Take A Licking

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Lass Jenny has an encounter with a pokemon trainer playing with something no one should be and gets her data scrambled with one of her pokemon!

(F TF Lickitung)

Lass Jenny was a hard worker. Not a smart worker, but a hard worker. In the world of pokemon there was a lot of misinformation, and thanks to the divides between regions after the great war information did not travel great from one region to the next. There was even a few people in the Kanto region who thought they caught every pokemon in the world, with only 151. Jenny believed the best way to train her pokemon team for battle was to battle them herself. Professor Kukui of the Alola region had set this example. It made sense, and it honestly did work- experience is experience after all. It just... wasn't quite normal. It was a lot better than the Youngster who always trained a bit farther down the route than Jenny- he trained his team by enduring all weather conditions while wearing shorts. And... that was somehow going to improve his team? Yea, Jenny didn't get it either, but she isn't about to tell someone how to live their life.

Jenny had one gym badge to her name, so she wasn't exactly a push over, and her choice of team was sound too. She had two pokemon- Miltank and Lickitung. Normal types- one weakness and zero strengths, the perfect strategy. They have very well rounded stats as well, and almost all normal types have extremely high health. These two pokemon made a good pairing- when they were hungry or hurt Miltank flopped them plump teats out and shared its delicious milk with them, while Lickitung was the fighter. As you could imagine from just its name alone- Lickitung is a pokemon based almost entirely on its tongue. Not at all large, it only stands a bit over three feet tall, so barely to Jenny's hip. Its entire body save a few markings on its underside is a pale pink, with very simple limbs. Its tongue however is larger than its entire body twice over- with saliva that can paralyze victims. Because its limbs were so short and basic it actually held and interacted with everything using the tongue- and its memory is based entirely on taste and feel. Its name might seem like it was chosen in haste, but when you are this strongly dependent on a single body part it sort of only makes sense to name it after that part.

This day was like any other for Jenny- sparring with Lickitung, waiting for a trainer. Since it was sparring with Jenny, the Lickitung wasn't using its paralyzing saliva. The two paused though as a trainer was walking toward them at a good pace. He was avoiding the tall grass in a hurry which was good, because they were positioned to see all the flat area- the trainer could not avoid both the grass and Jenny. Finally another opponent to test their skills on! And he looked like his pokemon were at least level 255... which is odd because its impossible to be over 100. The trainer walked up to them and Jenny raised a pokeball, but before she could say anything the trainer vanished and re-appeared ten feet back, once again walking toward them. Both he and the air around him seemed to flicker and the pokeball in his own hand started to clone itself- the extras falling to the ground and rolling away, then flickering out of existence. What the heck was with this guy?

The trainer got to Jenny a second time, raising his own pokeball in challenge. "Missing No. I choose.... ch-chuuuz... ebuta1. S2m bg3!"

Jenny furrowed her brow. "The heck?"

His form flickered and re-arranged into that of a pokemon professor in a lab coat. "Professor Oak challenges you to battle! Oak s3nd5 0u7......... h1m53Lf 2 teh p457!"

There was a sudden burst of air pressure and in a violent shimmer between fabrics of reality, the level 255 Bird type trainer collapsed in on himself and popped out of existence. Jenny was completely baffled as to what the heck just happened, and was far too caught up trying to make any sense of it to have noticed how everything blurred when he was removed from reality- causing her to overlap her pokemon for a brief moment.

"Well that was more than a little messed up. I am looking for a... challenge but..."

Jenny trailed off and slowly turned to look at Lickitung. Her voice wasn't coming from her own mouth. She was talking, but the sound was coming from her Lickitung! She made a few random sounds to test it and the sound continued to come from Lickitung- he was even moving his mouth as if he was making them. Both the pokemon and its trainer wobbled in place a moment as a strange sensation came over their bodies. In addition to being a bit dizzy of all of a sudden they both felt like they were supposed to be doing something else, but did not know what. The Lickitung started to slowly rise- getting bigger and its arms starting to get longer. It had remained ignorant of the situation largely till now- it knew what evolution was, but it also knew that a Lickilicky doesn't have longer limbs, so this wasn't normal. Jenny felt woozy as her perspective started to sink, she was getting smaller and her gut started to round out making her look sort of pudgy!

Jenny burped several times as her guts shifted around quite a lot, forcing any excess air out in the process. It may sound sickening but it almost sort of felt comforting- her organs almost felt more... organized? She looked bloated but felt the opposite- like her organs had settled and made a bunch of new free space in her body. Her limbs became rounder looking as well, but not quite fat. It was not as loose or natural looking as fat- it almost looked like she was inflating like a balloon. Her clothing struggled to stay on, completely changing the way they fit now. She was smaller overall, but also rounder, so the clothing was still catching on her body, just in different places. Her Lickitung pat her on the head to comfort her, though for that moment she noticed it had small nub fingers... Lickitung aren't supposed to have any fingers, they have a thumb only making their hands sort of mitten shaped. She had little time to think about it though as more changes took her.

Her tailbone started to extend and grow into a tail, which immediately shoved itself into her pants at an angle that yanked them down. It looked like her limbs were compressing almost- growing rounder and shorter at almost the same rate. It felt like they were just shrinking though, the muscle structure becoming more simplistic, the many bones in her feet fusing together. Her tail fattened quickly, coming longer but also very girthy. The areas of growth were blushing pink, but as the changes continued the pink started to advance into the rest of her body, changing its actual color to pink. Jenny felt something extending inside her chest area, deep within, squirming a bit. It continued to sink deeper into her and grow. She held her round smooth gut as it started to round out even farther, starting to stretch her entire torso rounder, which also caused her breasts to sink into partial obscurity. She wobbled and fell forward from the shifting, steadying herself on the ground with her hand for a moment to not fall completely over, and her heart skipped a beat when she seen the size of her hand compared to the pokeball she had dropped. How small was she now?!

