Metamorphosis Idol

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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An ancient rainforest society worships a deity of abundance, eagerly awaiting its foretold reincarnation- but the man who is supposed to be his latest incarnation doesn't even believe it exists. His time on the run is cut rather short when Lod discovers an ancient temple not that far from home and decides to settle in to make it his own- not knowing he is still following the prophecy.

(M tf tadpole/caterpillar to toad/butterfly)

Lod was a young man of a very long-lived rain forest city-state. Their home of Azot has existed for over a thousand years- new structures built onto or over top of the old, so the new homes and streets acted as covers for the elder structures. All of their most advanced technology revolved around the mighty river that raged through the middle of the city. The harsh river waters turned mighty gears which ground grains for them, and helped wind large-scale clockwork mechanisms. Even more important to Azot however was its deity, Lod. Yes, Lod was named after the God of Azot. His birth lined up with a prophesied date, and so everyone in Azot regarded him as their reincarnated God.

On the night before his 22nd birthday however, Lod slipped away in the night. He knew the next day was some sort of ritual but he actually did not believe in any deities so he planned to slip away and evade it all. As a young kid he had enjoyed everyone treating him nice, but as he got older it had gotten a bit annoying. Especially since they all talked to him about a religion he did not believe in. Everyone thought he was some divine creature reborn, and Lod did not know how to break it to them; Lod is just... Lod. He has short black hair, dark brown skin and moss green eyes- he looked nothing like the strange creature the original Lod had been.

And so Lod set out into the jungle in the night. A bit dangerous, but what is an adventure without some hazards? He lived in Azot all his life as did everyone else he knew- so no one in Azot had any idea what lay beyond the jungle. Lod was not particularly large or muscular since everyone generally did all the work for him, but he liked to stay active and run around a lot so he was not a string-bean either. He was lean but still fit- the shadow of muscles outlined visibly on his body but not bulging out. Lod jumped and swung his way across and out of the city and into the absolute darkness of the jungle. He stuck near trees, rotating around their giant trunks to use them as a balance as much as possible if he lost his footing in the dark. He could see reflective eyes in the darkness watching him, but it was impossible to tell if there was actually a creature behind them or not. There was a type of nocturnal butterfly that had eyes on the backs of its wings, and several plants that also mocked the appearance of predatory eyes to ensure they were not eaten by the wrong creature. Lod was afraid but also happy, thinking he had outsmarted the villagers. Some distance from Azot he found giant roots ascending upward and climbed them- enjoying the stable ground. Even had it been day time he likely would not have been able to see that the reason the roots formed giant stairs is because they grew over man-made stairs. Nearly at the top, Lod stepped into a square hole in one of the steps and fell down into the ground!

Lod found himself inside of an ancient structure, the walls etched in weathered reliefs he could not make out in the darkness. He could not see a door out either! The only way out was back up the slanted hole he slid down from and it was in the roof of the chamber so he could not even reach it. The floor was covered in soft moss that helped break his fall. He seemed trapped, but at the same time no creatures could attack him in there. Lod decided to try and curl up and sleep on the soft moss for now. He would need daylight to filter down from the hole in the roof if he is to find a way out. The following day he seen the carvings in the walls told of the original Lod, but he seemed to have several forms. Lod also found an odd door and pushed it open. It seemed to be a square pillar fit into a four-way crossing of doorways. The pillar was on some sort of spring mechanism so when something wasn't holding it open it returned to its default position. This also meant that to open one doorway you had to shove it into another one- so you only had access to 3 of the 4 doors depending on what side you entered the crossing from. Lod found his way into a gigantic chamber that was well lit by many other holes he had apparently managed to avoid before falling into one of the last. The holes were supposed to be covered by an ornate metal grate to prevent people from falling in, but they were so ancient that many of the grates rusted and fell away. The primary chamber brought a large smile on Lod's face. Now he did not want to escape- this looked like a fine new home for him!

