To A Human World

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A cowgirl decides to sit down and write to a hypothetical person in an alternate world- who just so happens to be you.

This is some of the world building from my novellas Soulbound and Unbound, written up separate as this unique take from the eyes of a random woman from Terio Carn.

(F tf cow anthro; anthro world concept)

I don't know why I am writing this- especially so early in the morning. It was a slow wake-up morning... you know those times where you know you are going to go back to sleep if you don't start moving, but you are too tired to actually sit up still? My little dirty secret? I usually just move my hips a bit while laying on my back so my udder rocks back and forth- the motion is enough that I don't fall asleep again but it takes the least amount of energy possible. And... it uh... feels pretty good too. I mean, lets be honest its like having a balloon of warm water in your lap at all times, or a bouncy mobile pillow. That is probably why mine is so dang big- I enjoy being a cow so much I just make myself more cow, haha.

Okay, okay, I guess I should do this properly and start from the top. I have a writing assignment for class but have no idea what to write, so my mom told me that I should dissect something I already know of. She said to write a letter explaining the things in my life as if I were talking to someone who knows nothing about it. Like, imagine a world where people did not develop animal traits when they stop being little kids? So yea... that is what this is- you, the imaginary recipient of this letter to noone, explaining how life...just is. So I will start from the top... uhm, well, this world is Terio Carn. I suppose if we are talking hypotheticals, if this goes to another world it might be called something different. It isn't too hard to imagine what an all-human world would be like, since in Terio Carn all people ARE born perfectly human. Usually around nine or ten years old is when people start to develop animal traits- puberty at absolute latest. The transformations are based on personality, so take my parents for example- my dad is half armadillo, my mother is part cow part stickbug. I am just half cow. I was more likely to develop traits that match theirs because they raised me, but because it is personality based and not at all genetic- I could have turned into a bird or something completely different from them. I can also keep changing. Personalities are not set in stone, so if my life gets flipped around or something major happens; it is normal for a person to change a bit to reflect that, no matter how old they are. People who are multi-talented, or have done a lot of travelling sometimes become a chimera- which is any person who has gained more than two different animal aspects, on top of their default human- so four or more species total. Some of them look pretty crazy, makes me wonder how they live normally.

Would a world of just humans even have animals in the first place? That is an interesting thought... there are regular animals in Terio Carn. People can turn into feral animals too but it is pretty rare. The person has to be quite mentally unstable to turn feral- and there are treatments to help bring a feral back to be part human again, going feral isn't necessarily the end of your humanity. Sometimes it is though; sometimes they cannot be saved and were just fated to be beasts.

Crowndoms are often represented by a beast that is most common in its borders- I suppose that is because they grew up with the same culture, and raised by the same type of people so that animal aspect gets transferred the easiest, but that doesn't mean that ONLY people with that animal can live there. Haven in the far north is known for Dragonkin, but there are bug folk and fish people and others there are well- its just that dragon are the most common, and their Crown is a dragon. Dragonkin are hot blooded types- not necessarily violent, but just really passionate about things. They have strong conviction and are usually prideful like people who take after lions.

I live in Kilm, a farming community far north of Basilius, in the Crowndom of Pianeta. People who become cow... well... I don't want to say they are lazy but... we are kinda lazy. Maybe it isn't a personality thing though, maybe it is the nature of the body instead? I wasn't lazy before, I became lazy as a result of hefting around my udder, so I think its a reaction, not a cause. I was pretty energetic when I was little, and I liked to roll around in the grass and flowers. I mean, that is kind of cow-like already, but what most likely triggered the actual bond was that I am a giving person. When I see someone in trouble I like to do what I can to help, y'know? And cows are like that- they make a looooot of milk, and they don't really care who takes it, as long as they can make someone happy with it... and get rid of the pressure, haha. Unlike normal cows, since cow folk get theirs through their giving nature, they often cannot STOP giving. We lactate for no reason other than to just make milk, and I cannot turn it off. Which makes portions a real tricky thing- I basically have to double the amount of any food I take in, because 50% of it will always be used to make milk whether I want to or not. I suppose technically I could drink my own milk and then I would be ingesting 50% of that 50%, so I would digest 75% of what I originally ate.... but it would be impossible to get a full 100% regardless.

