Don't Dick Around

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Richard thinks he can use magic as a quick fix to get rid of a business partner he doesn't want, but the librarian isn't having any of his antics. They say what goes around, comes around- but usually the karmatic return isn't quite so fast.

(PE, M ctf, M ctf)

Rich thumped his hands down on the desk of Jude at the core of the huge library. Rich was a bit of a lanky guy but good looking and well kept. He wore a sleeveless black shirt with fishnet long sleeve over that, and a spiked choker today- trying for a bad boy look. Jude was a friend of his since school, but currently the librarian here- an arcane library, making sure no one tries a spell near the books or blows the place up misfiring. Jude was a big man, though being a bookish type he was not particularly muscular, and his complexion rather pale.

Jude looked at Rich over the rim of his glasses. "What is it now?"

Rich groaned, motioning back to another man, piling books up in his arms to take back to a table. "Nelson is driving me nuts! He keeps bringing up the fact I am gay for almost no reason at all. He keeps asking if he is making me uncomfortable because I must be attracted to him while we are trying to do research."

Jude snorted a bit in a suppressed laugh. "He is an idiot. You knew that going into this."

"I didn't have any choice, he was sent by the other company to basically spy on mine, so we have to humor him. I kinda just want to make him disappear."

"Yes, that is unfortunate." Jude went back to reading his book.

"Even my boss wishes he would vanish."


"So do you have any-"

"Your not going to kill him with magic Richard."

"I didn't say kill! Although, if that was the best option we could fin-"

"No." Jude looked at him over his glasses again. "Do not use my books to dispose of anyone."

"What if he was a racist too?"

"Is he a racist?"

"I don't know- he could be!"

"This argument is getting dumber by the moment..."

"Racism is not a dumb matter!"

Jude sighed, closing his book while keeping a finger on his page so he could swat Rich on the head with it. "If I let you fuck with him, will you at least shut up and let me study?" Rich nodded eagerly and Jude wrote the name of a book and chapter down for him to find. "This is a book on sexual 'experiences', allowing the users to experience different sexual related things- like altering a person's sexual attraction. You can use it to make him gay. Which will either solve your problem by making him shut up in confusion over his new feelings, or backfire and make him hit on you for the rest of your time together. Either way; do not screw with the other spells in this book. Got it?" He furrowed his brows at Rich, making sure he understood before passing him the paper with the book title.

"Yea, sure. You worry too much."

Rich sat back with Nelson who started talking to him behind a wall of books- not even realizing Rich was not paying the slightest bit of attention and was activating runes in his own spell book. He activated the sexual attraction inversion but to make sure it had a more immediate effect he also went ahead and used a hormone spell, though on a fairly low magnitude. He had the book open already though, he might as well flip through it and look at what else it could do, just to see. What was Jude so worried about, what chaos could he possibly create with a book like this? Well, turns out quite a bit. There was a lot of transformative spells in the book as well, like swapping genitals, or even disconnecting genitals physically while still having them linked through feeling to make living sex toys out of them. People turning into genitals, swapping genders entirely- even a spell that caused genitals to magically match whatever subject you were attracted to, human or otherwise. He also seen a spell that had two pages worth of warnings for the use of- that caused a man's penis to become the largest. This meant whatever male they got anywhere near, their own penis became larger than that male. Which did not seem dangerous at first, but if two different people activated the spell it could cause their dicks to grow back and forth indefinitely. Rich had a dumb smile on his face as he thought of the possibilities he could do with the spells in this book alone.

Nelson snapped him out of his daydreaming, now standing beside him. He finally noticed Rich was not paying any attention to his conversation, after continuing to talk for almost seventeen minutes straight. He asked what the spell book Rich had was for.

"Oh, its uh... just a male enhancement spell book. Y'know, we uh, gays take that sort of thing seriously."

"Ooh yea that makes sense." He paused, getting a bit lost in thought. "Does that, uh... does using those spells have any sort of side effects?"

Rich grinned again. "Not really. Some have some minor hitches, if the spell has a trigger effect usually, but most are without side effects. That is the difference between using alchemy and using spells."