The prime chamber looked like a little nugget of paradise- the pillars of light from outside illuminated large wildflowers that had grown so abundantly and close together that they formed hills at the bottom of the holes! Trees baring large, fat fruit lined the walls and bent down toward the middle from the weight of their own abundance. Narrow grooves in the stone floor collected all rain water that entered the structure and fed it into a huge rectangular pool in the middle. The pool was almost entirely lined with moss, but in turn the moss ensured the water within was crystal clear as it fed on anything else that tried to taint it. The far side of the chamber for some reason had no holes above, so it was always in shadow- it was covered in different forms of fungus that had grown to massive sizes. On the side he entered from was what looked like a throne and a fire pit between it and the pool. If he could get a fire going in it he could cook up the mushrooms and eat those when the fruit trees ran out. He could live here for some time- maybe even all year around!

Lod climbed the hill of moss that hid the stairs leading up to the elevated throne and sat on it, looking out over his new home. Yes, this will do wonderfully. When he ate one of the fruits later in the day, wandering the halls of the apparently gigantic ancient complex he almost choked on it when he gasped involuntarily from how wonderful it tasted! He ate these fruit before in Azot but they never tasted like this before! It was like he had been looking at something that was black and white before without knowing what color was to this moment! There was something very nostalgic about the taste of the fruit as well he could not put his finger on. He found himself eating more than he intended. There was an abundance in here but he should still at least try and ration them a bit. The longer the food here lasted the longer he could survive on his own, and spread his own wings without the villagers doting on him. Being tended to was nice- but it felt bad calling all that attention to himself just because they think he is someone he isn't. It just... didn't seem right.

Lod kept eating fruit as time went on. Even when he was not really hungry he still slowly ate one just because of how good it tasted. He started to get a little worried about himself- feeling quite full yet still eating. He tried to will himself to stop a few times but found himself becoming a bit restless when he wasn't eating and his addiction managed to convince his brain it was fine to continue eating anyway. When he was so full it sort of hurt to be moving around, he lay in the pool. There was two large steps that went all the way around the edge of the pool so he could sit inside without going under. It was cool but not cold- nothing in the jungle cooled down too much. It felt very good and oddly familiar to do this, so he actually dozed off, sleeping in the water propped against the side of the pool. When he woke up he felt very famished, even though his stomach still felt sort of full. He scrambled to a tree and ate nearly every fruit off that tree by the time he was overfull again. Lod groaned and looked down at his gut protruding now as a pot belly! The shadow of his abs now lost under the taught dome of his belly. Well, he supposed there was worse things than being overly well fed. He went back to his pool of water and just floated along its surface lazily. He almost fell asleep on the surface of the water. Lod went to turn over and swim to the edge but felt another movement and fell under the water in confusion a moment before scrambling to the edge to examine himself! He had a tail! It was short and fat, but under his loincloth was a fleshy tail now! He could move it and everything! It must be the fruit? He supposed if he remained here he never had to worry about someone else finding out, and it didn't hurt him to have a tail.

As time went on the tail grew larger and longer. When it had nearly matched his legs in length it started to develop a long translucent fin around its length- it made swimming easier. Even though he assumed they were the cause- Lod could not help but return to the fruit trees and pluck more of their sweet bounty, gorging himself more and more! Lod supposed he did not know it was the fruit- it could be spores from the mushrooms or pollen from the flowers. Heck it could be some sort of ancient curse on the complex itself, so there was no use avoiding the fruit for something they might not even be doing in the first place. Though his continued feasting seen the trees one by one become bare. And his stomach grew, and his body softened. He became downright pudgy by only the third day here! His tail had become so large by the dawn of the fourth day that it seemed to devour strength from his legs, making it very hard to walk. His hips popped later that day as he was eating and he could no longer walk at all! His tail was so thick at the base it cracked his pelvis in half to make room! His legs still worked fine, but without a working pelvis they had nothing to brace against so he could not stand on them, which is sort of the point of legs in the first place. Lod really started to worry about himself when his first thought when this happened was not his inability to walk, but rather how he would gather more food. The fruit were boated so ripe and fat though that shaking the trunk of the tree easily caused them to snap off the strained branches and fall down to Lod!

By the end of the fourth day he was devouring fruit ravenously, and had exhausted all of it by nightfall! His body felt so tight and bloated he could barely move at all, yet what made him the most worried was how was he going to eat now? If he returned to Azot now they would see he has become a bloated freak! As he wiggled back into the water to bob around and digest some of the food, he noted more squirming under his arms. On examining himself he seen two growths under his arms that seemed to mirror their motion. The muscle was branching- he was developing two new sets of limbs! His spine also felt very tight. The front of his body was especially rotund, bloated out in every direction but it felt like his back was trying to stretch to equalize it but unable to- making the spine stiff.