Obviously people with cow traits are expected to work their milkings in to normal schedules, but some people just make it faster than others so they have to be allowed 'milk breaks' in schools and work places to express themselves. There are people with ornamental udders that just do not make milk- on rare occasion they will try to take milk breaks and fake lactating but if an actual milker catches them abusing the system, hooooboy, they in for a whoopin. Even among people of Terio Carn, those with udders of any sort have to have unique clothing. For pants and skirts alike the udder-friendly version has an opening in the front, where the band splits so the udder fits between. Usually the band on top isn't elastic but sometimes they are. The best kind just have the regular waist band on the bottom then a ribbon you can tie over the top of the udder- so you can tighten or loosen it however you want. Because sometimes the udder itself becomes larger as it fills, so what fits sometimes won't always fit. Since I am part cow, my udder is pretty... well, huge. Four sections, four teats about the size of my thumb each. If I were say an equine, my udder would be a lot smaller and be only two sections. My udder is like medicine ball sized so... if I just let it hang like that it would brush my legs a bit when I walked, and if it was full I might not be able to walk properly at all because of the weight increase. For people with big ol bovine tiddies there are braces that basically link to the edges of the udder gap on clothing. It is shaped like a cross, so it sits comfortably in the cleft of the udder and holds it in place like a harness- and is usually made of a flexible material so like I said before, when the udder swells up the harness doesn't strangle it. The cleft in an udder is actually sort of the biological version of that in the first place- its muscle ribbing on the inside of the udder that keeps it steady, since its so squishy and bouncy.

I have heard some people ask about helmets on bovine people too- one of the crown shields of the past was a famous white bull. He wore little armor but he did have a helmet, which confuses some people because it covers his horns too- which are L shaped. Its because it isn't all one piece, silly! There are two tube shaped parts that clasp the bottom portion of the horns that stick straight out, and then two sharp caps that slide down the upward portion of the horns, and both are separate from the actual helmet itself. Like tail rings, separate par- oh I suppose you don't know what tail rings are, either. Well, for anyone who has a tail- and the vast majority of the populace everywhere on Terio Carn does- there are metal rings called tail rings. You get a ring fit for the very base of your tail, it opens up to clasp around it and in all tail-fit clothing, there is a gap in the waist at the back. You slide the ring through either side of the gap, then around your tail and click it in place. My tail is long with a tasseled end, standard cow. My mom has a bug butt though- and her cow aspect didn't even give her an udder like mine, she has several really big breasts instead. Even the same animal in two different people doesn't always come out the same way. I like my tail- the tassel is easier to manage than a horse tail would be, and I can still adorn it with fashion accessories- like a pretty bow or a tiny bell!

Speaking of fashion- a lot of footwear is just that. In Terio Carn a lot of people have hooves or pads on their feet so they don't actually need shoes at all, but there is still footwear for each just for fashion sake. Or in the case of work horses and such- safety. Stepping on rocks while carrying a lot of extra weight can chip a bare hoof and you don't want that. If your hoof splits it might splinter a bit- and if the crack goes deep enough to reach the skin it will hurt baaaaaad. You might as well have broken your foot completely at that point- you are not walking on that for a long while. For paws there are basically the leather version of toe-socks, haha. It has clefts for the individual toes though it doesn't actually go completely between them, and the ends are left open to allow the claws out. Paws have a smaller surface area, so they get tired faster than normal feet, so there are versions of paw shoes with heel-wedges, which is a solid piece on the back that extends the surface area you stand on artificially which allows them to remain standing longer. People with hooves can stand for days and not be bothered, haha. For solid odd toe hooves you have a standard U shaped shoe- there is the very old fashioned kind you actually NAIL to the bottom of the hoof. But in modern times you just clip it in place, like even toe shoes. Even toed hooves are usually super dainty and ornate- filament version of shoes that clip over the sides more than brace the bottoms, covering your hoof with fancy metal patterns. There are super fancy versions of hoof shoes the alchemists discovered that royals wear. They discovered an odd rock called a magnet that links to metals- basically they drill magnets into the bottom of the hoof that just stay there permanently, and then you can link whatever solid shoe you want and the magnet holds it in place- so its sort of like the old nail-in version except you can remove the shoe and swap it out whenever you want.

