
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A newly trained milk truck driver seems to have skipped the part of his training that mentions not to stick his nose where it doesn't belong. That's some bull if he thinks he can peep on these cows and get away with it.

(F partial TF cow, M TF bull)

It was mid summer and Mike was driving an empty milk tanker out to Farlane Ranch some ways out of the city. It was his first time driving the milk truck out this way, and he was fairly new to the job in general. His boss was usually the one to drive out here but he was off sick, forcing Mike to take the wheel a bit earlier than planned. He could do the job just fine, but it was a bit of a surprise to the ranchers having a younger man arrive instead of the usual driver. This was no trouble for most of his route. He drove faster than his boss did and because he was younger he could pitch in and help the ranchers easier loading the tanker, so Mike was actually ahead of schedule, which was also a nice thing for most stops. Untill he got to Farlane that is. Mae, Maggy, and Mary were the self proclaimed milk maidens of Farlane, and seemed a bit flustered when Mike arrived considerably ahead of schedule. They told him he would have to wait, they still needed to shift things around and do plenty of lifting. Mike of course offered to help them immediately but for some reason they refused, just telling him that the barn wasn't set up for visitors and they would be fine on their own. It made Mike feel a bit awkward, seeing three women doing so much heavy lifting and not being able to lend a hand. This was the last stop for the day though, so he had nowhere else to be.

Now idle, the inside of the truck was starting to cook in the sunlight so Mike wandered around the huge empty milk tanker. He was still starting to sweat even out in the breeze the wind was warm too. He was not allowed in the barn, and he did not even want to ask if he could sit in their house, he would feel way too intrusive even if they let him, so he wandered over to some trees. There was a row of apple trees at the edge of the fencing on the outward facing side of the ranch, hiding the fields from view from the outside and providing nice shade between the house and the barns. The property was gigantic, but Mike did not actually see all that many cows. For the ammount of milk they shipped and the land they had to fill, there was a surprisingly small number of cows. Usually ranches packed their lands to crank production as high as it could go, but these cows were living large with plenty of room and accomodations for each. Mike sighed at the immediate releif from the sunlight in the shade of the apple trees. Since it was summer there was no fruit on these trees yet- they would not bloom till early autumn. He chuckled at the sight of the cows out of the field divided into two groups, laying around two wide, squat trees out on the field for shade as well. Too much heat even for their thick skin.

What Mike seen the next moment though took his breath away. Literally- he forgot to breath for several seconds. Another woman was running back to the house from the barn he did not see at first. She was younger than the other three, and was not listed as one of the owners. Her skin glistened with a fine sweat, clearing having been helping the other women, but even more notably her middriff was exposed thanks to her breasts holding her shirt so far away from her body. As she ran her boobs wobbled around wildly within her clothing. She was wearing a bra, but her tits were so gigantic the poor undergarment could not possibly hold them still even if it was made of metal. Her boobs were so big she must have accidentally pressed them up against something because there was wet patches right where her nipples would be- he could faintly see her bra through her shirt where it was wet. Her hair was straight to her shoulders, and her bangs were left far too long- long enough that it looked like she should not be able to see anything, her eyes were covered. It was black like the other women, but hers had a big white streak over either temple. Unusually white- getting it that perfectly white in those two places by bleaching would be extremely difficult... and terrible for the hair. Before Mike knew it she vanished into the house. Damn, she was gorgeous. And stacked. He completely forgot about the milk truck for now and was just waiting for the mysterious beauty to return. Impatient, Mike wandered toward the house, seeing if he could see any activity through the windows- forgetting his manners in the moment.

He immediately heard the door as it opened again a few minutes later and she came back out- having dried off the wetness on the front of her shirt. Her breasts seemed smaller than when she ran in too. Maybe it was an illusion created from all the movement, or maybe she tightened her bra? She was still huge either way. Mike was pretty small for a man, and she was the same height he was, so her huge tits looked especially big compared to the rest of her. The girl immediately spotted Mike- not only for being out of place but because he was too smitten to not stare openly at her.

