Little Oversight

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A two headed dragon in a one headed human form demands a feast of her subject on the night of a curse, thinking she has the solution to reverse its effects. Unfortunately she is not very good with magic.

(Shrinking, fat expansion)

Desmond finally finished cooking most of the food he had gathered today, just in time too. Today was the day of a festival in a far off town, making a special occasion for the one he was cooking for. He felt the entire house rattle a bit as she approached, and when he glanced out the windows all he was able to see was her limbs and chest. Maribeth and Meredith are the twin heads of an ettin drake (two headed dragon). She had a quadrupted form with large wings and very long tail and twin necks. Platinum colored scales with a golden sheen. One head had deep blue eyes while the other had purple. Long ago she had been cursed by her sister so that every year on this day anything she ate increased her body weight cataclysmically, and when she stopped eating or the day officially ended all her weight was then converted to molten gold and expelled. This prevented her from taking advantage of the humans from her former home in that far off town of Pieright- because whatever she gluttonously devoured was returned to the people in the form of gold- her weight in gold to be exact. This year though, she had a plan and had Desmond gather the materials for her. A slew of exceptional local foods, because this year she would defy her curse entirely!

Meredith and Maribeth entered the house through the front door a few moments after arriving, in the form of a nude woman. With one blue and one purple eye, this was their human shape for hiding among the people... and fitting in houses, since her body was bigger than the entire house in her true form. Her hair was platinum blonde and to her butt, left wild since she technically just grew it now. Her actual body was shaped as a younger woman, mid twenties at the most, and average build with good handfull breasts. Since this was just a false form, she could technically change it to look like whatever, but to make it easier to maintain she generally kept it fairly similar. She walked in casually and plopped down, already making it hard for Desmond to concentrate on the food he was finishing up, since she was completely naked. She was already getting comfortable on the couch, inhaling deeply the thick scent of the food. She had rest a few pages torn from magic tomes on the table, aligning them with each other and placing a finger on the middle. The runes on the pages all started to glow in turn, moving away from her hand till they all flashed and then went dark again. She had cast a spell of some sort. A counter spell to her sister's curse perhaps?

Desmond went to hand her the first plate but teasingly held it off, telling her to dress herself first. Normally he would not be in a position to ask a dragon favors, but he had her food ransom now- he wanted to watch her burst out of the seams before her counter spell kicked in. He had been toiling in the kitchen most of the day, he earned it! With a sigh the dragon gave in, not wanting the food to cool down while they debated. She dashed into the bedroom and quickly picked out something that would be decently easy to burst the seams of- taking a grey sweater and some plain pants. She had a lot of skirts but those wouldn't be as fun to watch explode, because the waist would pop and that was it.

In the meantime, Desmond sat down a huge plate of food. A huge pork belly roasted with hot peppers and a little bit of bitter earthy herbs called Toad Legs for the shape of the leaf's resemblance to a toad's webbed feet. The giant mass of meat was surrounded by a ring of giant grilled mushroom caps filled with lobster meat and cream cheese. This was the savory part of the meal. Beside that was the sweet, which was an odd mix of meat and fruit. One one part was dry sweet-smoked fish meat and then in the other corner of the plate was four different types of berry, all entombed in a layer of dried honey. Her drink was also an odd mix, it was two colors- the bottom was a dense sour blue liquid that was also mildly alcoholic, the top was a smooth creamy drink. The two had very different densities so they did not mix, the idea was every time you drank you would end up with both in your mouth at the same time, two contrasting flavors, one smooth and one sharp. On a seperate plate was the still more exotic food that Desmond had to really look for to find at all. Soft and a bit rubbery was the pale stringy meat broken out of the legs of a Giant Spider, cooked in butter and garlic, beside a simple salad of spinach, kale, tiny marble cheese cubes, and Royal Olives- which were a rare olive with royal purple flesh. Desmond had been nervous about cooking the spider meat- he never even had any before, never mind cooked it himself. He had tasted some as he was preparing it though, and he did a good job.