"But spells are temporary, alchemy usually isn't." There was another pause. "Which, is actually sort of better if you think about it- for something like this I mean."

"Oh totally. You could go completely apeshit with size just for the pleasure and then turn back to normal before you had to deal with any consequences. That is the difference between science and magic. They can both do the same things, but science obeys laws and rules, magic ignores everything and takes the path of least resistance."

Rich studied Nelson's eyes as he kept getting lost in thought, looking rather flush. Rich was having more fun than he had all day already just watching Nelson squirm.

"Hey, do you think I could try on of those spells? I mean.... I am... I am already pretty big and all, but always sort of wondered what it would be like to be even bigger, what dude doesn't, right?"

"Oh yea. Absolutely. If you haven't experienced it yet, I would absolutely recommend it. It seems like a crime to not at least try it once to know what it is like." Rich stood up and pat him on the shoulder with an evil grin. "Lets go to the bathroom and try it right now."

"W-woah, here at the library?"

"Oh yea. Nelson, buddy- if you take this tome out, they will know what you are doing with it. You don't want them to think you are insecure, or have a tiny dick, right? And if you are just doing it for the experience, why not right now? Plus, you don't want to deal with the spell, right? I can help you managing the spell so you can just focus on the rest."

"Oh, I don't know man, that sounds... I dunno..."

"Don't worry about it, I am gay remember? I have seen this sort of thing plenty of times, it is no big deal for me."

Not even waiting for Nelson to have a conclusive answer, he started to nudge him toward the bathroom with one hand as he carried the book in his other. If he tried to leave the library with the book, Jude would immediately know what he was up to and stop him. As they entered, Rich slapped a hand on the bathroom door and smeared it across the surface- materializing an out of order sign to make sure no one came in after them... not that there was many people in the library in the first place. Nelson had no idea why he was so flustered and turned on, mistaking it for desire to do this little experiment. It did not even occur to him to actually look at the book to make sure Rich was telling the truth. Oh sure, there was phallic expansion spells in the book- among other things.

At first Nelson retained some modesty and faced away from Rich as he activated the spells- Nelson was not experienced enough with using magic to know he was taking too long- Rich was casting more than one spell. Not wanting to be seen in front of another man at less than perfect size, Nelson gently rubbed his dick to erection before turning to lean back a bit on a bathroom sink. He would sit on a toilet but he honestly expected the floor to be cleaner than the actual toilets, so for now he remained half-standing, his butt on a sink but not fully sat on it. Rich cocked an eyebrow, asking if it was working, since nothing was visible yet. Nelson looked like he was in a bit of a daze and only nodded back. It started subtle- just a faint tinge of pleasure even though he wasn't touching it at the moment. Then a slow pressure in his taint moving up behind his balls and into the base of the shaft- like he was getting an erection except he already had one. The tightness surged up the veins on his cock, causing them to project out further and look darker on the surface before the shaft itself swelled a bit and it equalized again. Each wave made very little difference in overall size, but came so rapidly that you could still see the growth plainly as it became longer and thicker at a 3:1 ratio. Starting at just shy of 7 inches, then it quickly hit 8, 9, 10, and by 11 it started to slow down a bit. By then, Nelson forgot Rich was even there and his hand was once again on his shaft, feeling the heat radiating off it. The veins pulsing all together against his hand and then regressing a bit as the shaft itself accepted the load and bloated. Seeing he was thoroughly spaced out, Rich completed the final rune of the second spell to activate it fully. In order to surpass that size and still function properly the first spell would have needed to start modifying other parts of his body subtly, but the second spell already did that on its own, so the second also fed the first.