She smiled a bit nervously. "Can... I help you?"

Only then did he realize he was gawking at her unblinking. "O-oh sorry, spaced out. I am Mike, the new milk truck driver. Boss is sick so I had to swap in on short notice. You one of the workers here?"

"Uh ye-well... family. I am Molly."

She shook his hand and he had to try his hardest to not allow his line of sight to fall down the cavernous cleavage jiggling infront of him. Mike thought it was a cow he heard, but the jingling he ignored before apparently came from Molly herself- hanging over her collar bone was a classic, boxy cow bell. It attached to a flexible black lace choker instead of a rope, but it was definately a bell generally used to track cows. Her hand was so soft and warm when she shook his! Her skin was powder soft, pale peach. Her mouth seemed small on her face and her lips were pale pink and pillowy for their small size. She did not wear makeup but also clearly did not need it, she was beautiful! She gave him a bit of a sympathetic look, as if understanding his bewilderment at her appearance, but unfortunately for Mike, told him she was also rather busy and could not talk to him really. She told him he could wander around if he wanted but not to go into any of the buildings.

Mike waited patiently in the shade of the trees again, though his mind constantly wandered now to Molly. He wondered what she was doing in that barn. There was three large barns, the truck was parked at the farthest one where the three women helped each other set up the pump to transfer the milk from their cooling units to the trucks tank. But Molly went into the nearest barn, she wasn't helping the other women, but had been in a hurry anyway. Mike's cock jumped in his pants at the sound of a breathy suppressed moan from the barn! He wandered closer to the wall of the barn and could hear Molly breathing heavily inside. What was she doing? He then heard the distressing sound of cracking and popping bone and she cried out quietly again! Oh no, she must have tried to lift something too heavy and broke something! Ignoring the request to not enter any of the buildings, Mike quickly dashed in through the side door.

"H-hey, are you ok? I thought I heard something break."

Molly was standing in the middle of a terrible clutter, and quickly turned her back to him, grabbing at something quickly to hide from him. She did not seem hurt at all... he could have sworn he heard shifting bone.

"You know we are supposed to help customers too, right? Hasn't my boss been helping you guys out with loading the truck and that before? I feel like I am only doing half my job here."

Her voice was a bit breathless, and only sounded nervous. "Hah...h-he also isn't this early usually. He arrives at the exact same time every time. We are fine. You shouldn't be in here."

"Ok, ok. I just wanted to help, it sounded like you were in trouble. I am not a loudmouth, it isn't like I am going to go blab trade secrets or anything."

He did glance around though since he was already in here. The middle barn was the one for animals, the last one for milk processing and storage, this one... he did not even know what all the stuff was. There was strange arcane arrays and what looked like alchemical materials destillers, potion cool storage and lots of other such equipment that seemed a bit out of place on a ranch. He went to leave but could not take his eyes off Molly. She was frozen stiff... was she actually hurt and just did not want him to find out? It was then he noticed a tube running around her hip... from her tailbone. That was what she grabbed to hide from him when he came in. She refused to turn and face him because she was hiding it still.

"Is... that... a tail?"

Molly let go of her tasseled tail and let out a squeak of surprise, not knowing what to do now that she had been found out. The tasseled end was black with a single white streak... like the hair on her head. The others would kill her if she blew the lid off this secret, she had to do something, fast! Molly very slowly turned to face Mike, doing her best to look seductive. Molly was nervous as hell and felt like a goof doing it, thinking it was a total crap shoot, not realising she did not have to actually try at all to wrap Mike around her finger. His brow twitched in confusion, and he even squinted a bit, thinking the dim barn lighting was playing tricks with him. Her breasts again seemed smaller, her shirt lowered a bit more, and there appeared to be a bulge in the front of her pants, just a bit of its soft pink surface visible from the waistband. Her tail flicked around randomly behind her and her hair flipped up seemingly on its own for a second as two long leaf shaped ears emerged from under it. Her hips swayed with her steps as she walked toward him, one foot in front of the other. But as she stepped he realised she had no feet at all. As soon as she lifted her leg her socks and shoes fell off and what emerged was a dainty cloven hoof- a cows foot. She had a fine cow fur just over it, covering her ankles but went no higher than that. Molly glanced down at her jiggling tits as she walked, deliberately getting his eyes to follow and stick to her chest. Her hooves clicked on the wooden floor in a rhythem. She placed her hands on either of his shoulders and he realised she was taller than him now. Because most of her leg was still human, but she was ungulate now giving her more height since she was effectively standing on her toenails. She giggled and smiled at him, distracting him as she guided him back step by step unknowingly. She faked tripping, shoving him backward a bit before kicking forward quickly with a hoof and catching a canister with the sharp hard edge of a hoof. It released a pressurised vapor and misted Mike.

