Give A Doe A Bone

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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The leader of a herd of deer shows gno mercy when asserting his dominance, but thanks to the magic of a friendly but ill equipped earth spirit his leadership is converting the entire herd to be female only! After losing his family jewels another former stag plots to turn the tables- but has limited options.

(Stag tf Doe, PE, FtM doe tf Wolf-hybrid)

Ru trot carefully through the forest, ears held high in attention. He is a stag, and since the leaves were turning colors it was the time of the rut. Normally a strapping young male like himself would be looking forward to the season, but he had to be more cautious than most. He quietly made his way around the far side of the herd of doe, looking for Com, a doe he had his eye on for some time. She liked him too, but she was also nervous for him. On the opposite end of the herd was Buck- a giant of a stag. His rack was so large than when he was mostly idle he leaned against nearby trees to help support its weight! There was numerous bands of cloth blowing in the wind tied to various tines in his rack- each a shred of cloth torn from a human hunter that attempted to defeat him or the herd, and failed. Between his legs, hanging lazily in his scrotum were nuts the size of softballs! He had been a normal stag a bit over a year ago, but then he found a gnome who offered him a wish. Buck's wish enacted a horrible curse on the woods and since then he has been the only prominent male. The doe have nothing to worry about- it doesn't affect them in any way, but the males live in fear of Buck. Ru could not help but space out a bit when he looked at the thick, plush sheath between Buck's legs. The curse drew him in, but he shook it off.

Com spotted Ru and turned to nuzzle him with her nose a bit, the look in her eyes told him she was happy he came for her, even if it was dangerous. Com pointed in a direction off from the herd with her nose, knowing they would have to get some distance if they had any hope of doing anything without being caught. It was a large herd, so their quiet conversing was utterly drown out by all of the other deer. Com skipped ahead a few steps and Ru quickly followed but his entire body felt odd, and they both froze at the feeling of the thundering steps of Buck as he approached! He could not hear them, and they blended in with the other deer easily enough- however Ru is the only other stag present; Buck could easily see his antlers sticking up taller than all the others. Ru knew he should run, but the strange feeling in his muscles made him pause and shiver slightly. It was a subtle feeling like water flowing around you, but it flowed through him and in the direction of Buck.

He bowed his heavy head to look the comparatively tiny stag in the eye, circling him like a shark does its prey. Buck's fur was a bit shaggier than the other deer and his musk was strong. The air thickened in his presence. With every heavy step his balls jostled between his legs slightly and his sheath fattened as the cock within started to awaken. Ru shook his head absentmindedly, Buck just snorted with a wickered pleasure, knowing the lesser male could not resist. Ru instinctively lowered his head to aim his tines forward when Buck took a step toward him. Buck just cocked an eyebrow and reared his head back a bit, and Ru immediately turned to scamper off- knowing he would be torn to shreds if he even attempted to actually fight Buck. As soon as he turned his rump to Buck, the alpha lunged forward and mounted! It was a display of dominance, the greater male mounts the lesser so that it may learn its place. That alone would not be a problem- it was the magic involved that was a problem.

Ru seen stars a moment when the big shaft penetrated him. His legs had to lock up to brace himself from the tremendous weight on top of him. Buck was so huge his front legs almost reached the ground while mounted on Ru's back! Buck thrust slow and methodical. Ru could not help but moan. The mostly smooth tapered penis slid so deep in him, rubbing places untouched by anything else. The heat from the shaft radiated into him. He tried to resist the pleasure but it was virtually impossible. He glanced down between his legs and seen his own shaft bobbing below against his will- a few long drips of pre falling from it. He could feel the tingling pleasure spike with each throb in his balls. Buck brought his head down beside Ru's and let out his hot breath in a long, slow sigh on the back of Ru's ears, causing him to blush. Getting flustered caused him to drop his concentration and in a sharp jolt of pleasure his cock bounced and spat a long stream of cum!