Oh, and speaking of piercings! I have one in my left horn. I have horns that are sort of like short, fat spikes. Not that big- about six inches long. Horn piercings feel really weird and unpleasant to get but they are cool and another way to accessorize! Oh, and one thing they never warn you about before hand- bone fricken stinks, BAD. When they drill your horn? The dust from the horn smells like hot garbage! Whooph. Anyway, they brace your head separate from your horn so the drill doesn't rattle your brain, and then drill a hole straight through the horn. They put a metal ring in to brace the edges of the hole- that ring remains as part of your horn. Then you slide whatever piercing you want in through that. A huge ring or there is another kind of horn bling that is like a large dangly earring- but the end is a bolt you slide through your horn if you got a top-down piercing, so the chain and jewel hang off the bottom of the horn. People who grow really huge horns are sometimes forced to wear metal caps on the ends for safety reasons- the caps will have a sphere of metal at the end so they can't accidentally puncture something. There are ornamental version of these too, obviously, that are usually something like a roaring animal head on the end.

Ugh... taking a quick break, my udder is so full its putting my chair off-balance.

Okay, back. I guess you wouldn't know what being full is like, huh? I guess it like a full bladder but the feeling is less... sharp? There is also more of a tightness, since the udder itself is meant to expand a bit, causing the skin to pull tight. And then it gets really warm, since all the hot liquid helps retain heat and the inside of your body is already pretty darn hot. You have to be careful about leaks too- know your limit so you don't start unintentionally dribbling on the floor. For cows and goats particularly, their teats bloat up with excess milk because each teat has its own reservoir, so when they are full its suuuuper easy to get milk out. So easy that causing them to flop around at all will flick milk out of them by accident without directly touching them. Embarrassing but common for people like me- we wet the bed a lot when we are little. Till we get a hang of our milk capacity, our poor beds suffer. Yea... I milked the bed a few times. Oh don't look at me like that, you're a human, what do you know about milking the bed! Sigh, now I am arguing with a hypothetical person about personal issues, haha.

I have just been talking about me, but there are lots of people with things I don't have. Anyone can develop any sort of animal trait, so there is a huge variety of people! The crowndom of Tir Na Nog was mostly avian people but... it uh... was annihilated ages ago. By my homeland of Pianeta, actually. I don't know the details- most people just call it the Forgotten Crowndom because even its name is forbidden in the capital. Anyone with wings- bird or not, have special shirts with slits in the back for their wings to fit out of. For winter or just arctic weather like around Haven in the far north, there are wing cozies that are like fuzzy capes that fit over the wings. Some bug folk can even use their wings to raise their body temperature on their own- their wings flap so quickly they generate heat. Speaking of the bug folk- their crowndom is known as The Colony, and they built it on the back of their gigantic leader Alealamia. Bug folk do not wander far- you never see anyone with bug traits where I live. You will see them occasionally around Haven and Lemuria on the other side of The Colony- against the sea at the edge of the world. Well... its called the edge of the world because no one has mapped beyond that. It isn't actually the edge. Beyond that is the crowndom of Atlantis, which is built on a ship of gargantuan proportions. The ship never docks- sending smaller boats to gather resources from the land. Most of the people onboard are fish folk, and pirates! Then there are the snake people- they can be found everywhere, they are considered a nomadic type, and almost all snake people have the power of clairvoyance, allowing them to see the future, or into pasts other people have lived. Horses, cows like me, oh and especially canines are sort of just found everywhere, in all crowndoms. They say dog is the most common trait in young children because puppies share so much in common with little kids. But whether they retain those features is up in the air. I never had any puppy traits, I was a cow as soon as I was anything other than human.

Now that I think of it, this seems sort of unfair. I know what being a human is like because I was one- but in a world where everyone remains human you would have no idea what being a half beast is like. Transitioning can be hard, depending on what you turn into. Sometimes traits are repressed because the kid is unsure or does not want to become something, but that usually makes it worse because the traits still show up, it just takes longer and prolongs the process. The most common with these problems are avians. Associated with the now destroyed Tir Na Nog, there is a lot of racism toward avian people, even towards ones who are not related at all by blood to the people who are actually descended from Tir Na Nog. It is stupid really... not that there is ever a smart form of racism in the first place. Kids who develop feathers or pseudo beaks often try to hide it. The adults will always try to stomp out any form of body shaming or racism but... some kids are just cruel. Oh, and pseudo beaks are the most common form of avian face- since its mitigated between human and bird, the beak portion forms a layer or several overlapping layers of keratin down the bridge of the nose, giving the nose a point like a beak, without actually being a beak. There is a good year of time around when everyone at school hits the age of 9 or 10 and suddenly everyone becomes rather quiet and humble. Everyone is changing, no one is sure what they will be, so no one dares say anything about others because they could end up with the same change, or worse. Then they sort of form groups based on who likes what changes and the personality types they likely represent. I wonder if an all human world would split off into social groups too? You wouldn't really have a visual representation of personality... and people could just fake it otherwise, so I guess it would be kind of impossible.