"Oh geeze, I am so sorry! What a mess! I am a bit clumsy on my hooves it seems. Here- lets go outside the sun and wind will dry that off."

"O-oh, ok. What was in that thing anyway?"

"Oh... don't worry about that."

She quickly scooted him outside back into the shade of the apple trees, and the temperature difference outside was much better. It was musty and hot in the barn. She lead him to a tree, pressing him up against it before lowering her head and chuckling a bit. When she did, he noticed she now had two small horns on her head, poking up through her hair!

"Ok, you have to keep this is a secret, ok Mike? A big secret. You can never tell anyone, not even the other women here that you seen me, ok?"

"Oh...k. But what... I mean, why do you have... ears like that? And a tail, and horns...?"

"Oh? Is that all I have? Wanna know an even bigger secret Mike?" Her voice was breathy in a mock whisper.

She moved her face close to him and he could see her nostrils had gotten a bit bigger, and her nose wider. The end of her nose was starting to turn and adorable candy pink. She used a free hand to pull the waist of her pants out and down, letting the bulge out to sit on the wasitband.

"I looove being milked~"

The bulge she released as a cow udder, the size of a half soccer ball sticking out of her crotch! The teats were just fat nubs, no where near the size of an actual cows. He did not see her breasts tightening and flattening against her, her bra falling loose and her shirt finally starting to lower. Mike was too mesmerised by the udder he was now gawking at, because as he watched it grew fatter. Milk veins throbbed on the surface where it met her torso, already the milk glands full to capacity, demanding release or more growth to put it. The teats started to get longer, and Molly gently rocked her hip back and forth causing them to softly flop back and forth as beads of white formed on them. The udder itself bloated, getting rounder and heaver, pulling farther out and down from weight.

Mike's erection was harder than it had ever been at the sight, and he was far too infatuated with Molly to notice his cock was actually stretching longer than normal. His balls started to inflate quickly, stretching the scrotum as it covered with a fine sand colored fur. Molly pushed down on his shoulders, guiding him into a sitting position, and used her other hand to cup and gently jiggle her udder for him, inviting him to drink of her sweet cream. Molly was not sure if it was the sound of straining fabric or flesh, but she audibly heard stretching as Mike started to grow bigger just as he took a teat in his mouth.

Her udder was still growing bigger and fatter, heavier. Big enough that she would have to walk with an awkward gate to give it space, and heavy enough that she could not remain standing for long if it was not emptied. Thanks to inhuman calcium levels, her bones were hard as steel, but her muscles were not metal infused. Her face continued to shift, her upper jaw sticking out just slightly as the bottom of her nose sort of merged with it, giving her a partial cows face- though it did not stretch out into a muzzle. She could feel her tongue fatten up in her mouth getting much larger too. She had to stop. She was willing herself to stop, it was hard once things got going- momentum and all that. Her ears were also huge on her head now, a long eared cow. Her fingers stiffened in preparation of turning to hooves but did not change, she managed to stop it before that. Her breasts were a normal human C cup now so her top actually fit loosely and covered her entire torso like it was supposed to.