Ru moaned at his inability to resist and his penis started to shrink, but remained hard! His balls got a bit smaller as well. His entire body tingled with a soft pleasure. Buck thrust in fully again and his cock twitched powerfully, then he held his position so Ru could feel his cock slide a tiny bit further in- without him moving his hips at all. Ru's back hooves shifted as the pleasure was so constant it was driving him nuts, he was wanting to escape and get more pleasure at the same time. He wanted Buck to start hammering into him as much as he wanted to run- so his body was just stalled between two completely opposite instructions. Buck resumed thrusting in, now just as slow and steady- but he put more force into each thrust, causing Ru's entire body to rock, struggling to support the larger male. The moment of impact of the huge crotch on his butt felt good enough to blank his mind, causing his thoughts to blip in and out. Buck was not graceful, but it was hard to miss a target like Ru's prostate when his dick was so large it just hit everything at once. Ru hit an orgasm again, this time with much greater volume! His dick bobbed heavily with Buck's thrusts and flung ribbons of cum all over the place, stretching his urethra with the volume it was firing off. So much came out however that Ry's entire body started to shrink slightly! Buck groaned as his front hooves barely grazed the ground, almost able to reach completely past Ru now. The veins in Buck's mighty shaft throbbed fatter as it stretched a tiny bit longer in Ru's shrinking butt, creating a very tight fit! Ru's sheath started to shrink and regress back as his balls shrank a little, and Buck grinned knowing he had basically already won.

Back bowed forward again and hooked the tines of his giant hundred-pointed rack around Ru's and used it to grab him! Buck reared up a bit, yanking his head back which also yanked Ru's head hard enough that his front hooves left the ground! Almost all of Ru's weight was now on his butt- bouncing off of Buck's giant groin. Ru's mouth hung open a bit as his mind virtually melted as he let Buck fuck his brains out. In Ru's groin four bubbles of jiggly flesh formed, then swelled into wobbling hills. As they got larger, they got rounder like ripening fruit, and stiff nubs formed on their ends as they developed into deer tits! This caused his male genitals to get shoved even further back, for a time prodding into the back of his own tits. The bigger the cluster of jostling black hills grew, the smaller and less developed his penis became! Now its supply of cum exhausted, it was unable to make any more, and unable to even erect itself in spite of the continued pleasure. When the scrotum had shrunk too much, his tiny marble sized balls popped back up into him, turning into ovaries and were trailed by the formation of a newly grown passage- a vagina. The remnants of the scrotum lost its fur and the black flesh inflated into labia to line the newly formed genitals! What little remained of her penis compacted down into a hard nub of a clit! There was a splintering sound suddenly, and several cracks formed at the base of Ru's antlers from holding weight they were not meant to. Buck slammed his dick into her hard, causing her weight to rock forward and in a loud crack, her antlers shattered completely free of her head! She stumbled forward and only stopped when she caught her shoulder on a tree- having fallen off Buck's giant pillar of meat! What few sharp shards of antler remained attached to her head fell free and rolled off on their own. Ru had been turned completely into a doe!

Buck never climaxed yet though. Ru was dizzy from the onslaught of changes and unrelenting pleasure- barely having been able to get a single thought off in several minutes. She looked back at Buck and her eyes immediately locked on his giant dick- bouncing every few seconds to spit another dollop of pre toward her. She knew she shouldn't, but she did not want to leave him hanging, and he was so big and intimidating besides. She cautiously walked up and licked the shaft a few times, then took the tip into her mouth and bobbed gently on the end. It tasted good. It was throbbing hard on the pillow her tongue formed for it. Buck just huffed, took a step forward and then placed a hoof on her butt and rammed her down its entire length! Her cool nose bopped the sheath and his musk filled it entirely, making her dizzy with his scent. He exploded down Ru's throat! Ru's new pussy clenched and shuddered with a mini orgasm as the labia started to swell up larger! Her udder started to swell up bigger as well, and it was already quite large for a deer! Buck was quick to withdraw when he was done, letting out a snort in triumph and walked away, though grunting a bit as his neck ached- he needed another tree to lean on.