Nelson grabbed the head of his cock with his other hand and squeezed, trying to force a bit of blood back into the shaft as the head was starting to itch a bit from blood pressure- having turned dark purple like the veins leading up to it. The shaft itself a soft red. He moaned deeply as he felt a mild burst of pleasure in his balls and then a outward pressure as their weight started to increase. He looked down past his swelling shaft to see his balls growing, and rather than question it, simply thought he just needed to empty them badly, and started to piston his shaft rather than idly stroking it. Rich placed a hand on his own crotch and rubbed his twitching shaft through his pants, not wanting to take it out right yet in case it startled Nelson out of his stupor. Now when his shaft pulsed bigger he could feel a sort-of third pulse as the skin on the surface yanked too tight for a moment, before stretching to keep up. He was starting to grow beyond a size genetically possible for his body, so the growth was slightly more awkward, because from this point on it was entirely forced into him by magic. 12, 13, 14 inches, and now large enough that he could no longer properly grip it with his hand, his fingers only went halfway around at best, so he had to use both hands to piston! His balls were growing at an alarming rate however, completely disproportionate to his dick even though they started much later. They pulled down on his entire torso with their rapidly increasing weight as they both surpassed the size of a basketball each! This caused him to sit harder against the sink, which put pressure near his anus and sent surges of pleasure radiating through his entire hip area as his prostate grew within as well now! It collapsed a section of his colon and started to shove his bladder further up trying to make room for itself as it swelled fat and huge! The bloated veins in his shaft started to become visible at the base, and then trailing up his torso a bit, becoming even more impossibly large on his body. Though it was not flab- his stomach started to press out and the transition between ribs and gut vanished, making his torso barrel shaped.

Nelson was looking rather desperate and totally absorbed into his act. He was twisting and pistoning his hands on the extremely tight skin of his shaft as it continued to grow- feeling the bloated veins squirming just below the surface like worms as they climbed higher to keep up with the shaft. As aroused as he was and desperate to get off, his cock was so titanic now that he could not properly climax with two hands- his hands were too small in comparison! His balls swung heavily below, too heavy for him to lift! His legs were getting weaker and the balls were getting heavier and the two could not work together. His legs buckled and he almost let go of his cock to grab the sink as he fell down, except he did not drop more than an inch. He glanced down and groaned as he seen his balls touch and spread a bit against the floor while his legs were only slightly bent. They were still growing and it already looked like a beanbag chair of flesh between his legs! His hips popped thanks to his prostate completely outgrowing its space, but so gently that it barely made a sound- though it did rob still more strength and stability from his lower body. Even without giga balls he would not be able to stand on his own. His bones were becoming soft and crumbling up on the inside.

Rich smiled and walked up to him, grabbing the purple head of his dick- so large that it completely filled his hand so his fingertips just barely hooked around the corona. It felt like hot, hard rubber- almost no give to it at all. The head was bloated so huge it was completely shiny smooth, and the bumps around the corona stood out almost like tiny flesh thorns from the extreme pressure pushing outwards. The pleasure caused Nelson to moan and squirm- his balls did a little hop and started to swell a little faster. The cock grew in Rich's hand as he squeezed it like he were testing the ripeness of a fruit, and the head overgrew his hand as he did, causing him to reposition his thumb as he was only able to hook his digits around the top half of the corona now. The ball of his fingers fit perfectly into the slope of the helmet shaped head of the giant glans! Rich felt hot gushes of pre spurt out against his wrist as the dick bucked several times like a bull trying to throw its rider. He let it go and crouched down, trying to put his mouth around the head as far as possible- though only covering maybe a third of the head at best- his jaw would never open wide enough for the entire thing. He licked up a fat dollop of salty pre, but realized the cock was so big now his tongue could easily get inside, and started sounding the dick with his tongue while sucking at the head. Rich only glanced around the bloated sides of the shaft to see Nelson's balls become so big that they shoved his weakening legs to the side while he remained half standing just the same- the balls so big they carried him better than his legs did. His pants were somewhere under that- they caught his balls as they descended but now that his balls exceeded the length of his legs, they pulled the pants completely off and pinned them to the ground somewhere under. The skin was having a hard time keeping up at this point for his balls as well, causing the scrotum to pull mostly smooth, and you could see the bulge from all the giant tubes leading down into the testicles bunched up at the top. His hips were almost entirely gone- what looked like hips now was actually the curvature of the world's biggest prostate. Rich had to slow down a bit- he needed Nelson to be as aroused as possible, but allowing him to cum would clear that, and if Nelson actually realized what was happening to him fully he would likely start yelling, and then Jude would find out and come to the rescue.