Molly and Mike's eyes went wide at the sound of cracking bone again and Molly gently took the back of his head and forced him farther onto her udder, smooshing his face into the silky smooth, hot rubbery flesh of the bloated organ. His feet were stretching out into hooves like hers, she could not let him find out yet. When she looked down to see his changes, she also noted the huge bulge in his pants and her heart hammered a little bit faster. After a few moments he started to jerk his head back, and she realised she was unintentionally smothering him- he couldn't breath properly. She let him go and he pulled off, gasping for breath for several moments while she sat in the sun warmed grass. He thought she had gotten holstein spots, but it was actually just the sunlight filtering through the leaves above, creating splotches of light and shadow on her. She started to squirm on the soft grass and strip out of her clothes entirely and Mike's eyes went wide as he silently watched. He was oddly absentminded. Unaware his thoughts were actually simplifying a bit. His entire body felt a gentle but persistant pressure, and it felt stiff because of it. Like he was too big for his own skin. His cock throbbed hard enough to shove the waist of his pants out of the way as it stretched longer, now poking up out of his clothing and the glans were being stretched out, losing definition against the shaft, becoming more of a tapered phallus.

His clothes filled up very quickly as he slowly continued to grow larger, pulling tight against him as his muscles also pulled tight with his flesh. The curvature of his new muscle mass became more and more visible as the skin was pulled into the crevices between, and the seams of his clothing deepened as the fabric became overstuffed with too much man.

"I feel so... weird. Why don't my clothes fit?"

"Why are you even wearing clothing? I am not~" She let her panties drop off her fingertip as she said that- the last item she removed. Her huge bloated udder obscured the view of her fat pink labia though teasingly.

"Yea but... I am just here on business... what about... hrnnnn~" He hunched over a bit and his shoulder and upper back muscles bulged, causing the back of his shirt to rip in half! "What about..." His voice started to deepen. "The other women?"

"Eat what is on your plate first, big boy. Aren't I enough cow for you?"

"You aren't... well..."

"I am. Its ok, you can call me a cow. That is why you are changing, ain't it?"

"W-wuuh? Oooh uurr..."

His hips widened, straining his pants and his genitals bulged even bigger, squeezing far too tight in the clothing. He frantically tried to get his pants off but his hands did not work correctly. It was only now that he seen they were changing into hooves, and that his feet had already fully turned!

"What is hapuuuhning to me?" His voice continued to deepen, sounding thunderous by now. His neck was thickening greatly.

"You are letting loose, like me. Aren't you? You aren't afraid to admit you are just a big bumb bull, right?"

"N-nuuuh, I am human! I don't know what is happening to either of us!'"

"Well..." She twirled the hair on her tails tassel idly. "I am a cow. I can look like a human, but that doesn't change what I really am. And you are a big strong bull, obviously."


Mike squirmed into a squat and then onto all fours finally as his pants exploded appart, releiving his poor squished crotch. His hands were almost completely hooves now though, and now that his clothes burst off he seen his genitals were very different! His balls were giant and so heavy they stretched the scrotum out quite long. He now had a furry sheath that ran up his crotch and stomach a bit before finally giving way to his cock, which was bright pink and tapered now, and very long. He felt a gentle tingle and involuntary muscle twitches in his lower back and glanced back to see his tailbone starting to grow out.

"Nuh, Mik- me- I am huuuman! I am not suppose... I not turn bull." It was hard to think with his raging erection, especially now that it was exposed to the female! And she was fully explosed to him. She was so pink and soft and smooth!

Molly sat on her legs and pressed her hands down onto the top of her udder. Her teats all stood up as she pushed down and the pressure shifted forward into them, and the long teats started to drizzle milk on their own. "Then why would you drink milk straight from a cow?"

Mike could not fathom a response to that. She wasn't a cow though... was she? He supposed she certainly looked like one now, but she was fully human before... what... was she, really? Mike groaned with a voice so deep it almost sounded like a growl. His entire body started to grow bigger again. His hips started to shift form, making it impossible to stand even if he tried. But he did not want to try yet, he needed to talk to Molly to figure out what was happening. And be with her. Have more of that delicious milk. She seemed to like him, so she wouldn't let anything actually bad happen to him... right? She might even let him mate... er, breed- NO. Date, her? Was that the human word for it? Why was it so hard to figure that out. Why did he just reffer to it as a 'human word' like it was alien to him?!