The dragon returned with her hastily put on clothing and practically shoved Desmond aside to take her seat infront of the food again. She was eating on the living room table, because the odds of the dining room stools supporting her weight were slim. She would probably break the couch too honestly, but its odds were better than the stools at least. The way her curse worked, it got more powerful as the day went on, having the strongest effects toward the end- it also worked on what time it was in Pieright, regardless of where she actually was. Right now it was late night in Pieright, even though it was mid afternoon here- she deliberately set it up to be when the effects would be more powerful so that her defiance was that much more pronounced. She would show her sister up at her own game- magic!

The dragons started to pop the berries in their shared mouth and savor them. Some of them they crunched, some of them they sucked the hard honey shell off before bursting the fat ripe berries against the roof of their mouth. Three of the berries were bitter to contrast the honey shell, and each berry had a unique flavour. So juicy and such powerful flavour for so small a thing! The farm grown berries were larger than wild ones, but had a very muted flavour compared to the wild berries like these. Because the effects were so strong, it did not take long for Desmond to notice her cheeks getting a little rounder, and her hands looking softer. Under her sweater her belly softened too, pushing out a bit but not too much- deepening her naval. Then came the fish. Had it been any other type of smoke dried meat it would be jerky, and hard as hell to chew through. Because it was flakey fish meat though, it became crumbly when dried... still chewy, but in much smaller bits. The flavor of the smoke practically exploded out of the chewy meat, tainting the saliva in her mouth with its rich taste. It was sweet, but very mildly so. The fish meat as well had a mild flavour itself, at least compared to the potent smoke flavouring. The berries were mostly liquid mass, and the fish as well was a lighter food, but still the effects were noted on her body. Her limbs thickened and her finger joints became dimpled as they puffed up. Her cheeks rounded up more, giving her an unintentionally jolly look about her and her neck thickened a bit as well. Her belly under the sweater rounded out and the divot of her belly button caused it to crease across the middle, creating a slight fold. She could feel herself sinking into the couch more and more with the rapid weight increase.

That was the light stuff, now came the heavy. Because of the density of the warm cream cheese filling the mushroom caps, they were surprisingly filling. Though pretty damn big, she still managed to pop them in her mouth an entire cap at a time. She slowly compressed down on it, getting the watery savory juices out of the mushroom cap before the cream cheese and finely broken up lobster meat to ooze out into her mouth after it. A very dense, powerful flavour that suck in the mouth. Because they had been grilled there was even a slight charred taste where the bars of the grill kissed the mushroom caps, adding still more tastes for her mouth to pick apart. These were so hefty on their own, her body practically jiggled with growth with each one she popped in her mouth. Each one swallowed, all her curves rounded farther out with enough of a surge of growth that she actually did jiggle literally from the movement of the growth itself. Her formerly handfull breasts were filling the sweater now almost the size of her head each, and soft enough that they smushed against their confines and filled every little gap they could find. The crease across her gut deepend into a proper fold as the top started to overlap the bottom and the bottom outgrew the top entirely and pressed out over the top of her pants, occupying some of her lap. Her fingers were all chubby now too, and she had gained a second chin! Desmond sighed at the silverware beside the plate she was yet to actually use. She probably wasn't going to bother. And he was right- she scoffed at the knife and fork and grabbed onto the still very hot sides of the huge roast and lifted it in her bare hands. Her teeth sharpened to inward crooked fangs and her nails bulked up and grew into claws. She was a dragon behind the illusion- even straight out of the oven it could never be even close to hot enough to actually burn her. The meat sweat a red juice from all the hot peppers it was infused with. In both hands she brought it close and licked up the side of it, moaning at the delicious tastes in her mouth- a burning hot flavour to go with the actual temperature. She then took a huge bite out of it and twisted her head a bit to cut through the thick meat with her fangs. It was tender from being slow roasted, and juices ran down her chin without care.

