Can't Eat Another Bite

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Clover unintentionally ruins her younger brother's day and wishes on a shooting star that she could cheer him up again. She got a solution, just, not what she was thinking.

(F Stuffed Animal TF)

Clover was a bit of a troublemaker, but she still had a kind heart. With flame red hair and emerald eyes, most of her friends called her 'little shamrock'. Now though, she was having a bit of trouble with her young brother. While Clover was about to graduate, her brother had only just now started highschool. This brought up conversation about what her brother was like from those who knew Clover. The problem was she could not help but teasingly bring up times he emberassed himself, which lead her down the path of telling emberassing secrets, like the fact he collects plushies. She thought it was innocent fun conversation, but never actually told any of them to keep it to themselves. Before his first day at the highschool was over, people in his own grade had already caught wind of his sisters tales. He ran all the way home as soon as school ended, face beat red. He told his parents nothing, not wanting to be a tattle, even if he did currently loath his sister. He was not as socially adept as Clover, so while she rolled with the punches and emberassing things did not bother her, he took it seriously. Clover feined ignorance to their parents as well and told them she would talk to him. Well, she did try to talk to him, but his door was locked and he refused to respond to her, even though Clover knew he could hear her. She didn't mean to hurt him! Especially ruining his reputation in Highschool right off the bat. She would never do that intentionally, but, she still managed to do it.

That night when Clover was looking up at the stars through the window above the head of her bed, she seen a shooting star and made a wish to be able to comfort her brother. With her going to find work in a year, if their sibling relationship broke off now they may never see or talk to each other again and she didn't want that. She felt a bit warm only moments later, removing a blanket from over herself. She only wore an oversized t shirt and panties in bed, she shouldn't be that warm this time of year. She continued to feel warm though, but also oddly lonesome. As she tossed the covers completely off herself she wished she had someone to hug her then. Maybe it was time to find herself a new boyfriend? As warm as she felt, she was not sweating at all at least.

Once the covers were off though, she noticed her feet were puffy! That can't be good! Was she having an allergic reaction to something? She can't remember stepping in anything other than her brother's business today. She gently touched her feet, it wasn't swollen stiff, just really puffy. It also did not look reddened and was no more sensative than the rest of her, so it seemed oddly fine. She got up groggily and walked over to her mirror and slammed her hands on her dresser in surprise! Her ears were HUGE! Not puffy like her feet, longer- much longer than they should be. She looked like an elf! It looked kind of hot she thought. Hot but still quite concerning. They looked like they were very slowly getting bigger as well. She should be more worried than she is. Her thoughts told her to panic, but for some reason she just felt her ears up and down delicately with her hands admiring them. Clover wondered if anyone would think they are cute? She snapped back to her senses a bit, wondering more if she would be put on a medical examination table for having freakishly big ears. When she snapped back to however, she noticed her hands were also puffy and swollen looking! Clover glanced down at her feet again and stumbled back in shock, landing with her back against the side of her bed. Her feet were gigantically puffy now, AND longer like her ears! Clover moaned as a weird feeling passed through her entire body. She felt so oddly...cuddly? She wished someone could cuddle with her in this time of confusion.

Her entire body started to swell up and look puffy, even her stomach. How had she not noticed this sooner? How was her panties and shirt still fitting fine? She turned her head and placed a swollen hand on her night table and found the answer. She was smaller. Her body was swelling up but her overall size reduced, causing her to fill her clothing exactly as much as she had before. Her feet and hands started to broaden as they continued to swell up, giving her the proportions of a cartoon character. It wasn't just swelling, her arms and legs actually got broader the farther out they got. If it was just swelling she wouldn't be able to move her now stubby fat digits, but she could move them just fine. She could feel her ears on the bed behind her! Clover reached up to feel them and sure enough they were a lot longer again, like over a foot long each. She tried to stand up but fell back down several times before she shifted her weight to a new part of her gigantic feet. A rabbit. Extremely long ears and feet? She couldn't stand on her feet like she used to because they were huge, puffy rabbit feet now. Her panties started to tighten in the back and she was forced to slip them off- sure enough, confirming her guess was a large cotton tail crowning her butt.

Clover became a bit dizzy and fell forward as she tried to stand properly again. She was now perched on all fours, and could tell by how large the carpet paterns looked that she shrank again. As she looked at her hands now though, they were more like a halfway point between hands and paws, and her nails had vanished entirely. Her skin was starting to lose its coloration, turning stark white like rabbit fur. She tried to walk on all fours to go over to the mirror again, but her feet were bad at that too. Rabbits hop. Clover knew she could do it if she hopped, but also did not want to give in... and didn't want another wave of dizziness mid-jump to cause her to slam into the dresser. Looking up at it from her position on the floor, she doubted she could reach the mirror anyway. Clover was a lot smaller. So small that her shirt was slipping off over her shoulders now even with her bloating body. Then she noticed another odd thing. She is really swollen up puffy... but she felt lighter than before, not heavier. Her entire body was smaller so she no doubt DID weigh less, but from her perspective it shouldn't. Clover noticed her nose changing shape, but could only see part of it if she crossed her eyes, and couldn't look in the mirror to tell. She could only assume it looked like a bunny nose now, since whiskers were growing out near it as well. The feeling of the whiskers growing made her face twitch, and she realised it probably looked exactly like a rabbit twitching their whiskers. That probably should have worried her, yet she only giggled at the thought. As her torso got rounder and puffier her breasts started to vanish into her. Her nipples had flattened against her, and the color of them and her areola drained to the same white as the rest of her. No wonder she felt so warm, her skin was looking oddly textured, but when she brushed herself she realized it was fur not skin at all. No... it wasn't quite fur either. More like a fuzzy fabric? Her outer labia had swollen together and caused her pussy to vanish entirely already. Her human hair broke off from her head and crumbled into nothing before even touching the floor. Her mouth felt a bit dry too, but when she moved her tongue around she realised it was supposed to be dry now. Her tongue was fabric too, and her teeth were plastic! Her teeth were not even individual parts, all her teeth was just two strips of plastic molded to LOOK like teeth.

"La la la~ ? He he he."

Clover giggled at herself. Yup, voice still worked fine even though she probably had no actual voice box now. She felt really light! Her changes seemed to stop. Her front paws were still half hand-like, and she still had a bit cartoony proportions. Her ears were the erect kind, and she could pivot them around like a rabbit, and still hear fine even though they were not real ears anymore. The inside of the ear was pink smooth fabric like her cute little nose. When she had finished inflating with stuffing her stitched seams appeared almost like stretch marks along parts of her body. Clover did a little hop, and then a full jump! She was about the size of a little kid. She was a rabbit, but did still have a somewhat human figure. She wanted to be hugged really, really tight! She wanted to share her warmth! Clover started hopping toward her brother's bedroom, he loved plushies, and Clover bet she could make him feel better!


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