A hollow sucking-pop sound could be heard in his back muffled under the skin a few seconds apart, over and over. His spinal cord was being yanked apart- though he remained upright thanks to increasing fluid pressure. He was getting a full-body erection! His barrel shaped torso was stretching taller and taller- his ribs reduced to a calcium jelly by now and nearly formless themselves. His entire body started to throb as it became even veinier. The body of his shirt became tighter and tighter, till a throb of the fat projected veins ripped it, and then with the next pulse of growth; burst it in half completely, falling away. Rich teasingly ran his index finger back and forth in the groove between urethral opening to the urethral bulge on the side of the shaft- which was now so large he likely could have shoved his entire arm inside the cock with next to no resistance at all. He might be able to fit his arm in the urethra without even touching the sides! The dick was so monolithic at this point that to tend to the head, Rich was standing with his back to a divider between stalls while Nelson was still half sitting on the sink- so it spanned the entire room. Nelson's head started to look swollen and red, he was sweating and groaning- occasionally murmuring unintelligible gibberish. His neck throbbed bigger- his throat and veins expanded first. He was going to demand Rich keep going, needing to cum so badly, but all that came out was wet sputtering! He unintentionally drooled all over himself. Then before he could form any real thoughts, burped and spat out an even bigger gob. It wasn't drool- it was hot salty pre. His torso was so long now his head was almost at the roof! His body had become thicker as well as his limbs lost all strength and started to regress. They became shorter, which made them look fatter as well, but as it continued they stretched to the point where they were not really recognizable at all, never mind usable for anything. His head hit the roof in a throb, and he looked up for his very slowly processing mind to figure out what he hit, but as soon as he looked up his neck throbbed and stretched hard, becoming thicker than his head! It bulged so huge it became equal to his torso- preventing him from bending it; his head was locked in that position now as his face was shoved harder into the roof. The roof started to groan and bend from the force of the growing shaft. He popped off the sink from the force, his balls wobbled forward like gigantic water balloons and the base of the shaft hit the floor, giving him three or so feet of space to grow back into. The base of his shaft however was a beach ball sized prostate between shaft and balls, so when he hit the ground his thoughts whited out completely in a blast of pleasure that sent both giant shafts dangerously close to the edge, streaming pre cum almost constantly for a half minute before it settled.

Rich was loving every minute of this, and wanted to enjoy it every way possible. He was already sopping wet from the pre cum drooling from the first giant dick. He dropped his pants to the floor, grabbed the sides of the giant glans that were now slightly wider than his entire torso and shoved the shaft back! This slid the balls and base of both shafts under the sinks, putting Nelson at an angle giving him still a bit more growing room. The pressure of the growth wanted to force the two shafts at a 90 degree angle from one another though, which started to slide it forward again, but Rich wanted that. He got directly in front of it and thrust his own dick into the urethra of the giant cock. As it slid back forward it pinned Rich between the stall divider and the giant glans. When Rich thrust, it shoved the dick back a bit and gently bopped the monster prostate against the pipes on the bottom of the sink! He gripped the corona again, this time with one hand on either side of the giant head as he thrust into it. Pre cum came out of the giant cock faster and heavier- starting to make sounds like a burbling water cooler. The pressure in Nelson's head increased as the skull softened, yanking apart as his entire head swelled massively. His jaw bone was gone, but the ridge remained- soon a full corona. His face and forehead all swelled out upward, forming into a dome. His eyes swelled shut and vanished, his nose stretched into obscurity as the nostrils swelled shut. His mouth stretched lengthwise and became tighter in width, turning into a urethral opening- preventing him from holding back any of the precum that continued to burble to the surface in increasing volume thanks to Rich docking the lower dick. Nelson had no conscious thought anymore other than the need to cum and desire for pleasure. As his head finished converting into a second glans and gently touched the roof again he finished transforming into a giant double-dick and balls!