I guess a society of just regular humans would have a lot less issues with size too. In Terio Carn clothing and armor can come in a massive arrangement of sizes. It gets even more wild toward the northern crowndoms because bug folk can come in reaaallly small sizes. There are a few people like the white bull I mentioned before who are just so big they cannot find clothes. He was over ten feet tall! He could have commissioned armor and clothes be made for him, but in the case of armor he just wore very little in the first place because it was too much of a bother. There is just too much variation- the shops only stock the most popular sizes, and stand in wait for the rest to custom order, because having every available size on call just isn't possible. It must be easy being a tailor for snake folk- a lot of them don't even have legs so you only dress the top part of the body, haha.

For me, I was lucky- my hooves came first. Toes compressed and fused together in the front and then my outer two regressed back. The back became the dew claws, and then the nails thickened and darkened into the hoof segments. Because it happened first I had time to adjust my balance, since it was all very forward compared to a human. Human ankles touch the ground- a cow's ankle is like two feet off the ground. My leg muscles adjusted too though, so it isn't as precarious as you might think- and the hoof is super solid so it handles the weight fine, I am just slightly easier to trip than most people. If you have a really shitty diet your hoof can become soft and break easily, but you'd have to eat reaaally shitty for that to happen. I have a good diet so my hooves are diamonds! It took about a week to complete the change from foot to hoof. Most of it happened in one day, but there was slow changes leading to it, and then a last few adjustments after. Learning to balance with hooves and an udder were two separate issues- so it was good I got one after the other and not both together. The teats came first and were always stiff and almost kind of itchy from the constant blood pressure in them, because of the growth forcing them like that. It was really hard not to touch them all the time. They turned neon pink once they grew large enough and then the color spread to my entire crotch and then back to m- er, well you know. The udder grew into like a tiny hill at first and was like that for a day or two, then when it grew a bit more you could start to see the individual segments.

I can't lie- I touched it a lot. It was so new! And it felt so good! Not just the udder itself- I mean that feels great, but its sooo soft and smooth it also feels good on your hands! A few of my friends ask if they can touch it occasionally and I usually agree- its no big deal, I totally get it. On two different occasions a boy asked if he could get some milk from the tap though- they both got a quick bop on the head. When my udder was that size I started to eat a lot- I kept getting hungry randomly because I was not used to my milk production yet. More food meant more milk, which meant my udder grew even more. At least its exceptionally hard for me to gain weight since my udder always takes half for itself to give back as milk. Anyway, I guess I enjoyed my new features a bit too much and one time about... I dunno, almost a month so like, three weeks later? Around then anyway. Anyway, my udder felt a bit cramped as it expanded even more, and my hips popped while I was at school and I cracked my head on a locker and was sent home early with an ice pack on my head, haha. My hips expanded to make room, and my udder ballooned bigger- FAST. In two days it went from medicine ball sized to.... er, hmm. Okay, I might have been underselling my endowments when I said it was medicine ball sized before- but you don't ask a women her weight! Rude! I also developed horns and started growing a tail then too. This was another case of chicken and the egg. I don't know if I grew horns then because I smashed my head on a locker, or if I was already growing horns as part of the change that made me smash my head in the locker in the first place. They thought I was getting a nasty bump from the hit but it was just my horns coming in.

Anyway, I now have a warm comfort pillow on my legs now perminantly, hehe. I haven't gotten any more cow features but I mean I still have half a year of High School left so I still have plenty of life left to fit in more changes. And I am very happy with cow so far, so my affection for being cow might just trigger still more bovine to come. But... I think I am going to wrap this up. I can't believe her silly idea actually worked- I actually have several ideas I could write now.

Well thanks for the help- hypothetical perma-human! I hope you enjoy my aimless rambling.

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