You see, when Buck found a gnome in the forest one day, the tiny humanoid explained he wanted to make this area his new home, so as a sign of good faith he would offer Buck a wish- since Buck claimed to be the leader of the local herd and thus their representative. What Buck wished was to further enforce the law of the deer. Whenever one stag triumphed over another, or otherwise demonstrated their dominance, they absorbed the masculinity from the loser. Buck was the default leader now because he siphoned all the male traits from the other stag and turned them into still more doe for Buck to ride! Now Ru was a doe as well, and Buck was still a bit bigger than even before. Com slowly stepped up to Ru, licking her on the cheek to try and cheer her up. What did perk her up however was when Com mentioned she knows where the gnome lives! The two doe pranced quickly through the forest to the hidden clearing where the gnome made his house. Com actually had to slow down a few times for Ru, who could not run as fast because of her large bouncy udder! It was at least three times bigger than any normal deer when they are pregnant, and she wasn't even pregnant! Even born females have a little bit of male personality in them- but Buck likes his does as well endowed as possible, so he ends up making the other stag more female than the actual born-doe are! Similarly, Ru's pussy was both larger and a lot plumper than any normal deer, so she can properly take Buck's giant endowment.

They approached the log cabin and a figure emerged immediately, having heard even their dainty little hooves approaching thanks to the freshly fallen leaves. He looked at them past the brim of his wide brown hat. He wore simple and worn-in leather worker clothes and ran his fingers through his bushy dark grey beard. His eyes were emerald green and had a dim glow to them.

"Who dares approach the great Burtjingle?"

Ru let out several high reverberance mutterings that equated to *What the hell kind of name is that?* in deer.

Burtjingle stood about ten inches tall, his cabin was the size of a large cardboard box. His body was quite squat, so even if he were made the same size as a human, he still wouldn't look it. Gnome are an elusive people, and powerfully attuned to the Earthen element. In the modern era, they are made fun of with garden trinkets and dressed in silly outfits, but in bygone eras gnomes were known for a vengeful disposition and being hard to kill due to their tiny size allowing them to scatter and evade. They have in times worked together to erect mighty structures or powerful golem to do their bidding.

Ru explained to Burtjingle his problem. Burtjingle only offered a wish to the deer because they were here first, and he wanted to make his secluded cabin here to be at peace in the forest. He would have turned Ru down if he wanted another wish, but Burtjingle was considerably more open to helping him, knowing it was his own formerly granted wish that caused the problem in the first place. Buck had all of the females- and turned all other males into females. That meant the only fawn that could be born were the children of one single stag! On paper, it made sense to Burtjingle because it just enforced the laws the herd already followed. If a male defeats another, the other stands down. He did not stop to consider that every time Buck wins a fight, it becomes twice as difficult for any other stag to defeat him. He was so strong and huge now that human hunters can't even kill him! So it was impossible to defeat him, and he radiated such powerful masculine aura that other stag buckled and felt like their masculine traits were being drawn into Buck even before he reaches them. Burtjingle shook his head. He wanted to help, but wasn't sure if he should mess with this situation and potentially make it even worse. He explained to Com and Ru that he did not intend for the other males to turn into doe- he was unaware his spell would be able to do that. Burtjingle is not particularly good at magic. Also because of this lack of skill though- he did not know how to undo any spells, so whatever he did would remain. He could not break Buck's wish even if he wanted to. The only way to fix it would be to overlap it with another spell, but if that one turned out wrong too, it would just compound their problems!

*Can gnome make Ru male again?*

Com nodded. *If Ru take Buck by surprise, can win.*

Burtjingle hummed in thought. "Isn't he like... super strong though?"