As she worked the huge chunk of solid meat, her clothing started to groan- especially the woolen fibers of her sweater. More and move of her belly pushed it up from the bottom to bloat out from below, and her fattening chest strained the top and yanked the collar away from her, letting the meat juices dribble into her cleavage and make her tits glisten. A third chin appeared as her neck got extremely wide, folding its own bloated skin on itself. Her hands became round and bloated to the point the flexibility of her fingers started to become compromised. Her pants gave a loud crackle as the seams burst on the sides from her tremendously round thighs, but the rest still held together for now. The springs in the couch were starting to groan as well, not meant to carry so much woman. The seams of the sweater started to snap under her arms first, both tearing the arms off of the body, and splitting the body down the sides slowly. Because it was wool, it became stretched out of shape easily but took a surprising amount of stretch to break. Her pants did not stretch at all. She stuffed as much meat into her mouth as humanly possible like a ravenous beast, so her body never had a chance to slow down or pause its growth. Her pants gave off more and more pops, till the entire length of the legs were torn wide open, leaving them uselessly hanging from her hips. The waiste had more stitches so it did not give up so easily, and cut so far into her soft fat sides that you could not actually see where the pants ended- the edge was hidden under folds of skin. She looked down at them with furrowed brows and with a huff, grunted and flexed her thigh muscles, causing her soft folds to tighten and the pants completely exploded away, leaving her once again nude from the belly down. Her sweater was a comically ill fit now, with her entire gut hanging out- which now had three folds, a soft round roll transitioning to her gut, the upper gut, and then the lower gut- each had its own curve and folded over the one below it. Her tits were now so fat and bloated that almost half of them bubbled up out the overtaxed collar of the sweater, and the skin was depressed in from the edge so far you couldn't see the edge of the sweater either- it was swallowed in supple flesh. She swallowed the last chunk of meat and grinned as she relaxed back a bit, looking at Desmond watch her. The seams under her arm tore further and further down till the shirt was more like a tabard draped loose on her front and back. Like her pants, the collar was the more stubborn part. The dragon took a deep breath and stretched a bit, pulling her arms back and as soon as she did, her breasts shoved far enough forward to explode the remnants of the sweater, tossing it away as scraps of wool in several directions. She breathed out in a long sigh as her tits flopped down over the huge curve of her gut. Before the effects were able to continue, she slapped a hand on her gut and left a glowing runic array for a few moments, activating her counter spell! With this, she will be able to eat all she wants any day of the year and nothing could stop her!

As she went to reach for the plate of tender spider meat though, she noticed how stiff her hands felt, and paused as she seen them bloating up rounder still. Did her counter spell not work right away? Did she goof it up somehow? Meredith and Maribeth were not nearly as adept at magic as their sister Lizabeth. Her belly gave a bit of a gurgle and her body started to round out even more, even bloating on the sides! Her breasts started to get oddly rounder and firm up a bit as well as enlarge even further. She could feel the fat rolls of her chunky neck get so wide that it felt like her head was resting on a solid pillar- too bloated to bend anymore. She groaned and rocked in place, something was definately wrong. She felt so full, so stiff. She wasn't even filling with normal fat at this point! She hadn't stopped eating long enough for it to turn to gold though. She glanced over at Desmond and went wide-eyed as she started to put together what went wrong. Her spell was not making her thinner- it was making her SMALLER. She had shrunk by several inches and was still going quickly. To compound the problem though- the spell shrank her, not the food inside of her, her fat mass was staying the same size. Desmond already looked huge compared to her! Her entire body bloated out rounder, taking on proportions far from any sort of normal. A human body can't take all this! If she keeps shinking she will burst open like a messy pinata! It was getting hard for her to breath.