Even as Jenny looked at it her hand simplified. Her arm continued to get rounder and shorter, and caused the definition to vanish between the arm, wrist, and hand- it all looked the same now. The bones in her hand started to compact and fuse together, removing all mobility from her fingers which also then started to fuse on the surface as well, looking like just more arm. Her arms ended in tapered, round points! The only thing that remained of the bones in her hand were now visible on the surface- a bone partially exposed on the underside toward the end, and a small rounded bone spike at the end of a rudimentary thumb to clutch things. Those are the arms of... a Lickitung! That psycho trainer put a hex on her! Hexadecimal that is- the type of code used to register items, pokemon, and attacks to the database. By switching her hex code with that of Lickitung, she is basically remade. Her mind is not affected though because AI is done through event scripting and isn't influenced by the hex.

It almost felt like she was sinking into the ground- she pushed herself back to her feet but kept angling farther forward, causing her to push more than she should have to correct herself. Her legs compacted tremendously and rounded out. The joints in her legs became extremely thick, to the point where her knee caps were half as big as her femur and shin. A ring of cream colored skin marked where her knees now were, since they were not outwardly visible otherwise. All of her toes had already fused together before she even started watching them degrade, and the fused bone pushed out on the end of her feet into a sort of hoof-like mono-claw. Jenny had no idea what to do- she was turning into a pokemon and had no way of stopping it! At least her Lickitung offered words of encouragement, telling her things would probably turn out ok in the end. She did not stop to remember her Lickitung isn't supposed to be able to talk in the first place.

Jenny moaned at the feeling of her fat tail being filled. Whatever had been growing down through her was now in her tail and it felt good to be filled- she had not even known it was hollow till now. The cream colored stripes of a Lickitung's underside started to fade in on her skin as her torso continued to round out more and more, swallowing her neck into it as well as her breasts, erasing them entirely! Her nose started to lose definition against her face, and her face started to round out speeding it up. Her entire head got a bit bigger and rounder and the growth seemed to force her hair out- slowly falling away from her. She stomped clumsily around on her simple legs holding her round body as a gurgling rumbled in her stomach. Something was growing up, trying to get out of her. She burped several times again, holding her mouth open on reflex. Her face became even more simplistic as its human features vanished into the roundness.

In her open mouth her tongue seemed to flex on its own, lifting and stiffening before a surge of growth fired up from inside of her and swelled it up huge! More surges came up as she continued to burp uncontrollably, and her tongue grew still larger. If anything would be the final nail in this coffin it would have had to be tongue. Her burps was the growth of the tongue forcing air out of her torso- a Lickitung is so tongue oriented that the appendage actually travels through its entire body! That was the growth she felt squirming in her before! The tail really is hollow- its used to store the excess tongue length! So a Lickitung's tongue actually attached at around the middle of its tail, and fires up through its body and out the mouth- which is why her organs needed to shuffle out of the way; so her tongue had room to move! Bigger, longer, fatter. A dog's tongue is pretty big, but its also very flat. A chameleon tongue is very long, but also very thin. A Lickitung's tongue was just gigantic in every dimension it could be. The saliva glands were actually in the tongue itself, not the mouth. It also had increased muscle mass so it could move far outside of the mouth- enough to hold and manipulate objects. Most creatures rely heavily on smell when eating- so most of what you taste is actually a smell, not a taste at all. Not Lickitung. It is able to taste in the same range as a nose smells with. You cannot overstate how important a Lickitung's namesake organ is- it acts as its primary limb, it help it keep balance, and it is the primary focus of all of its senses... except sight, but Lickitung has pretty bad eyesight and barely relies on it in the first place. It was so big and thick; she could taste the air with her neon pink limb. It surged and grew longer and she could taste objects exposed to the open air. Bigger and bigger and BIGGER- she could taste colors! The final changes as Jenny's gigantic tongue slowed its violent lashing and growing was her eyes- the pupils and iris widening till the whites could no longer be seen, making her eyes look very dark.

She waddled around, looking at everything but not really seeing anything. She was too absorbed in her racing thoughts. How did this happen? How do you fix it? She was a pokemon, pokemon trainer. Well... she supposed Mewtwo was a pokemon trainer for a while, so at least she isn't the first. Wait- Bill! The famed trainer who invented the pokemon PC storage function! There was rumors he had briefly spliced himself into a pokemon body in a failed experiment! If its true, then he knows exactly how to fix this. Jenny went to turn to her Lickitung at exactly the right moment to catch a pokeball in the face! She went wide-eyed as she seen herself standing there naked! Her... Lickitung got her old hex code. It had her body now! It transformed while she was absorbed in her own changes. Then she seen the red beam connected from the opening pokeball to her head. SHIT! It tossed a pokeball at her! She is being captured by her own pokemon!! The ball hit the ground and rocked back and forth violently for several seconds, but the Lickitung pressed down and B so it ultimately caught her.

It picked up her pokeball and gently licked it along the side. "Don't worry- I am helping!" Its face went blank as it tried to think of their next move. "I... guess we will wait here for another trainer to fight?" It shrugged and resumed their vigil.

So if you ever get challenged by a naked Lass, for the love of god go tell Bill.

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