As hot as it all was- even the urethral opening was so gigantic now that Rich could not reach climax in it. The dick was so huge he was sort of wedged against the divider though and had to shove back with a good bit of strength to wiggle his way out. Doing so put the twin dicks on a different angle though, so when Rich popped free, the two dicks also popped out and turned abruptly. Rich let out a frustrated sigh as he heard the dick heads collide with the top and bottom of the door out. Oh great, it was so huge it blocked the way out! Well, that wasn't that bad of a problem, he just needed to get Nelson off to shrink him down enough to squeeze out of the door. The cocks were obviously of a size well beyond the help of any human hand though. Rich walked around to where the two shafts converged over the giant balls. The prostate divided partially into two- one for either shaft but still united in the middle, just behind what used to be Nelson's anus! The anus did not change size at all, and was still there. Rich grabbed a handful of scrotal flesh and yanked back, pulling the balls fully behind the twin dicks and climbed up onto them to use the giant hot spheres as a seat. He grabbed the crook between shafts and pulled himself forward, thrusting into the tight hole, the head of his dick almost immediately prodding the huge prostate! Rich chuckled to himself as he thrust into them. He knew Nelson would be furious about this, but he also knew Nelson felt good in spite of it all. And right now- he was incapable of anger. Pleasure was the only thing he is able to feel, the only thing his body was built for; and it was very, very good at it. He started to work himself up, thrusting faster and harder. Something hit his lower back though, preventing him from pulling back and then a moment later he felt a powerful pleasure as something entered HIM!

Jude leaned forward, putting his chin on Rich's shoulder. "Refresh my memory, what is it that I told you not to do when I told you about that book?"

"You suggested I stick to the spell you pointed out."

"Mmm, no, that wasn't a suggestion. If you want a suggestion though- just good advise to live by in general; don't be a dick."

The door out was on the opposite side and blocked by two mega dongs- Jude used a portal to enter the room from the wall behind Rich! He must have been able to sense the amount of mana being fired off, then seen Rich and Nelson were missing and then once he seen the out of order sign on the door he would immediately have known what was going on. He had his dick in Rich's ass, while Rich had his own cock in Nelson's... ass, if you can still call it that. Rich was still smiling, enjoying his punishment and his deeds at the same time but still tried to squirm out when Jude pulled back, but Jude thrust back in, pinning him between the two again! Jude pushed him harder forward and harder. The glans of the two giant dick heads squished against the door from force. Jude then climbed fully onto the huge balls and put a leg on either side of Rich's legs. Rich went to pull back but felt a tug at his skin, looking down he seen he was partially merged with the base of the two shafts!! Jude thrust him forward again and this time he could not pull back at all! He felt muscle tissue squirming into him and then started to shudder and gasp in pleasure as signals from the nerve endings of the two mega cocks started to cross with his own nervous system. The nerve endings branched, tangled, and finally fused together! Nelson was not only reduced to two giant dicks- he now belonged to Rich! Rich now had two mega cocks!

Rich could barely think, his body was stiff with pleasure- caught in a loop of shuddering and clenching from pleasure overload. He could no longer thrust into Nelson because they were no longer two separate people. Instead he leaned forward to encourage Jude to thrust into him more energetically, and placed his hands on the top cock to shove it down into the lower one- frotting with himself! He could use the freedom of the top shaft and friction of the bottom against the floor to pull them forward and back with uneven distance, rubbing together, and just being pressed together the pulsing veins of one massaged the other! The edge of the corona from the two glans caught on one another if he held the shafts together, so they flicked each other sending sharp pleasure spikes back to Rich! He did notice something else through the haze though- Jude's cock was throbbing with his pleasure as well, not separately. There was another spell in play- Jude's dick was feeding off of Rich's pleasure. And it was hungry. Jude's penis gorged on the pleasure, swelling bigger and fatter, stuffing itself deeper into Rich's ass without even needing to be thrust forward. It got so large Rich could see the bulge from its head, as it traveled further up and became even more pronounced. Eyes rolled back in his head, Rich started to rock backward on his giant balls to cram the growing dick in even harder- this also divided his two giant cocks so they came crashing down into one another on the forward thrust. He was astounded he had not already cum from the explosive and constant pleasure, but Jude was more than likely cheating- using a spell that prevented climax till it was complete. It did not stop Jude from cumming however, and he did powerfully. The stream of cum was so strong it almost felt like someone pushing out on Rich's insides! He could feel the heat and pressure rising, trying to pull his intestines straight with weight. He looked down and groaned as he seen the bulge of Jude's cock expand greatly- his guts now swelling with cum! By the time the orgasm ended, his gut looked like he was pregnant and he could feel it sloshing back and forth as Jude resumed his thrusting! He was still hard!