*Too strong. Can barely hold head, because antler too big.*

"Ah, yea. Greed does tend to come back to bite you in the ass. Welllll.... here is the thing. You being turned into a doe is an unintended side effect of my previous spell. And I can't undo that spell... which means I can't turn you back into a stag. I can turn you into a male, but it would have to be of a different species."

*So, Ru have to be another animal?*

Burtjingle looked a bit nervous. "Yeaaa.... kind of? See, I would need to overlap the doe spell, so you would actually still be a deer, but also the thing I turn you into. This is what I meant by my spells just compounding the problem! I can't fix what was already screwed up, I can only shovel even more crap onto the fire."

Ru and Com looked at one another for a long moment before Ru nodded to Burtjingle, agreeing to do it anyway. At this point it was more about saving the deerfolk in general than getting Ru's old naughty bits back. If someone did not stop Buck, the forest will be nothing but little Buckers everywhere come spring.

Burtjingle decided on the form of a predator- it would give him an automatic advantage against Buck even if their sizes did not match. Ru was excited as he felt the sensation of magic flowing in her body again! Her tail flicked up and started to twitch first, then grow a little bigger and then the fur became longer and bushier, and then it grew a little again! It seem to grow in small pulses as the subtle tingling sensation condensed into her lower spine and wash down the length of the tail. The tingling sensation was only half the magic itself, the other half of the feeling was the muscles reaction to the magic- the expansion and shifting in short but rapid waves. In her tail in particular it felt like having a good stretch, and she told Com to pull it. Com nipped it with her front teeth and gently backed up, tugging the tail. It did not seem to influence the speed of the growth, but it did increase the sensations which made Ru shiver and bleat at the good sensations. Ru started to dance between her hooves as the feeling started to collect down her limbs. She watched them carefully and could see and feel the muscle bloat just over the hooves. The dew claws first became much larger, and more joints formed in their base, allowing Ru to use them almost like chubby fingers! The larger toes also developed more dexterity but did not increase in size. The dew claws now touched the ground as all four segments of hoof became longer and sharper. Burtjingle meant to turn them into paws, but the spell was overlapping the deer form rather than cancelling it out, so Ru ended up with something that was between a paw and a hoof. Her udder also started to tighten and shrink a bit, but very very slowly. Her body clearly reluctant to let them go.

Ru's limbs felt so very tight as a surge of strength entered them. She could feel the muscle sinew twist and squirm below the surface as it bulged out, pulling her hide tight on the surface. The lower limbs remained pretty narrow, but the upper bulked considerably. The front limbs increased in size as well, while the rear shrank a bit! Now she was uneven- her front half was taller than the back! She bleated again, but this time with a more distressed sound as the bones of her skull creaked like the trunk of a tree on a windy day. Her face stretched a bit longer and her entire skull a bit bigger. Her mouth expanded down her jaw line as her teeth all turned to points. Her lips became more plush and turned a glossy black. Ru's ears elongated a bit more, making them elven. She shook her head around trying to escape the strange feeling of her skull reshaping, and as she did the fur on her neck exploded in length. It now hung shaggy and long from her neck and chest, and turned an ash grey toward the tips. Her ribs cracked quietly and became a bit rounder, her shoulder blades angling outward more. The vertebrae in her neck gained more flexibility, but lost some of their durability. This meant even if she had antlers she would not be able to charge at risk of snapping her own neck- but it also meant she could bend her neck quickly to look around faster. Deep inside half of the eggs waiting in her ovaries started to compact and grow tails, converting back to sperm. Before they got any wise ideas looming around the ones that remained eggs- the ovaries split into two, and the new set evolved into testicles again. They grew as they descended, feeling quite unusual to Ru as they slipped through the inner walls of her vagina. Her labia lengthened toward the front and split on the inside, ready to catch their new load. The balls expanded while still inside of her though, which made them descend slower, threatening to get caught still inside. She grunt and squat her legs a bit, trying to push them out and then they popped out into the labia which formed half-back into a scrotum. Her vagina did not shrink or close up, it was still untouched. She was turning into a hermaphrodite! The labia were normal at the base of the vulva, lining the vaginal opening, but then toward the urethra and clit at the top they expanded and fused into a tight scrotum! The hood of the clit fattened massively and started to tunnel out longer as the clit within expanded rapidly. Com was still tugging the tail from behind- now several feet back. The tail was giant and very bushy now! Easily reaching the ground if Com let it go. The fur of the tail was also ash grey.