In desperation she quickly reverted to her true form. She figured it was better to destroy the house than suffocate in her own fat rolls. She did not destroy the house though. The mana she circulated to turn back to her true self also fed her shrinking spell, causing her to shrink even as her form changed and she should have been growing. She slammed everything in the living room, including Desmond to the walls for a moment, but then started to ease back as she continued to shrink even in this form. In dragon form she looked chubby, but not fat... not yet anyway. She was still shrinking and the fat still wasn't, so it was going to catch up. Her body was fairly long, which was good because she needed to squirm around in the limited space to get onto all fours. Her form did not allow her to stand on her rear legs. Her rounding gut was already bloated enough that it dragged on the floor as she rolled onto her feet. She tried to keep her long tail and necks as reeled in as she could as to not destroy everything around her. Meredith and Maribeth's heads were on either side of Desmond. Her limbs were a bit short compared to her size, and this was only compounded as they grew thick and round, dimpling at the joints. Her necks and tail thickened at the base outward, becoming just softer at first, then fatter and rounder, and eventually tighter again as her body struggled to keep up with it. Her huge round gut was smushing out against the floor taking weight off her limbs, preventing her from being able to move around at all. By now though her overall size had shrunk tremendously. She was long enough with her necks and tail to still cover the entire room, but her actual body was only about as big as Desmond- which means if she remained human she would only be about the size of a doll. She was not getting any fatter, but she was shrinking while the fat was not, so it looked more like her body was inflating. She was breathing heavily, and her neck was starting to look cone shaped- the bottom of her neck lagged behind the top, so when she moved it the bottom portion moved a moment later, wobbling after. Fat did not get distributed to the wings at all, so they were still normal sized compared to the rest of her, making them look more like orgnaments than actual wings.

As the dragon continued to get smaller Desmond could not help but touch, now that she was clearly helpless to stop him. He grabbed her tail and felt how pillowy the pudgy limb was, his fingers sinking in. She was getting so small he could almost reach around her tail with one hand, if it also wasn't so fat. Her torso became so round her legs were lifted off the ground entirely and mobility was draining from her necks and tail, the base of her necks so thick they were permanently pressed together. She was really starting to breath heavily now, and Desmond quickly yanked his hand back as her skin became searing hot! She had stopped eating long enough for the secondary curse effects to take place! Desmond ran to get a huge pot of water ready- anything her drool touched would burst into fire instantly. Meredith and Maribeth felt like a balloon- everything seemed to get bigger in surges while her body bloated out at the exact same time. She had so little mobility at this point, there was almost no point in worrying anymore- there was literally nothing she could do one way or the other. They could feel the molten gold welling in their throats. Their body started to sweat glimmering golden water. Dragons do not sweat! She was so overfull that the gold was actually filtering through her tissue- it glimmered because it was made mostly of gold dust! As worrying as it all should be, she had been through extreme bloating so many times in the past she was somewhat used to it. It felt good to be stretched, so full. Her mouth was still filled with the flavours of so much delicious food. She was still shrinking! Their heads were small enough to fit into the palm of Desmond's hand, but her necks were still as thick as a fire hydrant, making her heads look especially miniscule. Her limbs were no more than large bumps on her underside. Her belly was too tight to squish out against the floor, pulling more spherical. Because of her tail and necks, her body looked sort of football shaped, with tiny hapless wings on top. Her tail was like a long fat cone, wobbling with even the slightest movement down its entire length. She tried her best to hold out, her faces glowing red from effort before Desmond got back with a huge pot of water in time for her to finally erupt! Streams of molten gold fired out either mouth like two garden hoses, instantly burning anything it touched while Desmond frantically tried to put out the flames and cool the gold as quickly as possible.

After nearly ten straight minutes of intermittently spewing gold, she finally emptied. He had a cooling blob worth several hundred thousand dollars on his floor, and a tiny dragon hanging limp over the arm of his couch, completely spent. Now they felt like a deflated balloon, all the volume and strength drained out of them. Everything looked gigantic to the dragon, Desmond could lift her in his arms if he wanted to. She had stopped now at least. If she turned into her human form she would probably only be about as tall as a wine bottle cork. From nose to tail she was not quite as long as Desmond is tall even. By the time he finished getting the mess under control though, he turned to see the tiny thing nibbling at the other plate of food, starting to put on weight again! He asked what on earth she was thinking but she only shrugged back. She wasn't going to let a little oversight get in between her and perfectly good food.

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