in pleasure and grabbed into it hard without thinking, kneading her tit with her one free hand. Her entire body bucked with pleasure, causing huge orgasms, which caused her entire body to in surges. The shirt ripped completely off as her entire torso started to grow softer and rounder. Her ass was huge now and her stomach looked full term with multiple offspring. Even her fingers and toes swelled into fat little sausages.

Sally willed her hand off her huge tits, but the damage had already been done. She was getting so round and so, so heavy. Her arms strained to hold her up, and her muscles were weak with orgasmic tremors. She fell to the floor, literally bouncing on her huge breasts and then flopped heavily onto her side before rolling onto her back to catch her breath. What was she going to do now?! She could not even sit up, never mind walk or go anywhere to get help. Maybe if she screamed loud enough her neighbours would hear and come? She parted her lips to scream for help but then realized how swollen her lips had become. She couldn't barely get her mouth open, her lips were so plush even with her jaw open as wide as she could go, most of her lips were still touching. Sally also quickly noted her breasts were still rising. Her torso under them was still rounding! She was still having smaller orgasms over and over, they were just harder to notice now because of the giant orgasms she has been having to compare them against. The liquid! There was so much liquid mass compared to the solid parts of her body that any movement at all caused it to rock, creating small waves inside of her that massaged her insides, especially her inner pussy, which created orgasms. Orgasms created muscle spasms, which created movement that created more waves, that induced more orgasms! She literally could not stop at this point! A small orgasm was as low as her body could manage, any attempted deliberate movement created a huge orgasm. She could not even move her fingers now, they were swollen so taught they could not bend. Her limbs were stuck in a ballooning T-pose, too swollen to put down. Her entire torso started to look round! She was turning herself into a giant balloon of pussy juice! All of her orgams were backfiring into her endlessly! Her moans and grunts were reduced to humming as she could not open her mouth any more. Sally had no idea what could be done, and surely there was nothing at this point. She could not speak or move, only orgasm. Only rock in repeated orgasms against the waves of her previous orgasmic pleasures. The pink potion demanded more powerful orgasms, while the blue potion demanded she hold it all in. Her digits now looked like mere bumps on her round hands and feet. Her arms and legs larger bumps on her huge spherical torso. It felt so strange at this point. Her tissue has been bloated and rounded so far off from her orgams and skeletal structure that her body felt completely different. Sally could not even feel her insides anymore, perhaps numb from continual explosive pleasure, or perhaps they too became so saturated with pussy juice that there was no difference between them and the rest of her. Sally internally sighed, resigned to her fate of endless pleasure. Surely someone would find her eventually... right? She should just... enjoy this. But then her eyes went wide again as she heard a sound like overtaxed leather. Oh no. There was no magic effect that allowed her to stretch indefinitely. Her body was very nearly out of room, but she could not stop her orgasms! She did not look like she was getting any bigger now, but it still felt like she was. The sounds of stretching tissue got louder and move violent as the pressure started to surge. She was too full, too much pleasure! The pressure stopped rising as even it had reached the limit, instead pulsing violently every few seconds, testing for more room but finding none. She was a pussy juice balloon and... she couldn't... hold... a.. ny... BLOOSH!

There was a gigantic explosion of fluid, but none of it blood. It was only pussy juice, and nothing more. The rest of her had oddly vanished. So saturated with the fluid that the rest of her had basically dissolved, becoming just more fluid. But... why did she know that? How did she know she exploded? If she exploded she should be dead, but if she is dead how can she think at all? Sally attempted to look around and to her surprise her vision slowly faded back in. The more she concentrated on trying to see, the more she could. Her perspective was very low... on the floor? She tried to stand, and she easily lifted from the floor. She tried to lift her hand to look at herself and that was when she realized what happened. The vaginal fluid lifted off the floor taking on more and more of the shape of a human hand and arm! Her arm! Sally IS the pussy juice now! The blue potion was still working, it would not allow her to release the fluid, but there was so much fluid that she no longer had a body, so the potion was binding her essence to the fluid! She looked down at herself and tried to flex muscles that no longer existed, and those muscles formed. She moved and thought of how she used to look, and became that. She was a goo girl now! Sally's body had no set shape, she became whatever she either willed herself to be, or thought she should be. Sally smiled as she gathered up the rest of her body off the floor, making the carpet dry again. This wasn't what she had planned at all... but she liked it just as much.


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