Lod woke up the next day to the sight of many baskets, filled with heaping portions of fruit! Before his brain had even fully woken up he immediately started to eat again, shoveling the fruit into his mouth even though his body still felt so bloated and taught. The nubs from the night before were now underdeveloped arms! The fingers were no more than fat nubs and the limbs pudgy and short, but they clearly had joints now and worked like his first arms. He also noticed his feet had changed! His legs now sat weird and his feet now looked more like hands! It had taken him far too long to notice the chamber had several villagers in it, watching him! Another man smiled at him as he put down another woven basket full of fruit. He is Joqot, one of the lead shaman of Azot. Joqot explained that this was the temple of Lod- he was supposed to come here, so while no one seen him leave Azot, everyone still knew where he was! Joqot has gathered many maidens who in turn gathered all of Lod's favored fruit and brought him an endless feast to help his transition. Lod managed to stop himself from eating, looking to protest Joqot and ask what this food was doing to him. One of the women around the chamber quickly moved in to hand him a fruit though, and since she put it to his lips Lod had no choice but to bite it to get it out of his face so he could speak. But once the flavor hit his mouth and the woman rubbed his shoulders softly he decided to eat the rest of it before trying to speak. But then another woman and another fruit, and another fruit, and another.

They kept bringing him more before he could pull himself together between bites and his body fattened still more! The pressure in his spine burst and a new vertebrae erupted into existence from the over abundance of material the vertebrae above and below it gathered before popping apart to make room. And then it happened again, and again! His torso became longer so his now gigantic gut also stretched- making his torso less like a jiggly sphere and more like a soft tube. His legs continued to change, what had been toes now clenched and relaxed on reflex as their structure finished changing into fingers. His legs and his original arms continued to fatten up, becoming very bloated looking. His hands themselves fattened to the point where the transition between hand and forearm was not visible anymore, and his digits so fat and absorbed by the hands that they just looked like plump nubs on the end of his arms- matching his new set of proto arms! Lod tried to reach out and push their hands away as they offered more fruit, but found himself grasping the food instead and drawing it in. So many pretty women feeding him such good food. His neck started to bloat up as well as his tail and his hair even started to fall out quickly now! His body had become some sort of hideous monster! He could not help himself but to let them change him into a freak. The worry was always there, but it was in his subconscious and unable to reach his conscious thought through all the pleasure. His neck, torso and tail were all the same width now, so his body just looked like a fat worm! He now had six identical, plump arms and no legs!

The women helped drag him out of the water and onto the mossy floor a bit more and his face immediately turned red as everyone seen the tent in his loin cloth. Well, almost everyone- it was so tented anyone standing on the other side of the room just seen dick. The cloth was barely long enough to drape over the tip still. The women quickly snapped off the ill fitting garment. Even his dick did not look familiar to him anymore! His balls were no longer visible- they had popped back into his torso though they also tripled in size. His penis itself was fat and squishy even though it was fully erect, and the glans were now shaped like a bulb! There was a ring of stiff bumps where his foreskin was pulled back to. He wanted to cover up his mutated genitals in shame but the women did not seem as put off as he would have thought. One woman immediately sat on his groin, wedging her bubble butt over the shaft and rocked her hips gently, caressing his dick with her butt cheeks.