Ru could feel his antlers stretching out from his head again, and turned her face to the sky with eyes closed to enjoy the sensation. Antlers are meant to be shed and regrown, so the feeling of them growing was a familiar one. When they grow in, they are covered with fur and skin still- a soft layer known as the velvet. Her penis now quite large, it was starting to peek out of the sheath as its own growth slowed to a stop. The sheath then bulged tremendously though and Ru groaned at the sudden pressure and tightness! Burtjingle chose a dire wolf as the overlap species- Ru now has a knot! It grew to the size of an apple, then softball, and kept going! It yanked on the shaft as it slid up toward the opening of the sheath. Because of how tight and round it was, it almost felt like there was a pumpkin growing in her crotch! Her canine penis slid further out, gliding in the cleft of her black udder. She bleated and almost stumbled over from the pleasure shocking the strength out from her legs! The knot grew still bigger, forcing the shaft overly tight due to it running out of room, and being force-ejected from the sheath because of its inability to fit. The knot looked like two huge apples side by side- both in size of coloration. Unlike a purely canine phallus though, when it looked like it had stopped, it kept getting longer, though no longer grew in girth. Com let go of Ru's tail as it finished growing; long enough to trail a foot on the ground- though the trailing portion was just fur, the flesh portion of the tail ended before it touched the ground. Ru's face clenched and she grunt from the intense itching that washed over her and she quickly darted forward to the nearest tree and started smacking and dragging her antlers on it. They finished growing at just slightly smaller than her old ones in size- but now that they were done growing the blood and nerves in the velvet started to die making it itch like crazy! They bled a bit, as all antlers do when the velvet is ripped and scraped off. She tore it all away, ridding her of the itch, and exposing her new- slightly bloody- antlers to the open air. She had to make a conscious effort not to hump- the huge canine knot was wedged against the backside of her now normal deer-sized udder, and her shaft sat teasingly comfortable between the four teats and off the front of the udder.

Ru had to walk around a bit to get used to her lopsided limbs. Most of her power and driving momentum was now in her front legs only. Com was also a tiny bit nervous. She knew it was still Ru in there, but seeing all those fangs and predator features put her instinctively on alert. Ru also could not return flaccid like this. Once her dick was far enough out her boner perpetuated itself. If it moved further back or forth at all, the friction against the udder just returns it to full mast. Oh well, that just meant she would be extra ready to jump Buck!

Buck seen Com prance out from the brush on the opposite end of the herd. He had not realized she left till now- there was a lot of doe to keep track of, and generally if one left, they all leave. Buck narrowed his eyes and started to scan the crowd for Ru, not seeing her. Being one of the doe Buck converted, she is easier to spot than most because of her over endowments. Buck heard something approaching from behind and turned while lowering his head, but froze up when he seen the huge beast Ru had become! Ru knew thanks to his last growth spurt that Buck's antlers were too heavy for him to actually use as a weapon. Ru darted to the side, twisted mid-dash and used his larger powerful front legs to pounce up onto Buck easily, even though Buck was a giant! Buck was about to protest but once the shaft entered his butt he seen stars. Ru's phallus was just as long as a cervine, but as thick as a canine! Ru's tits were wedged against Buck's lower back, her sensitive teats brushing back and forth on his fur. Buck was more male than any one male should be, so once the way was open, it burst out of him at high pressure! Cracks and chips started to appear at the ends of the hundred tines in his antlers, starting to crumble their way down. His size seemed to decrease with every shudder from Ru's hard and rapid thrusts. Ru gripped Buck's sides as tight as he could and yanked himself forward, slamming and grinding the knot against him till it finally popped in! As soon as the huge bulb was finally it, Buck started moaning uncontrollably and his cock started to wave up and down, firing ropes of sticky goo. He would fire a thick rope of cum then a second or two would pass and then another stream, and then another second or two. His shots were staggered but the orgasm was not- nor did it show any signs of slowing down at all, it just kept going and going as he continued to shrink. Buck's features softened and the flesh on his crotch started to puff up into developing teats! As soon as Ru could smell pussy nearby he knew Buck was growing a new vulva, and struggled to yank his knot back out. Ru almost launched himself off of Buck as the knot popped free, but then gripped him again and thrust forward, lower this time- aiming for the new vulva!