The cum pressure stretched Rich out enough on the inside to give the cock a bit more room to grow still bigger- and it took every bit of space once again! Even as Jude came again, Rich's belly started to stretch even bigger, but he could feel the massive cock growing as well at the same time. Pushed forward and dragging upward, still deeper into his body. Deeper than it should be possible to go. He realized his own prostate was throbbing in time with the dick in his ass. His arms and legs started to tingle and he grinned, murmuring 'oh no' under his breath as he realized what was happening. Jude's dick was feeding off pleasure, but a very large percentage of Rich was now only that. It was starting to absorb so much of his energy that it was starting to absorb his actual mass as well. The dick was growing with mass stolen from Rich- the more pleasure Rich felt the bigger it got and the weaker he became. But the bigger it gets, the more pleasure he feels, trapping him in the cycle! He was letting himself become absorbed mentally by the cock inside of him, so he was literally being absorbed by it- if he did not stop, he would fall so deeply in love with it that he becomes Jude's cock. Rich did not even bother trying to resist- knowing it was a fight he could not win, nor entirely wanted to. He could feel cum start to bubble up into his stomach from the wrong end, and then his stomach was smushed upward before like an elastic band it twanged back down over the giant cock head that now penetrated it. The stomach acid already converted to still more cum. The cum swelled his entire torso larger, then as the cock-head pressed on the roof of his stomach it pulled his body straight on the rigid shaft- completely impaled. The pressure built till finally like Nelson before; the segments of his spine started to pop apart. The pain receptors branching from it died as the pleasure sensors branched further and grew. His bones became so saturated with cum forcing its way through every nook and cranny of his body that they softened and started to dissolve.

The liquid pressure continued to rise as Jude spurt more and more. Rich's eyes rolled in his head as he felt his body being stretched. The cum was only the precursor though, instigating change. Once his limbs were mostly limp from weakness and crumbling bones, the cock surpassed the volume of the cum and started to do the stretching in its place! The bulge of the shaft seemed clear as it surged up Rich's body, but it had actually been lost visually since the cum rush- the visible bulge was actually just the urethra as it traveled up his body- breaking up his ribs to continue onward. Rich could not stop burping from all the air in his body being crushed out, and soon his burps smelled of cum. The next few burps brought up bursts of cum- slammed up all the way through his body by the battering ram sized cock. Rich could feel the cock pushing up at the base of his neck, and then as his throat stretched, he felt precum pooling in it as the glans of Jude's growing phallus pressed hard enough on the base of Rich's throat to form a seal. Rich bowed his head forward and opened his mouth to drool precum, but a moment later his neck was forced straight again by the pressure as Jude came- and it fired straight up Rich's throat and out his mouth! When it finished he had a blissfully stupid smile on his face, though he was dizzy from the pleasure blast and his head felt very strange. The bones were no longer solid- his teeth fell apart in his mouth like wet chalk. His head still had a normal human shape- but it was so soft you could push your hand into it and your hand print would just stay there. The dick inside of him grew so fat his shirt ripped- but held in place by the fishnet top over that. Then that too started to stretch and snap. Like Nelson, his arms started to regress, stretching out as they became shorter and slowly vanished. Unlike Nelson however, his legs simply lost their shape and melded into the giant balls below, becoming two giant veins! His own original balls were so tiny in comparison to his new giant ones he did not even notice that they had long ago been absorbed by the greater two- adding what little they had to the mass.