The pleasure seemed to radiate through his entire body- getting softer as it spread from his crotch but still travelling his entire body. He started to feel comfortably bloated- the taught pressure in his body almost like getting a full body hug. Two more women massaged his shoulders and another put her hands on his chest to hold him down- but her smiling face and topless breasts also lulled him. In the rain-forest no one wore a lot of clothing because it was always hot and muggy, but these women obviously went with even less clothes than usual with the intent of seducing him into complacency. The pleasure seemed to make his body pulse gently, and started to grow bigger! Not only fatter but also just larger in overall size! Lod almost thought the women were shrinking for a moment, but then had to keep squirming his back because his soft skin kept getting caught on the floor as his body increased in size- creating drag without him actually moving. It looked like his six arms were shrinking as well, but his body was just getting so round and bouncy that it was somewhat absorbing the limbs. His body was getting so squishy and bloated that he could barely move at all even if the women got off of him! He started to sweat and the women quickly got off him- the one who had been riding him dipped into the water to wash off the sweat that touched her. They got off him so fast it was like they were running from a fire! Oh really, that is their limit? Sweat? They are okay riding a giant fat worm mutant with a fish-like tail, but they don't tolerate sweat- a thing normal humans already do? Then he realized something was wrong- it was not normal sweat. They did not look disgusted by it, they got off because they knew something he didn't. It came out of him heavily, but remained where it was- it was viscous and started to turn milky white as the air touched it and it started to harden! He went to move to get into the water and wash it off but he was so bloated he could not bend his body- only wiggle uselessly! He tried to roll onto his six arms but the liquid he was sweating was already so glue-like that his back was stuck to the floor! It kept coming out, thickening and hardening more and more. Soon it became like hard plastic, wrapping around his entire body and making it so he could not move at all period. Then it continued to thicken till it consumed his face as well. He felt suddenly very tired- as if creating the fluid exhausted his body and Lod found himself falling asleep in spite of his worry.

He woke up later- unable to tell how long he had been asleep. He tried to open his eyes and call out to someone but the hard layering on him prevented him from opening his mouth or his eyes- he could not move at all. Then Lod felt something odd again. It felt like his muscles were starting to squirm on their own, twisting and tightening below the surface. He felt himself becoming heavier but also felt stronger and more energized! His body was trading fat for muscle- this caused him to shrink a bit and almost get some wiggle room because muscle is heavier and more dense than fat- basically compressing him. Before he was able to try and move again though, his entire body started to get bigger and once again squished him up against the barrier. He groaned as he continued to grow, squeezing and almost crushing up against the inside. It was like hard plastic, so while the barrier was solid it did have bend to it still, and bloated out as he grew. It did not take too long before it hit its limit though and with a sound similar to a coconut being bust open, his cocoon split! A rush of fresh air made it inside and he inhaled deeply which seemed to only promote the growth more, causing his body to surge in size and rupture the cocoon completely open.

His muscle structure still writhed below his skin causing his movements to be difficult as he rolled onto his hands and tried to climb out. When he placed his hand on the ground he immediately seen how wildly different it had become while he slept in his cocoon. It once again looked like a normal human hand (though it was huge in size like the rest of him), except his skin was more pale, and had dark near-black spots on it or various sizes! The skin between his fingers formed a translucent membrane, and the ends of each finger ended in a bulb, and no longer had a fingernail. If you were to look at the undersides of these bulbs you would see his skin forms millions of very tiny barbs- allowing him to cling to surfaces like Velcro. On his arms his skin became thick, and was covered with round stiff bumps. As he fully emerged from the cocoon and sat on all six limbs Lod realized he once again had legs. He had two arms that were identical to each other, and his torso once again had definition! You could tell his ribs from his gut again, though his gut remained very huge and very soft- squishing out a bit as it still fully rest on the ground even when he was sitting up. His thighs and thus his ass were absolutely gigantic- though not with fat. Whenever he moved his legs at all you could see the muscles harden below the surface of his thick bumpy skin. His feet were also oddly shaped- plantigrade still like a human foot but it ended in only two toes, and they were webbed like his fingers. There was segments of partially calcified skin on his hands and feet- tapering off above the ankles and wrists that almost looked like the chitin carapace of an insect- unlike his hands this semi-shell gave his two toes a sharp, hard end. He almost thought he had become a giant frog, but that was not right either. His torso was too long for a frog, and his bumpy thick skin was more akin to a toad besides. Instead of a tail, he now had a comparatively small insectoid abdomen. It was shaped like a elongated oval but was only as round as one of his huge thighs, and not too much longer than them either- making it pretty small compared to the rest of him. It was made of stiff banded flesh- similar to his pseudo chitin on his limbs.