As he thrust in, his dick met resistance and Buck bleated in desperation, sounding rather weak and pathetic. Ru's dick stopped before the knot! He gave a few more thrusts, but if anything he accidentally pulled another inch out that he could not fit back in! Then he realized; if Buck is shrinking that means he- or she now- might be too small to take it all. Ru looked down at his groin and the throbbing red, rock hard meat between his legs and then his heart skipped a beat when something else occurred to him. If Buck is shrinking that means his spell is now working on Ru instead of Buck, because Ru won. That means all the stolen masculinity is surging into Ru! Buck isn't just getting smaller and feminine, Ru is getting huge!

By the time Ru tried to scramble off the poor doe Buck, he even had a lot of resistance pulling his shaft back out- because the poor pussy was stretched so tightly around it! Ru had been so lost in the pleasure he did not even realize how badly Buck had been drained! Her udder was as big as a cows! Her pussy so large and soft it looked like someone had used a pump on it for too long. But Buck's body was very small and spindly, like he had been drained so much that she actually regressed in age as well! Ru on the other hand was growing rapidly! His antlers started to grow and fork more above him, and below him his balls swelled larger and larger! The knot on the base of his hybrid cock started to look like he thrust his dick through a large red pumpkin! His shaft got both longer and a bit thicker, bloating up around the upper middle area. When Ru seen the head of his penis inching past his front legs he knew he was in trouble. He sat on his butt but the pressure on his taint caused his dick to jump and spit a large gob of pre into the air that almost hit himself in the face. He leaned back against a tree behind him, making it help him carry his expanding antlers. The herd, Buck, Com, and Ru all watched in hushed awe as his shaft continued to throb and swell in pulses. The purple veins looking aggressive just below the surface, yanked tight by the ever expanding dong. Even sitting down, the weight of the gigantic member on his crotch felt crippling. He arched his back forward a few times, pushing his udder into the top of his knot to relieve the aching shaft a bit. He groaned as he looked down its length, knowing there was no possible way he could shove this behemoth into a deer. Even if Ru wanted to misuse his new power he could not- he cannot dominate another male with a tool too large to fit.

Even as Ru mourned the loss of his sex life though, he felt something very soft and wet on the end of his monstrous endowment and seen Com had trot up to him with a giddy smile on her face, and was gently licking the projected urethra on the end of his veiny beast! A bit more cautiously, but just as curious; the rest of the herd approached him and surrounded their savior! Com popped the end of the dick into her comparatively tiny mouth and the other doe gathered around to get their turn to lick the huge shaft, or for the ones who got close enough, suck on a portion of it! Ru was completely buried in deer kisses, his shaft throbbing rapidly and powerfully from the constant attention! As his balls started to clench tight, his entire body convulsed a bit due to the size of the member. He bowed forward as his giant pillar exploded in orgasm, but because of that position the stream of cum hit his antlers first- scattering into large droplets that rained down over the entire herd! All the doe bleat giddily as cum literally rained on them all. They were so turned on by it in fact that all their clits felt oddly swollen...

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