"Huuughmun..." His voice sounded strained, mirroring the sound of stretching muscle tissue as he grew still larger.

Molly giggled in her melodic voice. Mike could see a breif glimmer of her seafoam green iris behind her hair when the breeze took it and the light filtering down from the leaves caught. Mike was breathing very heavily as his nostrils expanded trying to keep up. So hot. It was hot out, the change created heat, his cock gave off heat like a radiator coil, and Molly was hot. SO hot. He wanted to just flop ontop of her, to feel as much of his hide against hers at once as possible. To be as close as he could be to her... to be IN her. His cock connected to the ground infont of him by a glistening strand of pre as it bobbed back and forth as if aggreeing to something.

"But you want me... don't you?" She bat her eyelashes in a false pout. "You want to fuck a cow?"

"Yusss... wait! Nuh, I... hnnnnngh." He grew bigger, his huge muscles deformed the shape of his torso, barreling out and losing human definition.

"Yes, or no? It can't be both., silly. If you were a human, why are you getting so bent out of shape over a cow like me? You're loosing your human shape completely."

"Hnngh... Mike nuuh ani... animooo... cow. But want Mooolly."

"Well of course you aren't a cow." Mike sighed in releif, trying to stand properly on all fours, his body was scrunched up awkwardly because he did not change his stance when his body got longer. "You're a BULL. I am a cow."

Mike groaned loudly again as his heart increased in size greatly, hammering as if in responce to her calling him out for what he was. The pressure exploded up into his head, causing his vision to go a bit blue as his neck bloated up tremendously with thick pulsing veins and stretching forward as his face mirrored it. His nostrils now giant, stretching his nose out wide, his nose and upper lip met like on Molly's face, but unlike on hers, his continued to press outward. Lunging forward at the opportunity she silenced his weak protests with a kiss, and their cool wet noses bopped together. As she kissed him she continued to try and walk forward, putting all her strength into it as he held his front hooves as if they were still hands. She managed to force him up onto his butt and then with a nudge their kiss broke as he fell backwards and slammed on the ground with a massive thud that shook the earth around them. If there was apples in the trees yet, they would have likely been showered with them. Before his much slower bull mind could comprehend what happened she was ontop of him and the feeling of her rubbery udder flesh smooshing against him immediately took up all the brain cells he had. He wanted to hug her even closer to him and smell her hair but his torso grew longer, and did not allow flexibility, he could not sit up at all. With a coy smile Molly slid back, sliding his long cock into her fat pussy lips and swallowing it into her. Her torso and hips were still human so she could not take all of his cock in her, but she did manage over half still. Mike was already bombarded with so much pleasure and strange sensation that he immediately started to skyrocket toward orgasm just at the thought of being in such a beautiful cow. Human? Female human... what was the word...? Was she human? She said she was a cow, that was why she was a perfect fit for him. Mike wanted to be a perfect fit, he wanted to stay in her more, so she had to be cow. Bulls fuck cows, it made sense.

Molly furrowed her bushy eyebrows behind her long bangs- he seemed to mentally cave in, but his final physical changes were being stubborn. Maybe he did not have enough brain cells to mentally will it forward anymore.

In the cutest tone she could manage she spoke up, sitting up tall to press down hard into his cock and smoosh her udder into him. "Mooooo~!"

Mike looked at her, a bit confused. Did Molly want something...?

The bull out in the field mooed back. Molly glanced at him annoyed. "Not you, Tank." She looked back into Mike's eyes. "Mu-oooooh~! Moooou."

"Muh!" Air started to rush up from his lungs in bursts, as if trying to forcfully push out. "Muuuuh..."

His neck started to throb longer and his face filled with massive pressure and started to stretch further and further out. Was he turning bull, or human? Which was he turning into now? What was he before this? Bull? But he was arguing about that with her. Was he arguing? He did not want to argue with Molly. Maybe it was only playing?