Every throb surged blood pressure toward Rich's head from lack of room in the rest of his body, and then as it relaxed the shaft within stretched more, pulling him longer and longer. It was so huge it was stretching Rich around it like a human condom- the more he was stretched the more his body took the shape of the phallus it contained, and the thinner Rich was stretched, till eventually he became so thin he stopped existing and the man and penis became the same thing. His heard beat hammered in his head like thunder cracks in a lightning storm. His head turned beat red from all the pressure. He no longer required to breath so he did not notice right away- he still had his spiked choker on, it was literally choking him now! There was a gigantic dick trying to force its way up through his throat but stuck because of his choker! Because it was unable to hold its shape, the blood pressure continued to grow in his head beyond what was normally its full capacity. His face started to swell slowly into the helmet head shape of a glans, the rest starting to turn purple from pressure. His neck bulged obscenely from the bottom just below the choke point. Jude and Rich both heard the sound of straining leather and then Jude ducked when he heard the snap. The spike choker was snapped off with such force it shattered a mirror to their side- luckily the sink collected all the broken glass. In a rush, Rich's vision went red, then quickly faded to black as the cock-head rammed up his throat and into his head, smashing its shape into head to speed its change. His hair very quickly started to fall out, forced out from under its own roots. Then the last of their nerves started to tangle as the remnants of Rich around the dick started to convert into just more of the dick inside of it. Perhaps merely to prolong the experience, Rich bent forward resisting these last few changes only. Jude would have none of it, reaching out to grasp his head and pull it straight. He managed to get his ring and middle finger into Rich's mouth that was already mostly converted into a urethral opening, and moved it back and forth the way you would masturbate a vagina. Rich's throat fully locked in that position and he started to burble up precum at an increasing rate; unable to hold back anymore. Unlike Nelson's transformation, this one had been more of an exchange. The cock got bigger and more dominant as the person got smaller and less dominant till they met each other in the middle and they simply became the same thing.

Now Jude had a giant cock, that had a giant cock, that had a giant cock, and he was sitting on top of his own giant balls. Three dicks stacked on top of each other taking up basically every bit of space in the entire long room from floor to roof and lengthwise. He was going to cast another spell to deal with the mess, but could not before he slipped over the edge. He had been teetering on the edge of orgasm as the change finished and once his nervous system linked to the triple ultra cocks he slowly slipped over the point of no return. He braced himself on the base of the shaft that used to be Rich and the three pillars of cum slammed into the nearby door and wall so hard that globs of it scattered through the air all the way to the back of the room, absolutely painting everything! The streams lasted for a full second, then a fraction of a second for a break, and then another blast. The orgasm lasted almost a full minute, but every time they clenched in pause between blasts, they got a good bit smaller! By the time the orgasm ended there was two inches of cum across the entire floor- every toilet and sink was clogged- but the three dicks were small enough that Jude could sort-of move them if he put his whole body into it. In those dick heads were thoughts of pleasure, visions of exploding cocks, powerful jets of cum, and endless pleasure. But now the thoughts broke up a bit more, became a bit more subconscious than conscious. They faded a bit more, and became still more like a normal dick.

Jude chuckled at the top dick as the muscles clenched on their own in specific places, causing the shaft to bend slightly back and forth- the remnants of Rich struggling. "What goes around comes around, Rich. Besides, you wanted more fun and pleasure, right? And... this feels good, doesn't it?" Jude was unable to get anywhere near the glans, so he just grabbed onto some fat veins and gently stroked them along the shaft. Rich squirmed a bit more, but pleasure also started to surge. "NOW you want to fight it? Please, you knew when you could have gotten away and you let it happen. I have things to do, get this over with already- blow your brains out."

If anything the squirming only brought the pleasure on even faster, and Jude mentioning pleasure or giving in made Rich think about it which made it happen even faster- he held out for a grand total of maybe half a minute before all three once again erupted and a three pronged cumblast. The liquid level on the floor started to rise, sinking Jude in to his ankles then his shins and almost his knees! The balls shrank down to about the size of a beach ball each, and the dicks now each about the size of his torso. The orgasm had lasted over a minute that time. The longer they allow it to flow out of themselves, the more they regress into true dicks and the closer Jude gets to being able to put his pants back on.