Lod looked at the others watching him silently. He had been asleep for almost a month- but this had all been prophesied, so they knew exactly when to return to see this. To Lod it was like they never left in the first place- he had no way of telling time in his cocoon. It was night but a clear sky, because grey-blue moonlight filtered in through the holes in the roof. Lod walked over to the pool to look at himself reflected in the water by the moonlight. Unlike a toad or frog- he did not make hopping movements when he walked. His neck was very thick, but not as thick as his torso like before. There was a lot of loose, thick but baggy skin on the underside. Remembering a life prior, he knew how to use it. Inhaling from his nose the loose skin filled, swelling gigantically into a massive sphere- and also inflating many of the bumps on its surface into fat spikes! The spikes unlike the rest of his two-tone skin were powder red, making them stand out and look threatening, even though they were entirely made of soft skin and not actually dangerous at all. His nose had equalized with the rest of his face, but his head was not wide like a toad- it was more narrow like a frog, but had a feature more akin to a bug. He opened his mouth and his lower jaw divided into two pieces, stretching the baggy skin of his neck out between the two, and making his mouth absolutely huge. He would be able to swallow objects as big as his entire torso- whole. Lod let his tongue slither out lazily till it touched the surface of the water- from his position still sitting up! Three feet hanging out of his mouth and still more length to spare still in his mouth- it was huge and fat when resting but became narrow and extremely long when projected. His teeth were very tiny now, and very sharp- looking more like barbs than teeth. His eyes very large and his pupils tall and narrow, but with jagged edges like the eye of an alligator. He had two catfish-like whiskers on his face as well- and adaptation of insectoid antennae.

Memories of a time from before Lod was even born started to fade back into existence in his mind. Then from times before that. How many times has he lived and died now? Twelve? Somewhere around there. He felt like a bit of a fool since he had resisted his destiny while Joqol knew all along who he was better than he himself did. Lod narrowed his eyes at Joqol smiling silently across the room, and Joqol's expression sobered up. Joqol was just happy to have Lod back in his true shape, but he had to be careful not to make Lod think he was being cocky. Lod is their God after all- not someone they want to anger. Lod twisted a bit to look at his back in the reflection as memories were still returning. Something was supposed to be there, but was not. Remembering muscles that were not there in his human form, bumpy ridges on his back stretched out! They opened up into huge thick fins, and rolling out from under them like a carpet were gigantic butterfly wings! Made of metallic colors, the wings were patterned with the same colors as the wildflowers that grew in this chamber! Because they were so much larger than a normal butterfly wings you could actually see with your bare eyes that they were covered with trillions of tiny scales- the 'powder' on a butterfly wings is actually scales.

It felt so extremely good to stretch his wings out once again after having lost them for so long! Lod groaned as his lips curled into a large grin. He raised his upper body as far as he could with his four arms and sat on his large muscular rump and his strange penis started to emerge from loose folds of skin on his underside that served as a sheath of sorts. Two women immediately scooted over to him to tend him. One woman massaged the loose skin of his throat- feeling almost like play-dough between her fingers, and she rubbed his chest with the other. Her hands felt absolutely tiny against his huge form. His head alone was as large as their entire torsos! The other woman massaged the soft skin at the base of his shaft as her other hand worked the shaft- making sure to press up on the bottom bottom of the stiff bulb and passing over the ridge of bumps which were the two most sensitive points. As he approached climax from her stimulation the bulb started to throb aggressively with rock hard pressure. Finally a rush of blood came up his shaft and concentrated more pressure into the head than you would think there was room. The over-pressure caused the sides of the bulb to stretch and curl backwards- the bulb opened up like a flower! The inside had smaller vibrantly pink 'petals' of flesh, and what looked like numerous pistils vibrating with stiffness in time with his heart beat! The woman grinned and brushed her palm very lightly over the tips of the pistils and sent a very sharp pleasure surge into Lod. Seeing how rigid he arched his back the women quickly averted their face and held their breath. He rolled completely over slamming onto the floor with enough weight to shake the entire complex- his large soft belly jiggling back and forth from the motion. Lod's unusual phallus exploded into a massive cloud of powder into the air that filled half the room! Lod's strange mutant sperm is not compatible with any animals- it is however compatible with almost every plant in the jungle. It is a neutral plant gene- creating a massive abundance of floral energies wherever it lands.

Lod would return to Azot but only from time to time, to visit old friends. The people forgave him for having forgotten who he was- death had that effect on people. Once he gained his powers back he always remembered. Once Lod eventually dies of old age or is killed, a single full generation will go by before another body is born for him, and Lod returns to his throne once again. Though his proto form devours everything it encounters, his full self returns everything he ate a hundred times over, spreading life and energy wherever he goes. Fat and ugly in appearance at first, then strong and beautiful in the end. The deity of Azot- the cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth embodied in a single creature.

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