She rocked her hips back and forth, shifting the pressure of his cock from fron to back of her pussy. "Oooh mooooo~!"

"MUHOOOO" His face pressed out even more in a huge surge, finally turning completely into a bull's head. With a few final grunts he bobbed his head and two horns burst out, sliding quickly from his flesh. Mike was completely bull now.

Mike thrust one final time without even thinking, with what little mobility and strength he could manage to get his huge heavy hips off the ground to ram into her more, and he exploded in orgasm. His balls waved up and down one after another like they were bobbing on a wavy ocean tide. She ran out of room to hold it all and the cum burst out around the sides of the cock, painting his own groin. Still gasping for his breath, Mike rolled onto his side and Molly quickly hopped off, not wanting to get squashed under him.

She wiped the sweat from her brow and quickly tried to get dressed again as quickly as she could. "Good thing my hips did not change- I doubt your shooting blanks."

Molly started to slowly turn back to fully human as she dressed. The smaller her udder shrank, the larger her breasts ballooned, once again lifting the shirt off her. Once fully dressed she started pacing back and forth looking rather worried. She needed to figure out what to do next with this now half sleeping bull.

Mae came around the corner without her even seeing till she had been watching for several minutes. "Molly, what the hell is this bull doing here?!"

Molly visibly jumped as she turned to face her aunt. Not all of her cow features were suppressed yet. "The driver! He was snooping around! My potion is starting to wear off, I tried to dodge him but he disobeyed and came into the barn and seen me. I had to do something."

Mae's brow slowly started to soften. "Ok, makes sense I guess. What version of the potion did you hit him with?"

"The latest."

Mike looked at Mae and she went over to him and waved a hand infront of him to see how 'there' he was. "Did you explain to him WHY you turned him into a strong, dumb animal?"

"Uh... I am a cow, so if he wants me that much he must be a big dumb bull! I explained it in bovine terms."

Mae facepalmed. "That is both somewhat insulting to yourself, and a real non-explanation." Mae turned to Mike and spoke slowly, hoping as much as possible stuck in his devolved mind. "Ok, to put this simply- you seen too much and Molly did this to make sure you were physically incapable of telling anyone what happened here. You see, us three sisters, me, Mary, and Maggy had to use a combination of magic and alchemy to turn ourselves into demi cows to increase the production of the ranch ourselves to pull it out of a downward financial spiral." Mae blushed. "It worked so well we just kept doing it, thus our high output. Buuuut, Mary once turned herself fully into a cow once, like you are a bull right now... and also accidentally got knocked up. She gave birth to a calf- Molly. So, we put our enginuity to work and created a backwards version of our original potion based spell. We created a potion to turn a cow into a human." Mae motioned over to Molly who just timidly waved back. "Molly literally is a cow. When the potions effects run out she starts to turn back into a bovine. She can resist it somewhat but eventually it will wear off regradless and she needs another dose to remain human. You caught her at the tail end of her last dose, so she was starting to turn back into her true self."

Molly started to shift from one foot to the other nervously. "So... what do we do with him now?"

Mae glanced at the semen in the grass near the bull, then to Molly. "Do you like him?"

Molly blushed brightly. "I barely know him! Besides, I can't just keep him as a pet!"

Mae laughed. "Well, technically yes you could. Morally, no you can't. I don't know... he will slowly start to turn back to human when it starts to wear off in about half a day, we can try to work something out with his human mind before too much of it returns at once. I mean, he must have been pretty fond of you so we got that to work off of."

Mae went to return to her sisters, and gave a firm slap on Molly's ass as she walked past. "And I won't tell your mother you fucked a bull."

"I-I didn't..." By the time she turned around Mae had already turned the corner of the barn. "Hrmm..." She glared at Mike who just lowed at her. "This is your own damn fault."

Mike just lowered his head again on the soft grass. This patch was warm with sun. Grass comfy. Mike like it here.

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