Jude touched an index finger to each shaft just behind the glans and traced several runes on the skin. It left no mark so it was difficult to do, with no visual of what he was drawing but what he pictured in his head. "There, this next one should finish you two off- but there is no use repeating myself right? There is no point in having three cocks if they are all just the same thing."

He felt a bit of a clench at the base of the top cock which was then mirrored by the two below and chuckled. "Sure you will be a bit smaller, but look at it this way, I can fit you in more holes that way." It twitched a bit and Jude gently brushed his hand over its surface. "And I will give your form a little flare, just imagine all the possibilities." He nudged the corona. "I could make this wider." A pleasure pulsed fired up from the base and the head started to darken to purple from pressure of Rich holding back. "I could make you wider. Maybe just make the collective prostate bigger, so you can cum even longer?" The veins started to hammer quickly with pressure, and the shaft swelled thicker.

When it throbbed it looked like it was vibrating with the force he was holding back. "You have lots of good company too, to rub up against. Throb against." The urethra started to expand as if already blasting something out, then convulsing in preparation as pre ran from the head in an uninterrupted stream.

"I could masturbate you and be done, but. I want to see you finish what you started." The dick pulsed visibly over and over again, bending ever so slightly from one side to the other while also bobbing from the pressure of each pulse. "Nothing." THROB. "But." PULSE. "Cock." Rich erupted a stream of cum so hard it still hit the opposite wall in spite of his greatly reduced size! Then the Nelson cock erupted a fraction of a second later, and then the one below that- all linked so unable to act individually.

As they started to shrink again from ejaculating their own mass as cum, the three dicks started to diverge in appearance. Being the least accessible, the bottom cock- and only cock that was not formerly a human- did not shrink as quickly as the others, stopping at a size still far greater than a human. The glans hardened and stretched wider, making the head a gentle, wide dome shape. When the larger dick finally exhausted itself and started to go soft finally, the shaft folded back in on itself in the middle and formed a medial ring- it was half human half horse. The penis that had formerly been Nelson shrank further, but still remained a bit bigger than the average human penis. While most of the dick shrank, not all of it did. The urethra remained longer than the rest of the shaft, causing it to rise up from the still human shaped glans as a rounded point. The shaft shrank all but the base, which remained the same size, becoming increasingly bulbous as it stood out from the rest, exposing thousands of tiny veins across the surface from the skin being pulled so tight around it! It became half human half dog! Finally the top penis, it regressed to the size of an average human phallus, but again did not all shrink equally. It ended being thicker toward the base than normal, giving its overall form a conical shape save for the glans. Though the shape of the glans remained human, the bumps on the corona expanded into little flesh barbs and started to multiply- becoming so great in number they stretched the corona slightly, causing them to fan out. It became half human half cat penis! The formerly gigantic balls shrank to match the size of Jude's default balls, giving him a set of four for the time being.

Now wading in cum level with his hips, Jude had effectively created a swimming pool of semen. Fishing the pool drenched magic tome off the floor was some task, requiring him to dive in and swim in cum to even find it. He then cast a spell that caused all the cum to glow even more white and start to lift and break up into the air- converting into pure energy. He did not want to open the door to the bathroom first, because then a cum tidal wave would smash over bookshelves and make an even bigger mess. He had to deal with it before leaving the room.

Waiting for all the cum to clear itself out gave him time to think, and pondered how altering specific conditions of the spell may have affected their duration. "I sure hope the part of the spell that binds us all together wears off before the transforming aspect does- or this is going to be extremely awkward for everyone involved."

Final Fetish

(F tf Behemoth Queen) Tarn skipped rather joyously down the road bouncing a bag of coins in his hand with his girlfriend Maeve close behind with a rather large smile on her face as well. They had just returned from an easy adventure- the...

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To A Human World

(F tf cow anthro; anthro world concept) I don't know why I am writing this- especially so early in the morning. It was a slow wake-up morning... you know those times where you know you are going to go back to sleep if you don't start moving,...

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Animal Kingdom

(Princess x3 TF cow, pig, donkey) Princess Telaya was equal parts excited and nervous as regal guards from the neighboring kingdom strode into the palace in two narrow lines, flanking the royal family. Today her elder brother was to be married...

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